srs(simple rtmp origin live server) over state-threads.< br / >
srs is a simple, high-performance, running in single process, origin live server.< br / >
blog: [ ]( ) < br />
see also: [ ]( ) < br />
see also: [ ]( )
### Usage
step 1: build srs < br / >
< pre >
tar xf simple-rtmp-server-*.*.tar.gz
cd simple-rtmp-server-*.*/trunk
./configure --with-ssl --with-hls
< / pre >
step 2: start srs < br / >
< pre >
./objs/simple_rtmp_server -c conf/srs.conf
< / pre >
step 3(optional): start nginx for HLS < br / >
< pre >
sudo ./objs/nginx/sbin/nginx
< / pre >
step 4: publish live stream < br / >
< pre >
FMS URL: rtmp://
Stream: livestream
For example, use ffmpeg to publish:
ffmpeg -re -i source.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy \
-f flv -y rtmp://
< / pre >
step 5: play live stream < br / >
< pre >
rtmp url: rtmp://
m3u8 url:
< / pre >
### Summary
1. simple: also stable enough.< br />
2. high-performance: single-thread, async socket, event/st-thread driven.< br />
3. support vhost, support \_\_defaultVhost\_\_.< br />
4. support adobe rtmp live streaming.< br />
5. support apple hls(m3u8) live streaming.< br />
7. support reload config to enable changes.< br />
8. support cache last gop for flash player to fast startup.< br />
9. support listen at multiple ports.< br />
10. support long time(>4.6hours) publish/play.< br />
11. [dev] support forward publish stream to build active-standby cluster.< br />
12. [plan] support live stream transcoding by ffmpeg.< br />
13. [plan] support full http callback api.< br />
14. [plan] support network based cli and json result.< br />
15. [plan] support bandwidth test api and flash client.< br />
16. no edge server, origin server only.< br />
17. no vod streaming, live streaming only.< br />
18. no multiple processes, single process only.< br />
### Performance
1. 300 connections, 150Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 18.8%, 5956KB.
2. 600 connections, 300Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 32.1%, 9808KB.
3. 900 connections, 450Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 49.9%, 11MB.
4. 1200 connections, 600Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 72.4%, 15MB.
5. 1500 connections, 750Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 81.9%, 28MB.
6. 1800 connections, 900Mbps, 500kbps, CPU 90.2%, 41MB.
< pre >
----total-cpu-usage---- -dsk/total- ---net/lo-- ---paging-- ---system--
usr sys idl wai hiq siq| read writ| recv send| in out | int csw
58 9 32 0 0 1| 0 4168k| 277M 277M| 0 0 | 29k 25k
61 8 30 0 0 1| 0 1168k| 336M 336M| 0 0 | 29k 24k
63 8 27 0 0 1| 0 2240k| 124M 124M| 0 0 | 32k 33k
62 8 28 0 0 1| 0 1632k| 110M 110M| 0 0 | 31k 33k
67 9 23 0 0 2| 0 1604k| 130M 130M| 0 0 | 33k 32k
63 9 27 0 0 2| 0 1496k| 145M 145M| 0 0 | 32k 32k
61 9 29 0 0 1| 0 1112k| 132M 132M| 0 0 | 32k 33k
63 9 27 0 0 2| 0 1220k| 145M 145M| 0 0 | 32k 33k
53 7 40 0 0 1| 0 1360k| 115M 115M| 0 0 | 24k 26k
51 7 41 0 0 1| 0 1184k| 146M 146M| 0 0 | 24k 27k
39 6 54 0 0 1| 0 1284k| 105M 105M| 0 0 | 22k 28k
41 6 52 0 0 1| 0 1264k| 116M 116M| 0 0 | 25k 28k
48 6 45 0 0 1| 0 1272k| 143M 143M| 0 0 | 27k 27k
< / pre >
### Releases
* 2013-11-26, [release v0.5 ]( ), support HLS(m3u8), fragment and window. 14449 lines.< br />
* 2013-11-10, [release v0.4 ]( ), support reload config, pause, longtime publish/play. 12500 lines.< br />
* 2013-11-04, [release v0.3 ]( ), support vhost, refer, gop cache, listen multiple ports. 11773 lines.< br />
* 2013-10-25, [release v0.2 ]( ), support flash publish, h264 codec, time jitter correct. 10125 lines.< br />
* 2013-10-23, [release v0.1 ]( ), support FMLE/FFMPEG publish, vp6 codec. 8287 lines.< br />
* 2013-10-17, created.< br />
### Compare
* srs v0.5: 14449 lines.< br />
* srs v0.4: 12500 lines.< br />
* srs v0.3: 11773 lines.< br />
* srs v0.2: 10125 lines.< br />
* srs v0.1: 8287 lines.< br />
* nginx-rtmp v1.0.4: 26786 lines < br />
* nginx v1.5.0: 139524 lines < br />
### History
* v0.6, 2013-11-27, support --with or --without -hls and -ssl options.
* v0.6, 2013-11-27, support AAC 44100HZ sample rate for iphone, adjust the timestamp.
* v0.5, 2013-11-26, v0.5 released. 14449 lines.
* v0.5, 2013-11-24, support HLS(m3u8), fragment and window.
* v0.5, 2013-11-24, support record to ts file for HLS.
* v0.5, 2013-11-21, add ts_info tool to demux ts file.
* v0.5, 2013-11-16, add rtmp players(OSMF/jwplayer5/jwplayer6).
* v0.4, 2013-11-10, v0.4 released. 12500 lines.
* v0.4, 2013-11-10, support config and reload the pithy print.
* v0.4, 2013-11-09, support reload config(vhost and its detail).
* v0.4, 2013-11-09, support reload config(listen and chunk_size) by SIGHUP(1).
* v0.4, 2013-11-09, support longtime(>4.6hours) publish/play.
* v0.4, 2013-11-09, support config the chunk_size.
* v0.4, 2013-11-09, support pause for live stream.
* v0.3, 2013-11-04, v0.3 released. 11773 lines.
* v0.3, 2013-11-04, support refer/play-refer/publish-refer.
* v0.3, 2013-11-04, support vhosts specified config.
* v0.3, 2013-11-02, support listen multiple ports.
* v0.3, 2013-11-02, support config file in nginx-conf style.
* v0.3, 2013-10-29, support pithy print log message specified by stage.
* v0.3, 2013-10-28, support librtmp without extended-timestamp in 0xCX chunk packet.
* v0.3, 2013-10-27, support cache last gop for client fast startup.
* v0.2, 2013-10-25, v0.2 released. 10125 lines.
* v0.2, 2013-10-25, support flash publish.
* v0.2, 2013-10-25, support h264/avc codec by rtmp complex handshake.
* v0.2, 2013-10-24, support time jitter detect and correct algorithm
* v0.2, 2013-10-24, support decode codec type to cache the h264/avc sequence header.
* v0.1, 2013-10-23, v0.1 released. 8287 lines.
* v0.1, 2013-10-23, support basic amf0 codec, simplify the api using c-style api.
* v0.1, 2013-10-23, support shared ptr msg for zero memory copy.
* v0.1, 2013-10-22, support vp6 codec with rtmp protocol specified simple handshake.
* v0.1, 2013-10-20, support multiple flash client play live streaming.
* v0.1, 2013-10-20, support FMLE/FFMPEG publish live streaming.
* v0.1, 2013-10-18, support rtmp message2chunk protocol(send\_message).
* v0.1, 2013-10-17, support rtmp chunk2message protocol(recv\_message).