
152 lines
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* Portions created by SGI are Copyright (C) 2000 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
#if defined(__i386__)
* Internal __jmp_buf layout
#define JB_BX 0
#define JB_SI 1
#define JB_DI 2
#define JB_BP 3
#define JB_SP 4
#define JB_PC 5
.file "md.S"
/* _st_md_cxt_save(__jmp_buf env) */
.globl _st_md_cxt_save
.type _st_md_cxt_save, @function
.align 16
movl 4(%esp), %eax
* Save registers.
movl %ebx, (JB_BX*4)(%eax)
movl %esi, (JB_SI*4)(%eax)
movl %edi, (JB_DI*4)(%eax)
/* Save SP */
leal 4(%esp), %ecx
movl %ecx, (JB_SP*4)(%eax)
/* Save PC we are returning to */
movl 0(%esp), %ecx
movl %ecx, (JB_PC*4)(%eax)
/* Save caller frame pointer */
movl %ebp, (JB_BP*4)(%eax)
xorl %eax, %eax
.size _st_md_cxt_save, .-_st_md_cxt_save
/* _st_md_cxt_restore(__jmp_buf env, int val) */
.globl _st_md_cxt_restore
.type _st_md_cxt_restore, @function
.align 16
/* First argument is jmp_buf */
movl 4(%esp), %ecx
/* Second argument is return value */
movl 8(%esp), %eax
/* Set the return address */
movl (JB_PC*4)(%ecx), %edx
* Restore registers.
movl (JB_BX*4)(%ecx), %ebx
movl (JB_SI*4)(%ecx), %esi
movl (JB_DI*4)(%ecx), %edi
movl (JB_BP*4)(%ecx), %ebp
movl (JB_SP*4)(%ecx), %esp
testl %eax, %eax
jnz 1f
incl %eax
/* Jump to saved PC */
1: jmp *%edx
.size _st_md_cxt_restore, .-_st_md_cxt_restore
#elif defined(__amd64__) || defined(__x86_64__)
* Internal __jmp_buf layout
#define JB_RBX 0
#define JB_RBP 1
#define JB_R12 2
#define JB_R13 3
#define JB_R14 4
#define JB_R15 5
#define JB_RSP 6
#define JB_PC 7
.file "md.S"
/* _st_md_cxt_save(__jmp_buf env) */
.globl _st_md_cxt_save
.type _st_md_cxt_save, @function
.align 16
* Save registers.
movq %rbx, (JB_RBX*8)(%rdi)
movq %rbp, (JB_RBP*8)(%rdi)
movq %r12, (JB_R12*8)(%rdi)
movq %r13, (JB_R13*8)(%rdi)
movq %r14, (JB_R14*8)(%rdi)
movq %r15, (JB_R15*8)(%rdi)
/* Save SP */
leaq 8(%rsp), %rdx
movq %rdx, (JB_RSP*8)(%rdi)
/* Save PC we are returning to */
movq (%rsp), %rax
movq %rax, (JB_PC*8)(%rdi)
xorq %rax, %rax
.size _st_md_cxt_save, .-_st_md_cxt_save
/* _st_md_cxt_restore(__jmp_buf env, int val) */
.globl _st_md_cxt_restore
.type _st_md_cxt_restore, @function
.align 16
* Restore registers.
movq (JB_RBX*8)(%rdi), %rbx
movq (JB_RBP*8)(%rdi), %rbp
movq (JB_R12*8)(%rdi), %r12
movq (JB_R13*8)(%rdi), %r13
movq (JB_R14*8)(%rdi), %r14
movq (JB_R15*8)(%rdi), %r15
/* Set return value */
test %esi, %esi
mov $01, %eax
cmove %eax, %esi
mov %esi, %eax
movq (JB_PC*8)(%rdi), %rdx
movq (JB_RSP*8)(%rdi), %rsp
/* Jump to saved PC */
jmpq *%rdx
.size _st_md_cxt_restore, .-_st_md_cxt_restore