#!/bin/bash # Workdir is obj/coverage. workdir=`pwd`/coverage # Create trunk under workdir. mkdir -p $workdir && cd $workdir ret=$?; if [[ $ret -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Enter workdir failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi CODECOV_ARGS="" if [[ $ST_PROJECT != '' ]]; then # -R root dir Used when not in git/hg project to identify project root directory # -p dir Project root directory. Also used when preparing gcov CODECOV_ARGS="$CODECOV_ARGS -R $ST_PROJECT -p $ST_PROJECT" fi if [[ $ST_BRANCH != '' ]]; then # -B branch Specify the branch name CODECOV_ARGS="$CODECOV_ARGS -B $ST_BRANCH" fi if [[ $ST_SHA != '' ]]; then # -C sha Specify the commit sha CODECOV_ARGS="$CODECOV_ARGS -C $ST_SHA" fi if [[ $ST_PR != '' ]]; then # -P pr Specify the pull request number CODECOV_ARGS="$CODECOV_ARGS -P $ST_PR" fi # Upload report with *.gcov # Remark: The file codecov.yml is not neccessary. It literally depends on git. # Note: The right path is like: # https://app.codecov.io/gh/ossrs/state-threads/blob/srs/sched.c # https://app.codecov.io/gh/ossrs/state-threads/blob/593cf748f055ca383867003e409a423efd8f8f86/sched.c cd $workdir && export CODECOV_TOKEN="$CODECOV_TOKEN" && bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) $CODECOV_ARGS -f '!*gtest*' -f '!*c++*' && echo "Done" && exit 0