# the listen ports, split by space.
listen 1935;
# the default chunk size is 128, max is 65536,
# some client does not support chunk size change,
# however, most clients supports it and it can improve
# performance about 10%.
# if not specified, set to 4096.
chunk_size 65000;
# vhost list, the __defaultVhost__ is the default vhost
# for which cannot identify the required vhost.
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
enabled on;
gop_cache on;
hls on;
hls_path ./objs/nginx/html;
hls_fragment 5;
hls_window 30;
# the vhost disabled.
vhost removed.vhost.com {
# whether the vhost is enabled.
# if off, all request access denied.
# default: on
enabled off;
# the vhost with hls specified.
vhost no-hls.vhost.com {
# whether the hls is enabled.
# if off, donot write hls(ts and m3u8) when publish.
# default: on
hls on;
# the hls output path.
# the app dir is auto created under the hls_path.
# for example, for rtmp stream:
# rtmp://
# where hls_path is /hls, srs will create the following files:
# /hls/live the app dir for all streams.
# /hls/live/livestream.m3u8 the HLS m3u8 file.
# /hls/live/livestream-1.ts the HLS media/ts file.
# in a word, the hls_path is for vhost.
# default: ./objs/nginx/html
hls_path /data/nginx/html;
# the hls fragment in seconds, the duration of a piece of ts.
# default: 10
hls_fragment 10;
# the hls window in seconds, the number of ts in m3u8.
# default: 60
hls_window 60;
# the vhost with hls disabled.
vhost no-hls.vhost.com {
# whether the hls is enabled.
# if off, donot write hls(ts and m3u8) when publish.
# default: on
hls off;
# the vhost for min delay, donot cache any stream.
vhost min.delay.com {
# whether cache the last gop.
# if on, cache the last gop and dispatch to client,
# to enable fast startup for client, client play immediately.
# if off, send the latest media data to client,
# client need to wait for the next Iframe to decode and show the video.
# set to off if requires min delay;
# set to on if requires client fast startup.
# default: on
gop_cache off;
# the vhost for antisuck.
vhost refer.anti_suck.com {
# the common refer for play and publish.
# if the page url of client not in the refer, access denied.
# if not specified this field, allow all.
# default: not specified.
refer github.com github.io;
# refer for publish clients specified.
# the common refer is not overrided by this.
# if not specified this field, allow all.
# default: not specified.
refer_publish github.com github.io;
# refer for play clients specified.
# the common refer is not overrided by this.
# if not specified this field, allow all.
# default: not specified.
refer_play github.com github.io;
# config for the pithy print,
# which always print constant message specified by interval,
# whatever the clients in concurrency.
pithy_print {
# shared print interval for all publish clients, in milliseconds.
# if not specified, set to 1100.
publish 2000;
# shared print interval for all play clients, in milliseconds.
# if not specified, set to 1300.
play 3000;