The MIT License ( MIT )
Copyright ( c ) 2013 - 2014 winlin
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files ( the " Software " ) , to deal in
the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights to
use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell copies of
the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so ,
subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software .
the api - server is a default demo server for srs to call
when srs get some event , for example , when client connect
to srs , srs can invoke the http api of the api - server
import sys
# reload sys model to enable the getdefaultencoding method.
reload ( sys )
# set the default encoding to utf-8
# using exec to set the encoding, to avoid error in IDE.
exec ( " sys.setdefaultencoding( ' utf-8 ' ) " )
assert sys . getdefaultencoding ( ) . lower ( ) == " utf-8 "
import os , json , time , datetime , cherrypy , threading
# simple log functions.
def trace ( msg ) :
date = datetime . datetime . now ( ) . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " )
print " [ %s ][trace] %s " % ( date , msg )
# enable crossdomain access for js-client
# define the following method:
# def OPTIONS(self, *args, **kwargs)
# enable_crossdomain()
# invoke this method to enable js to request crossdomain.
def enable_crossdomain ( ) :
cherrypy . response . headers [ " Access-Control-Allow-Origin " ] = " * "
cherrypy . response . headers [ " Access-Control-Allow-Methods " ] = " GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE "
# generate allow headers for crossdomain.
allow_headers = [ " Cache-Control " , " X-Proxy-Authorization " , " X-Requested-With " , " Content-Type " ]
cherrypy . response . headers [ " Access-Control-Allow-Headers " ] = " , " . join ( allow_headers )
# error codes definition
class Error :
# ok, success, completed.
success = 0
# error when parse json
system_parse_json = 100
# request action invalid
request_invalid_action = 200
handle the clients requests : connect / disconnect vhost / app .
class RESTClients ( object ) :
exposed = True
def GET ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
clients = { }
return json . dumps ( clients )
for SRS hook : on_connect / on_close
on_connect :
when client connect to vhost / app , call the hook ,
the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json :
" action " : " on_connect " ,
" client_id " : 1985 ,
" ip " : " " , " vhost " : " video.test.com " , " app " : " live " ,
" pageUrl " : " http://www.test.com/live.html "
on_close :
when client close / disconnect to vhost / app / stream , call the hook ,
the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json :
" action " : " on_close " ,
" client_id " : 1985 ,
" ip " : " " , " vhost " : " video.test.com " , " app " : " live "
if valid , the hook must return HTTP code 200 ( Stauts OK ) and response
an int value specifies the error code ( 0 corresponding to success ) :
def POST ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
# return the error code in str
code = Error . success
req = cherrypy . request . body . read ( )
trace ( " post to clients, req= %s " % ( req ) )
try :
json_req = json . loads ( req )
except Exception , ex :
code = Error . system_parse_json
trace ( " parse the request to json failed, req= %s , ex= %s , code= %s " % ( req , ex , code ) )
return str ( code )
action = json_req [ " action " ]
if action == " on_connect " :
code = self . __on_connect ( json_req )
elif action == " on_close " :
code = self . __on_close ( json_req )
else :
trace ( " invalid request action: %s " % ( json_req [ " action " ] ) )
code = Error . request_invalid_action
return str ( code )
def OPTIONS ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
def __on_connect ( self , req ) :
code = Error . success
trace ( " srs %s : client id= %s , ip= %s , vhost= %s , app= %s , pageUrl= %s " % (
req [ " action " ] , req [ " client_id " ] , req [ " ip " ] , req [ " vhost " ] , req [ " app " ] , req [ " pageUrl " ]
) )
# TODO: process the on_connect event
return code
def __on_close ( self , req ) :
code = Error . success
trace ( " srs %s : client id= %s , ip= %s , vhost= %s , app= %s " % (
req [ " action " ] , req [ " client_id " ] , req [ " ip " ] , req [ " vhost " ] , req [ " app " ]
) )
# TODO: process the on_close event
return code
handle the streams requests : publish / unpublish stream .
class RESTStreams ( object ) :
exposed = True
def GET ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
streams = { }
return json . dumps ( streams )
for SRS hook : on_publish / on_unpublish
on_publish :
when client ( encoder ) publish to vhost / app / stream , call the hook ,
the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json :
" action " : " on_publish " ,
" client_id " : 1985 ,
" ip " : " " , " vhost " : " video.test.com " , " app " : " live " ,
" stream " : " livestream "
on_unpublish :
when client ( encoder ) stop publish to vhost / app / stream , call the hook ,
the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json :
" action " : " on_unpublish " ,
" client_id " : 1985 ,
" ip " : " " , " vhost " : " video.test.com " , " app " : " live " ,
" stream " : " livestream "
if valid , the hook must return HTTP code 200 ( Stauts OK ) and response
an int value specifies the error code ( 0 corresponding to success ) :
def POST ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
# return the error code in str
code = Error . success
req = cherrypy . request . body . read ( )
trace ( " post to streams, req= %s " % ( req ) )
try :
json_req = json . loads ( req )
except Exception , ex :
code = Error . system_parse_json
trace ( " parse the request to json failed, req= %s , ex= %s , code= %s " % ( req , ex , code ) )
return str ( code )
action = json_req [ " action " ]
if action == " on_publish " :
code = self . __on_publish ( json_req )
elif action == " on_unpublish " :
code = self . __on_unpublish ( json_req )
else :
trace ( " invalid request action: %s " % ( json_req [ " action " ] ) )
code = Error . request_invalid_action
return str ( code )
def OPTIONS ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
def __on_publish ( self , req ) :
code = Error . success
trace ( " srs %s : client id= %s , ip= %s , vhost= %s , app= %s , stream= %s " % (
req [ " action " ] , req [ " client_id " ] , req [ " ip " ] , req [ " vhost " ] , req [ " app " ] , req [ " stream " ]
) )
# TODO: process the on_publish event
return code
def __on_unpublish ( self , req ) :
code = Error . success
trace ( " srs %s : client id= %s , ip= %s , vhost= %s , app= %s , stream= %s " % (
req [ " action " ] , req [ " client_id " ] , req [ " ip " ] , req [ " vhost " ] , req [ " app " ] , req [ " stream " ]
) )
# TODO: process the on_unpublish event
return code
handle the sessions requests : client play / stop stream
class RESTSessions ( object ) :
exposed = True
def GET ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
sessions = { }
return json . dumps ( sessions )
for SRS hook : on_play / on_stop
on_play :
when client ( encoder ) publish to vhost / app / stream , call the hook ,
the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json :
" action " : " on_play " ,
" client_id " : 1985 ,
" ip " : " " , " vhost " : " video.test.com " , " app " : " live " ,
" stream " : " livestream "
on_stop :
when client ( encoder ) stop publish to vhost / app / stream , call the hook ,
the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json :
" action " : " on_stop " ,
" client_id " : 1985 ,
" ip " : " " , " vhost " : " video.test.com " , " app " : " live " ,
" stream " : " livestream "
if valid , the hook must return HTTP code 200 ( Stauts OK ) and response
an int value specifies the error code ( 0 corresponding to success ) :
def POST ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
# return the error code in str
code = Error . success
req = cherrypy . request . body . read ( )
trace ( " post to sessions, req= %s " % ( req ) )
try :
json_req = json . loads ( req )
except Exception , ex :
code = Error . system_parse_json
trace ( " parse the request to json failed, req= %s , ex= %s , code= %s " % ( req , ex , code ) )
return str ( code )
action = json_req [ " action " ]
if action == " on_play " :
code = self . __on_play ( json_req )
elif action == " on_stop " :
code = self . __on_stop ( json_req )
else :
trace ( " invalid request action: %s " % ( json_req [ " action " ] ) )
code = Error . request_invalid_action
return str ( code )
def OPTIONS ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
def __on_play ( self , req ) :
code = Error . success
trace ( " srs %s : client id= %s , ip= %s , vhost= %s , app= %s , stream= %s " % (
req [ " action " ] , req [ " client_id " ] , req [ " ip " ] , req [ " vhost " ] , req [ " app " ] , req [ " stream " ]
) )
# TODO: process the on_play event
return code
def __on_stop ( self , req ) :
code = Error . success
trace ( " srs %s : client id= %s , ip= %s , vhost= %s , app= %s , stream= %s " % (
req [ " action " ] , req [ " client_id " ] , req [ " ip " ] , req [ " vhost " ] , req [ " app " ] , req [ " stream " ]
) )
# TODO: process the on_stop event
return code
the server list
class RESTServers ( object ) :
exposed = True
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . __last_update = datetime . datetime . now ( ) ;
self . __server_ip = " " ;
post to update server ip .
request body : the new raspberry - pi server ip . TODO : FIXME : more info .
def POST ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
req = cherrypy . request . body . read ( )
self . __server_ip = req ;
self . __last_update = datetime . datetime . now ( ) ;
return self . __server_ip
id canbe :
pi : the pi demo , raspberry - pi default demo .
action : canbe play or mgmt , play to play the inest stream , mgmt to get api / v1 / versions .
stream : the stream to play , for example , live / livestream for http : / / server : 8080 / live / livestream . html
meeting : the meeting demo . jump to web meeting if index is None .
local : whether view the local raspberry - pi stream . if " true " , redirect to the local ( internal ) api server .
index : the meeting stream index , dynamic get the streams from root . api . v1 . chats . get_url_by_index ( index )
ingest : deprecated , alias for pi .
def GET ( self , id = None , action = " play " , stream = " live/livestream " , index = None , local = " false " ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
# demo, srs meeting urls.
if id == " meeting " :
if index is None :
url = " http:// %s :8085 " % ( self . __server_ip )
elif local == " true " :
url = " http:// %s :8085/api/v1/servers?id= %s &index= %s &local=false " % ( self . __server_ip , id , index )
else :
rtmp_url = root . api . v1 . chats . get_url_by_index ( index )
if rtmp_url is None :
return " meeting stream not found "
urls = rtmp_url . replace ( " ...vhost... " , " ?vhost= " ) . replace ( " rtmp:// " , " " ) . split ( " / " )
hls_url = " http:// %s :8080/ %s / %s .m3u8 " % ( urls [ 0 ] . strip ( " :19350 " ) . strip ( " :1935 " ) , urls [ 1 ] . split ( " ? " ) [ 0 ] , urls [ 2 ] )
return self . __generate_hls ( hls_url )
# raspberry-pi urls.
elif id == " ingest " or id == " pi " :
if action == " play " :
url = " http:// %s :8080/ %s .html " % ( self . __server_ip , stream )
else :
url = " http:// %s :8080/api/v1/versions " % ( self . __server_ip )
# others, default.
else :
return " raspberry-pi ip: <a href= ' http:// %s :8080 ' target= ' _blank ' > %s </a>, last update: %s " % ( self . __server_ip , self . __server_ip , self . __last_update )
#return "id=%s, action=%s, stream=%s, url=%s, index=%s, local=%s"%(id, action, stream, url, index, local)
raise cherrypy . HTTPRedirect ( url )
def DELETE ( self , id ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
raise cherrypy . HTTPError ( 405 , " Not allowed. " )
def PUT ( self , id ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
raise cherrypy . HTTPError ( 405 , " Not allowed. " )
def OPTIONS ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
def __generate_hls ( self , hls_url ) :
return """
< video width = " 640 " height = " 360 "
autoplay controls autobuffer
src = " %s "
type = " application/vnd.apple.mpegurl " >
< / video > """ % (hls_url);
global_chat_id = os . getpid ( ) ;
the chat streams , public chat room .
class RESTChats ( object ) :
exposed = True
global_id = 100
def __init__ ( self ) :
# object fields:
# id: an int value indicates the id of user.
# username: a str indicates the user name.
# url: a str indicates the url of user stream.
# agent: a str indicates the agent of user.
# join_date: a number indicates the join timestamp in seconds.
# join_date_str: a str specifies the formated friendly time.
# heatbeat: a number indicates the heartbeat timestamp in seconds.
# vcodec: a dict indicates the video codec info.
# acodec: a dict indicates the audio codec info.
self . __chats = [ ] ;
self . __chat_lock = threading . Lock ( ) ;
# dead time in seconds, if exceed, remove the chat.
self . __dead_time = 15 ;
get the rtmp url of chat object . None if overflow .
def get_url_by_index ( self , index ) :
index = int ( index )
if index is None or index > = len ( self . __chats ) :
return None ;
return self . __chats [ index ] [ " url " ] ;
def GET ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
try :
self . __chat_lock . acquire ( ) ;
chats = [ ] ;
copy = self . __chats [ : ] ;
for chat in copy :
if time . time ( ) - chat [ " heartbeat " ] > self . __dead_time :
self . __chats . remove ( chat ) ;
continue ;
chats . append ( {
" id " : chat [ " id " ] ,
" username " : chat [ " username " ] ,
" url " : chat [ " url " ] ,
" join_date_str " : chat [ " join_date_str " ] ,
" heartbeat " : chat [ " heartbeat " ] ,
} ) ;
finally :
self . __chat_lock . release ( ) ;
return json . dumps ( { " code " : 0 , " data " : { " now " : time . time ( ) , " chats " : chats } } )
def POST ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
req = cherrypy . request . body . read ( )
chat = json . loads ( req )
global global_chat_id ;
chat [ " id " ] = global_chat_id
global_chat_id + = 1
chat [ " join_date " ] = time . time ( ) ;
chat [ " heartbeat " ] = time . time ( ) ;
chat [ " join_date_str " ] = time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d % H: % M: % S " ) ;
try :
self . __chat_lock . acquire ( ) ;
self . __chats . append ( chat )
finally :
self . __chat_lock . release ( ) ;
trace ( " create chat success, id= %s " % ( chat [ " id " ] ) )
return json . dumps ( { " code " : 0 , " data " : chat [ " id " ] } )
def DELETE ( self , id ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
try :
self . __chat_lock . acquire ( ) ;
for chat in self . __chats :
if str ( id ) != str ( chat [ " id " ] ) :
self . __chats . remove ( chat )
trace ( " delete chat success, id= %s " % ( id ) )
return json . dumps ( { " code " : 0 , " data " : None } )
finally :
self . __chat_lock . release ( ) ;
raise cherrypy . HTTPError ( 405 , " Not allowed. " )
def PUT ( self , id ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
try :
self . __chat_lock . acquire ( ) ;
for chat in self . __chats :
if str ( id ) != str ( chat [ " id " ] ) :
chat [ " heartbeat " ] = time . time ( ) ;
trace ( " heartbeat chat success, id= %s " % ( id ) )
return json . dumps ( { " code " : 0 , " data " : None } )
finally :
self . __chat_lock . release ( ) ;
raise cherrypy . HTTPError ( 405 , " Not allowed. " )
def OPTIONS ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
enable_crossdomain ( )
# HTTP RESTful path.
class Root ( object ) :
exposed = True
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . api = Api ( )
def GET ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( ) ;
return json . dumps ( { " code " : Error . success , " urls " : { " api " : " the api root " } } )
def OPTIONS ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
enable_crossdomain ( ) ;
# HTTP RESTful path.
class Api ( object ) :
exposed = True
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . v1 = V1 ( )
def GET ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( ) ;
return json . dumps ( { " code " : Error . success ,
" urls " : {
" v1 " : " the api version 1.0 "
} ) ;
def OPTIONS ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
enable_crossdomain ( ) ;
# HTTP RESTful path. to access as:
class V1 ( object ) :
exposed = True
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . clients = RESTClients ( )
self . streams = RESTStreams ( )
self . sessions = RESTSessions ( )
self . chats = RESTChats ( )
self . servers = RESTServers ( )
def GET ( self ) :
enable_crossdomain ( ) ;
return json . dumps ( { " code " : Error . success , " urls " : {
" clients " : " for srs http callback, to handle the clients requests: connect/disconnect vhost/app. " ,
" streams " : " for srs http callback, to handle the streams requests: publish/unpublish stream. " ,
" sessions " : " for srs http callback, to handle the sessions requests: client play/stop stream " ,
" chats " : " for srs demo meeting, the chat streams, public chat room. " ,
" servers " : {
" summary " : " for srs raspberry-pi and meeting demo " ,
" GET " : " get the current raspberry-pi servers info " ,
" POST " : {
" body " : " the new raspberry-pi server ip. "
} ,
" GET id=ingest&action=play&stream=live/livestream " : " play the ingest HLS stream on raspberry-pi " ,
" GET id=ingest&action=mgmt " : " open the HTTP api url of raspberry-pi " ,
" GET id=meeting " : " redirect to local raspberry-pi meeting url(local ignored) " ,
" GET id=meeting&local=false&index=0 " : " play the first(index=0) meeting HLS stream on demo.chnvideo.com(not local) " ,
" GET id=meeting&local=true&index=0 " : " play the first(index=0) meeting HLS stream on local server(local x86/x64 server), warn: raspberry-pi donot support HLS meeting. "
} } ) ;
def OPTIONS ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
enable_crossdomain ( ) ;
main code start .
# donot support use this module as library.
if __name__ != " __main__ " :
raise Exception ( " embed not support " )
# check the user options
if len ( sys . argv ) < = 1 :
print " SRS api callback server, Copyright (c) 2013-2014 winlin "
print " Usage: python %s <port> " % ( sys . argv [ 0 ] )
print " port: the port to listen at. "
print " For example: "
print " python %s 8085 " % ( sys . argv [ 0 ] )
print " "
print " See also: https://github.com/winlinvip/simple-rtmp-server "
sys . exit ( 1 )
# parse port from user options.
port = int ( sys . argv [ 1 ] )
static_dir = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( sys . argv [ 0 ] ) , " static-dir " ) )
trace ( " api server listen at port: %s , static_dir: %s " % ( port , static_dir ) )
# cherrypy config.
conf = {
' global ' : {
' server.shutdown_timeout ' : 1 ,
' server.socket_host ' : ' ' ,
' server.socket_port ' : port ,
' tools.encode.on ' : True ,
' tools.staticdir.on ' : True ,
' tools.encode.encoding ' : " utf-8 "
} ,
' / ' : {
' tools.staticdir.dir ' : static_dir ,
' tools.staticdir.index ' : " index.html " ,
# for cherrypy RESTful api support
' request.dispatch ' : cherrypy . dispatch . MethodDispatcher ( )
# start cherrypy web engine
trace ( " start cherrypy server " )
root = Root ( )
cherrypy . quickstart ( root , ' / ' , conf )