@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsHlsMuxer::initialize()
srs_error_t SrsHlsMuxer::update_config(SrsRequest* r, string entry_prefix,
string path, string m3u8_file, string ts_file, double fragment, double window,
string path, string m3u8_file, string ts_file, srs_utime_t fragment, double window,
bool ts_floor, double aof_ratio, bool cleanup, bool wait_keyframe, bool keys,
int fragments_per_key, string key_file ,string key_file_path, string key_url)
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsHlsMuxer::segment_open()
ts_file = srs_path_build_stream(ts_file, req->vhost, req->app, req->stream);
if (hls_ts_floor) {
// accept the floor ts for the first piece.
int64_t current_floor_ts = (int64_t)(srsu2ms(srs_update_system_time()) / (1000 * hls_fragment));
int64_t current_floor_ts = srs_update_system_time() / hls_fragment;
if (!accept_floor_ts) {
accept_floor_ts = current_floor_ts - 1;
} else {
@ -489,9 +489,8 @@ bool SrsHlsMuxer::is_segment_overflow()
// use N% deviation, to smoother.
double deviation = hls_ts_floor? SRS_HLS_FLOOR_REAP_PERCENT * deviation_ts * hls_fragment : 0.0;
return srsu2msi(current->duration()) >= (hls_fragment + deviation) * 1000;
srs_utime_t deviation = hls_ts_floor? SRS_HLS_FLOOR_REAP_PERCENT * deviation_ts * hls_fragment : 0;
return current->duration() >= hls_fragment + deviation;
bool SrsHlsMuxer::wait_keyframe()
@ -510,9 +509,8 @@ bool SrsHlsMuxer::is_segment_absolutely_overflow()
// use N% deviation, to smoother.
double deviation = hls_ts_floor? SRS_HLS_FLOOR_REAP_PERCENT * deviation_ts * hls_fragment : 0.0;
return srsu2msi(current->duration()) >= (hls_aof_ratio * hls_fragment + deviation) * 1000;
srs_utime_t deviation = hls_ts_floor? SRS_HLS_FLOOR_REAP_PERCENT * deviation_ts * hls_fragment : 0;
return current->duration() >= hls_aof_ratio * hls_fragment + deviation;
bool SrsHlsMuxer::pure_audio()
@ -856,7 +854,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsHlsController::on_publish(SrsRequest* req)
std::string stream = req->stream;
std::string app = req->app;
double hls_fragment = _srs_config->get_hls_fragment(vhost);
srs_utime_t hls_fragment = _srs_config->get_hls_fragment(vhost);
double hls_window = _srs_config->get_hls_window(vhost);
// get the hls m3u8 ts list entry prefix config
@ -893,8 +891,8 @@ srs_error_t SrsHlsController::on_publish(SrsRequest* req)
if ((err = muxer->segment_open()) != srs_success) {
return srs_error_wrap(err, "hls: segment open");
srs_trace("hls: win=%.2f, frag=%.2f, prefix=%s, path=%s, m3u8=%s, ts=%s, aof=%.2f, floor=%d, clean=%d, waitk=%d, dispose=%dms",
hls_window, hls_fragment, entry_prefix.c_str(), path.c_str(), m3u8_file.c_str(),
srs_trace("hls: win=%.2f, frag=%dms, prefix=%s, path=%s, m3u8=%s, ts=%s, aof=%.2f, floor=%d, clean=%d, waitk=%d, dispose=%dms",
hls_window, srsu2msi(hls_fragment), entry_prefix.c_str(), path.c_str(), m3u8_file.c_str(),
ts_file.c_str(), hls_aof_ratio, ts_floor, cleanup, wait_keyframe, srsu2msi(hls_dispose));
return err;