g++ -o ts_info ts_info.cpp -g -O0 -ansi
#if 1
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define trace(msg, ...) printf(msg"\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define srs_freep(p) delete p; p = NULL
#define srs_freepa(p) delete[] p; p = NULL
#define srs_assert(p) assert(p)
ISO/IEC 13818-1:2000(E)
Intro. 1 Transport Stream
Intro. 2 Program Stream
Intro. 4 Packetized Elementary Stream
2.4 Transport Stream bitstream requirements
2.4.1 Transport Stream coding structure and parameters
2.4.2 Transport Stream system target decoder
2.4.3 Specification of the Transport Stream syntax and semantics
| Transport Stream
| Transport Stream packet layer
| Semantic definition of fields in Transport Stream packet layer
| Semantic definition of fields in adaptation field
| PES packet
| Semantic definition of fields in PES packet
2.4.4 Program specific information
| Semantic definition of fields in program association section
| Conditional access Table
2.5 Program Stream bitstream requirements
2.6 Program and program element descriptors
2.7 Restrictions on the multiplexed stream semantics
Annex A <EFBFBD>C CRC Decoder Model
#if 1
// Transport Stream packets are 188 bytes in length.
#define TS_PACKET_SIZE 188
// Program Association Table(see Table 2-25).
#define PID_PAT 0x00
// Conditional Access Table (see Table 2-27).
#define PID_CAT 0x01
// Transport Stream Description Table
#define PID_TSDT 0x02
// null packets (see Table 2-3)
#define PID_NULL 0x01FFF
// No adaptation_field, payload only
#define AFC_PAYLOAD_ONLY 0x01
// Adaptation_field only, no payload
#define AFC_ADAPTION_ONLY 0x02
// Adaptation_field followed by payload
#define AFC_BOTH 0x03
struct TSPacket
// 4B ts packet header.
struct Header
// 1B
int8_t sync_byte; //8bits
// 2B
int8_t transport_error_indicator; //1bit
int8_t payload_unit_start_indicator; //1bit
int8_t transport_priority; //1bit
u_int16_t pid; //13bits
// 1B
int8_t transport_scrambling_control; //2bits
int8_t adaption_field_control; //2bits
u_int8_t continuity_counter; //4bits
int get_size()
return 4;
int demux(TSPacket* ppkt, u_int8_t* start, u_int8_t* last, u_int8_t*& p)
int ret = 0;
// ts packet header.
sync_byte = *p++;
if (sync_byte != 0x47) {
trace("ts+sync_bytes invalid sync_bytes: %#x, expect is 0x47", sync_byte);
return -1;
pid = 0;
((char*)&pid)[1] = *p++;
((char*)&pid)[0] = *p++;
transport_error_indicator = (pid >> 15) & 0x01;
payload_unit_start_indicator = (pid >> 14) & 0x01;
transport_priority = (pid >> 13) & 0x01;
pid &= 0x1FFF;
continuity_counter = *p++;
transport_scrambling_control = (continuity_counter >> 6) & 0x03;
adaption_field_control = (continuity_counter >> 4) & 0x03;
continuity_counter &= 0x0F;
trace("ts+header sync: %#x error: %d unit_start: %d priotiry: %d pid: %d scrambling: %d adaption: %d counter: %d",
sync_byte, transport_error_indicator, payload_unit_start_indicator, transport_priority, pid,
transport_scrambling_control, adaption_field_control, continuity_counter);
return ret;
} *header;
// variant ts packet adation field.
struct AdaptionField
// 1B
u_int8_t adaption_field_length; //8bits
// 1B
int8_t discontinuity_indicator; //1bit
int8_t random_access_indicator; //1bit
int8_t elementary_stream_priority_indicator; //1bit
int8_t PCR_flag; //1bit
int8_t OPCR_flag; //1bit
int8_t splicing_point_flag; //1bit
int8_t transport_private_data_flag; //1bit
int8_t adaptation_field_extension_flag; //1bit
// if PCR_flag, 6B
int64_t program_clock_reference_base; //33bits
//6bits reserved.
int16_t program_clock_reference_extension; //9bits
// if OPCR_flag, 6B
int64_t original_program_clock_reference_base; //33bits
//6bits reserved.
int16_t original_program_clock_reference_extension; //9bits
// if splicing_point_flag, 1B
int8_t splice_countdown; //8bits
// if transport_private_data_flag, 1+p[0] B
u_int8_t transport_private_data_length; //8bits
char* transport_private_data; //[transport_private_data_length]bytes
// if adaptation_field_extension_flag, 2+x bytes
u_int8_t adaptation_field_extension_length; //8bits
int8_t ltw_flag; //1bit
int8_t piecewise_rate_flag; //1bit
int8_t seamless_splice_flag; //1bit
//5bits reserved
// if ltw_flag, 2B
int8_t ltw_valid_flag; //1bit
int16_t ltw_offset; //15bits
// if piecewise_rate_flag, 3B
//2bits reserved
int32_t piecewise_rate; //22bits
// if seamless_splice_flag, 5B
int8_t splice_type; //4bits
int8_t DTS_next_AU0; //3bits
int8_t marker_bit0; //1bit
int16_t DTS_next_AU1; //15bits
int8_t marker_bit1; //1bit
int16_t DTS_next_AU2; //15bits
int8_t marker_bit2; //1bit
// left bytes.
char* af_ext_reserved;
// left bytes.
char* af_reserved;
// user defined data size.
int __user_size;
transport_private_data = NULL;
af_ext_reserved = NULL;
af_reserved = NULL;
__user_size = 0;
virtual ~AdaptionField()
int get_size()
return __user_size;
int demux(TSPacket* ppkt, u_int8_t* start, u_int8_t* last, u_int8_t*& p)
int ret = 0;
adaption_field_length = *p++;
u_int8_t* pos_af = p;
__user_size = 1 + adaption_field_length;
if (adaption_field_length <= 0) {
trace("ts+af empty af decoded.");
return ret;
int8_t value = *p++;
discontinuity_indicator = (value >> 7) & 0x01;
random_access_indicator = (value >> 6) & 0x01;
elementary_stream_priority_indicator = (value >> 5) & 0x01;
PCR_flag = (value >> 4) & 0x01;
OPCR_flag = (value >> 3) & 0x01;
splicing_point_flag = (value >> 2) & 0x01;
transport_private_data_flag = (value >> 1) & 0x01;
adaptation_field_extension_flag = (value >> 0) & 0x01;
trace("ts+af af flags parsed, discontinuity: %d random: %d priority: %d PCR: %d OPCR: %d slicing: %d private: %d extension: %d",
discontinuity_indicator, random_access_indicator, elementary_stream_priority_indicator, PCR_flag, OPCR_flag, splicing_point_flag,
transport_private_data_flag, adaptation_field_extension_flag);
char* pp = NULL;
if (PCR_flag) {
pp = (char*)&program_clock_reference_base;
pp[5] = *p++;
pp[4] = *p++;
pp[3] = *p++;
pp[2] = *p++;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
program_clock_reference_extension = program_clock_reference_base & 0x1F;
program_clock_reference_base = (program_clock_reference_base >> 9) & 0x1FFFFFFFF;
if (OPCR_flag) {
pp = (char*)&original_program_clock_reference_base;
pp[5] = *p++;
pp[4] = *p++;
pp[3] = *p++;
pp[2] = *p++;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
original_program_clock_reference_extension = original_program_clock_reference_base & 0x1F;
original_program_clock_reference_base = (original_program_clock_reference_base >> 9) & 0x1FFFFFFFF;
if (splicing_point_flag) {
splice_countdown = *p++;
if (transport_private_data_flag) {
transport_private_data_length = *p++;
transport_private_data = new char[transport_private_data_length];
for (int i = 0; i < transport_private_data_length; i++) {
transport_private_data[i] = *p++;
if (adaptation_field_extension_flag) {
adaptation_field_extension_length = *p++;
u_int8_t* pos_af_ext = p;
ltw_flag = *p++;
piecewise_rate_flag = (ltw_flag >> 6) & 0x01;
seamless_splice_flag = (ltw_flag >> 5) & 0x01;
ltw_flag = (ltw_flag >> 7) & 0x01;
if (ltw_flag) {
pp = (char*)<w_offset;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
ltw_valid_flag = (ltw_offset >> 15) &0x01;
ltw_offset &= 0x7FFF;
if (piecewise_rate_flag) {
pp = (char*)&piecewise_rate;
pp[2] = *p++;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
piecewise_rate &= 0x3FFFFF;
if (seamless_splice_flag) {
// 1B
marker_bit0 = *p++;
splice_type = (marker_bit0 >> 4) & 0x0F;
DTS_next_AU0 = (marker_bit0 >> 1) & 0x07;
marker_bit0 &= 0x01;
// 2B
pp = (char*)&DTS_next_AU1;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
marker_bit1 = DTS_next_AU1 & 0x01;
DTS_next_AU1 = (DTS_next_AU1 >> 1) & 0x7FFF;
// 2B
pp = (char*)&DTS_next_AU2;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
marker_bit2 = DTS_next_AU2 & 0x01;
DTS_next_AU2 = (DTS_next_AU2 >> 1) & 0x7FFF;
// af_ext_reserved
int ext_size = adaptation_field_extension_length - (p - pos_af_ext);
if (ext_size > 0) {
af_ext_reserved = new char[ext_size];
memcpy(af_ext_reserved, p, ext_size);
p += ext_size;
// af_reserved
int af_size = adaption_field_length - (p - pos_af);
if (af_size > 0) {
af_reserved = new char[af_size];
memcpy(af_reserved, p, af_size);
p += af_size;
return ret;
} *adaption_field;
// variant ts packet payload.
// PES packet or PSI table.
struct Payload
* the size of payload(payload plush the 1byte pointer_field).
int size;
int pointer_field_size;
* the actually parsed type.
enum Type
TypeReserved, // TypeReserved, nothing parsed, used reserved.
TypePAT, //TypePAT, PAT parsed, in pat field.
} type;
* Semantics definition of fields in pointer syntax
u_int8_t pointer_field;
* if not parsed, store data in this field.
struct Reserved
int size;
char* bytes;
size = 0;
bytes = NULL;
virtual ~Reserved()
int demux(TSPacket* ppkt, u_int8_t* start, u_int8_t* last, u_int8_t*& p)
int ret = 0;
size = ppkt->payload->size - ppkt->payload->pointer_field_size;
// not parsed bytes.
if (size > 0) {
bytes = new char[size];
memcpy(bytes, p, size);
p += size;
return ret;
} *reserved;
* Program association Table. page 61.
struct PAT {
// 1B
u_int8_t table_id; //8bits
// 2B
int8_t section_syntax_indicator; //1bit
int8_t const0_value; //1bit
// 2bits reserved.
u_int16_t section_length; //12bits
// 2B
u_int16_t transport_stream_id; //16bits
// 1B
// 2bits reerverd.
int8_t version_number; //5bits
int8_t current_next_indicator; //1bit
// 1B
u_int8_t section_number; //8bits
// 1B
u_int8_t last_section_number; //8bits
// multiple 4B program data.
// program_number 16bits
// reserved 2bits
// 13bits data: 0x1FFF
// if program_number program_map_PID 13bits
// else network_PID 13bytes.
int program_size;
int32_t* programs; //32bits
// 4B
int32_t CRC_32; //32bits
programs = NULL;
virtual ~PAT()
int get_program(int index)
srs_assert(index < program_size);
return programs[index] & 0x1FFF;
int demux(TSPacket* ppkt, u_int8_t* start, u_int8_t* last, u_int8_t*& p)
int ret = 0;
table_id = *p++;
char* pp = (char*)§ion_length;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
u_int8_t* pos = p;
section_syntax_indicator = (section_length >> 15) & 0x01;
const0_value = (section_length >> 14) & 0x01;
section_length &= 0x0FFF;
pp = (char*)&transport_stream_id;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
current_next_indicator = *p++;
version_number = (current_next_indicator >> 1) & 0x1F;
current_next_indicator &= 0x01;
section_number = *p++;
last_section_number = *p++;
// 4 is crc size.
int program_bytes = section_length - 4 - (p - pos);
program_size = program_bytes / 4;
if (program_size > 0) {
programs = new int32_t[program_size];
for (int i = 0; i < program_size; i++) {
pp = (char*)&programs[i];
pp[3] = *p++;
pp[2] = *p++;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
pp = (char*)&CRC_32;
pp[3] = *p++;
pp[2] = *p++;
pp[1] = *p++;
pp[0] = *p++;
return ret;
} *pat;
* PES packet. page 49.
size = 0;
pointer_field_size = 0;
type = TypeUnknown;
reserved = NULL;
pat = NULL;
virtual ~Payload()
int demux(TSPacket* ppkt, u_int8_t* start, u_int8_t* last, u_int8_t*& p)
int ret = 0;
if (ppkt->header->payload_unit_start_indicator) {
pointer_field = *p++;
pointer_field_size = 1;
if (ppkt->header->pid == PID_PAT) {
type = TypePAT;
pat = new PAT();
return pat->demux(ppkt, start, last, p);
// not parsed bytes.
type = TypeReserved;
reserved = new Reserved();
if ((ret = reserved->demux(ppkt, start, last, p)) != 0) {
return ret;
return ret;
} *payload;
header = new Header();
adaption_field = new AdaptionField();
payload = new Payload();
virtual ~TSPacket()
int demux(u_int8_t* start, u_int8_t* last, u_int8_t*& p)
int ret = 0;
if ((ret = header->demux(this, start, last, p)) != 0) {
return ret;
if (header->adaption_field_control == AFC_ADAPTION_ONLY || header->adaption_field_control == AFC_BOTH) {
if ((ret = adaption_field->demux(this, start, last, p)) != 0) {
trace("ts+header af(adaption field) decode error. ret=%d", ret);
return ret;
trace("ts+header af(adaption field) decoded.");
// calc the user defined data size for payload.
payload->size = TS_PACKET_SIZE - header->get_size() - adaption_field->get_size();
if (header->adaption_field_control == AFC_PAYLOAD_ONLY || header->adaption_field_control == AFC_BOTH) {
if ((ret = payload->demux(this, start, last, p)) != 0) {
trace("ts+header payload decode error. ret=%d", ret);
return ret;
trace("ts+header payload decoded.");
trace("ts+header parsed finished. parsed: %d left: %d header: %d payload: %d(%d+%d)",
(int)(p - start), (int)(last - p), header->get_size(), payload->size, payload->pointer_field_size,
payload->size - payload->pointer_field_size);
return finish();
int finish()
return 0;
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/)
const char* file = "livestream-1347.ts";
//file = "nginx-rtmp-hls/livestream-1347-currupt.ts";
int fd = open(file, O_RDONLY);
int ret = 0;
trace("demuxer+read packet count offset T+0 T+1 T+2 T+3 T+x T+L2 T+L1 T+L0");
for (int i = 0, offset = 0; ; i++) {
u_int8_t ts_packet[TS_PACKET_SIZE];
memset(ts_packet, 0, sizeof(ts_packet));
int nread = read(fd, ts_packet, sizeof(ts_packet));
if (nread == 0) {
trace("demuxer+read got EOF, read completed, offset: %07d.", offset);
if (nread != TS_PACKET_SIZE) {
trace("demuxer+read error to read ts packet. nread=%d", nread);
trace("demuxer+read packet %04d %07d 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x ... 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x",
i, offset, ts_packet[0], ts_packet[1], ts_packet[2], ts_packet[3],
ts_packet[TS_PACKET_SIZE - 3], ts_packet[TS_PACKET_SIZE - 2], ts_packet[TS_PACKET_SIZE - 1]);
u_int8_t* p = ts_packet;
u_int8_t* start = ts_packet;
u_int8_t* last = ts_packet + TS_PACKET_SIZE;
TSPacket pkt;
if ((ret = pkt.demux(start, last, p)) != 0) {
trace("demuxer+read decode ts packet error. ret=%d", ret);
return ret;
offset += nread;
return ret;