## How to reproduce?
1. Refer this commit, which contains the web demo to capture screen as
video stream through RTC.
2. Copy the `trunk/research/players/whip.html` and
`trunk/research/players/js/srs.sdk.js` to replace the `develop` branch
source code.
3. `./configure && make`
4. `./objs/srs -c conf/rtc2rtmp.conf`
5. open `http://localhost:8080/players/whip.html?schema=http`
6. check `Screen` radio option.
7. click `publish`, then check the screen to share.
8. play the rtmp live stream: `rtmp://localhost/live/livestream`
9. check the video stuttering.
## Cause
When capture screen by the chrome web browser, which send RTP packet
with empty payload frequently, then all the cached RTP packets are
dropped before next key frame arrive in this case.
The OBS screen stream and camera stream do not have such problem.
## Add screen stream to WHIP demo
><img width="581" alt="Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 2 49 46 PM"
Co-authored-by: winlin <winlinvip@gmail.com>
HLS typically has a delay of around 30 seconds, roughly comprising three
segments, each lasting 10 seconds. We can reduce the delay to about 5
seconds by lowering the segment duration to 2 seconds and starting
playback from the last segment, achieving a stable delay.
Of course, this requires setting the OBS's GOP to 1 second, and the
profile to baseline, preset to fast, and tune to zerolatency.
Additionally, updating a few configurations in the hls.js player is
necessary, such as setting it to start playback from the last segment,
setting the maximum buffer, and initiating accelerated playback to
reduce latency.
Co-authored-by: chundonglinlin <chundonglinlin@163.com>
Co-authored-by: john <hondaxiao@tencent.com>
### Description
When converting between AAC and Opus formats (aac2opus or opus2aac), the
`av_frame_get_buffer` API is frequently called.
### Objective
The goal is to optimize the code logic and reduce the frequent
allocation and deallocation of memory.
In the case of aac2opus, av_frame_get_buffer is still frequently called.
In the case of opus2aac, the goal is to avoid calling
av_frame_get_buffer and reduce memory allocations.
### Additional Note
Before calling the `av_audio_fifo_read` API, use
`av_frame_make_writable` to check if the frame is writable. If it is not
writable, create a new frame.
Co-authored-by: john <hondaxiao@tencent.com>
* Replaced all occurrences of sprintf with snprintf to address deprecation warnings
* Ensured proper buffer size is passed to snprintf to prevent potential buffer overflows
* Ran tests to confirm that the changes do not introduce any new issues or regressions
Co-authored-by: ChenGH <chengh_math@126.com>
* RTMP: Support enhanced RTMP specification for HEVC, v6.0.42.
* Player: Upgrade mpegts.js to support it.
Enhanced RTMP specification: https://github.com/veovera/enhanced-rtmp
First, start SRS `v6.0.42+` with HTTP-TS support:
./objs/srs -c conf/http.ts.live.conf
Then, you can use [OBS 29.1+](https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/releases) to push HEVC via RTMP.
Start OBS with the following settings in the `Settings > Stream` tab:
* Server: `rtmp://localhost/live`
* Stream Key: `livestream`
* Encoder: Please select the HEVC hardware encoder.
Finally, open the player http://localhost:8080/players/srs_player.html?stream=livestream.ts
Or use VLS or ffplay to play `http://localhost:8080/live/livestream.ts`
Co-authored-by: chundonglinlin <chundonglinlin@163.com>
* Add utc time utility
* Fix calculate duration in fmp4
* Refine dash code, use segment template timeline
* Shrink m4s file and cleanup
* Support play by dash.js
* Use SegmentTemplate timeline mode with $Number$
Co-authored-by: winlin <winlin@vip.126.com>