# Sentinel Spring Cloud Zuul Adapter

Zuul does not provide rateLimit function, If use default `SentinelRibbonFilter` route filter. it wrapped by Hystrix Command. so only provide Service level 
circuit protect. 

Sentinel can provide `ServiceId` level and `API Path` level flow control for spring cloud zuul gateway service. 

*Note*: this project is for zuul 1.

## How to use

1. Add maven dependency



2. Set application.property

// default value is false

## How it works

As Zuul run as per thread per connection block model, we add filters around `route Filter` to trace sentinel statistics.   

- `SentinelPreFilter`: Get an entry of resource,the first order is **ServiceId**, then **API Path**. 
- `SentinelPostFilter`: When success response,exit entry.
- `SentinelErrorFilter`:  When get an `Exception`, trace the exception and exit context. 

the order of Filter can be changed by configuration:


Filters create structure like:


EntranceNode: machine-root(t:3 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
-EntranceNode: coke(t:2 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
--coke(t:2 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
---/coke/uri(t:0 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
-EntranceNode: sentinel_default_context(t:0 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
-EntranceNode: book(t:1 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
--book(t:1 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)
---/book/uri(t:0 pq:0 bq:0 tq:0 rt:0 prq:0 1mp:0 1mb:0 1mt:0)


`book` and `coke` are serviceId. 

`---/book/uri` is api path, the real uri is `/uri`. 

## Integration with Sentinel DashBord

Start [Sentinel DashBord](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0).

## Rule config with dataSource

Sentinel has full rule config features. see [Dynamic-Rule-Configuration](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/Dynamic-Rule-Configuration)

## Custom Fallbacks

Implements `SentinelFallbackProvider` to define your own Fallback Provider when Sentinel Block Exception throwing for different rout. the default 
Fallback Provider is `DefaultBlockFallbackProvider`. 

By default Fallback route is `ServiveId + URI PATH`, example `/book/coke`, first `book` is serviceId, `/uri` is URI PATH, so both  
can be needed.

Here is an example:


// custom provider 
public class MyCokeServiceBlockFallbackProvider implements SentinelFallbackProvider {

    private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultBlockFallbackProvider.class);
    // you can define root as service level 
    public String getRoute() {
        return "/coke/uri";

    public ClientHttpResponse fallbackResponse(String route, Throwable cause) {
        if (cause instanceof BlockException) {
            logger.info("get in fallback block exception:{}", cause);
            return response(HttpStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, route);
        } else {
            return response(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, route);


## Custom Request Origin Parser
By default this adapter use `DefaultRequestOriginParser` to parse sentinel origin.


public class CustomRequestOriginParser implements RequestOriginParser {
    public String parseOrigin(HttpServletRequest request) {
        // do custom logic.
        return "";


## Custom UrlCleaner
By default this adapter use `DefaultUrlCleaner` to define uri resource. 

public class CustomUrlCleaner implements UrlCleaner {

    public String clean(String originUrl) {
        // do custom logic.
        return originUrl;