@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Before we start the demo, let's learn how to connect Sentinel to a Spring Cloud
2. Start the application in IDE or by building a fatjar.
1. Start in IDE: Find main class `ServiceApplication`, and execute the main method.
2. Build a fatjar:Execute command `mvn clean package` to build a fatjar,and run command `java -jar sentinel-core-example.jar` to start the application.
2. Build a fatjar:Execute command `mvn clean package` to build a fatjar, and run command `java -jar sentinel-core-example.jar` to start the application.
### Invoke Service
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ The screenshot belows shows invoke success:
1. Open http://localhost:8080 in browser, and you can find a Sentinel-Example Application has been registered to the dashboard.
**Note: If you can't find your application in the dashboard, invoke a method that has been defined as a Sentinel Resource,for Sentinel uses lazy load strategy.**
**Note: If you can't find your application in the dashboard, invoke a method that has been defined as a Sentinel Resource, for Sentinel uses lazy load strategy.**
@ -171,73 +171,30 @@ Sentinel provide [ReadableDataSource](https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/blob/m
Sentinel starter integrated 4 DataSources provided by Sentinel. It will be register into Spring Context if you write some configs in `application.properties`.
If you want to define FileRefreshableDataSource:
If you want to define `FileRefreshableDataSource` and `NacosDataSource`, see the code below:
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.converter means the name of spring bean that type is Converter. If the bean is not exists, will throw exception.
Now datasource type support 4 categories: file, nacos, zk, apollo. If you want to using nacos, zk or apollo, you should add `sentinel-datasource-nacos`, `sentinel-datasource-zookeeper` or `sentinel-datasource-apollo` dependency.
`ds1` and `ds2` means the name of ReadableDataSource, you can write whatever you want. The `file` and `nacos` after name `ds1` and `ds2` means the type of ReadableDataSource.
Now ReadableDataSource type support 4 categories: `file`, `nacos`, `zk` and `apollo`.
### User-defined DataSource
If you want to use `nacos`, `zk` or `apollo` ReadableDataSource, you could add `sentinel-datasource-nacos`, `sentinel-datasource-zookeeper` or `sentinel-datasource-apollo` dependency.
User-defined DataSource need 2 steps.
When ReadableDataSource load rule data successfully, console will print some logs:
1. Define DataSource
public class CustomDataSource implements ReadableDataSource {
private String fieldA;
private String fieldB;
2. Assemble DataSource. There are 2 ways to do this.
* Construct DataSource directly
public CustomDataSource customDataSource() {
CustomDataSource customDataSource = new CustomDataSource();
return customDataSource;
* define DataSource metadata in `classpath:/META-INF/sentinel-datasource.properties`
custom = yourpackage.CustomDataSource
define configuration in `application.properties`
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.type = custom
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.fieldA = valueA
spring.cloud.sentinel.datasource.fieldB = valueB
Note: The AbstractDataSource of Sentinel need a Converter as a constructor param and the subclass of AbstractDataSource was construct by multi-param constructor.
Now All DataSources in starter was construct by FactoryBean. If you want to do it in this way, you should register FactoryBean by SentinelDataSourceRegistry.