@ -1636,11 +1636,171 @@ int TSHeader::demux(TSContext* ctx, TSPacket* pkt, u_int8_t* start, u_int8_t* la
* Annex B Byte stream format
* Table 7-1 – NAL unit type codes, page 61.
enum TSH264NalUnitType
TSH264NalUnitTypeUnspecified = 0,
TSH264NalUnitTypeCodedSlice = 1,
TSH264NalUnitTypeCodedSliceDataPartitionA = 2,
TSH264NalUnitTypeCodedSliceDataPartitionB = 3,
TSH264NalUnitTypeCodedSliceDataPartitionC = 4,
TSH264NalUnitTypeCodedSliceOfAnIDRPicture = 5,
TSH264NalUnitTypeSEI = 6,
* Sequence parameter set RBSP syntax
* seq_parameter_set_rbsp(), in page 45
TSH264NalUnitTypeSequenceParameterSet = 7,
* Picture parameter set RBSP syntax
* pic_parameter_set_rbsp(), in page 46
TSH264NalUnitTypePictureParameterSet = 8,
* Picture delimiter RBSP syntax
* pic_delimiter_rbsp(), in page 47
TSH264NalUnitTypePictureDelimiter = 9,
TSH264NalUnitTypeEndOfSequence = 10,
TSH264NalUnitTypeEndOfStream = 11,
TSH264NalUnitTypeFillerData = 12,
TSH264NalUnitTypeReservedStart = 13,
TSH264NalUnitTypeReservedEnd = 23,
TSH264NalUnitTypeUnspecifiedStart = 24,
TSH264NalUnitTypeUnspecifiedEnd = 31,
* Table 7-2 – Meaning of pic_type, page 69.
enum TSH264PicType
TSH264PicTypeI = 0,
TSH264PicTypeIP = 1,
TSH264PicTypeIPB = 2,
TSH264PicTypeSI = 3,
TSH264PicTypeSISP = 4,
TSH264PicTypeISI = 5,
TSH264PicTypeISIPSP = 6,
TSH264PicTypeISIPSPB = 7,
* Annex B Byte stream format, in page 211.
class TSH264Codec
int8_t forbidden_zero_bit; //1bit
int8_t nal_ref_idc; //2bits
TSH264NalUnitType nal_unit_type; //5bits
// for nal_unit_type == TSH264NalUnitTypePictureDelimiter
TSH264PicType pic_type; //3bits
u_int8_t* raw_data;
int size;
forbidden_zero_bit = 0;
nal_ref_idc = 0;
nal_unit_type = TSH264NalUnitTypeUnspecified;
pic_type = TSH264PicTypeI;
size = 0;
raw_data = NULL;
u_int8_t at(int index)
if (index >= size) {
return 0;
return raw_data[index];
int parse(TSMessage* msg, char* last, char*& p)
int ret = 0;
while (next_int(p, 3) != 0x000001) {
char ch = *p++;
if (ch != 0x00) {
trace("ts+h264 parse msg failed, "
"expect 0x00 before start-code. actual is: %#x", (u_int8_t)ch);
return -1;
if (p >= last) {
trace("ts+h264 parse msg finished, no start-code.");
return ret;
// start_code_prefix_one_3bytes /* equal to 0x000001 */
p += 3;
raw_data = (u_int8_t*)p;
while (p < last) {
if (match_start_code_prefix(p)) {
size = (u_int8_t*)p - raw_data;
trace("ts+h264 parse msg finished");
return ret;
// nal_unit( NumBytesInNALunit ) specified in page 44.
// where f(1) specified in page 43.
int8_t _nal_unit_type = *p++;
forbidden_zero_bit = (_nal_unit_type >> 7) &0x01;
nal_ref_idc = (_nal_unit_type >> 5) &0x03;
_nal_unit_type &= 0x1f;
nal_unit_type = (TSH264NalUnitType)_nal_unit_type;
if (nal_unit_type == TSH264NalUnitTypePictureDelimiter) {
* Picture delimiter RBSP syntax
* pic_delimiter_rbsp(), in page 47
} else if (nal_unit_type == TSH264NalUnitTypeSequenceParameterSet) {
* Sequence parameter set RBSP syntax
* seq_parameter_set_rbsp(), in page 45
} else if (nal_unit_type == TSH264NalUnitTypePictureParameterSet) {
* Picture parameter set RBSP syntax
* pic_parameter_set_rbsp(), in page 46
return ret;
bool match_start_code_prefix(char*p)
return p[0] == 0x00 && p[1] == 0x00 && (p[2] == 0x00 || p[2] == 0x01);
int32_t next_int(char* p, int bytes)
srs_assert(bytes <= sizeof(int32_t));
int32_t value = 0;
char* pp = (char*)&value;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
*(pp + bytes - 1 - i) = *(p + i);
return value;
@ -1696,6 +1856,14 @@ public:
raw_data = NULL;
u_int8_t at(int index)
if (index >= size) {
return 0;
return raw_data[index];
int parse(TSMessage* msg, char*& p)
int ret = 0;
@ -1775,21 +1943,33 @@ public:
int consume(TSMessage* msg)
int ret = 0;
int ret = 0;
char* p = msg->packet_data;
char* last = msg->packet_data + msg->packet_data_size;
if (!msg->is_video()) {
// parse AAC audio.
char* p = msg->packet_data;
while (p < msg->packet_data + msg->packet_data_size) {
while (p < last) {
TSAacAdts aac;
if ((ret = aac.parse(msg, p)) != 0) {
return ret;
trace("ts+aac audio raw data parsed, size: %d, 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x",
aac.size, aac.raw_data[0], aac.raw_data[1], aac.raw_data[2], aac.raw_data[3]);
aac.size, aac.at(0), aac.at(1), aac.at(2), aac.at(3));
// TODO: process audio.
} else {
// parse H264 video.
while (p < last) {
TSH264Codec h264;
if ((ret = h264.parse(msg, last, p)) != 0) {
return ret;
trace("ts+h264 video raw data parsed, size: %d, 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x",
h264.size, h264.at(0), h264.at(1), h264.at(2), h264.at(3));
// TODO: process video.
return ret;