class SrsBuffer;
// AACPacketType IF SoundFormat == 10 UI8
// The following values are defined:
// 0 = AAC sequence header
// 1 = AAC raw
enum SrsCodecAudioType
// set to the max value to reserved, for array map.
SrsCodecAudioTypeReserved = 2,
SrsCodecAudioTypeForbidden = 2,
SrsCodecAudioTypeSequenceHeader = 0,
SrsCodecAudioTypeRawData = 1,
// E.4.3.1 VIDEODATA
// Frame Type UB [4]
// Type of video frame. The following values are defined:
// 1 = key frame (for AVC, a seekable frame)
// 2 = inter frame (for AVC, a non-seekable frame)
// 3 = disposable inter frame (H.263 only)
// 4 = generated key frame (reserved for server use only)
// 5 = video info/command frame
enum SrsCodecVideoAVCFrame
* The video codec id.
* @doc video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page78, E.4.3.1 VIDEODATA
* CodecID UB [4]
* Codec Identifier. The following values are defined for FLV:
* 2 = Sorenson H.263
* 3 = Screen video
* 4 = On2 VP6
* 5 = On2 VP6 with alpha channel
* 6 = Screen video version 2
* 7 = AVC
enum SrsVideoCodecId
// set to the zero to reserved, for array map.
SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameReserved = 0,
SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameForbidden = 0,
SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameReserved1 = 6,
SrsVideoCodecIdReserved = 0,
SrsVideoCodecIdForbidden = 0,
SrsVideoCodecIdReserved1 = 1,
SrsVideoCodecIdReserved2 = 9,
// for user to disable video, for example, use pure audio hls.
SrsVideoCodecIdDisabled = 8,
SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameKeyFrame = 1,
SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameInterFrame = 2,
SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameDisposableInterFrame = 3,
SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameGeneratedKeyFrame = 4,
SrsCodecVideoAVCFrameVideoInfoFrame = 5,
SrsVideoCodecIdSorensonH263 = 2,
SrsVideoCodecIdScreenVideo = 3,
SrsVideoCodecIdOn2VP6 = 4,
SrsVideoCodecIdOn2VP6WithAlphaChannel = 5,
SrsVideoCodecIdScreenVideoVersion2 = 6,
SrsVideoCodecIdAVC = 7,
std::string srs_video_codec_id2str(SrsVideoCodecId codec);
// AVCPacketType IF CodecID == 7 UI8
// The following values are defined:
// 0 = AVC sequence header
// 1 = AVC NALU
// 2 = AVC end of sequence (lower level NALU sequence ender is
// not required or supported)
enum SrsCodecVideoAVCType
* The video AVC frame trait(characteristic).
* @doc video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page79, E.4.3.2 AVCVIDEOPACKET
* AVCPacketType IF CodecID == 7 UI8
* The following values are defined:
* 0 = AVC sequence header
* 1 = AVC NALU
* 2 = AVC end of sequence (lower level NALU sequence ender is not required or supported)
enum SrsVideoAvcFrameTrait
// set to the max value to reserved, for array map.
SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeReserved = 3,
SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeForbidden = 3,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTraitReserved = 3,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTraitForbidden = 3,
SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeSequenceHeader = 0,
SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeNALU = 1,
SrsCodecVideoAVCTypeSequenceHeaderEOF = 2,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTraitSequenceHeader = 0,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTraitNALU = 1,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTraitSequenceHeaderEOF = 2,
// E.4.3.1 VIDEODATA
// CodecID UB [4]
// Codec Identifier. The following values are defined:
// 2 = Sorenson H.263
// 3 = Screen video
// 4 = On2 VP6
// 5 = On2 VP6 with alpha channel
// 6 = Screen video version 2
// 7 = AVC
enum SrsCodecVideo
* The video AVC frame type, such as I/P/B.
* @doc video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page78, E.4.3.1 VIDEODATA
* Frame Type UB [4]
* Type of video frame. The following values are defined:
* 1 = key frame (for AVC, a seekable frame)
* 2 = inter frame (for AVC, a non-seekable frame)
* 3 = disposable inter frame (H.263 only)
* 4 = generated key frame (reserved for server use only)
* 5 = video info/command frame
enum SrsVideoAvcFrameType
// set to the zero to reserved, for array map.
SrsCodecVideoReserved = 0,
SrsCodecVideoForbidden = 0,
SrsCodecVideoReserved1 = 1,
SrsCodecVideoReserved2 = 9,
// for user to disable video, for example, use pure audio hls.
SrsCodecVideoDisabled = 8,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTypeReserved = 0,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTypeForbidden = 0,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTypeReserved1 = 6,
SrsCodecVideoSorensonH263 = 2,
SrsCodecVideoScreenVideo = 3,
SrsCodecVideoOn2VP6 = 4,
SrsCodecVideoOn2VP6WithAlphaChannel = 5,
SrsCodecVideoScreenVideoVersion2 = 6,
SrsCodecVideoAVC = 7,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTypeKeyFrame = 1,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTypeInterFrame = 2,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTypeDisposableInterFrame = 3,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTypeGeneratedKeyFrame = 4,
SrsVideoAvcFrameTypeVideoInfoFrame = 5,
std::string srs_codec_video2str(SrsCodecVideo codec);
// SoundFormat UB [4]
// Format of SoundData. The following values are defined:
// 0 = Linear PCM, platform endian
// 1 = ADPCM
// 2 = MP3
// 3 = Linear PCM, little endian
// 4 = Nellymoser 16 kHz mono
// 5 = Nellymoser 8 kHz mono
// 6 = Nellymoser
// 7 = G.711 A-law logarithmic PCM
// 8 = G.711 mu-law logarithmic PCM
// 9 = reserved
// 10 = AAC
// 11 = Speex
// 14 = MP3 8 kHz
// 15 = Device-specific sound
// Formats 7, 8, 14, and 15 are reserved.
// AAC is supported in Flash Player 9,0,115,0 and higher.
// Speex is supported in Flash Player 10 and higher.
enum SrsCodecAudio
* The audio codec id.
* @doc video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page 76, E.4.2 Audio Tags
* SoundFormat UB [4]
* Format of SoundData. The following values are defined:
* 0 = Linear PCM, platform endian
* 1 = ADPCM
* 2 = MP3
* 3 = Linear PCM, little endian
* 4 = Nellymoser 16 kHz mono
* 5 = Nellymoser 8 kHz mono
* 6 = Nellymoser
* 7 = G.711 A-law logarithmic PCM
* 8 = G.711 mu-law logarithmic PCM
* 9 = reserved
* 10 = AAC
* 11 = Speex
* 14 = MP3 8 kHz
* 15 = Device-specific sound
* Formats 7, 8, 14, and 15 are reserved.
* AAC is supported in Flash Player 9,0,115,0 and higher.
* Speex is supported in Flash Player 10 and higher.
enum SrsAudioCodecId
// set to the max value to reserved, for array map.
SrsCodecAudioReserved1 = 16,
SrsCodecAudioForbidden = 16,
SrsAudioCodecIdReserved1 = 16,
SrsAudioCodecIdForbidden = 16,
// for user to disable audio, for example, use pure video hls.
SrsCodecAudioDisabled = 17,
SrsAudioCodecIdDisabled = 17,
SrsCodecAudioLinearPCMPlatformEndian = 0,
SrsCodecAudioADPCM = 1,
SrsCodecAudioMP3 = 2,
SrsCodecAudioLinearPCMLittleEndian = 3,
SrsCodecAudioNellymoser16kHzMono = 4,
SrsCodecAudioNellymoser8kHzMono = 5,
SrsCodecAudioNellymoser = 6,
SrsCodecAudioReservedG711AlawLogarithmicPCM = 7,
SrsCodecAudioReservedG711MuLawLogarithmicPCM = 8,
SrsCodecAudioReserved = 9,
SrsCodecAudioAAC = 10,
SrsCodecAudioSpeex = 11,
SrsCodecAudioReservedMP3_8kHz = 14,
SrsCodecAudioReservedDeviceSpecificSound = 15,
SrsAudioCodecIdLinearPCMPlatformEndian = 0,
SrsAudioCodecIdADPCM = 1,
SrsAudioCodecIdMP3 = 2,
SrsAudioCodecIdLinearPCMLittleEndian = 3,
SrsAudioCodecIdNellymoser16kHzMono = 4,
SrsAudioCodecIdNellymoser8kHzMono = 5,
SrsAudioCodecIdNellymoser = 6,
SrsAudioCodecIdReservedG711AlawLogarithmicPCM = 7,
SrsAudioCodecIdReservedG711MuLawLogarithmicPCM = 8,
SrsAudioCodecIdReserved = 9,
SrsAudioCodecIdAAC = 10,
SrsAudioCodecIdSpeex = 11,
SrsAudioCodecIdReservedMP3_8kHz = 14,
SrsAudioCodecIdReservedDeviceSpecificSound = 15,
std::string srs_codec_audio2str(SrsCodecAudio codec);
std::string srs_audio_codec_id2str(SrsAudioCodecId codec);
* the FLV/RTMP supported audio sample rate.
* Sampling rate. The following values are defined:
* 0 = 5.5 kHz = 5512 Hz
* 1 = 11 kHz = 11025 Hz
* 2 = 22 kHz = 22050 Hz
* 3 = 44 kHz = 44100 Hz
enum SrsCodecAudioSampleRate
* The audio AAC frame trait(characteristic).
* @doc video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page 77, E.4.2 Audio Tags
* AACPacketType IF SoundFormat == 10 UI8
* The following values are defined:
* 0 = AAC sequence header
* 1 = AAC raw
enum SrsAudioAacFrameTrait
// set to the max value to reserved, for array map.
SrsCodecAudioSampleRateReserved = 4,
SrsCodecAudioSampleRateForbidden = 4,
SrsAudioAacFrameTraitReserved = 2,
SrsAudioAacFrameTraitForbidden = 2,
SrsCodecAudioSampleRate5512 = 0,
SrsCodecAudioSampleRate11025 = 1,
SrsCodecAudioSampleRate22050 = 2,
SrsCodecAudioSampleRate44100 = 3,
SrsAudioAacFrameTraitSequenceHeader = 0,
SrsAudioAacFrameTraitRawData = 1,
std::string srs_codec_audio_samplerate2str(SrsCodecAudioSampleRate v);
* E.4.1 FLV Tag, page 75
enum SrsCodecFlvTag
* The audio sample rate.
* @see srs_flv_srates and srs_aac_srates.
* @doc video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page 76, E.4.2 Audio Tags
* 0 = 5.5 kHz = 5512 Hz
* 1 = 11 kHz = 11025 Hz
* 2 = 22 kHz = 22050 Hz
* 3 = 44 kHz = 44100 Hz
* However, we can extends this table.
enum SrsAudioSampleRate
// set to the max value to reserved, for array map.
SrsAudioSampleRateReserved = 4,
SrsAudioSampleRateForbidden = 4,
SrsAudioSampleRate5512 = 0,
SrsAudioSampleRate11025 = 1,
SrsAudioSampleRate22050 = 2,
SrsAudioSampleRate44100 = 3,
std::string srs_codec_audio_samplerate2str(SrsAudioSampleRate v);
* The frame type, for example, audio, video or data.
* @doc video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page 75, E.4.1 FLV Tag
enum SrsFrameType
// set to the zero to reserved, for array map.
SrsCodecFlvTagReserved = 0,
SrsCodecFlvTagForbidden = 0,
SrsFrameTypeReserved = 0,
SrsFrameTypeForbidden = 0,
// 8 = audio
SrsCodecFlvTagAudio = 8,
SrsFrameTypeAudio = 8,
// 9 = video
SrsCodecFlvTagVideo = 9,
SrsFrameTypeVideo = 9,
// 18 = script data
SrsCodecFlvTagScript = 18,
SrsFrameTypeScript = 18,
* Annex E. The FLV File Format
class SrsFlvCodec
* Fast tough the codec of FLV video.
* @doc video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page 78, E.4.3 Video Tags
class SrsFlvVideo
virtual ~SrsFlvCodec();
virtual ~SrsFlvVideo();
// the following function used to finger out the flv/rtmp packet detail.
* only check the frame_type, not check the codec type.
static bool video_is_keyframe(char* data, int size);
static bool keyframe(char* data, int size);
* check codec h264, keyframe, sequence header
static bool video_is_sequence_header(char* data, int size);
* check codec aac, sequence header
static bool audio_is_sequence_header(char* data, int size);
static bool sh(char* data, int size);
* check codec h264.
static bool video_is_h264(char* data, int size);
* check codec aac.
static bool audio_is_aac(char* data, int size);
static bool h264(char* data, int size);
* check the video RTMP/flv header info,
* @return true if video RTMP/flv header is ok.
* @remark all type of audio is possible, no need to check audio.
static bool video_is_acceptable(char* data, int size);
static bool acceptable(char* data, int size);
* Fast tough the codec of FLV video.
* @doc video_file_format_spec_v10_1.pdf, page 76, E.4.2 Audio Tags
class SrsFlvAudio
virtual ~SrsFlvAudio();
// the following function used to finger out the flv/rtmp packet detail.
* check codec aac, sequence header
static bool sh(char* data, int size);
* check codec aac.
static bool aac(char* data, int size);
@ -243,18 +277,18 @@ public:
* the flv sample rate map
extern int flv_sample_rates[];
extern int srs_flv_srates[];
* the aac sample rate map
extern int aac_sample_rates[];
extern int srs_aac_srates[];
// The impossible aac sample rate index.
#define SrsAacSampleRateUnset 15
// The max number of NALUs in a video, or aac frame in audio packet.
#define SrsMaxNbSamples 256
* the FLV/RTMP supported audio sample size.
@ -264,16 +298,16 @@ extern int aac_sample_rates[];
* 0 = 8-bit samples
* 1 = 16-bit samples
enum SrsCodecAudioSampleSize
enum SrsAudioSampleSize
// set to the max value to reserved, for array map.
SrsCodecAudioSampleSizeReserved = 2,
SrsCodecAudioSampleSizeForbidden = 2,
SrsAudioSampleSizeReserved = 2,
SrsAudioSampleSizeForbidden = 2,
SrsCodecAudioSampleSize8bit = 0,
SrsCodecAudioSampleSize16bit = 1,
SrsAudioSampleSize8bit = 0,
SrsAudioSampleSize16bit = 1,
std::string srs_codec_audio_samplesize2str(SrsCodecAudioSampleSize v);
std::string srs_audio_samplesize2str(SrsAudioSampleSize v);
* the FLV/RTMP supported audio sound type/channel.
@ -281,16 +315,16 @@ std::string srs_codec_audio_samplesize2str(SrsCodecAudioSampleSize v);
* 0 = Mono sound
* 1 = Stereo sound
enum SrsCodecAudioSoundType
enum SrsAudioSoundType
// set to the max value to reserved, for array map.
SrsCodecAudioSoundTypeReserved = 2,
SrsCodecAudioSoundTypeForbidden = 2,
SrsAudioSoundTypeReserved = 2,
SrsAudioSoundTypeForbidden = 2,
SrsCodecAudioSoundTypeMono = 0,
SrsCodecAudioSoundTypeStereo = 1,
SrsAudioSoundTypeMono = 0,
SrsAudioSoundTypeStereo = 1,
std::string srs_codec_audio_channels2str(SrsCodecAudioSoundType v);
std::string srs_audio_channels2str(SrsAudioSoundType v);
* Table 7-1 - NAL unit type codes, syntax element categories, and NAL unit type classes
@ -337,7 +371,7 @@ enum SrsAvcNaluType
// Coded slice extension slice_layer_extension_rbsp( )
SrsAvcNaluTypeCodedSliceExt = 20,
std::string srs_codec_avc_nalu2str(SrsAvcNaluType nalu_type);
std::string srs_avc_nalu2str(SrsAvcNaluType nalu_type);
* the avc payload format, must be ibmf or annexb format.
@ -364,7 +398,7 @@ enum SrsAacProfile
SrsAacProfileLC = 1,
SrsAacProfileSSR = 2,
std::string srs_codec_aac_profile2str(SrsAacProfile aac_profile);
std::string srs_aac_profile2str(SrsAacProfile aac_profile);
* the aac object type, for RTMP sequence header
@ -387,11 +421,11 @@ enum SrsAacObjectType
SrsAacObjectTypeAacHEV2 = 29,
std::string srs_codec_aac_object2str(SrsAacObjectType aac_object);
std::string srs_aac_object2str(SrsAacObjectType aac_object);
// ts/hls/adts audio header profile to RTMP sequence header object type.
SrsAacObjectType srs_codec_aac_ts2rtmp(SrsAacProfile profile);
SrsAacObjectType srs_aac_ts2rtmp(SrsAacProfile profile);
// RTMP sequence header object type to ts/hls/adts audio header profile.
SrsAacProfile srs_codec_aac_rtmp2ts(SrsAacObjectType object_type);
SrsAacProfile srs_aac_rtmp2ts(SrsAacObjectType object_type);
* the profile for avc/h.264.
@ -417,7 +451,7 @@ enum SrsAvcProfile
SrsAvcProfileHigh444Predictive = 244,
SrsAvcProfileHigh444Intra = 2192,
std::string srs_codec_avc_profile2str(SrsAvcProfile profile);
std::string srs_avc_profile2str(SrsAvcProfile profile);
* the level for avc/h.264.
@ -442,7 +476,7 @@ enum SrsAvcLevel
SrsAvcLevel_5 = 50,
SrsAvcLevel_51 = 51,
std::string srs_codec_avc_level2str(SrsAvcLevel level);
std::string srs_avc_level2str(SrsAvcLevel level);
* A sample is the unit of frame.
@ -467,25 +501,25 @@ public:
* corresponding to the sequence header of FLV,
* parsed to detail info.
class SrsCodec
class SrsCodecConfig
virtual ~SrsCodec();
virtual ~SrsCodecConfig();
* The audio codec info.
class SrsAudioCodec : public SrsCodec
class SrsAudioCodecConfig : public SrsCodecConfig
// audio specified
SrsCodecAudio id;
SrsAudioCodecId id;
// audio aac specified.
SrsCodecAudioSampleRate sound_rate;
SrsCodecAudioSampleSize sound_size;
SrsCodecAudioSoundType sound_type;
SrsAudioSampleRate sound_rate;
SrsAudioSampleSize sound_size;
SrsAudioSoundType sound_type;
int audio_data_rate; // in bps
@ -512,8 +546,8 @@ public:
int aac_extra_size;
char* aac_extra_data;
virtual ~SrsAudioCodec();
virtual ~SrsAudioCodecConfig();
virtual bool is_aac_codec_ok();
@ -521,10 +555,10 @@ public:
* The video codec info.
class SrsVideoCodec : public SrsCodec
class SrsVideoCodecConfig : public SrsCodecConfig
SrsCodecVideo id;
SrsVideoCodecId id;
int video_data_rate; // in bps
double frame_rate;
double duration;
@ -556,8 +590,8 @@ public:
// the avc payload format.
SrsAvcPayloadFormat payload_format;
virtual ~SrsVideoCodec();
virtual ~SrsVideoCodecConfig();
virtual bool is_avc_codec_ok();
@ -574,17 +608,17 @@ public:
int32_t cts;
// The codec info of frame.
SrsCodec* codec;
SrsCodecConfig* codec;
// The actual parsed number of samples.
int nb_samples;
// The sampels cache.
SrsSample samples[SRS_MAX_CODEC_SAMPLE];
SrsSample samples[SrsMaxNbSamples];
virtual ~SrsFrame();
// Initialize the frame, to parse sampels.
virtual int initialize(SrsCodec* c);
virtual int initialize(SrsCodecConfig* c);
// Add a sample to frame.
virtual int add_sample(char* bytes, int size);
@ -595,12 +629,12 @@ public:
class SrsAudioFrame : public SrsFrame
SrsCodecAudioType aac_packet_type;
SrsAudioAacFrameTrait aac_packet_type;
virtual ~SrsAudioFrame();
virtual SrsAudioCodec* acodec();
virtual SrsAudioCodecConfig* acodec();
@ -610,8 +644,8 @@ class SrsVideoFrame : public SrsFrame
// video specified
SrsCodecVideoAVCFrame frame_type;
SrsCodecVideoAVCType avc_packet_type;
SrsVideoAvcFrameType frame_type;
SrsVideoAvcFrameTrait avc_packet_type;
// whether sample_units contains IDR frame.
bool has_idr;
// Whether exists AUD NALU.
@ -627,7 +661,7 @@ public:
// Add the sample without ANNEXB or IBMF header, or RAW AAC or MP3 data.
virtual int add_sample(char* bytes, int size);
virtual SrsVideoCodec* vcodec();
virtual SrsVideoCodecConfig* vcodec();
@ -639,9 +673,9 @@ class SrsFormat
SrsAudioFrame* audio;
SrsAudioCodec* acodec;
SrsAudioCodecConfig* acodec;
SrsVideoFrame* video;
SrsVideoCodec* vcodec;
SrsVideoCodecConfig* vcodec;
SrsBuffer* buffer;
// for sequence header, whether parse the h.264 sps.
@ -654,8 +688,10 @@ public:
// Initialize the format.
virtual int initialize();
// When got a parsed audio packet.
// @param data The data in FLV format.
virtual int on_audio(int64_t timestamp, char* data, int size);
// When got a parsed video packet.
// @param data The data in FLV format.
virtual int on_video(int64_t timestamp, char* data, int size);
// When got a audio aac sequence header.
virtual int on_aac_sequence_header(char* data, int size);