Freeman Lau b314909305 Fix code style, add some comment
src/main Upgrade Sentinel to 1.8.3.
pom.xml Upgrade Sentinel to 1.8.3. Fix code style, add some comment Fix code style, add some comment

Sentinel Feign Circuit Breaker Example

Project description

OpenFeign integrates Sentinel circuit breaker implementation


  1. add configuration to config center
    enabled: true # Enable feign circuit breaker support
    default-rule: default # Default rule name
      # Default rule, valid for all feign clients
        - grade: 2 # Downgrade based on number of exceptions
          count: 1
          timeWindow: 15 # Time to half-open state after downgrade
          statIntervalMs: 1000
          minRequestAmount: 1
      # Only valid for feign client user
        - grade: 2
          count: 1
          timeWindow: 15
          statIntervalMs: 1000
          minRequestAmount: 1
      # Only valid for the method feignMethod of the feign client user
      # Parentheses are parameter types, separated by multiple commas, such as user#method(boolean,String,Map)
        - grade: 2
          count: 1
          timeWindow: 10
          statIntervalMs: 1000
          minRequestAmount: 1
  1. start FeignCircuitBreakerApplication


Startup project

Verify that the default feign client takes effect.
First visit http:localhost/test/default/false 2 times (in 1 second)
and then visit http:localhost/test/default/true, the circuit breaker is open

Verify that the specified feign client takes effect.
First visit http:localhost/test/feign/false 2 times (in 1 second)
and then visit http:localhost/test/feign/true, the circuit breaker is open

Verify that the specified method of feign client takes effect.
First visit http://localhost/test/feignMethod/false 2 times (in 1 second)
and then visit http://localhost/test/feignMethod/true, the circuit breaker is open

Rules are dynamically refreshed

Modify the rules of the configuration center, and then access the above interface