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* The MIT License (MIT)
8 years ago
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 OSSRS(winlin)
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <srs_core.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
10 years ago
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <srs_app_reload.hpp>
10 years ago
#include <srs_app_async_call.hpp>
#include <srs_app_thread.hpp>
class SrsRequest;
class SrsFileWriter;
class SrsJsonObject;
class SrsJsonArray;
class SrsJsonAny;
10 years ago
class SrsConfig;
class SrsRequest;
class SrsJsonArray;
class SrsConfDirective;
namespace _srs_internal
10 years ago
* the buffer of config content.
class SrsConfigBuffer
// last available position.
char* last;
// end of buffer.
char* end;
// start of buffer.
char* start;
// current consumed position.
char* pos;
// current parsed line.
int line;
virtual ~SrsConfigBuffer();
* fullfill the buffer with content of file specified by filename.
virtual srs_error_t fullfill(const char* filename);
10 years ago
* whether buffer is empty.
virtual bool empty();
* deep compare directive.
extern bool srs_directive_equals(SrsConfDirective* a, SrsConfDirective* b);
extern bool srs_directive_equals(SrsConfDirective* a, SrsConfDirective* b, std::string except);
* helper utilities, used for compare the consts values.
extern bool srs_config_hls_is_on_error_ignore(std::string strategy);
extern bool srs_config_hls_is_on_error_continue(std::string strategy);
extern bool srs_config_ingest_is_file(std::string type);
extern bool srs_config_ingest_is_stream(std::string type);
extern bool srs_config_dvr_is_plan_segment(std::string plan);
extern bool srs_config_dvr_is_plan_session(std::string plan);
extern bool srs_stream_caster_is_udp(std::string caster);
extern bool srs_stream_caster_is_rtsp(std::string caster);
extern bool srs_stream_caster_is_flv(std::string caster);
// whether the dvr_apply active the stream specified by req.
extern bool srs_config_apply_filter(SrsConfDirective* dvr_apply, SrsRequest* req);
* convert bool in str to on/off
extern std::string srs_config_bool2switch(const std::string& sbool);
* parse loaded vhost directives to compatible mode.
* for exmaple, SRS1/2 use the follow refer style:
* refer;
* while SRS3 use the following:
* refer {
* enabled on;
* all;
* }
* so we must transform the vhost directive anytime load the config.
* @param root the root directive to transform, in and out parameter.
extern srs_error_t srs_config_transform_vhost(SrsConfDirective* root);
10 years ago
// @global config object.
10 years ago
extern SrsConfig* _srs_config;
* the config directive.
* the config file is a group of directives,
* all directive has name, args and child-directives.
* for example, the following config text:
vhost {
enabled on;
ingest livestream {
enabled on;
ffmpeg /bin/ffmpeg;
* will be parsed to:
* SrsConfDirective: name="vhost", arg0="", child-directives=[
* SrsConfDirective: name="enabled", arg0="on", child-directives=[]
* SrsConfDirective: name="ingest", arg0="livestream", child-directives=[
* SrsConfDirective: name="enabled", arg0="on", child-directives=[]
* SrsConfDirective: name="ffmpeg", arg0="/bin/ffmpeg", child-directives=[]
* ]
* ]
* @remark, allow empty directive, for example: "dir0 {}"
* @remark, don't allow empty name, for example: ";" or "{dir0 arg0;}
class SrsConfDirective
10 years ago
* the line of config file in which the directive from
int conf_line;
10 years ago
* the name of directive, for example, the following config text:
* enabled on;
* will be parsed to a directive, its name is "enalbed"
std::string name;
10 years ago
* the args of directive, for example, the following config text:
* listen 1935 1936;
* will be parsed to a directive, its args is ["1935", "1936"].
std::vector<std::string> args;
* the child directives, for example, the following config text:
* vhost {
* enabled on;
* }
* will be parsed to a directive, its directives is a vector contains
* a directive, which is:
* name:"enalbed", args:["on"], directives:[]
* @remark, the directives can contains directives.
std::vector<SrsConfDirective*> directives;
virtual ~SrsConfDirective();
10 years ago
* deep copy the directive, for SrsConfig to use it to support reload in upyun cluster,
* for when reload the upyun dynamic config, the root will be changed,
* so need to copy it to an old root directive, and use the copy result to do reload.
virtual SrsConfDirective* copy();
// @param except the name of sub directive.
virtual SrsConfDirective* copy(std::string except);
// args
* get the args0,1,2, if user want to get more args,
* directly use the
virtual std::string arg0();
virtual std::string arg1();
virtual std::string arg2();
10 years ago
virtual std::string arg3();
// directives
* get the directive by index.
* @remark, assert the index<directives.size().
virtual SrsConfDirective* at(int index);
* get the directive by name, return the first match.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get(std::string _name);
* get the directive by name and its arg0, return the first match.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get(std::string _name, std::string _arg0);
// raw
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_or_create(std::string n);
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_or_create(std::string n, std::string a0);
virtual SrsConfDirective* set_arg0(std::string a0);
* remove the v from sub directives, user must free the v.
virtual void remove(SrsConfDirective* v);
// help utilities
* whether current directive is vhost.
virtual bool is_vhost();
* whether current directive is stream_caster.
virtual bool is_stream_caster();
// parse utilities
* parse config directive from file buffer.
virtual srs_error_t parse(_srs_internal::SrsConfigBuffer* buffer);
* persistence the directive to writer.
* @param level, the root is level0, all its directives are level1, and so on.
virtual srs_error_t persistence(SrsFileWriter* writer, int level);
* dumps the args[0-N] to array(string).
virtual SrsJsonArray* dumps_args();
* dumps arg0 to str, number or boolean.
virtual SrsJsonAny* dumps_arg0_to_str();
virtual SrsJsonAny* dumps_arg0_to_integer();
virtual SrsJsonAny* dumps_arg0_to_number();
virtual SrsJsonAny* dumps_arg0_to_boolean();
// private parse.
* the directive parsing type.
enum SrsDirectiveType {
* the root directives, parsing file.
* for each direcitve, parsing text block.
* parse the conf from buffer. the work flow:
* 1. read a token(directive args and a ret flag),
* 2. initialize the directive by args, args[0] is name, args[1-N] is args of directive,
* 3. if ret flag indicates there are child-directives, read_conf(directive, block) recursively.
virtual srs_error_t parse_conf(_srs_internal::SrsConfigBuffer* buffer, SrsDirectiveType type);
* read a token from buffer.
* a token, is the directive args and a flag indicates whether has child-directives.
* @param args, the output directive args, the first is the directive name, left is the args.
* @param line_start, the actual start line of directive.
* @return, an error code indicates error or has child-directives.
virtual srs_error_t read_token(_srs_internal::SrsConfigBuffer* buffer, std::vector<std::string>& args, int& line_start);
* the config service provider.
* for the config supports reload, so never keep the reference cross st-thread,
* that is, never save the SrsConfDirective* get by any api of config,
* for it maybe free in the reload st-thread cycle.
* you can keep it before st-thread switch, or simply never keep it.
class SrsConfig
// user command
10 years ago
* whether srs is run in dolphin mode.
* @see
10 years ago
bool dolphin;
std::string dolphin_rtmp_port;
std::string dolphin_http_port;
* whether show help and exit.
bool show_help;
* whether test config file and exit.
bool test_conf;
* whether show SRS version and exit.
bool show_version;
* whether show SRS signature and exit.
bool show_signature;
// global env variables.
* the user parameters, the argc and argv.
* the argv is " ".join(argv), where argv is from main(argc, argv).
11 years ago
std::string _argv;
* current working directory.
11 years ago
std::string _cwd;
// config section
* the last parsed config file.
* if reload, reload the config file.
std::string config_file;
9 years ago
* the directive root.
SrsConfDirective* root;
// reload section
* the reload subscribers, when reload, callback all handlers.
std::vector<ISrsReloadHandler*> subscribes;
virtual ~SrsConfig();
// dolphin
10 years ago
* whether srs is in dolphin mode.
virtual bool is_dolphin();
virtual void set_config_directive(SrsConfDirective* parent, std::string dir, std::string value);
// reload
* for reload handler to register itself,
* when config service do the reload, callback the handler.
virtual void subscribe(ISrsReloadHandler* handler);
* for reload handler to unregister itself.
virtual void unsubscribe(ISrsReloadHandler* handler);
* reload the config file.
* @remark, user can test the config before reload it.
virtual srs_error_t reload();
* reload the vhost section of config.
virtual srs_error_t reload_vhost(SrsConfDirective* old_root);
* reload from the config.
* @remark, use protected for the utest to override with mock.
virtual srs_error_t reload_conf(SrsConfig* conf);
* reload the http_api section of config.
virtual srs_error_t reload_http_api(SrsConfDirective* old_root);
* reload the http_stream section of config.
// TODO: FIXME: rename to http_server.
virtual srs_error_t reload_http_stream(SrsConfDirective* old_root);
* reload the transcode section of vhost of config.
virtual srs_error_t reload_transcode(SrsConfDirective* new_vhost, SrsConfDirective* old_vhost);
* reload the ingest section of vhost of config.
virtual srs_error_t reload_ingest(SrsConfDirective* new_vhost, SrsConfDirective* old_vhost);
// parse options and file
* parse the cli, the main(argc,argv) function.
virtual srs_error_t parse_options(int argc, char** argv);
* initialize the cwd for server,
* because we may change the workdir.
virtual srs_error_t initialize_cwd();
* persistence current config to file.
virtual srs_error_t persistence();
virtual srs_error_t do_persistence(SrsFileWriter* fw);
* dumps the global sections to json.
virtual srs_error_t global_to_json(SrsJsonObject* obj);
* dumps the minimal sections to json.
virtual srs_error_t minimal_to_json(SrsJsonObject* obj);
* dumps the vhost section to json.
virtual srs_error_t vhost_to_json(SrsConfDirective* vhost, SrsJsonObject* obj);
* dumps the http_api sections to json for raw api info.
virtual srs_error_t raw_to_json(SrsJsonObject* obj);
* raw set the global listen.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_listen(const std::vector<std::string>& eps, bool& applied);
* raw set the global pid.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_pid(std::string pid, bool& applied);
* raw set the global chunk size.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_chunk_size(std::string chunk_size, bool& applied);
* raw set the global ffmpeg log dir.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_ff_log_dir(std::string ff_log_dir, bool& applied);
* raw set the global log tank.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_srs_log_tank(std::string srs_log_tank, bool& applied);
* raw set the global log level.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_srs_log_level(std::string srs_log_level, bool& applied);
* raw set the global log file path for file tank.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_srs_log_file(std::string srs_log_file, bool& applied);
* raw set the global max connections of srs.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_max_connections(std::string max_connections, bool& applied);
* raw set the global whether use utc time.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_utc_time(std::string utc_time, bool& applied);
* raw set the global pithy print interval in ms.
virtual srs_error_t raw_set_pithy_print_ms(std::string pithy_print_ms, bool& applied);
* raw create the new vhost.
virtual srs_error_t raw_create_vhost(std::string vhost, bool& applied);
* raw update the disabled vhost name.
virtual srs_error_t raw_update_vhost(std::string vhost, std::string name, bool& applied);
* raw delete the disabled vhost.
virtual srs_error_t raw_delete_vhost(std::string vhost, bool& applied);
* raw disable the enabled vhost.
virtual srs_error_t raw_disable_vhost(std::string vhost, bool& applied);
* raw enable the disabled vhost.
virtual srs_error_t raw_enable_vhost(std::string vhost, bool& applied);
* raw enable the dvr of stream of vhost.
virtual srs_error_t raw_enable_dvr(std::string vhost, std::string stream, bool& applied);
* raw disable the dvr of stream of vhost.
virtual srs_error_t raw_disable_dvr(std::string vhost, std::string stream, bool& applied);
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_listen();
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_pid();
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_srs_log_tank();
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_srs_log_level();
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_srs_log_file();
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_max_connections();
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_utc_time();
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_pithy_print_ms();
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_vhost_added(std::string vhost);
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_vhost_removed(std::string vhost);
virtual srs_error_t do_reload_vhost_dvr_apply(std::string vhost);
* get the config file path.
virtual std::string config();
* parse each argv.
virtual srs_error_t parse_argv(int& i, char** argv);
* print help and exit.
virtual void print_help(char** argv);
* parse the config file, which is specified by cli.
virtual srs_error_t parse_file(const char* filename);
* check the parsed config.
virtual srs_error_t check_config();
virtual srs_error_t check_normal_config();
virtual srs_error_t check_number_connections();
* parse config from the buffer.
* @param buffer, the config buffer, user must delete it.
* @remark, use protected for the utest to override with mock.
virtual srs_error_t parse_buffer(_srs_internal::SrsConfigBuffer* buffer);
// global env
11 years ago
* get the current work directory.
virtual std::string cwd();
* get the cli, the main(argc,argv), program start command.
virtual std::string argv();
// global section
* get the directive root, corresponding to the config file.
* the root directive, no name and args, contains directives.
* all directive parsed can retrieve from root.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_root();
* get the deamon config.
* if true, SRS will run in deamon mode, fork and fork to reap the
* grand-child process to init process.
virtual bool get_deamon();
* get the max connections limit of system.
* if exceed the max connection, SRS will disconnect the connection.
* @remark, linux will limit the connections of each process,
* for example, when you need SRS to service 10000+ connections,
* user must use "ulimit -HSn 10000" and config the max connections
* of SRS.
virtual int get_max_connections();
* get the listen port of SRS.
* user can specifies multiple listen ports,
* each args of directive is a listen port.
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_listens();
* get the pid file path.
* the pid file is used to save the pid of SRS,
* use file lock to prevent multiple SRS starting.
* @remark, if user need to run multiple SRS instance,
* for example, to start multiple SRS for multiple CPUs,
* user can use different pid file for each process.
virtual std::string get_pid_file();
* get pithy print pulse ms,
* for example, all rtmp connections only print one message
* every this interval in ms.
virtual int get_pithy_print_ms();
* whether use utc-time to format the time.
virtual bool get_utc_time();
* get the configed work dir.
* ignore if empty string.
virtual std::string get_work_dir();
// whether use asprocess mode.
virtual bool get_asprocess();
// stream_caster section
* get all stream_caster in config file.
virtual std::vector<SrsConfDirective*> get_stream_casters();
* get whether the specified stream_caster is enabled.
virtual bool get_stream_caster_enabled(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the engine of stream_caster, the caster config.
virtual std::string get_stream_caster_engine(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the output rtmp url of stream_caster, the output config.
virtual std::string get_stream_caster_output(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the listen port of stream caster.
virtual int get_stream_caster_listen(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the min udp port for rtp of stream caster rtsp.
virtual int get_stream_caster_rtp_port_min(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the max udp port for rtp of stream caster rtsp.
virtual int get_stream_caster_rtp_port_max(SrsConfDirective* conf);
// kafka section.
10 years ago
* whether the kafka enabled.
virtual bool get_kafka_enabled();
* get the broker list, each is format in <ip:port>.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_kafka_brokers();
* get the kafka topic to use for srs.
virtual std::string get_kafka_topic();
// vhost specified section
11 years ago
* get the vhost directive by vhost name.
* @param vhost, the name of vhost to get.
* @param try_default_vhost whether try default when get specified vhost failed.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost(std::string vhost, bool try_default_vhost = true);
* get all vhosts in config file.
virtual void get_vhosts(std::vector<SrsConfDirective*>& vhosts);
* whether vhost is enabled
* @param vhost, the vhost name.
* @return true when vhost is ok; otherwise, false.
virtual bool get_vhost_enabled(std::string vhost);
* whether vhost is enabled
* @param vhost, the vhost directive.
* @return true when vhost is ok; otherwise, false.
virtual bool get_vhost_enabled(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* whether gop_cache is enabled of vhost.
* gop_cache used to cache last gop, for client to fast startup.
* @return true when gop_cache is ok; otherwise, false.
* @remark, default true.
virtual bool get_gop_cache(std::string vhost);
* whether debug_srs_upnode is enabled of vhost.
* debug_srs_upnode is very important feature for tracable log,
* but some server, for instance, flussonic donot support it.
* @see
* @return true when debug_srs_upnode is ok; otherwise, false.
* @remark, default true.
virtual bool get_debug_srs_upnode(std::string vhost);
* whether atc is enabled of vhost.
* atc always use encoder timestamp, SRS never adjust the time.
* @return true when atc is ok; otherwise, false.
* @remark, default false.
virtual bool get_atc(std::string vhost);
* whether atc_auto is enabled of vhost.
* atc_auto used to auto enable atc, when metadata specified the bravo_atc.
* @return true when atc_auto is ok; otherwise, false.
* @remark, default true.
virtual bool get_atc_auto(std::string vhost);
* get the time_jitter algorithm.
* @return the time_jitter algorithm, defined in SrsRtmpJitterAlgorithm.
* @remark, default full.
virtual int get_time_jitter(std::string vhost);
* whether use mix correct algorithm to ensure the timestamp
* monotonically increase.
virtual bool get_mix_correct(std::string vhost);
* get the cache queue length, in seconds.
* when exceed the queue length, drop packet util I frame.
* @remark, default 10.
virtual double get_queue_length(std::string vhost);
* whether the refer hotlink-denial enabled.
virtual bool get_refer_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get the refer hotlink-denial for all type.
* @return the refer, NULL for not configed.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_refer_all(std::string vhost);
* get the refer hotlink-denial for play.
* @return the refer, NULL for not configed.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_refer_play(std::string vhost);
* get the refer hotlink-denial for publish.
* @return the refer, NULL for not configed.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_refer_publish(std::string vhost);
// Get the input default ack size, which is generally set by message from peer.
virtual int get_in_ack_size(std::string vhost);
// Get the output default ack size, to notify the peer to send acknowledge to server.
virtual int get_out_ack_size(std::string vhost);
* get the chunk size of vhost.
* @param vhost, the vhost to get the chunk size. use global if not specified.
* empty string to get the global.
* @remark, default 60000.
virtual int get_chunk_size(std::string vhost);
* whether parse the sps when publish stream to SRS.
virtual bool get_parse_sps(std::string vhost);
* whether mr is enabled for vhost.
* @param vhost, the vhost to get the mr.
virtual bool get_mr_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get the mr sleep time in ms for vhost.
* @param vhost, the vhost to get the mr sleep time.
// TODO: FIXME: add utest for mr config.
virtual int get_mr_sleep_ms(std::string vhost);
* get the mw sleep time in ms for vhost.
* @param vhost, the vhost to get the mw sleep time.
// TODO: FIXME: add utest for mw config.
virtual int get_mw_sleep_ms(std::string vhost);
* whether min latency mode enabled.
* @param vhost, the vhost to get the min_latency.
// TODO: FIXME: add utest for min_latency.
virtual bool get_realtime_enabled(std::string vhost);
* whether enable tcp nodelay for all clients of vhost.
virtual bool get_tcp_nodelay(std::string vhost);
* the minimal send interval in ms.
virtual double get_send_min_interval(std::string vhost);
* whether reduce the sequence header.
virtual bool get_reduce_sequence_header(std::string vhost);
* the 1st packet timeout in ms for encoder.
virtual int get_publish_1stpkt_timeout(std::string vhost);
* the normal packet timeout in ms for encoder.
virtual int get_publish_normal_timeout(std::string vhost);
* get the global chunk size.
virtual int get_global_chunk_size();
// forward section
* whether the forwarder enabled.
virtual bool get_forward_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get the forward directive of vhost.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_forwards(std::string vhost);
// http_hooks section
* get the http_hooks directive of vhost.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_http_hooks(std::string vhost);
* whether vhost http-hooks enabled.
* @remark, if not enabled, donot callback all http hooks.
virtual bool get_vhost_http_hooks_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get the on_connect callbacks of vhost.
* @return the on_connect callback directive, the args is the url to callback.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_connect(std::string vhost);
* get the on_close callbacks of vhost.
* @return the on_close callback directive, the args is the url to callback.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_close(std::string vhost);
* get the on_publish callbacks of vhost.
* @return the on_publish callback directive, the args is the url to callback.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_publish(std::string vhost);
* get the on_unpublish callbacks of vhost.
* @return the on_unpublish callback directive, the args is the url to callback.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_unpublish(std::string vhost);
* get the on_play callbacks of vhost.
* @return the on_play callback directive, the args is the url to callback.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_play(std::string vhost);
* get the on_stop callbacks of vhost.
* @return the on_stop callback directive, the args is the url to callback.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_stop(std::string vhost);
* get the on_dvr callbacks of vhost.
* @return the on_dvr callback directive, the args is the url to callback.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_dvr(std::string vhost);
* get the on_hls callbacks of vhost.
* @return the on_hls callback directive, the args is the url to callback.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_hls(std::string vhost);
* get the on_hls_notify callbacks of vhost.
* @return the on_hls_notify callback directive, the args is the url to callback.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_on_hls_notify(std::string vhost);
// bwct(bandwidth check tool) section
* whether bw check enabled for vhost.
* if enabled, serve all clients with bandwidth check services.
* oterwise, serve all cleints with stream.
virtual bool get_bw_check_enabled(std::string vhost);
* the key of server, if client key mot match, reject.
virtual std::string get_bw_check_key(std::string vhost);
* the check interval, in ms.
* if the client request check in very short time(in the interval),
* SRS will reject client.
* @remark this is used to prevent the bandwidth check attack.
virtual int get_bw_check_interval_ms(std::string vhost);
* the max kbps that user can test,
* if exceed the kbps, server will slowdown the send-recv.
* @remark this is used to protect the service bandwidth.
virtual int get_bw_check_limit_kbps(std::string vhost);
// vhost cluster section
* whether vhost is edge mode.
* for edge, publish client will be proxyed to upnode,
* for edge, play client will share a connection to get stream from upnode.
virtual bool get_vhost_is_edge(std::string vhost);
* whether vhost is edge mode.
* for edge, publish client will be proxyed to upnode,
* for edge, play client will share a connection to get stream from upnode.
virtual bool get_vhost_is_edge(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the origin config of edge,
* specifies the origin ip address, port.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_vhost_edge_origin(std::string vhost);
* whether edge token tranverse is enabled,
* if true, edge will send connect origin to verfy the token of client.
* for example, we verify all clients on the origin FMS by server-side as,
* all clients connected to edge must be tranverse to origin to verify.
virtual bool get_vhost_edge_token_traverse(std::string vhost);
* get the transformed vhost for edge,
* @see
virtual std::string get_vhost_edge_transform_vhost(std::string vhost);
// vhost security section
* whether the secrity of vhost enabled.
virtual bool get_security_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get the security rules.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_security_rules(std::string vhost);
// vhost transcode section
* get the transcode directive of vhost in specified scope.
* @param vhost, the vhost name to get the transcode directive.
* @param scope, the scope, empty to get all. for example, user can transcode
* the app scope stream, by config with app:
* transcode live {...}
* when the scope is "live", this directive is matched.
* the scope can be: empty for all, app, app/stream.
* @remark, please see the samples of full.conf, the
* and
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_transcode(std::string vhost, std::string scope);
* whether the transcode directive is enabled.
virtual bool get_transcode_enabled(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the ffmpeg tool path of transcode.
virtual std::string get_transcode_ffmpeg(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the engines of transcode.
virtual std::vector<SrsConfDirective*> get_transcode_engines(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* whether the engine is enabled.
virtual bool get_engine_enabled(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the perfile of engine
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_engine_perfile(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the iformat of engine
virtual std::string get_engine_iformat(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the vfilter of engine,
* the video filter set before the vcodec of FFMPEG.
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_engine_vfilter(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the vcodec of engine,
* the codec of video, can be vn, copy or libx264
virtual std::string get_engine_vcodec(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the vbitrate of engine,
* the bitrate in kbps of video, for example, 800kbps
virtual int get_engine_vbitrate(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the vfps of engine.
* the video fps, for example, 25fps
virtual double get_engine_vfps(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the vwidth of engine,
* the video width, for example, 1024
virtual int get_engine_vwidth(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the vheight of engine,
* the video height, for example, 576
virtual int get_engine_vheight(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the vthreads of engine,
* the video transcode libx264 threads, for instance, 8
virtual int get_engine_vthreads(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the vprofile of engine,
* the libx264 profile, can be high,main,baseline
virtual std::string get_engine_vprofile(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the vpreset of engine,
* the libx264 preset, can be ultrafast,superfast,veryfast,faster,fast,medium,slow,slower,veryslow,placebo
virtual std::string get_engine_vpreset(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the additional video params.
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_engine_vparams(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the acodec of engine,
* the audio codec can be an, copy or libfdk_aac
virtual std::string get_engine_acodec(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the abitrate of engine,
* the audio bitrate in kbps, for instance, 64kbps.
virtual int get_engine_abitrate(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the asample_rate of engine,
* the audio sample_rate, for instance, 44100HZ
virtual int get_engine_asample_rate(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the achannels of engine,
* the audio channel, for instance, 1 for mono, 2 for stereo.
virtual int get_engine_achannels(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the aparams of engine,
* the audio additional params.
virtual std::vector<std::string> get_engine_aparams(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the oformat of engine
virtual std::string get_engine_oformat(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the output of engine, for example, rtmp://localhost/live/livestream,
* @remark, we will use some variable, for instance, [vhost] to substitude with vhost.
virtual std::string get_engine_output(SrsConfDirective* conf);
// vhost exec secion
* get the exec directive of vhost.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_exec(std::string vhost);
* whether the exec is enabled of vhost.
virtual bool get_exec_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get all exec publish directives of vhost.
virtual std::vector<SrsConfDirective*> get_exec_publishs(std::string vhost);
// vhost ingest section
* get the ingest directives of vhost.
virtual std::vector<SrsConfDirective*> get_ingesters(std::string vhost);
* get specified ingest.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_ingest_by_id(std::string vhost, std::string ingest_id);
* whether ingest is enalbed.
virtual bool get_ingest_enabled(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the ingest ffmpeg tool
virtual std::string get_ingest_ffmpeg(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the ingest input type, file or stream.
virtual std::string get_ingest_input_type(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* get the ingest input url.
virtual std::string get_ingest_input_url(SrsConfDirective* conf);
// log section
* whether log to file.
virtual bool get_log_tank_file();
* get the log level.
virtual std::string get_log_level();
* get the log file path.
virtual std::string get_log_file();
* whether ffmpeg log enabled
virtual bool get_ffmpeg_log_enabled();
* the ffmpeg log dir.
* @remark, /dev/null to disable it.
virtual std::string get_ffmpeg_log_dir();
// The MPEG-DASH section.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_dash(std::string vhost);
// Whether DASH is enabled.
virtual bool get_dash_enabled(std::string vhost);
// Get the duration of segment in milliseconds.
virtual int get_dash_fragment(std::string vhost);
// Get the period to update MPD in milliseconds.
virtual int get_dash_update_period(std::string vhost);
// Get the depth of timeshift buffer in milliseconds.
virtual int get_dash_timeshift(std::string vhost);
// Get the base/home dir/path for dash, into which write files.
virtual std::string get_dash_path(std::string vhost);
// Get the path for DASH MPD, to generate the MPD file.
virtual std::string get_dash_mpd_file(std::string vhost);
// hls section
11 years ago
* get the hls directive of vhost.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_hls(std::string vhost);
11 years ago
* whether HLS is enabled.
virtual bool get_hls_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get the HLS m3u8 list ts segment entry prefix info.
virtual std::string get_hls_entry_prefix(std::string vhost);
* get the HLS ts/m3u8 file store path.
virtual std::string get_hls_path(std::string vhost);
* get the HLS m3u8 file path template.
virtual std::string get_hls_m3u8_file(std::string vhost);
* get the HLS ts file path template.
virtual std::string get_hls_ts_file(std::string vhost);
* whether enable the floor(timestamp/hls_fragment) for variable timestamp.
virtual bool get_hls_ts_floor(std::string vhost);
* get the hls fragment time, in seconds.
virtual double get_hls_fragment(std::string vhost);
* get the hls td(target duration) ratio.
virtual double get_hls_td_ratio(std::string vhost);
* get the hls aof(audio overflow) ratio.
virtual double get_hls_aof_ratio(std::string vhost);
* get the hls window time, in seconds.
* a window is a set of ts, the ts collection in m3u8.
* @remark SRS will delete the ts exceed the window.
virtual double get_hls_window(std::string vhost);
* get the hls hls_on_error config.
* the ignore will ignore error and disable hls.
* the disconnect will disconnect publish connection.
* @see
virtual std::string get_hls_on_error(std::string vhost);
* get the HLS default audio codec.
virtual std::string get_hls_acodec(std::string vhost);
* get the HLS default video codec.
virtual std::string get_hls_vcodec(std::string vhost);
* whether cleanup the old ts files.
virtual bool get_hls_cleanup(std::string vhost);
* the timeout to dispose the hls.
virtual int get_hls_dispose(std::string vhost);
* whether reap the ts when got keyframe.
virtual bool get_hls_wait_keyframe(std::string vhost);
* get the size of bytes to read from cdn network, for the on_hls_notify callback,
* that is, to read max bytes of the bytes from the callback, or timeout or error.
virtual int get_vhost_hls_nb_notify(std::string vhost);
// hds section
* get the hds directive of vhost.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_hds(const std::string &vhost);
* whether HDS is enabled.
virtual bool get_hds_enabled(const std::string &vhost);
* get the HDS file store path.
virtual std::string get_hds_path(const std::string &vhost);
* get the hds fragment time, in seconds.
virtual double get_hds_fragment(const std::string &vhost);
* get the hds window time, in seconds.
* a window is a set of hds fragments.
virtual double get_hds_window(const std::string &vhost);
// dvr section
* get the dvr directive.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_dvr(std::string vhost);
* whether dvr is enabled.
virtual bool get_dvr_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get the filter of dvr to apply to.
* @remark user can use srs_config_apply_filter(conf, req):bool to check it.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_dvr_apply(std::string vhost);
* get the dvr path, the flv file to save in.
virtual std::string get_dvr_path(std::string vhost);
* get the plan of dvr, how to reap the flv file.
virtual std::string get_dvr_plan(std::string vhost);
* get the duration of dvr flv.
virtual int get_dvr_duration(std::string vhost);
* whether wait keyframe to reap segment.
virtual bool get_dvr_wait_keyframe(std::string vhost);
* get the time_jitter algorithm for dvr.
virtual int get_dvr_time_jitter(std::string vhost);
// http api section
* whether http api enabled
virtual bool get_http_api_enabled(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* whether http api enabled.
virtual bool get_http_api_enabled();
* get the http api listen port.
virtual std::string get_http_api_listen();
* whether enable crossdomain for http api.
virtual bool get_http_api_crossdomain();
* whether enable the HTTP RAW API.
virtual bool get_raw_api();
* whether allow rpc reload.
virtual bool get_raw_api_allow_reload();
* whether allow rpc query.
virtual bool get_raw_api_allow_query();
* whether allow rpc update.
virtual bool get_raw_api_allow_update();
// http stream section
* whether http stream enabled.
virtual bool get_http_stream_enabled(SrsConfDirective* conf);
* whether http stream enabled.
// TODO: FIXME: rename to http_static.
virtual bool get_http_stream_enabled();
* get the http stream listen port.
virtual std::string get_http_stream_listen();
* get the http stream root dir.
virtual std::string get_http_stream_dir();
* whether enable crossdomain for http static and stream server.
virtual bool get_http_stream_crossdomain();
* get whether vhost enabled http stream
virtual bool get_vhost_http_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get the http mount point for vhost.
* for example, http://vhost/live/livestream
virtual std::string get_vhost_http_mount(std::string vhost);
* get the http dir for vhost.
* the path on disk for mount root of http vhost.
virtual std::string get_vhost_http_dir(std::string vhost);
// flv live streaming section
* get whether vhost enabled http flv live stream
virtual bool get_vhost_http_remux_enabled(std::string vhost);
* get the fast cache duration for http audio live stream.
virtual double get_vhost_http_remux_fast_cache(std::string vhost);
* get the http flv live stream mount point for vhost.
* used to generate the flv stream mount path.
virtual std::string get_vhost_http_remux_mount(std::string vhost);
// http heartbeart section
* get the heartbeat directive.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_heartbeart();
* whether heartbeat enabled.
virtual bool get_heartbeat_enabled();
* get the heartbeat interval, in ms.
virtual int64_t get_heartbeat_interval();
* get the heartbeat report url.
virtual std::string get_heartbeat_url();
* get the device id of heartbeat, to report to server.
virtual std::string get_heartbeat_device_id();
* whether report with summaries of http api: /api/v1/summaries.
virtual bool get_heartbeat_summaries();
// stats section
* get the stats directive.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_stats();
* get the network device index, used to retrieve the ip of device,
* for heartbeat to report to server, or to get the local ip.
* for example, 0 means the eth0 maybe.
virtual int get_stats_network();
* get the disk stat device name list.
* the device name configed in args of directive.
* @return the disk device name to stat. NULL if not configed.
virtual SrsConfDirective* get_stats_disk_device();