#!/bin/bash # variables, parent script must set it: ##################################################################################### ##################################################################################### # parse user options, do this at first ##################################################################################### ##################################################################################### ##################################################################################### # output variables ##################################################################################### help=no ################################################################ # feature options SRS_HLS=RESERVED SRS_DVR=RESERVED SRS_NGINX=RESERVED SRS_SSL=RESERVED SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=RESERVED SRS_TRANSCODE=RESERVED SRS_INGEST=RESERVED SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=RESERVED SRS_HTTP_SERVER=RESERVED SRS_HTTP_API=RESERVED SRS_LIBRTMP=RESERVED SRS_RESEARCH=RESERVED SRS_UTEST=RESERVED # tcmalloc SRS_GPERF=RESERVED # gperf memory check SRS_GPERF_MC=RESERVED # gperf memory profile SRS_GPERF_MP=RESERVED # gperf cpu profile SRS_GPERF_CP=RESERVED # gprof SRS_GPROF=RESERVED # ################################################################ # libraries SRS_FFMPEG_STUB=RESERVED SRS_HTTP_PARSER=RESERVED # arguments SRS_PREFIX=/usr/local/srs SRS_JOBS=1 SRS_STATIC=RESERVED # whether enable the log verbose/info/trace level. # always enable the warn/error level. SRS_LOG_VERBOSE=RESERVED SRS_LOG_INFO=RESERVED SRS_LOG_TRACE=RESERVED # ################################################################ # experts # donot compile ssl, use system ssl(-lssl) if required. SRS_USE_SYS_SSL=NO # ################################################################ # presets # for x86/x64 pc/servers SRS_X86_X64=NO # armhf(v7cpu) built on ubuntu12 SRS_ARM_UBUNTU12=NO # mips built on ubuntu12 SRS_MIPS_UBUNTU12=NO # dev, open all features for dev, no gperf/prof/arm. SRS_DEV=NO # dev, open main server feature for dev, no bwtc/utest/research/librtmp SRS_FAST_DEV=NO # demo, for the demo of srs, @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/SampleDemo SRS_DEMO=NO # raspberry-pi, open hls/ssl/static SRS_PI=NO # cubieboard, donot open ffmpeg/nginx. SRS_CUBIE=NO # the most fast compile, nothing, only support vp6 RTMP. SRS_FAST=NO # only support RTMP with ssl. SRS_PURE_RTMP=NO # only support RTMP+HLS with ssl. SRS_RTMP_HLS=NO # the most fast compile, nothing, only support vp6 RTMP. SRS_DISABLE_ALL=NO # all features is on SRS_ENABLE_ALL=NO # ################################################################ # calc # whether embed cpu, arm/mips SRS_EMBEDED_CPU=NO ##################################################################################### # menu ##################################################################################### function show_help() { cat << END Options: -h, --help print this message --with-ssl enable rtmp complex handshake, requires openssl-devel installed. to delivery h264 video and aac audio to flash player. --with-hls enable hls streaming, mux RTMP to m3u8/ts files. --with-dvr enable dvr, mux RTMP to flv files. --with-nginx enable delivery HTTP stream with nginx. build nginx at: ./objs/nginx/sbin/nginx --with-http-callback enable http hooks, build cherrypy as demo api server. --with-http-server enable http server to delivery http stream. --with-http-api enable http api, to manage SRS by http api. --with-ffmpeg enable transcoding tool ffmpeg. build ffmpeg at: ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg --with-transcode enable transcoding features. user must specifies the transcode tools in conf. --with-ingest enable ingest features. user must specifies the ingest tools in conf. --with-librtmp enable srs-librtmp, library for client. --with-bwtc enable SRS bandwidth test client tool. --with-research build the research tools. --with-utest build the utest for SRS. --with-gperf build SRS with gperf tools(no gmc/gmp/gcp, with tcmalloc only). --with-gmc build memory check for SRS with gperf tools. --with-gmp build memory profile for SRS with gperf tools. --with-gcp build cpu profile for SRS with gperf tools. --with-gprof build SRS with gprof(GNU profile tool). --with-arm-ubuntu12 build SRS on ubuntu12 for armhf(v7cpu). --without-ssl disable rtmp complex handshake. --without-hls disable hls, rtmp streaming only. --without-dvr disable dvr, donot support record RTMP stream to flv. --without-nginx disable delivery HTTP stream with nginx. --without-http-callback disable http, http hooks callback. --without-http-server disable http server, use external server to delivery http stream. --without-http-api disable http api, only use console to manage SRS process. --without-ffmpeg disable the ffmpeg transcode tool feature. --without-transcode disable the transcoding feature. --without-ingest disable the ingest feature. --without-librtmp disable srs-librtmp, library for client. --without-bwtc disable SRS bandwidth test client tool. --without-research do not build the research tools. --without-utest do not build the utest for SRS. --without-gperf do not build SRS with gperf tools(without tcmalloc and gmc/gmp/gcp). --without-gmc do not build memory check for SRS with gperf tools. --without-gmp do not build memory profile for SRS with gperf tools. --without-gcp do not build cpu profile for SRS with gperf tools. --without-gprof do not build srs with gprof(GNU profile tool). --without-arm-ubuntu12 do not build srs on ubuntu12 for armhf(v7cpu). --prefix= the absolute install path for srs. --static whether add '-static' to link options. --jobs[=N] Allow N jobs at once; infinite jobs with no arg. used for make in the configure, for example, to make ffmpeg. --log-verbose whether enable the log verbose level. default: no. --log-info whether enable the log info level. default: no. --log-trace whether enable the log trace level. default: yes. Presets: --x86-x64 [default] for x86/x64 cpu, common pc and servers. --pi for raspberry-pi(directly build), open features hls/ssl/static. --cubie for cubieboard(directly build), open features except ffmpeg/nginx. --arm alias for --with-arm-ubuntu12, for ubuntu12, arm crossbuild --mips alias for --with-mips-ubuntu12, for ubuntu12, mips crossbuild --fast the most fast compile, nothing, only support vp6 RTMP. --pure-rtmp only support RTMP with ssl. --rtmp-hls only support RTMP+HLS with ssl. --disable-all disable all features, only support vp6 RTMP. --dev for dev, open all features, no nginx/gperf/gprof/arm. --fast-dev for dev fast compile, the RTMP server, without bwtc/librtmp/utest/research. --demo for srs demo, @see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/SampleDemo --full enable all features, no gperf/gprof/arm. Conflicts: 1. --with-gmc vs --with-gmp: @see: http://google-perftools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/heap_checker.html 2. --with-gperf/gmc/gmp vs --with-gprof: gperftools not compatible with gprof. 3. --arm vs --with-ffmpeg/bwtc/gperf/gmc/gmp/gprof: the complex tools not available for arm. Experts: --use-sys-ssl donot compile ssl, use system ssl(-lssl) if required. Workflow: 1. apply "Presets". if not specified, use default preset. 2. apply "Options". user specified option will override the preset. 3. check conflicts. @see Conflicts section. 4. generate detail features. END } function parse_user_option() { case "$option" in -h) help=yes ;; --help) help=yes ;; --with-ssl) SRS_SSL=YES ;; --with-hls) SRS_HLS=YES ;; --with-dvr) SRS_DVR=YES ;; --with-nginx) SRS_NGINX=YES ;; --with-ffmpeg) SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=YES ;; --with-transcode) SRS_TRANSCODE=YES ;; --with-ingest) SRS_INGEST=YES ;; --with-http-callback) SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES ;; --with-http-server) SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES ;; --with-http-api) SRS_HTTP_API=YES ;; --with-librtmp) SRS_LIBRTMP=YES ;; --with-research) SRS_RESEARCH=YES ;; --with-utest) SRS_UTEST=YES ;; --with-gperf) SRS_GPERF=YES ;; --with-gmc) SRS_GPERF_MC=YES ;; --with-gmp) SRS_GPERF_MP=YES ;; --with-gcp) SRS_GPERF_CP=YES ;; --with-gprof) SRS_GPROF=YES ;; --with-arm-ubuntu12) SRS_ARM_UBUNTU12=YES ;; --with-mips-ubuntu12) SRS_MIPS_UBUNTU12=YES ;; --without-ssl) SRS_SSL=NO ;; --without-hls) SRS_HLS=NO ;; --without-dvr) SRS_DVR=NO ;; --without-nginx) SRS_NGINX=NO ;; --without-ffmpeg) SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO ;; --without-transcode) SRS_TRANSCODE=NO ;; --without-ingest) SRS_INGEST=NO ;; --without-http-callback) SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=NO ;; --without-http-server) SRS_HTTP_SERVER=NO ;; --without-http-api) SRS_HTTP_API=NO ;; --without-librtmp) SRS_LIBRTMP=NO ;; --without-research) SRS_RESEARCH=NO ;; --without-utest) SRS_UTEST=NO ;; --without-gperf) SRS_GPERF=NO ;; --without-gmc) SRS_GPERF_MC=NO ;; --without-gmp) SRS_GPERF_MP=NO ;; --without-gcp) SRS_GPERF_CP=NO ;; --without-gprof) SRS_GPROF=NO ;; --without-arm-ubuntu12) SRS_ARM_UBUNTU12=NO ;; --without-mips-ubuntu12) SRS_MIPS_UBUNTU12=NO ;; --jobs) SRS_JOBS=${value} ;; --prefix) SRS_PREFIX=${value} ;; --static) SRS_STATIC=YES ;; --log-verbose) SRS_LOG_VERBOSE=YES ;; --log-info) SRS_LOG_INFO=YES ;; --log-trace) SRS_LOG_TRACE=YES ;; --x86-x64) SRS_X86_X64=YES ;; --arm) SRS_ARM_UBUNTU12=YES ;; --mips) SRS_MIPS_UBUNTU12=YES ;; --pi) SRS_PI=YES ;; --cubie) SRS_CUBIE=YES ;; --dev) SRS_DEV=YES ;; --fast-dev) SRS_FAST_DEV=YES ;; --demo) SRS_DEMO=YES ;; --fast) SRS_FAST=YES ;; --disable-all) SRS_DISABLE_ALL=YES ;; --pure-rtmp) SRS_PURE_RTMP=YES ;; --rtmp-hls) SRS_RTMP_HLS=YES ;; --full) SRS_ENABLE_ALL=YES ;; --use-sys-ssl) SRS_USE_SYS_SSL=YES ;; *) echo "$0: error: invalid option \"$option\"" exit 1 ;; esac } function parse_user_option_to_value_and_option() { case "$option" in -*=*) value=`echo "$option" | sed -e 's|[-_a-zA-Z0-9/]*=||'` option=`echo "$option" | sed -e 's|=[-_a-zA-Z0-9/.]*||'` ;; *) value="" ;; esac } ##################################################################################### # parse preset options ##################################################################################### opt= for option do opt="$opt `echo $option | sed -e \"s/\(--[^=]*=\)\(.* .*\)/\1'\2'/\"`" parse_user_option_to_value_and_option parse_user_option done if [ $help = yes ]; then show_help exit 0 fi function apply_user_presets() { # always set the log level for all presets. SRS_LOG_VERBOSE=NO SRS_LOG_INFO=NO SRS_LOG_TRACE=YES # set default preset if not specifies if [ $SRS_RTMP_HLS = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_PURE_RTMP = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_FAST = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_DISABLE_ALL = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_ENABLE_ALL = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_DEV = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_FAST_DEV = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_DEMO = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_ARM_UBUNTU12 = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_MIPS_UBUNTU12 = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_PI = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_CUBIE = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_X86_X64 = NO ]; then SRS_X86_X64=YES; opt="--x86-x64 $opt"; fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi fi # whether embeded cpu. if [ $SRS_ARM_UBUNTU12 = YES ]; then SRS_EMBEDED_CPU=YES fi if [ $SRS_MIPS_UBUNTU12 = YES ]; then SRS_EMBEDED_CPU=YES fi # all disabled. if [ $SRS_DISABLE_ALL = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=NO SRS_DVR=NO SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=NO SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=NO SRS_INGEST=NO SRS_HTTP_PARSER=NO SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=NO SRS_HTTP_SERVER=NO SRS_HTTP_API=NO SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # all enabled. if [ $SRS_ENABLE_ALL = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES SRS_NGINX=YES SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=YES SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=YES SRS_UTEST=YES SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # only rtmp vp6 if [ $SRS_FAST = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=NO SRS_DVR=NO SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=NO SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=NO SRS_INGEST=NO SRS_HTTP_PARSER=NO SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=NO SRS_HTTP_SERVER=NO SRS_HTTP_API=NO SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # all disabled. if [ $SRS_RTMP_HLS = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=NO SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=NO SRS_INGEST=NO SRS_HTTP_PARSER=NO SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=NO SRS_HTTP_SERVER=NO SRS_HTTP_API=NO SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # only ssl for RTMP with complex handshake. if [ $SRS_PURE_RTMP = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=NO SRS_DVR=NO SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=NO SRS_INGEST=NO SRS_HTTP_PARSER=NO SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=NO SRS_HTTP_SERVER=NO SRS_HTTP_API=NO SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if arm specified, set some default to disabled. if [ $SRS_ARM_UBUNTU12 = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO # TODO: FIXME: need static? maybe donot. SRS_STATIC=YES fi # if mips specified, set some default to disabled. if [ $SRS_MIPS_UBUNTU12 = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # defaults for x86/x64 if [ $SRS_X86_X64 = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=YES SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if dev specified, open features if possible. if [ $SRS_DEV = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=YES SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=YES SRS_UTEST=YES SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if fast dev specified, open main server features. if [ $SRS_FAST_DEV = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=NO SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # for srs demo if [ $SRS_DEMO = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=YES SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=YES SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if raspberry-pi specified, open ssl/hls/static features if [ $SRS_PI = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=NO SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi # if cubieboard specified, open features except ffmpeg/nginx. if [ $SRS_CUBIE = YES ]; then SRS_HLS=YES SRS_DVR=YES SRS_NGINX=NO SRS_SSL=YES SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL=YES SRS_TRANSCODE=YES SRS_INGEST=YES SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK=YES SRS_HTTP_SERVER=YES SRS_HTTP_API=YES SRS_LIBRTMP=YES SRS_RESEARCH=NO SRS_UTEST=NO SRS_GPERF=NO SRS_GPERF_MC=NO SRS_GPERF_MP=NO SRS_GPERF_CP=NO SRS_GPROF=NO SRS_STATIC=NO fi } apply_user_presets ##################################################################################### # parse detail feature options ##################################################################################### for option do parse_user_option_to_value_and_option parse_user_option done function apply_user_detail_options() { # if transcode/ingest specified, requires the ffmpeg stub classes. SRS_FFMPEG_STUB=NO if [ $SRS_TRANSCODE = YES ]; then SRS_FFMPEG_STUB=YES; fi if [ $SRS_INGEST = YES ]; then SRS_FFMPEG_STUB=YES; fi # if http-xxxx specified, open the SRS_HTTP_PARSER SRS_HTTP_PARSER=NO if [ $SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK = YES ]; then SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_SERVER = YES ]; then SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_API = YES ]; then SRS_HTTP_PARSER=YES; fi # parse the jobs for make if [[ "" -eq SRS_JOBS ]]; then export SRS_JOBS="--jobs=1" else export SRS_JOBS="--jobs=${SRS_JOBS}" fi } apply_user_detail_options function regenerate_options() { # save all config options to macro to write to auto headers file SRS_AUTO_USER_CONFIGURE="$opt" # regenerate the options for default values. SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="--prefix=${SRS_PREFIX}" if [ $SRS_HLS = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-hls"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-hls"; fi if [ $SRS_DVR = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-dvr"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-dvr"; fi if [ $SRS_NGINX = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-nginx"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-nginx"; fi if [ $SRS_SSL = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-ssl"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-ssl"; fi if [ $SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-ffmpeg"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-ffmpeg"; fi if [ $SRS_TRANSCODE = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-transcode"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-transcode"; fi if [ $SRS_INGEST = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-ingest"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-ingest"; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-http-callback"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-http-callback"; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_SERVER = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-http-server"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-http-server"; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_API = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-http-api"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-http-api"; fi if [ $SRS_LIBRTMP = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-librtmp"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-librtmp"; fi if [ $SRS_RESEARCH = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-research"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-research"; fi if [ $SRS_UTEST = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-utest"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-utest"; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gperf"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gperf"; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gmc"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gmc"; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gmp"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gmp"; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_CP = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gcp"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gcp"; fi if [ $SRS_GPROF = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-gprof"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-gprof"; fi if [ $SRS_ARM_UBUNTU12 = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-arm-ubuntu12"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-arm-ubuntu12"; fi if [ $SRS_MIPS_UBUNTU12 = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --with-mips-ubuntu12"; else SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --without-mips-ubuntu12"; fi if [ $SRS_STATIC = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --static"; fi if [ $SRS_LOG_VERBOSE = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --log-verbose"; fi if [ $SRS_LOG_INFO = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --log-info"; fi if [ $SRS_LOG_TRACE = YES ]; then SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --log-trace"; fi echo "regenerate config: ${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE}" } regenerate_options ##################################################################################### # check user options ##################################################################################### function check_option_conflicts() { __check_ok=YES # check conflict if [ $SRS_GPERF = NO ]; then if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = YES ]; then echo "gperf-mc depends on gperf, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = YES ]; then echo "gperf-mp depends on gperf, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_CP = YES ]; then echo "gperf-cp depends on gperf, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = YES ]; then if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = YES ]; then echo "gperf-mc not compatible with gperf-mp, see: ./configure --help"; echo "@see: http://google-perftools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/heap_checker.html"; echo "Note that since the heap-checker uses the heap-profiling framework internally, it is not possible to run both the heap-checker and heap profiler at the same time"; __check_ok=NO fi fi # generate the group option: SRS_GPERF __gperf_slow=NO if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = YES ]; then SRS_GPERF=YES; __gperf_slow=YES; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = YES ]; then SRS_GPERF=YES; __gperf_slow=YES; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_CP = YES ]; then SRS_GPERF=YES; __gperf_slow=YES; fi if [ $__gperf_slow = YES ]; then if [ $SRS_GPROF = YES ]; then echo "gmc/gmp/gcp not compatible with gprof, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi fi # check embeded(arm/mips), if embeded enabled, only allow st/ssl/librtmp, # user should disable all other features if [ $SRS_EMBEDED_CPU = YES ]; then if [ $SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL = YES ]; then echo "ffmpeg for arm is not available, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_RESEARCH = YES ]; then echo "research for arm is not available, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF = YES ]; then echo "gperf for arm is not available, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = YES ]; then echo "gmc for arm is not available, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = YES ]; then echo "gmp for arm is not available, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_CP = YES ]; then echo "gcp for arm is not available, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPROF = YES ]; then echo "gprof for arm is not available, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi fi # if x86/x64 or directly build, never use static if [ $SRS_X86_X64 = YES ]; then if [ $SRS_STATIC = YES ]; then echo "x86/x64 should never use static, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi fi # check variable neccessary if [ $SRS_HLS = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the hls, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_DVR = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the dvr, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_NGINX = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the nginx, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_SSL = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the ssl, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_FFMPEG_TOOL = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the ffmpeg, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_CALLBACK = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the http-callback, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_SERVER = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the http-server, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_HTTP_API = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the http-api, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_LIBRTMP = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the librtmp, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_RESEARCH = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the research, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_UTEST = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the utest, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gperf, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MC = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gperf-mc, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_MP = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gperf-mp, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPERF_CP = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gperf-cp, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_GPROF = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the gprof, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_ARM_UBUNTU12 = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the arm-ubuntu12, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $SRS_MIPS_UBUNTU12 = RESERVED ]; then echo "you must specifies the mips-ubuntu12, see: ./configure --help"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [[ -z $SRS_PREFIX ]]; then echo "you must specifies the prefix, see: ./configure --prefix"; __check_ok=NO; fi if [ $__check_ok = NO ]; then exit 1; fi } check_option_conflicts