@ -1000,6 +1000,16 @@ vhost exec.srs.com {
# [tcUrl] the client request tcUrl.
# [swfUrl] the client request swfUrl.
# [pageUrl] the client request pageUrl.
# we also support datetime variables.
# [2006], replace this const to current year.
# [01], replace this const to current month.
# [02], replace this const to current date.
# [15], replace this const to current hour.
# [04], replace this const to current minute.
# [05], replace this const to current second.
# [999], replace this const to current millisecond.
# [timestamp],replace this const to current UNIX timestamp in ms.
# @remark we use golang time format "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999" as "[2006]-[01]-[02]_[15].[04].[05]_[999]"
# @remark empty to ignore this exec.
publish ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -f flv -i [url] -c copy -y ./[stream].flv;
@ -1353,6 +1363,16 @@ vhost ingest.srs.com {
# output stream. variables:
# [vhost] current vhost which start the ingest.
# [port] system RTMP stream port.
# we also support datetime variables.
# [2006], replace this const to current year.
# [01], replace this const to current month.
# [02], replace this const to current date.
# [15], replace this const to current hour.
# [04], replace this const to current minute.
# [05], replace this const to current second.
# [999], replace this const to current millisecond.
# [timestamp],replace this const to current UNIX timestamp in ms.
# @remark we use golang time format "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999" as "[2006]-[01]-[02]_[15].[04].[05]_[999]"
output rtmp://[port]/live?vhost=[vhost]/livestream;
@ -1541,6 +1561,16 @@ vhost example.transcode.srs.com {
# [app] the input stream app.
# [stream] the input stream name.
# [engine] the transcode engine name.
# we also support datetime variables.
# [2006], replace this const to current year.
# [01], replace this const to current month.
# [02], replace this const to current date.
# [15], replace this const to current hour.
# [04], replace this const to current minute.
# [05], replace this const to current second.
# [999], replace this const to current millisecond.
# [timestamp],replace this const to current UNIX timestamp in ms.
# @remark we use golang time format "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999" as "[2006]-[01]-[02]_[15].[04].[05]_[999]"
output rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine];