diff --git a/trunk/src/core/srs_core.hpp b/trunk/src/core/srs_core.hpp index 678fdedbd..05a90fd69 100644 --- a/trunk/src/core/srs_core.hpp +++ b/trunk/src/core/srs_core.hpp @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // current release version #define VERSION_MAJOR 2 #define VERSION_MINOR 0 -#define VERSION_REVISION 129 +#define VERSION_REVISION 130 // server info. #define RTMP_SIG_SRS_KEY "SRS" diff --git a/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_config.cpp b/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_config.cpp index 9d8847e9b..a26d389c1 100644 --- a/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_config.cpp +++ b/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_config.cpp @@ -80,976 +80,565 @@ int MockSrsConfig::parse(string buf) // full.conf std::string __full_conf = "" - "# all config for srs \n" - " \n" - "############################################################################################# \n" - "# RTMP sections \n" - "############################################################################################# \n" - "# the rtmp listen ports, split by space. \n" - "listen 1935; \n" - "# the pid file \n" - "# to ensure only one process can use a pid file \n" - "# and provides the current running process id, for script, \n" - "# for example, init.d script to manage the server. \n" - "# default: ./objs/srs.pid \n" - "pid ./objs/srs.pid; \n" - "# the default chunk size is 128, max is 65536, \n" - "# some client does not support chunk size change, \n" - "# however, most clients supports it and it can improve \n" - "# performance about 10%. \n" - "# default: 60000 \n" - "chunk_size 60000; \n" - "# the logs dir. \n" - "# if enabled ffmpeg, each stracoding stream will create a log file. \n" - "# /dev/null to disable the log. \n" - "# default: ./objs \n" - "ff_log_dir ./objs; \n" - "# the log tank, console or file. \n" - "# if console, print log to console. \n" - "# if file, write log to file. requires srs_log_file if log to file. \n" - "# default: file. \n" - "srs_log_tank file; \n" - "# the log level, for all log tanks. \n" - "# can be: verbose, info, trace, warn, error \n" - "# default: trace \n" - "srs_log_level trace; \n" - "# when srs_log_tank is file, specifies the log file. \n" - "# default: ./objs/srs.log \n" - "srs_log_file ./objs/srs.log; \n" - "# the max connections. \n" - "# if exceed the max connections, server will drop the new connection. \n" - "# default: 12345 \n" - "max_connections 1000; \n" - "# whether start as deamon \n" - "# @remark: donot support reload. \n" - "# default: on \n" - "daemon on; \n" - "# heartbeat to api server \n" - "heartbeat { \n" - " # whether heartbeat is enalbed. \n" - " # default: off \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # the interval seconds for heartbeat, \n" - " # recommend 0.3,0.6,0.9,1.2,1.5,1.8,2.1,2.4,2.7,3,...,6,9,12,.... \n" - " # default: 9.9 \n" - " interval 9.3; \n" - " # when startup, srs will heartbeat to this api. \n" - " # @remark: must be a restful http api url, where SRS will POST with following data: \n" - " # { \n" - " # \"device_id\": \"my-srs-device\", \n" - " # \"ip\": \"\" \n" - " # } \n" - " # default: \n" - " url; \n" - " # the id of devide. \n" - " device_id \"my-srs-device\"; \n" - " # whether report with summaries \n" - " # if true, put /api/v1/summaries to the request data: \n" - " # { \n" - " # \"summaries\": summaries object. \n" - " # } \n" - " # @remark: optional config. \n" - " # default: off \n" - " summaries off; \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "############################################################################################# \n" - "# HTTP sections \n" - "############################################################################################# \n" - "# api of srs. \n" - "# the http api config, export for external program to manage srs. \n" - "# user can access http api of srs in browser directly, for instance, to access by: \n" - "# curl \n" - "# which will reload srs, like cmd killall -1 srs, but the js can also invoke the http api, \n" - "# where the cli can only be used in shell/terminate. \n" - "http_api { \n" - " # whether http api is enabled. \n" - " # default: off \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # the http api port \n" - " # default: 1985 \n" - " listen 1985; \n" - "} \n" - "# embeded http server in srs. \n" - "# the http streaming config, for HLS/HDS/DASH/HTTPProgressive \n" - "# global config for http streaming, user must config the http section for each vhost. \n" - "# the embed http server used to substitute nginx in ./objs/nginx, \n" - "# for example, srs runing in arm, can provides RTMP and HTTP service, only with srs installed. \n" - "# user can access the http server pages, generally: \n" - "# curl \n" - "# which will show srs version and welcome to srs. \n" - "# @remark, the http embeded stream need to config the vhost, for instance, the __defaultVhost__ \n" - "# need to open the feature http of vhost. \n" - "http_stream { \n" - " # whether http streaming service is enabled. \n" - " # default: off \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # the http streaming port \n" - " # @remark, if use lower port, for instance 80, user must start srs by root. \n" - " # default: 8080 \n" - " listen 8080; \n" - " # the default dir for http root. \n" - " # default: ./objs/nginx/html \n" - " dir ./objs/nginx/html; \n" - "} \n" - "# system statistics section. \n" - "# the main cycle will retrieve the system stat, \n" - "# for example, the cpu/mem/network/disk-io data, \n" - "# the http api, for instance, /api/v1/summaries will show these data. \n" - "# @remark the heartbeat depends on the network, \n" - "# for example, the eth0 maybe the device which index is 0. \n" - "stats { \n" - " # the index of device ip. \n" - " # we may retrieve more than one network device. \n" - " # default: 0 \n" - " network 0; \n" - " # the device name to stat the disk iops. \n" - " # ignore the device of /proc/diskstats if not configed. \n" - " disk sda sdb xvda xvdb; \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "############################################################################################# \n" - "# RTMP/HTTP VHOST sections \n" - "############################################################################################# \n" - "# vhost list, the __defaultVhost__ is the default vhost \n" - "# for example, user use ip to access the stream: rtmp:// \n" - "# for which cannot identify the required vhost. \n" - "vhost __defaultVhost__ { \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# vhost for edge, edge and origin is the same vhost \n" - "vhost same.edge.srs.com { \n" - " # the mode of vhost, local or remote. \n" - " # local: vhost is origin vhost, which provides stream source. \n" - " # remote: vhost is edge vhost, which pull/push to origin. \n" - " # default: local \n" - " mode remote; \n" - " # for edge(remote mode), user must specifies the origin server \n" - " # format as: [:port] \n" - " # @remark user can specifies multiple origin for error backup, by space, \n" - " # for example, \n" - " origin localhost:1935; \n" - " # for edge, whether open the token traverse mode, \n" - " # if token traverse on, all connections of edge will forward to origin to check(auth), \n" - " # it's very important for the edge to do the token auth. \n" - " # the better way is use http callback to do the token auth by the edge, \n" - " # but if user prefer origin check(auth), the token_traverse if better solution. \n" - " # default: off \n" - " token_traverse off; \n" - "} \n" - "# vhost for edge, change vhost. \n" - "vhost change.edge.srs.com { \n" - " mode remote; \n" - " # TODO: FIXME: support extra params. \n" - " origin localhost:1935 { \n" - " # specify the vhost to override the vhost in client request. \n" - " vhost edge2.srs.com; \n" - " # specify the refer(pageUrl) to override the refer in client request. \n" - " refer http://srs/index.html; \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# vhost for dvr \n" - "vhost dvr.srs.com { \n" - " # dvr RTMP stream to file, \n" - " # start to record to file when encoder publish, \n" - " # reap flv according by specified dvr_plan. \n" - " # http callbacks: \n" - " dvr { \n" - " # whether enabled dvr features \n" - " # default: off \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # the dvr output path. \n" - " # the app dir is auto created under the dvr_path. \n" - " # for example, for rtmp stream: \n" - " # rtmp:// \n" - " # \n" - " # where dvr_path is /dvr, srs will create the following files: \n" - " # /dvr/live the app dir for all streams. \n" - " # /dvr/live/livestream.{time}.flv the dvr flv file. \n" - " # @remark, the time use system timestamp in ms, user can use http callback to rename it. \n" - " # in a word, the dvr_path is for vhost. \n" - " # default: ./objs/nginx/html \n" - " dvr_path ./objs/nginx/html; \n" - " # the dvr plan. canbe: \n" - " # session reap flv when session end(unpublish). \n" - " # segment reap flv when flv duration exceed the specified dvr_duration. \n" - " # default: session \n" - " dvr_plan session; \n" - " # the param for plan(segment), in seconds. \n" - " # default: 30 \n" - " dvr_duration 30; \n" - " dvr_wait_keyframe on; \n" - " # about the stream monotonically increasing: \n" - " # 1. video timestamp is monotonically increasing, \n" - " # 2. audio timestamp is monotonically increasing, \n" - " # 3. video and audio timestamp is interleaved monotonically increasing. \n" - " # it's specified by RTMP specification, @see 3. Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format \n" - " # however, some encoder cannot provides this feature, please set this to off to ignore time jitter. \n" - " # the time jitter algorithm: \n" - " # 1. full, to ensure stream start at zero, and ensure stream monotonically increasing. \n" - " # 2. zero, only ensure sttream start at zero, ignore timestamp jitter. \n" - " # 3. off, disable the time jitter algorithm, like atc. \n" - " # default: full \n" - " time_jitter full; \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# vhost for ingest \n" - "vhost ingest.srs.com { \n" - " # ingest file/stream/device then push to SRS over RTMP. \n" - " # the name/id used to identify the ingest, must be unique in global. \n" - " # ingest id is used in reload or http api management. \n" - " ingest livestream { \n" - " # whether enabled ingest features \n" - " # default: off \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # input file/stream/device \n" - " # @remark only support one input. \n" - " input { \n" - " # the type of input. \n" - " # can be file/stream/device, that is, \n" - " # file: ingest file specifies by url. \n" - " # stream: ingest stream specifeis by url. \n" - " # device: not support yet. \n" - " # default: file \n" - " type file; \n" - " # the url of file/stream. \n" - " url ./doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv; \n" - " } \n" - " # the ffmpeg \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " # the transcode engine, @see all.transcode.srs.com \n" - " # @remark, the output is specified following. \n" - " engine { \n" - " # @see enabled of transcode engine. \n" - " # if disabled or vcodec/acodec not specified, use copy. \n" - " # default: off. \n" - " enabled off; \n" - " # output stream. variables: \n" - " # [vhost] current vhost which start the ingest. \n" - " # [port] system RTMP stream port. \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/live?vhost=[vhost]/livestream; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# vhost for http \n" - "vhost http.srs.com { \n" - " # http vhost specified config \n" - " http { \n" - " # whether enabled the http streaming service for vhost. \n" - " # default: off \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # the virtual directory root for this vhost to mount at \n" - " # for example, if mount to /hls, user access by http://server/hls \n" - " # default: / \n" - " mount /hls; \n" - " # main dir of vhost, \n" - " # to delivery HTTP stream of this vhost. \n" - " # default: ./objs/nginx/html \n" - " dir ./objs/nginx/html/hls; \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# the vhost with hls specified. \n" - "vhost with-hls.srs.com { \n" - " hls { \n" - " # whether the hls is enabled. \n" - " # if off, donot write hls(ts and m3u8) when publish. \n" - " # default: off \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # the hls output path. \n" - " # the app dir is auto created under the hls_path. \n" - " # for example, for rtmp stream: \n" - " # rtmp:// \n" - " # \n" - " # where hls_path is /hls, srs will create the following files: \n" - " # /hls/live the app dir for all streams. \n" - " # /hls/live/livestream.m3u8 the HLS m3u8 file. \n" - " # /hls/live/livestream-1.ts the HLS media/ts file. \n" - " # in a word, the hls_path is for vhost. \n" - " # default: ./objs/nginx/html \n" - " hls_path ./objs/nginx/html; \n" - " # the hls fragment in seconds, the duration of a piece of ts. \n" - " # default: 10 \n" - " hls_fragment 10; \n" - " # the hls window in seconds, the number of ts in m3u8. \n" - " # default: 60 \n" - " hls_window 60; \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# the vhost with hls disabled. \n" - "vhost no-hls.srs.com { \n" - " hls { \n" - " # whether the hls is enabled. \n" - " # if off, donot write hls(ts and m3u8) when publish. \n" - " # default: off \n" - " enabled off; \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# the http hook callback vhost, srs will invoke the hooks for specified events. \n" - "vhost hooks.callback.srs.com { \n" - " http_hooks { \n" - " # whether the http hooks enalbe. \n" - " # default off. \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # when client connect to vhost/app, call the hook, \n" - " # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json: \n" - " # { \n" - " # \"action\": \"on_connect\", \n" - " # \"client_id\": 1985, \n" - " # \"ip\": \"\", \"vhost\": \"video.test.com\", \"app\": \"live\", \n" - " # \"tcUrl\": \"rtmp://video.test.com/live?key=d2fa801d08e3f90ed1e1670e6e52651a\", \n" - " # \"pageUrl\": \"http://www.test.com/live.html\" \n" - " # } \n" - " # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response \n" - " # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success): \n" - " # 0 \n" - " # support multiple api hooks, format: \n" - " # on_connect http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN \n" - " on_connect http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients; \n" - " # when client close/disconnect to vhost/app/stream, call the hook, \n" - " # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json: \n" - " # { \n" - " # \"action\": \"on_close\", \n" - " # \"client_id\": 1985, \n" - " # \"ip\": \"\", \"vhost\": \"video.test.com\", \"app\": \"live\" \n" - " # } \n" - " # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response \n" - " # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success): \n" - " # 0 \n" - " # support multiple api hooks, format: \n" - " # on_close http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN \n" - " on_close http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients; \n" - " # when client(encoder) publish to vhost/app/stream, call the hook, \n" - " # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json: \n" - " # { \n" - " # \"action\": \"on_publish\", \n" - " # \"client_id\": 1985, \n" - " # \"ip\": \"\", \"vhost\": \"video.test.com\", \"app\": \"live\", \n" - " # \"stream\": \"livestream\" \n" - " # } \n" - " # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response \n" - " # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success): \n" - " # 0 \n" - " # support multiple api hooks, format: \n" - " # on_publish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN \n" - " on_publish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams; \n" - " # when client(encoder) stop publish to vhost/app/stream, call the hook, \n" - " # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json: \n" - " # { \n" - " # \"action\": \"on_unpublish\", \n" - " # \"client_id\": 1985, \n" - " # \"ip\": \"\", \"vhost\": \"video.test.com\", \"app\": \"live\", \n" - " # \"stream\": \"livestream\" \n" - " # } \n" - " # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response \n" - " # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success): \n" - " # 0 \n" - " # support multiple api hooks, format: \n" - " # on_unpublish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN \n" - " on_unpublish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams; \n" - " # when client start to play vhost/app/stream, call the hook, \n" - " # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json: \n" - " # { \n" - " # \"action\": \"on_play\", \n" - " # \"client_id\": 1985, \n" - " # \"ip\": \"\", \"vhost\": \"video.test.com\", \"app\": \"live\", \n" - " # \"stream\": \"livestream\" \n" - " # } \n" - " # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response \n" - " # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success): \n" - " # 0 \n" - " # support multiple api hooks, format: \n" - " # on_play http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN \n" - " on_play http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions; \n" - " # when client stop to play vhost/app/stream, call the hook, \n" - " # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json: \n" - " # { \n" - " # \"action\": \"on_stop\", \n" - " # \"client_id\": 1985, \n" - " # \"ip\": \"\", \"vhost\": \"video.test.com\", \"app\": \"live\", \n" - " # \"stream\": \"livestream\" \n" - " # } \n" - " # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response \n" - " # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success): \n" - " # 0 \n" - " # support multiple api hooks, format: \n" - " # on_stop http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN \n" - " on_stop http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions; \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# the vhost for min delay, donot cache any stream. \n" - "vhost min.delay.com { \n" - " # whether cache the last gop. \n" - " # if on, cache the last gop and dispatch to client, \n" - " # to enabled fast startup for client, client play immediately. \n" - " # if off, send the latest media data to client, \n" - " # client need to wait for the next Iframe to decode and show the video. \n" - " # set to off if requires min delay; \n" - " # set to on if requires client fast startup. \n" - " # default: on \n" - " gop_cache off; \n" - " # the max live queue length in seconds. \n" - " # if the messages in the queue exceed the max length, \n" - " # drop the old whole gop. \n" - " # default: 30 \n" - " queue_length 10; \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# the vhost for srs debug info, whether send args in connect(tcUrl). \n" - "vhost debug.srs.com { \n" - " # when upnode(forward to, edge push to, edge pull from) is srs, \n" - " # it's strongly recommend to open the debug_srs_upnode, \n" - " # when connect to upnode, it will take the debug info, \n" - " # for example, the id, source id, pid. \n" - " # please see: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server/wiki/v1_CN_SrsLog \n" - " # default: on \n" - " debug_srs_upnode on; \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# the vhost for antisuck. \n" - "vhost refer.anti_suck.com { \n" - " # the common refer for play and publish. \n" - " # if the page url of client not in the refer, access denied. \n" - " # if not specified this field, allow all. \n" - " # default: not specified. \n" - " refer github.com github.io; \n" - " # refer for publish clients specified. \n" - " # the common refer is not overrided by this. \n" - " # if not specified this field, allow all. \n" - " # default: not specified. \n" - " refer_publish github.com github.io; \n" - " # refer for play clients specified. \n" - " # the common refer is not overrided by this. \n" - " # if not specified this field, allow all. \n" - " # default: not specified. \n" - " refer_play github.com github.io; \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# the vhost which forward publish streams. \n" - "vhost same.vhost.forward.srs.com { \n" - " # forward all publish stream to the specified server. \n" - " # this used to split/forward the current stream for cluster active-standby, \n" - " # active-active for cdn to build high available fault tolerance system. \n" - " # format: {ip}:{port} {ip_N}:{port_N} \n" - " # or specify the vhost by params, @see: change.vhost.forward.srs.com \n" - " # if vhost not specified, use the request vhost instead. \n" - " forward; \n" - "} \n" - "# TODO: FIXME: support extra params. \n" - "# [plan] the vhost which forward publish streams to other vhosts. \n" - "vhost change.vhost.forward.srs.com { \n" - " forward { \n" - " # specify the vhost to override the vhost in client request. \n" - " vhost forward2.srs.com; \n" - " # specify the refer(pageUrl) to override the refer in client request. \n" - " refer http://srs/index.html; \n" - " } \n" - " forward { \n" - " vhost forward3.srs.com; \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# the mirror filter of ffmpeg, @see: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#Filtering-Introduction \n" - "vhost mirror.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " transcode { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " engine mirror { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vfilter { \n" - " vf 'split [main][tmp]; [tmp] crop=iw:ih/2:0:0, vflip [flip]; [main][flip] overlay=0:H/2'; \n" - " } \n" - " vcodec libx264; \n" - " vbitrate 300; \n" - " vfps 20; \n" - " vwidth 768; \n" - " vheight 320; \n" - " vthreads 2; \n" - " vprofile baseline; \n" - " vpreset superfast; \n" - " vparams { \n" - " } \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 45; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# \n" - "# the drawtext filter of ffmpeg, @see: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#drawtext-1 \n" - "# remark: we remove the libfreetype which always cause build failed, you must add it manual if needed. \n" - "# \n" - "####################################################################################################### \n" - "# the crop filter of ffmpeg, @see: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#crop \n" - "vhost crop.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " transcode { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " engine crop { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vfilter { \n" - " vf 'crop=in_w-20:in_h-160:10:80'; \n" - " } \n" - " vcodec libx264; \n" - " vbitrate 300; \n" - " vfps 20; \n" - " vwidth 768; \n" - " vheight 320; \n" - " vthreads 2; \n" - " vprofile baseline; \n" - " vpreset superfast; \n" - " vparams { \n" - " } \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 45; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# the logo filter of ffmpeg, @see: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html#overlay \n" - "vhost logo.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " transcode { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " engine logo { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vfilter { \n" - " i ./doc/ffmpeg-logo.png; \n" - " filter_complex 'overlay=10:10'; \n" - " } \n" - " vcodec libx264; \n" - " vbitrate 300; \n" - " vfps 20; \n" - " vwidth 768; \n" - " vheight 320; \n" - " vthreads 2; \n" - " vprofile baseline; \n" - " vpreset superfast; \n" - " vparams { \n" - " } \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 45; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# audio transcode only. \n" - "# for example, FMLE publish audio codec in mp3, and donot support HLS output, \n" - "# we can transcode the audio to aac and copy video to the new stream with HLS. \n" - "vhost audio.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " transcode { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " engine acodec { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec copy; \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 45; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# disable video, transcode/copy audio. \n" - "# for example, publish pure audio stream. \n" - "vhost vn.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " transcode { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " engine vn { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec vn; \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 45; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# ffmpeg-copy(forward implements by ffmpeg). \n" - "# copy the video and audio to a new stream. \n" - "vhost copy.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " transcode { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " engine copy { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec copy; \n" - " acodec copy; \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# transcode all app and stream of vhost \n" - "vhost all.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " # the streaming transcode configs. \n" - " transcode { \n" - " # whether the transcode enabled. \n" - " # if off, donot transcode. \n" - " # default: off. \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # the ffmpeg \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " # the transcode engine for matched stream. \n" - " # all matched stream will transcoded to the following stream. \n" - " # the transcode set name(ie. hd) is optional and not used. \n" - " engine ffsuper { \n" - " # whether the engine is enabled \n" - " # default: off. \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # input format, can be: \n" - " # off, do not specifies the format, ffmpeg will guess it. \n" - " # flv, for flv or RTMP stream. \n" - " # other format, for example, mp4/aac whatever. \n" - " # default: flv \n" - " iformat flv; \n" - " # ffmpeg filters, follows the main input. \n" - " vfilter { \n" - " # the logo input file. \n" - " i ./doc/ffmpeg-logo.png; \n" - " # the ffmpeg complex filter. \n" - " # for filters, @see: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html \n" - " filter_complex 'overlay=10:10'; \n" - " } \n" - " # video encoder name. can be: \n" - " # libx264: use h.264(libx264) video encoder. \n" - " # copy: donot encoder the video stream, copy it. \n" - " # vn: disable video output. \n" - " vcodec libx264; \n" - " # video bitrate, in kbps \n" - " vbitrate 1500; \n" - " # video framerate. \n" - " vfps 25; \n" - " # video width, must be even numbers. \n" - " vwidth 768; \n" - " # video height, must be even numbers. \n" - " vheight 320; \n" - " # the max threads for ffmpeg to used. \n" - " vthreads 12; \n" - " # x264 profile, @see x264 -help, can be: \n" - " # high,main,baseline \n" - " vprofile main; \n" - " # x264 preset, @see x264 -help, can be: \n" - " # ultrafast,superfast,veryfast,faster,fast \n" - " # medium,slow,slower,veryslow,placebo \n" - " vpreset medium; \n" - " # other x264 or ffmpeg video params \n" - " vparams { \n" - " # ffmpeg options, @see: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html \n" - " t 100; \n" - " # 264 params, @see: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-codecs.html#libx264 \n" - " coder 1; \n" - " b_strategy 2; \n" - " bf 3; \n" - " refs 10; \n" - " } \n" - " # audio encoder name. can be: \n" - " # libaacplus: use aac(libaacplus) audio encoder. \n" - " # copy: donot encoder the audio stream, copy it. \n" - " # an: disable audio output. \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " # audio bitrate, in kbps. [16, 72] for libaacplus. \n" - " abitrate 70; \n" - " # audio sample rate. for flv/rtmp, it must be: \n" - " # 44100,22050,11025,5512 \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " # audio channel, 1 for mono, 2 for stereo. \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " # other ffmpeg audio params \n" - " aparams { \n" - " # audio params, @see: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-codecs.html#Audio-Encoders \n" - " profile:a aac_low; \n" - " } \n" - " # output format, can be: \n" - " # off, do not specifies the format, ffmpeg will guess it. \n" - " # flv, for flv or RTMP stream. \n" - " # other format, for example, mp4/aac whatever. \n" - " # default: flv \n" - " oformat flv; \n" - " # output stream. variables: \n" - " # [vhost] the input stream vhost. \n" - " # [port] the intput stream port. \n" - " # [app] the input stream app. \n" - " # [stream] the input stream name. \n" - " # [engine] the tanscode engine name. \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " engine ffhd { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec libx264; \n" - " vbitrate 1200; \n" - " vfps 25; \n" - " vwidth 1382; \n" - " vheight 576; \n" - " vthreads 6; \n" - " vprofile main; \n" - " vpreset medium; \n" - " vparams { \n" - " } \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 70; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " engine ffsd { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec libx264; \n" - " vbitrate 800; \n" - " vfps 25; \n" - " vwidth 1152; \n" - " vheight 480; \n" - " vthreads 4; \n" - " vprofile main; \n" - " vpreset fast; \n" - " vparams { \n" - " } \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 60; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " engine fffast { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec libx264; \n" - " vbitrate 300; \n" - " vfps 20; \n" - " vwidth 768; \n" - " vheight 320; \n" - " vthreads 2; \n" - " vprofile baseline; \n" - " vpreset superfast; \n" - " vparams { \n" - " } \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 45; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " engine vcopy { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec copy; \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 45; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " engine acopy { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec libx264; \n" - " vbitrate 300; \n" - " vfps 20; \n" - " vwidth 768; \n" - " vheight 320; \n" - " vthreads 2; \n" - " vprofile baseline; \n" - " vpreset superfast; \n" - " vparams { \n" - " } \n" - " acodec copy; \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " engine copy { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec copy; \n" - " acodec copy; \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# transcode all stream using the empty ffmpeg demo, donothing. \n" - "vhost ffempty.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " transcode { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/research/ffempty; \n" - " engine empty { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " vcodec libx264; \n" - " vbitrate 300; \n" - " vfps 20; \n" - " vwidth 768; \n" - " vheight 320; \n" - " vthreads 2; \n" - " vprofile baseline; \n" - " vpreset superfast; \n" - " vparams { \n" - " } \n" - " acodec libaacplus; \n" - " abitrate 45; \n" - " asample_rate 44100; \n" - " achannels 2; \n" - " aparams { \n" - " } \n" - " output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# transcode all app and stream of app \n" - "vhost app.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " # the streaming transcode configs. \n" - " # if app specified, transcode all streams of app. \n" - " transcode live { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " engine { \n" - " enabled off; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - "# transcode specified stream. \n" - "vhost stream.transcode.srs.com { \n" - " # the streaming transcode configs. \n" - " # if stream specified, transcode the matched stream. \n" - " transcode live/livestream { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n" - " engine { \n" - " enabled off; \n" - " } \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# vhost for bandwidth check \n" - "# generally, the bandcheck vhost must be: bandcheck.srs.com, \n" - "# or need to modify the vhost of client. \n" - "vhost bandcheck.srs.com { \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " chunk_size 65000; \n" - " # bandwidth check config. \n" - " bandcheck { \n" - " # whether support bandwidth check, \n" - " # default: off. \n" - " enabled on; \n" - " # the key for server to valid, \n" - " # if invalid key, server disconnect and abort the bandwidth check. \n" - " key \"35c9b402c12a7246868752e2878f7e0e\"; \n" - " # the interval in seconds for bandwidth check, \n" - " # server donot allow new test request. \n" - " # default: 30 \n" - " interval 30; \n" - " # the max available check bandwidth in kbps. \n" - " # to avoid attack of bandwidth check. \n" - " # default: 1000 \n" - " limit_kbps 4000; \n" - " } \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# set the chunk size of vhost. \n" - "vhost chunksize.srs.com { \n" - " # the default chunk size is 128, max is 65536, \n" - " # some client does not support chunk size change, \n" - " # vhost chunk size will override the global value. \n" - " # default: global chunk size. \n" - " chunk_size 128; \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# vhost for time jitter \n" - "vhost jitter.srs.com { \n" - " # about the stream monotonically increasing: \n" - " # 1. video timestamp is monotonically increasing, \n" - " # 2. audio timestamp is monotonically increasing, \n" - " # 3. video and audio timestamp is interleaved monotonically increasing. \n" - " # it's specified by RTMP specification, @see 3. Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format \n" - " # however, some encoder cannot provides this feature, please set this to off to ignore time jitter. \n" - " # the time jitter algorithm: \n" - " # 1. full, to ensure stream start at zero, and ensure stream monotonically increasing. \n" - " # 2. zero, only ensure sttream start at zero, ignore timestamp jitter. \n" - " # 3. off, disable the time jitter algorithm, like atc. \n" - " # default: full \n" - " time_jitter full; \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# vhost for atc. \n" - "vhost atc.srs.com { \n" - " # vhost for atc for hls/hds/rtmp backup. \n" - " # generally, atc default to off, server delivery rtmp stream to client(flash) timestamp from 0. \n" - " # when atc is on, server delivery rtmp stream by absolute time. \n" - " # atc is used, for instance, encoder will copy stream to master and slave server, \n" - " # server use atc to delivery stream to edge/client, where stream time from master/slave server \n" - " # is always the same, client/tools can slice RTMP stream to HLS according to the same time, \n" - " # if the time not the same, the HLS stream cannot slice to support system backup. \n" - " # \n" - " # @see http://www.adobe.com/cn/devnet/adobe-media-server/articles/varnish-sample-for-failover.html \n" - " # @see http://www.baidu.com/#wd=hds%20hls%20atc \n" - " # \n" - " # default: off \n" - " atc on; \n" - " # whether enable the auto atc, \n" - " # if enabled, detect the bravo_atc=\"true\" in onMetaData packet, \n" - " # set atc to on if matched. \n" - " # always ignore the onMetaData if atc_auto is off. \n" - " # default: on \n" - " atc_auto on; \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# the vhost disabled. \n" - "vhost removed.srs.com { \n" - " # whether the vhost is enabled. \n" - " # if off, all request access denied. \n" - " # default: on \n" - " enabled off; \n" - "} \n" - " \n" - "# config for the pithy print, \n" - "# which always print constant message specified by interval, \n" - "# whatever the clients in concurrency. \n" - "pithy_print { \n" - " # shared print interval for all publish clients, in milliseconds. \n" - " # default: 10000 \n" - " publish 10000; \n" - " # shared print interval for all play clients, in milliseconds. \n" - " # default: 10000 \n" - " play 10000; \n" - " # shared print interval for all forwarders, in milliseconds. \n" - " # default: 10000 \n" - " forwarder 10000; \n" - " # shared print interval for all encoders, in milliseconds. \n" - " # default: 10000 \n" - " encoder 10000; \n" - " # shared print interval for all ingesters, in milliseconds. \n" - " # default: 10000 \n" - " ingester 10000; \n" - " # shared print interval for all hls, in milliseconds. \n" - " # default: 10000 \n" - " hls 10000; \n" - " # shared print interval for all edge, in milliseconds. \n" - " # default: 10000 \n" - " edge 10000; \n" - "} \n" +"listen 1935; \n " +"pid ./objs/srs.pid; \n " +"chunk_size 60000; \n " +"ff_log_dir ./objs; \n " +"srs_log_tank file; \n " +"srs_log_level trace; \n " +"srs_log_file ./objs/srs.log; \n " +"max_connections 1000; \n " +"daemon on; \n " +" \n " +"heartbeat { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +" interval 9.3; \n " +" url; \n " +" device_id \"my-srs-device\"; \n " +" summaries off; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"stats { \n " +" network 0; \n " +" disk sda sdb xvda xvdb; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"http_api { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" listen 1985; \n " +" crossdomain on; \n " +"} \n " +"http_server { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" listen 8080; \n " +" dir ./objs/nginx/html; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"stream_caster { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +" caster mpegts_over_udp; \n " +" output rtmp://; \n " +" listen 8935; \n " +" rtp_port_min 57200; \n " +" rtp_port_max 57300; \n " +"} \n " +"stream_caster { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +" caster mpegts_over_udp; \n " +" output rtmp://; \n " +" listen 8935; \n " +"} \n " +"stream_caster { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +" caster rtsp; \n " +" output rtmp://[app]/[stream]; \n " +" listen 554; \n " +" rtp_port_min 57200; \n " +" rtp_port_max 57300; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost __defaultVhost__ { \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost security.srs.com { \n " +" security { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" allow play all; \n " +" allow publish all; \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost mrw.srs.com { \n " +" min_latency off; \n " +" mr { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" latency 350; \n " +" } \n " +" mw_latency 350; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost same.edge.srs.com { \n " +" mode remote; \n " +" origin localhost:1935; \n " +" token_traverse off; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost dvr.srs.com { \n " +" dvr { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" dvr_plan session; \n " +" dvr_path ./objs/nginx/html; \n " +" dvr_duration 30; \n " +" dvr_wait_keyframe on; \n " +" time_jitter full; \n " +" \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost ingest.srs.com { \n " +" ingest livestream { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" input { \n " +" type file; \n " +" url ./doc/source.200kbps.768x320.flv; \n " +" } \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/live?vhost=[vhost]/livestream; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost http.static.srs.com { \n " +" http { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" mount [vhost]/hls; \n " +" dir ./objs/nginx/html/hls; \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost http.remux.srs.com { \n " +" http_remux { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" fast_cache 30; \n " +" mount [vhost]/[app]/[stream].flv; \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost with-hls.srs.com { \n " +" hls { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" hls_fragment 10; \n " +" hls_td_ratio 1.5; \n " +" hls_window 60; \n " +" hls_on_error ignore; \n " +" hls_storage disk; \n " +" hls_path ./objs/nginx/html; \n " +" hls_mount [vhost]/[app]/[stream].m3u8; \n " +" hls_acodec aac; \n " +" hls_vcodec h264; \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost no-hls.srs.com { \n " +" hls { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost hooks.callback.srs.com { \n " +" http_hooks { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" on_connect http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients; \n " +" on_close http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients; \n " +" on_publish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams; \n " +" on_unpublish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams; \n " +" on_play http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions; \n " +" on_stop http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions; \n " +" on_dvr http://localhost:8085/api/v1/dvrs; \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost debug.srs.com { \n " +" debug_srs_upnode on; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost min.delay.com { \n " +" min_latency on; \n " +" mr { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +" } \n " +" mw_latency 100; \n " +" gop_cache off; \n " +" queue_length 10; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost refer.anti_suck.com { \n " +" refer github.com github.io; \n " +" refer_publish github.com github.io; \n " +" refer_play github.com github.io; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost same.vhost.forward.srs.com { \n " +" forward; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost example.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine example { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" iformat flv; \n " +" vfilter { \n " +" i ./doc/ffmpeg-logo.png; \n " +" filter_complex 'overlay=10:10'; \n " +" } \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 1500; \n " +" vfps 25; \n " +" vwidth 768; \n " +" vheight 320; \n " +" vthreads 12; \n " +" vprofile main; \n " +" vpreset medium; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" t 100; \n " +" coder 1; \n " +" b_strategy 2; \n " +" bf 3; \n " +" refs 10; \n " +" } \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 70; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" profile:a aac_low; \n " +" } \n " +" oformat flv; \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost mirror.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine mirror { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vfilter { \n " +" vf 'split [main][tmp]; [tmp] crop=iw:ih/2:0:0, vflip [flip]; [main][flip] overlay=0:H/2'; \n " +" } \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 300; \n " +" vfps 20; \n " +" vwidth 768; \n " +" vheight 320; \n " +" vthreads 2; \n " +" vprofile baseline; \n " +" vpreset superfast; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" } \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 45; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost crop.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine crop { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vfilter { \n " +" vf 'crop=in_w-20:in_h-160:10:80'; \n " +" } \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 300; \n " +" vfps 20; \n " +" vwidth 768; \n " +" vheight 320; \n " +" vthreads 2; \n " +" vprofile baseline; \n " +" vpreset superfast; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" } \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 45; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost logo.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine logo { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vfilter { \n " +" i ./doc/ffmpeg-logo.png; \n " +" filter_complex 'overlay=10:10'; \n " +" } \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 300; \n " +" vfps 20; \n " +" vwidth 768; \n " +" vheight 320; \n " +" vthreads 2; \n " +" vprofile baseline; \n " +" vpreset superfast; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" } \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 45; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost audio.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine acodec { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec copy; \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 45; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost vn.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine vn { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec vn; \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 45; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost copy.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine copy { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec copy; \n " +" acodec copy; \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost all.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine ffsuper { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" iformat flv; \n " +" vfilter { \n " +" i ./doc/ffmpeg-logo.png; \n " +" filter_complex 'overlay=10:10'; \n " +" } \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 1500; \n " +" vfps 25; \n " +" vwidth 768; \n " +" vheight 320; \n " +" vthreads 12; \n " +" vprofile main; \n " +" vpreset medium; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" t 100; \n " +" coder 1; \n " +" b_strategy 2; \n " +" bf 3; \n " +" refs 10; \n " +" } \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 70; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" profile:a aac_low; \n " +" } \n " +" oformat flv; \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" engine ffhd { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 1200; \n " +" vfps 25; \n " +" vwidth 1382; \n " +" vheight 576; \n " +" vthreads 6; \n " +" vprofile main; \n " +" vpreset medium; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" } \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 70; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" engine ffsd { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 800; \n " +" vfps 25; \n " +" vwidth 1152; \n " +" vheight 480; \n " +" vthreads 4; \n " +" vprofile main; \n " +" vpreset fast; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" } \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 60; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" engine fffast { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 300; \n " +" vfps 20; \n " +" vwidth 768; \n " +" vheight 320; \n " +" vthreads 2; \n " +" vprofile baseline; \n " +" vpreset superfast; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" } \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 45; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" engine vcopy { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec copy; \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 45; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" engine acopy { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 300; \n " +" vfps 20; \n " +" vwidth 768; \n " +" vheight 320; \n " +" vthreads 2; \n " +" vprofile baseline; \n " +" vpreset superfast; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" } \n " +" acodec copy; \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" engine copy { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec copy; \n " +" acodec copy; \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost ffempty.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/research/ffempty; \n " +" engine empty { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" vcodec libx264; \n " +" vbitrate 300; \n " +" vfps 20; \n " +" vwidth 768; \n " +" vheight 320; \n " +" vthreads 2; \n " +" vprofile baseline; \n " +" vpreset superfast; \n " +" vparams { \n " +" } \n " +" acodec libaacplus; \n " +" abitrate 45; \n " +" asample_rate 44100; \n " +" achannels 2; \n " +" aparams { \n " +" } \n " +" output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine]; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost app.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode live { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +"vhost stream.transcode.srs.com { \n " +" transcode live/livestream { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" ffmpeg ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg; \n " +" engine { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +" } \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost bandcheck.srs.com { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" chunk_size 65000; \n " +" bandcheck { \n " +" enabled on; \n " +" key \"35c9b402c12a7246868752e2878f7e0e\"; \n " +" interval 30; \n " +" limit_kbps 4000; \n " +" } \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost chunksize.srs.com { \n " +" chunk_size 128; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost jitter.srs.com { \n " +" time_jitter full; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost atc.srs.com { \n " +" atc on; \n " +" atc_auto on; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"vhost removed.srs.com { \n " +" enabled off; \n " +"} \n " +" \n " +"pithy_print_ms 10000; \n " ; VOID TEST(ConfigTest, CheckMacros) @@ -1132,25 +721,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigTest, CheckMacros) #ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_STATS_NETWORK_DEVICE_INDEX EXPECT_TRUE(false); #endif -#ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_STAGE_PLAY_USER_INTERVAL_MS - EXPECT_TRUE(false); -#endif -#ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_STAGE_PUBLISH_USER_INTERVAL_MS - EXPECT_TRUE(false); -#endif -#ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_STAGE_FORWARDER_INTERVAL_MS - EXPECT_TRUE(false); -#endif -#ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_STAGE_ENCODER_INTERVAL_MS - EXPECT_TRUE(false); -#endif -#ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_STAGE_INGESTER_INTERVAL_MS - EXPECT_TRUE(false); -#endif -#ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_STAGE_HLS_INTERVAL_MS - EXPECT_TRUE(false); -#endif -#ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_STAGE_EDGE_INTERVAL_MS +#ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_PITHY_PRINT_MS EXPECT_TRUE(false); #endif #ifndef SRS_CONF_DEFAULT_INGEST_TYPE_FILE @@ -1821,7 +1392,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf) EXPECT_EQ(1000, conf.get_max_connections()); EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_deamon()); - EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_heartbeat_enabled()); + EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_heartbeat_enabled()); EXPECT_EQ(9300, conf.get_heartbeat_interval()); EXPECT_STREQ("", conf.get_heartbeat_url().c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("my-srs-device", conf.get_heartbeat_device_id().c_str()); @@ -1943,7 +1514,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -2350,9 +1921,9 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_http) EXPECT_EQ(30, conf.get_dvr_duration(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); - EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/hls", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); - EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html/hls", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_hls_enabled) @@ -2429,7 +2000,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_hls_enabled) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -2507,7 +2078,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_hls_disabled) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -2616,7 +2187,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_http_hooks) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -2695,7 +2266,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_min_delay) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -2789,7 +2360,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_refer_anti_suck) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -2873,7 +2444,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_forward_same_vhost) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -2953,7 +2524,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_forward_change_vhost) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str());*/ } @@ -3043,7 +2614,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_mirror) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -3133,7 +2704,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_crop) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -3223,7 +2794,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_logo) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -3307,7 +2878,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_audio) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -3391,7 +2962,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_vn) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -3471,7 +3042,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_copy) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -3689,7 +3260,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_all) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -3779,7 +3350,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_ffempty) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -3869,7 +3440,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_app) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -3959,7 +3530,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_transcode_stream) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -4038,7 +3609,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_bandcheck) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -4117,7 +3688,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_chunksize) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -4196,7 +3767,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_jitter) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -4275,7 +3846,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_atc) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -4354,7 +3925,7 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, ParseFullConf_removed) EXPECT_TRUE(conf.get_dvr_wait_keyframe(vhost)); EXPECT_TRUE(SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithmFULL == conf.get_dvr_time_jitter(vhost)); EXPECT_FALSE(conf.get_vhost_http_enabled(vhost)); - EXPECT_STREQ("/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); + EXPECT_STREQ("[vhost]/", conf.get_vhost_http_mount(vhost).c_str()); EXPECT_STREQ("./objs/nginx/html", conf.get_vhost_http_dir(vhost).c_str()); } @@ -5466,82 +5037,12 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigMainTest, CheckConf_pithy_print) { if (true) { MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS != conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_prints{}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{publish 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS != conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{publishs 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{play 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS != conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{plays 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{forwarder 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS != conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{forwarders 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{encoder 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS != conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{encoders 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{ingester 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS != conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{ingesters 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{hls 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS != conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{hlss 10000;}")); - } - - if (true) { - MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{edge 10000;}")); + EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print_ms 1000;")); } if (true) { MockSrsConfig conf; - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS != conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print{edges 10000;}")); + EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS != conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print_mss 1000;")); } } diff --git a/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_reload.cpp b/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_reload.cpp index 94b51813d..166a0247c 100644 --- a/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_reload.cpp +++ b/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_reload.cpp @@ -460,17 +460,17 @@ VOID TEST(ConfigReloadTest, ReloadPithyPrint) MockSrsReloadConfig conf; conf.subscribe(&handler); - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print {publish 1000;}")); - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.reload(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print {publish 1000;}")); + EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.parse(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print_ms 1000;")); + EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.reload(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print_ms 1000;")); EXPECT_TRUE(handler.all_false()); handler.reset(); - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.reload(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print {publish 2000;}")); + EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.reload(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print_ms 2000;")); EXPECT_TRUE(handler.pithy_print_reloaded); EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.count_true()); handler.reset(); - EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.reload(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print {publish 1000;}")); + EXPECT_TRUE(ERROR_SUCCESS == conf.reload(_MIN_OK_CONF"pithy_print_ms 1000;")); EXPECT_EQ(1, handler.count_true()); handler.reset(); }