refine js, move the consts to the head of srs.js

parent 46eb1ebd6b
commit 1783e1f764

@ -1,3 +1,28 @@
* player specified size.
function srs_get_player_modal() { return 740; }
function srs_get_player_width() { return srs_get_player_modal() - 30; }
function srs_get_player_height() { return srs_get_player_width() * 9 / 19; }
// to query the swf anti cache.
function srs_get_version_code() { return "1.9"; }
// get the default vhost for players.
function srs_get_player_vhost() { return "players"; }
// the api server port, for chat room.
function srs_get_api_server_port() { return 8085; }
// get the stream published to vhost,
// generally we need to transcode the stream to support HLS and filters.
// for example, src_vhost is "players", we transcode stream to vhost "players_pub".
// if not equals to the player vhost, return the orignal vhost.
function srs_get_player_publish_vhost(src_vhost) { return (src_vhost != srs_get_player_vhost())? src_vhost:(src_vhost + "_pub"); }
// for chat, use rtmp only vhost, low latecy, without gop cache.
function srs_get_player_chat_vhost(src_vhost) { return (src_vhost != srs_get_player_vhost())? src_vhost:(src_vhost + "_pub_rtmp"); }
@ -193,27 +218,6 @@ function srs_parse_rtmp_url(rtmp_url) {
return ret;
* player specified size.
function srs_get_player_modal() { return 740; }
function srs_get_player_width() { return srs_get_player_modal() - 30; }
function srs_get_player_height() { return srs_get_player_width() * 9 / 19; }
// to query the swf anti cache.
function srs_get_version_code() { return "1.7"; }
// get the default vhost for players.
function srs_get_player_vhost() { return "players"; }
// the api server port, for chat room.
function srs_get_api_server_port() { return 8085; }
// get the stream published to vhost,
// generally we need to transcode the stream to support HLS and filters.
// for example, src_vhost is "players", we transcode stream to vhost "players_pub".
// if not equals to the player vhost, return the orignal vhost.
function srs_get_player_publish_vhost(src_vhost) { return (src_vhost != srs_get_player_vhost())? src_vhost:(src_vhost + "_pub"); }
// for chat, use rtmp only vhost, low latecy, without gop cache.
function srs_get_player_chat_vhost(src_vhost) { return (src_vhost != srs_get_player_vhost())? src_vhost:(src_vhost + "_pub_rtmp"); }
* initialize the page.
* @param rtmp_url the div id contains the rtmp stream url to play
