@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ Supported operating systems and hardware:
1. [experiment] Support push RTSP to SRS, read [bug #133][bug #133].
1. [experiment] Support push flv stream over HTTP POST to SRS, read [wiki]([CN][v2_CN_Streamer2], [EN][v2_EN_Streamer2]).
1. [experiment] Support [srs-dolphin][srs-dolphin], the multiple-process SRS.
1. [experiment] Support [remote console](http://ossrs.net:1985/console), read [srs-ngb](srs-ngb).
1. [experiment] Support [remote console](http://ossrs.net:1985/console), read [srs-ngb][srs-ngb].
1. [no-plan] Support <500ms latency, FRSC(Fast RTMP-compatible Stream Channel tech).
1. [no-plan] Support RTMP 302 redirect [bug #92][bug #92].
1. [no-plan] Support multiple processes, for both origin and edge