You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

116 lines
2.2 KiB

set cachefile [lindex $argv 0]
if { $cachefile == "" } {
puts stderr "Usage: [file tail $argv0] <existing CMakeCache.txt file>"
exit 1
set struct {
set fd [open $cachefile r]
set cached ""
set dbase ""
while {[gets $fd line] != -1 } {
set line [string trim $line]
# Hash comment
if { [string index $line 0] == "#" } {
# empty line
if { $line == "" } {
set cached ""
if { [string range $line 0 1] == "//" } {
set linepart [string range $line 2 end]
# Variable description. Add to cache.
if { $cached != "" && [string index $cached end] != " " && [string index $linepart 0] != " " } {
append cached " "
append cached $linepart
# Possibly a variable
if [string is alpha [string index $line 0]] {
# Note: this skips variables starting grom underscore.
if { [string range $line 0 5] == "CMAKE_" } {
# Skip variables with CMAKE_ prefix, they are internal.
lassign [split $line =] vartype value
lassign [split $vartype :] var type
# Store the variable now
set storage [list $var $type $value $cached]
set cached ""
lappend dbase $storage
#puts stderr "Ignored line: $line"
# Ignored.
# Now look over the stored variables
set lenlimit 80
foreach stor $dbase {
lassign $stor {*}$struct
if { [string length $description] > $lenlimit } {
set description [string range $description 0 $lenlimit-2]...
if { $type in {STATIC INTERNAL} } {
# Check special case of CXX to turn back to c++.
set pos [string first CXX $name]
if { $pos != -1 } {
# Check around, actually after XX should be no letter.
if { $pos+3 >= [string length $name] || ![string is alpha [string index $name $pos+3]] } {
set name [string replace $name $pos $pos+2 C++]
set optname [string tolower [string map {_ -} $name]]
# Variables of type bool are just empty.
# Variables of other types must have =<value> added.
# Lowercase cmake type will be used here.
set optassign ""
set def ""
if { $type != "BOOL" } {
set optassign "=<[string tolower $type]>"
} else {
# Supply default for boolean option
set def " (default: $value)"
puts " $optname$optassign \"$description$def\""