import SrsClass.SrsElapsedTimer;
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.NetStatusEvent;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.net.NetConnection;
import flash.net.ObjectEncoding;
import flash.system.System;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
public class srs_bwt extends Sprite
private var connection:NetConnection = null;
private var updatePlayProgressTimer:Timer = null;
private var elapTimer:SrsElapsedTimer = null;
// user set id.
private var js_id:String = null;
// play param url.
private var user_url:String = null;
// server ip get from server
private var server_ip:String;
// test wheth publish should to stop
private var stop_pub:Boolean = false;
// js interface
private var js_on_player_ready:String;
private var js_update_progress:String;
private var js_update_status:String;
private var value_progressbar:Number = 0;
private var max_progressbar:Number = 0;
// set NetConnection ObjectEncoding to AMF0
NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
public function srs_bwt()
if (!this.stage) {
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, this.system_on_add_to_stage);
} else {
* system event callback, when this control added to stage.
* the main function.
private function system_on_add_to_stage(evt:Event):void {
this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
var flashvars:Object = this.root.loaderInfo.parameters;
if (!flashvars.hasOwnProperty("id")) {
throw new Error("must specifies the id");
this.js_id = flashvars.id;
this.js_on_player_ready = flashvars.on_bandwidth_ready;
this.js_update_progress = flashvars.on_update_progress;
this.js_update_status = flashvars.on_update_status;
// init context menu
var myMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
myMenu.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("SRS 带宽测试工具", true));
this.contextMenu = myMenu;
flash.utils.setTimeout(this.system_on_js_ready, 0);
* system callack event, when js ready, register callback for js.
* the actual main function.
private function system_on_js_ready():void {
if (!flash.external.ExternalInterface.available) {
trace("js not ready, try later.");
flash.utils.setTimeout(this.system_on_js_ready, 100);
flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("__check_bandwidth", this.js_call_check_bandwidth);
flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback("__stop", this.js_call_stop);
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call(this.js_on_player_ready, this.js_id);
private function js_call_check_bandwidth(url:String):void {
// init connection
connection = new NetConnection;
connection.client = this;
connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatus);
// for play to update progress bar
elapTimer = new SrsElapsedTimer;
// we suppose the check time = 7 S
updatePlayProgressTimer = new Timer(100);
updatePlayProgressTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimerTimeout);
private function js_call_stop():void {
if (connection) {
connection = null;
if (updatePlayProgressTimer) {
updatePlayProgressTimer = null;
if (elapTimer) {
// srs infos
private var srs_server:String = null;
private var srs_primary_authors:String = null;
private var srs_id:String = null;
private var srs_pid:String = null;
private var srs_server_ip:String = null;
private function update_context_items():void {
// for context menu
var customItems:Array = [new ContextMenuItem("SrsPlayer")];
if (srs_server != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Server: " + srs_server));
if (srs_primary_authors != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("PrimaryAuthors: " + srs_primary_authors));
if (srs_server_ip != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("SrsIp: " + srs_server_ip));
if (srs_pid != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("SrsPid: " + srs_pid));
if (srs_id != null) {
customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("SrsId: " + srs_id));
contextMenu.customItems = customItems;
// get NetConnection NetStatusEvent
public function onStatus(evt:NetStatusEvent) : void{
if (evt.info.hasOwnProperty("data") && evt.info.data) {
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_server")) {
srs_server = evt.info.data.srs_server;
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_primary_authors")) {
srs_primary_authors = evt.info.data.srs_primary_authors;
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_id")) {
srs_id = evt.info.data.srs_id;
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_pid")) {
srs_pid = evt.info.data.srs_pid;
if (evt.info.data.hasOwnProperty("srs_server_ip")) {
srs_server_ip = evt.info.data.srs_server_ip;
case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed":
case "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected":
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
server_ip = evt.info.data.srs_server_ip;
case "NetConnection.Connect.Closed":
public function onTimerTimeout(evt:TimerEvent):void
value_progressbar = elapTimer.elapsed();
updateProgess(value_progressbar, max_progressbar);
* NetConnection callback this function, when recv server call "onSrsBandCheckStartPlayBytes"
* then start @updatePlayProgressTimer for updating the progressbar
* */
public function onSrsBandCheckStartPlayBytes(evt:Object):void{
var duration_ms:Number = evt.duration_ms;
var interval_ms:Number = evt.interval_ms;
connection.call("onSrsBandCheckStartingPlayBytes", null);
updateState("开始测试下行带宽,服务器IP:" + server_ip);
// we suppose play duration_ms = pub duration_ms
max_progressbar = duration_ms * 2;
public function onSrsBandCheckPlaying(evt:Object):void{
public function onSrsBandCheckStopPlayBytes(evt:Object):void{
var duration_ms:Number = evt.duration_ms;
var interval_ms:Number = evt.interval_ms;
var duration_delta:Number = evt.duration_delta;
var bytes_delta:Number = evt.bytes_delta;
var kbps:Number = 0;
if(duration_delta > 0){
kbps = bytes_delta * 8.0 / duration_delta; // b/ms == kbps
kbps = (int(kbps * 10))/10.0;
flash.utils.setTimeout(stopPlayTest, 0);
updateState("下行带宽测试完毕,服务器: " + server_ip + "," + kbps + "kbps,开始测试上行带宽。");
private function stopPlayTest():void{
connection.call("onSrsBandCheckStoppedPlayBytes", null);
public function onSrsBandCheckStartPublishBytes(evt:Object):void{
var duration_ms:Number = evt.duration_ms;
var interval_ms:Number = evt.interval_ms;
connection.call("onSrsBandCheckStartingPublishBytes", null);
flash.utils.setTimeout(publisher, 0);
private function publisher():void{
if (stop_pub) {
var data:Array = new Array();
var data_size:int = 100;
for(var i:int; i < data_size; i++){
data.push("SrS band check data from client's publishing......");
data_size += 100;
connection.call("onSrsBandCheckPublishing", null, data);
flash.utils.setTimeout(publisher, 0);
public function onSrsBandCheckStopPublishBytes(evt:Object):void{
var duration_ms:Number = evt.duration_ms;
var interval_ms:Number = evt.interval_ms;
var duration_delta:Number = evt.duration_delta;
var bytes_delta:Number = evt.bytes_delta;
var kbps:Number = 0;
if(duration_delta > 0){
kbps = bytes_delta * 8.0 / duration_delta; // b/ms == kbps
kbps = (int(kbps * 10))/10.0;
private function stopPublishTest():void{
connection.call("onSrsBandCheckStoppedPublishBytes", null);
stop_pub = true;
value_progressbar = max_progressbar;
updateProgess(value_progressbar, max_progressbar);
public function onSrsBandCheckFinished(evt:Object):void{
var code:Number = evt.code;
var start_time:Number = evt.start_time;
var end_time:Number = evt.end_time;
var play_kbps:Number = evt.play_kbps;
var publish_kbps:Number = evt.publish_kbps;
var play_bytes:Number = evt.play_bytes;
var play_time:Number = evt.play_time;
var publish_bytes:Number = evt.publish_bytes;
var publish_time:Number = evt.publish_time;
updateState("检测结束: 服务器: " + server_ip + " 上行: " + publish_kbps + " kbps" + " 下行: " + play_kbps + " kbps"
+ " 测试时间: " + (end_time-start_time)/1000 + " 秒");
connection.call("finalClientPacket", null);
// update progressBar's value
private function updateProgess(value:Number, maxValue:Number):void{
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call(this.js_update_progress, this.js_id, value * 100 / maxValue);
trace(value + "-" + maxValue + "-" + value * 100 / maxValue + "%");
// update checking status
private function updateState(text:String):void{
flash.external.ExternalInterface.call(this.js_update_status, this.js_id, text);
public function onBWDone():void{