@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ gcc srs_flv_injecter.c ../../objs/lib/srs_librtmp.a -g -O0 -lstdc++ -o srs_flv_i
#define ERROR_INJECTED 10000
int process(const char* in_flv_file, const char* out_flv_file, srs_flv_t* pic, srs_flv_t* poc);
int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int ret = 0;
@ -108,22 +107,52 @@ int process(const char* in_flv_file, const char* out_flv_file, srs_flv_t* pic, s
int ret = 0;
if ((*pic = srs_flv_open_read(in_flv_file)) == NULL) {
srs_flv_t ic;
srs_flv_t oc;
// to adjust metadata.
// the ic metadata end offset, the next tag start offset.
// all oc metadata must adjust according to:
// adjust = new_metadata_end_offset - metadata_end_offset
int64_t metadata_end_offset = 0;
// metadata
srs_amf0_t amf0_name = NULL;
srs_amf0_t amf0_data = NULL;
srs_amf0_t filepositions = NULL;
if ((ic = srs_flv_open_read(in_flv_file)) == NULL) {
ret = 2;
trace("open input flv file failed. ret=%d", ret);
return ret;
*pic = ic;
if ((*poc = srs_flv_open_write(out_flv_file)) == NULL) {
if ((oc = srs_flv_open_write(out_flv_file)) == NULL) {
ret = 2;
trace("open output flv file failed. ret=%d", ret);
return ret;
*poc = oc;
* we use two roundtrip to avoid the paddings of metadata,
* to support large keyframes videos without padding fields.
// build keyframes offset to metadata.
if ((ret = build_keyframes(ic, &amf0_name, &amf0_data, &filepositions, &metadata_end_offset)) != 0) {
return ret;
if ((ret = inject_flv(*pic, *poc)) != 0) {
// inject the metadata to oc.
if ((ret = do_inject_flv(ic, oc, amf0_name, amf0_data, filepositions, metadata_end_offset)) != 0) {
return ret;
// TODO: FIXME: mem leak when error.
return ret;
@ -148,12 +177,13 @@ int parse_metadata(char* data, int size, srs_amf0_t* pname, srs_amf0_t* pdata)
return ret;
int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc)
int build_keyframes(srs_flv_t ic, srs_amf0_t *pname, srs_amf0_t* pdata, srs_amf0_t* pfilepositions, int64_t* pmetadata_end_offset)
int ret = 0;
// flv header
char header[13];
// packet data
char type;
u_int32_t timestamp = 0;
@ -163,8 +193,8 @@ int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc)
// metadata
srs_amf0_t amf0_name = NULL;
int amf0_name_size = 0;
srs_amf0_t amf0_data = NULL;
srs_amf0_t keyframes = NULL;
srs_amf0_t filepositions = NULL;
srs_amf0_t times = NULL;
@ -184,7 +214,7 @@ int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc)
if ((ret = srs_flv_read_tag_header(ic, &type, &size, ×tamp)) != 0) {
if (srs_flv_is_eof(ret)) {
trace("parse completed.");
return 0;
trace("flv get packet failed. ret=%d", ret);
return ret;
@ -192,7 +222,7 @@ int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc)
if (size <= 0) {
trace("invalid size=%d", size);
return ret;
// TODO: FIXME: mem leak when error.
@ -208,30 +238,40 @@ int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc)
srs_amf0_strict_array_append(times, srs_amf0_create_number(((double)timestamp)/ 1000));
} else if (type == SRS_RTMP_TYPE_SCRIPT) {
*pmetadata_end_offset = srs_flv_tellg(ic);
if ((ret = parse_metadata(data, size, &amf0_name, &amf0_data)) != 0) {
return ret;
*pname = amf0_name;
*pdata = amf0_data;
if (srs_amf0_is_object(amf0_data)) {
keyframes = srs_amf0_object_property(amf0_data, "keyframes");
if (keyframes != NULL) {
return 0;
if (keyframes == NULL) {
keyframes = srs_amf0_create_ecma_array();
keyframes = srs_amf0_create_ecma_array();
srs_amf0_object_property_set(amf0_data, "keyframes", keyframes);
filepositions = srs_amf0_create_strict_array();
// always clear the old keyframes.
*pfilepositions = filepositions = srs_amf0_create_strict_array();
srs_amf0_object_property_set(keyframes, "filepositions", filepositions);
times = srs_amf0_create_strict_array();
srs_amf0_object_property_set(keyframes, "times", times);
} else if (srs_amf0_is_ecma_array(amf0_data)) {
keyframes = srs_amf0_ecma_array_property(amf0_data, "keyframes");
if (keyframes != NULL) {
return 0;
if (keyframes == NULL) {
keyframes = srs_amf0_create_ecma_array();
keyframes = srs_amf0_create_ecma_array();
srs_amf0_ecma_array_property_set(amf0_data, "keyframes", keyframes);
filepositions = srs_amf0_create_strict_array();
// always clear the old keyframes.
*pfilepositions = filepositions = srs_amf0_create_strict_array();
srs_amf0_ecma_array_property_set(keyframes, "filepositions", filepositions);
times = srs_amf0_create_strict_array();
srs_amf0_ecma_array_property_set(keyframes, "times", times);
@ -240,6 +280,30 @@ int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc)
return ret;
int do_inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc, srs_amf0_t amf0_name, srs_amf0_t amf0_data, srs_amf0_t filepositions, int64_t metadata_end_offset)
int ret = 0;
// flv header
char header[13];
// packet data
char type;
u_int32_t timestamp = 0;
char* data = NULL;
int32_t size;
// metadata
srs_amf0_t fileposition = NULL;
int amf0_name_size = 0;
int i;
// the metadata end offset, the next tag start offset.
int64_t new_metadata_end_offset = 0;
int offset_adjust = 0;
// reset to write injected file
srs_flv_lseek(ic, 0);
@ -255,7 +319,18 @@ int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc)
if (amf0_name != NULL && amf0_data != NULL) {
amf0_name_size = srs_amf0_size(amf0_name);
size = amf0_name_size + srs_amf0_size(amf0_data);
// adjust all offset of keyframes.
new_metadata_end_offset = srs_flv_tellg(oc) + srs_flv_size_tag(size);
// the adjust is new offset sub the old offset of metadata end.
offset_adjust = new_metadata_end_offset - metadata_end_offset;
for (i = 0; i < srs_amf0_strict_array_property_count(filepositions); i++) {
fileposition = srs_amf0_strict_array_property_at(filepositions, i);
srs_amf0_set_number(fileposition, srs_amf0_to_number(fileposition) + offset_adjust);
data = (char*)malloc(size);
memset(data, 0, size);
if ((ret = srs_amf0_serialize(amf0_name, data, amf0_name_size)) != 0) {
return ret;
@ -267,6 +342,7 @@ int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc)
trace("build keyframe infos from flv");
for (;;) {
// tag header
@ -303,8 +379,5 @@ int inject_flv(srs_flv_t ic, srs_flv_t oc)
return ret;