Commit Graph

52 Commits (b3bd007f0d5f19cd299a669a79b78be0e594e5d5)

Author SHA1 Message Date
winlin 0000c945ea refine the proxy api server.
winlin fe1886aa08 add proxy for hls
winlin e3c6e52547 enhanced on_hls_notify, support HTTP GET when reap ts.
winlin 64b065e450 for hls callback, add duration of ts.
winlin c49bc0628e support on_hls for http hooks. 2.0.152.
winlin 97442c56b6 enhance hls in floor mode.
winlin 76c1957260 enhance hls, increase piece one by one.
winlin 1246989ea9 for , refine dvr, support callback when reap dvr segment.
winlin dc11418c79 fix : http-callback support on_dvr when reap a dvr file. 2.0.89
winlin 45724bfaec update conf for transcode.
winlin 07b207b7e3 remove test code for api-server.
winlin 9d34820c80 fix : http-callback check http status code ok(200). 2.0.84
winlin 569596c10d update copyright, from 2013 to 2015
winlin 79c641e8d6 remove flashP2P hss dvr, for it's a can-not-run feature. 0.9.178
winlin 69eb935505 fix bug of flv parser, librtmp amf0 library
winlin d4b8fee61a fix bug , http callback api support authentication in tcUrl
winlin 7c804277b2 add heatbeat url, add stream for api-server
winlin 07fbd58f39 update api server, add meiyi demo streams.
winlin add64533e3 add donation user chen.chen
winlin 1c1efd7000 update readme, update api server stream list
winlin ae372de65e merge from wukong, fix the bug of build x264 on minimal server
winlin 90e50da305 update api server, add hiwifi
winlin 241d04b391 update api server for android server vhost changed
winlin e271cb607f refine plan, add stream start time for atc
winlin 09901d31da fix bug of android api server, fix the dead loop
winlin 580cbb84a9 add threading.Lock for cherrypy, or performance suffer.
winlin 6f984ff54b fix bug of raspberry-pi build, static off
winlin a158d81085 update raspberry-pi demo api
winlin b5b5202ed2 update cdn api server.
winlin b85e667991 update api, select the lowest load of peer
winlin 87bdaa21c9 add nodes for api
winlin dcb9941ed7 add hls api to api-server
winlin 9ef7a83415 update server, add rtmp pc url
winlin 642fc19f9d update api server demo
winlin 1ae9178605 add favicon.ico, change to 0.9.65
winlin b1877db405 fix typo of full.conf. fix api server bug
winlin b38df9cd1a refine main object(server, config, log, context), handler reload in intialize(), change to 0.9.59
winlin acdd5a827e update api server, support servers
winlin 3a26b23fba change ffmpeg log to ./objs
winlin ca02cfe1bf update
winlin c3c2767363 update api server, add servers
winlin bb3c88fef7 change copyright from 2013 to 2013-2014.
winlin 702ad69817 support query in index.html
winlin 7094b6f437 set default to chat.
winlin 4b4f317e09 refine the ui, link the players to the api server static dir
winlin 836bc413f9 fix the bug of publish, server close the connection when timeout.
winlin 6875b6f5f2 support chat room, meeting.
winlin 889ad9238b support http hooks: on_connect/close/publish/unpublish/play/stop.
winlin 3d4474f620 support multiple http hooks for a event.
winlin 9f3139c5c3 add comments for api server