Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ACM is an implementation of the commercial product Application Configuration Management(ACM) in the client side of Spring Cloud, and is free of charge.
Spring Cloud AliCloud ACM is an implementation of the commercial product Application Configuration Management(ACM) in the client side of Spring Cloud, and is free of charge.
Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ACM is an alternative solution for Config Server and Client. The concepts on the client and server have the same abstractions with Spring Environment and PropertySource. In special Bootstrap phases, configurations are loaded to the Spring environment. During the application lifecycle from development, deployment, test to production, you can manage the configurations across all the environments, and make sure that all information required for application migration is ready when needed.
Use Spring Cloud AliCloud ACM to quickly access ACM configuration management capabilities based on Spring Cloud's programming model.
NOTE: Currently EDAS already supports direct deployment of the Nacos Config app.
=== How to Introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ACM
@ -162,12 +164,12 @@ ACM provides a solution to share the same configuration across multiple applicat
Then, you application will retrieve configurations from the following DataId in turn before it retrieves its own configuration: company:application.properties, company.department:application.properties, company.department.team:application.properties。
Then, you application will retrieve configurations from the following DataId in turn before it retrieves its own configuration: company:application.properties, company.department:application.properties, company.department.team:application.properties.
After that, it also retrieves configuration from {spring.application.group}: {spring.application.name}. {file-extension}
The later in order, the higer the priority, and the unique configuration of the application itself has the highest priority.
NOTE: The default suffix of DataId is properties, and you can change it using spring.cloud.alicloud.acm.file-extension. `{spring.application.group}: {spring.application.name}. {file-extension}` 。
NOTE: The default suffix of DataId is properties, and you can change it using spring.cloud.alicloud.acm.file-extension. `{spring.application.group}: {spring.application.name}. {file-extension}` .
NOTE: If you configured `spring.profiles.active` , then the DataId format of `{spring.application.group}: {spring.application.name}-{spring.profiles.active}. {file-extension}` is also supported, and has higher priority than `{spring.application.group}: {spring.application.name}. {file-extension}`
ANS(Application Naming Service) is a component of EDAS. Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ANS provides the commercial version of service registration and discovery in conformity with the Spring Cloud specifications, so that you can develop your applications locally and run them on the cloud.
NOTE: EDAS currently supports direct deployment of Nacos Discovery applications
=== How to Introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud ANS
If you want to use ANS in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as `com.alibaba.cloud` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-ans`.
If you’re a Maven Central user, add our BOM to your pom.xml <dependencyManagement> section. This will allow you to omit versions for any of the Maven dependencies and instead delegate versioning to the BOM.
@ -10,7 +8,7 @@ If you’re a Maven Central user, add our BOM to your pom.xml <dependencyManagem
@ -18,21 +16,5 @@ If you’re a Maven Central user, add our BOM to your pom.xml <dependencyManagem
### Spring Snapshots Maven Repository
If you want to use the latest BUILD-SNAPSHOT version, add Spring Snapshot Repository in pom.xml , Attention: BUILD-SNAPSHOT may be updated in any time:
<name>Spring SnapShots</name>
In the following sections, it will be assumed you are using the Spring Cloud Alibaba BOM and the dependency snippets will not contain versions.
For example, the 0.2.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT is available from this repository.
Dubbo Spring Cloud is based on Dubbo Spring Boot 2.7.3[1] and Spring Cloud 2.x development, whether the developer is a Dubbo user or a Spring Cloud user.
Easily navigate and move apps up at a cost close to “zero” costs. Dubbo Spring Cloud is designed to simplify Cloud Native development costs, improve R&D performance, and improve application performance.
=== Features
Since Dubbo Spring Cloud is built on top of the native Spring Cloud, its service governance capabilities are considered Spring Cloud Plus.
Not only does it fully cover the Spring Cloud native features [5], but it also provides a more stable and mature implementation, as shown in the following table:
| Circuit Breakers | Spring Cloud Hystrix | Spring Cloud Hystrix + Alibaba Sentinel[9] etc.
| Service-to-service calls | Open Feign、`RestTemplate` | Spring Cloud service call + Dubbo `@Reference`.
| Tracing | Spring Cloud Sleuth[10] + Zipkin[11] | Zipkin、opentracing, etc.
=== Reference
[1]: Starting with 2.7.0, Dubbo Spring Boot and Dubbo are consistent in version
[2]: Preview releases of Spring Cloud Alibaba are available: 0.9.0, 0.2.2, and 0.1.2 - https://spring.io/blog/2011/04/11/preview-releases-of-spring-cloud-alibaba-are-available-0-9-0-0-2-2-and-0-1-2
[3]: The current version of the Spring Cloud "F" is: `Finchley.SR2` - https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/Finchley.SR2/single/spring-cloud.html
[4]: The current Spring Cloud "G" version is `Greenwich.RELEASE`
[5]: Spring Cloud feature list - https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/Greenwich.RELEASE/single/spring-cloud.html#_features
[6]: Dubbo 2.7 starts supporting the configuration center and can be customized - http://dubbo.apache.org/en-us/docs/user/configuration/config-center.html
[7]: Spring Cloud native registry, in addition to Eureka, Zookeeper, and Consul, includes Nacos in Spring Cloud Alibaba
[8]: Dubbo Native Registration Center - http://dubbo.apache.org/en-us/docs/user/references/registry/introduction.html
[9]: Alibaba Sentinel: Sentinel uses traffic as an entry point to protect service stability from multiple dimensions such as flow control, blowdown, and system load protection - https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/%E4%BB%8B %E7%BB%8D, currently Sentinel has been accepted as a candidate for Circuit Breaker by the Spring Cloud project - https://spring.io/blog/2011/04/8/introducing-spring-cloud-circuit-breaker
Spring Cloud Alibaba aims to provide a one-stop solution for microservices development. This prjoect includes the required components for developing distributed applications and services, so that developers can develop distributed applications easily with the Spring Cloud programming models.
With Spring Cloud Alibaba, you only need to add a few annotations and configurations, and you will be able to use the distributed solutions of Alibaba for your applications, and build a distributed system of your own with Alibaba middleware.
The features of Spring Cloud Alibaba:
1. **Flow control and service degradation**:support WebServlet, WebFlux, OpenFeign, RestTemplate, Dubbo access to the function of limiting and degrading flow. It can modify the rules of limiting and degrading flow in real time through the console at run time, and it also supports the monitoring of limiting and degrading Metrics.
2. **Service registration and discovery**:Service can be registered and clients can discover the instances using Spring-managed beans, auto integration Ribbon.
3. **Distributed configuration**:support for externalized configuration in a distributed system, auto refresh when configuration changes.
5. **Rpc Service**:extend Spring Cloud client RestTemplate and OpenFeign to support calling Dubbo RPC services.
5. **Event-driven**:support for building highly scalable event-driven microservices connected with shared messaging systems.
6. **Distributed Transaction**:support for distributed transaction solution with high performance and ease of use.
7. **Alibaba Cloud Object Storage**:massive, secure, low-cost, and highly reliable cloud storage services. Support for storing and accessing any type of data in any application, anytime, anywhere.
8. **Alibaba Cloud SchedulerX**:accurate, highly reliable, and highly available scheduled job scheduling services with response time within seconds.
9. **Alibaba Cloud SMS**: A messaging service that covers the globe, Alibaba SMS provides convenient, efficient, and intelligent communication capabilities that help businesses quickly contact their customers.
Spring Cloud Alibaba also provide rich https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/tree/master/spring-cloud-alibaba-examples[examples].
Nacos provides key/value storage of configurations and other metadata as well as server and client support for externalized configurations in distributed systems. With Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Config, you can manage externalized configurations of your Spring Cloud applications in the Nacos Server.
Nacos is an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Config is an alternative solution for Config Server and Client. The concepts on the client and server have the same abstractions with Spring Environment and PropertySource. In special Bootstrap phases, configurations are loaded to the Spring environment. During the application lifecycle from development, deployment, test to production, you can manage the configurations across all the environments, and make sure that all information required for application migration is ready when needed.
Use Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Config to quickly access Nacos configuration management capabilities based on Spring Cloud's programming model.
=== How to Introduce Nacos Config for configuration
please use the starter with the group ID as `com.alibaba.cloud` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config`.
System.err.println("user name :" +userName+"; age: "+userAge);
@ -59,6 +78,7 @@ Before running this example, we need to configure the address of the Nacos serve
# DataId By default, the `spring.application.name` configuration is combined with the file extension (the configuration format uses properties by default), and the GROUP is not configured to use DEFAULT_GROUP by default. Therefore, the Nacos Config configuration corresponding to the configuration file has a DataId of nacos-config.properties and a GROUP of DEFAULT_GROUP
@ -71,17 +91,16 @@ Run this example and you can see the following output:
2018-11-02 14:24:51.638 INFO 32700 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.ProviderApplication : Started ProviderApplication in 14.645 seconds (JVM running for 15.139)
2018-11-02 14:24:51.638 INFO 32700 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.NacosConfigApplication : Started NacosConfigApplication in 14.645 seconds (JVM running for 15.139)
user name :nacos-config-properties; age: 90
2018-11-02 14:24:51.688 INFO 32700 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@a8c5e74: startup date [Fri Nov 02 14:24:51 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
=== Add Configurations with DataId in YAML Format
spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config supports yaml format as well. You only need to complete the following 2 steps.
Nacos Config supports yaml format as well. You only need to complete the following 2 steps.
1. In the bootstrap.properties file, add the following line to claim that the format of dataid is yaml. As follows:
1. In the bootstrap.properties file, add the following line to claim that the format of DataId is yaml. As follows:
@ -89,7 +108,7 @@ spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config supports yaml format as well. You only
2. Add a configuration with the dataId in yaml format on the Nacos console, as shown below:
2. Add a configuration with the DataId in yaml format on the Nacos console, as shown below:
After completing the preivous two steps, restart the testing program and you will see the following result.
2018-11-02 14:59:00.484 INFO 32928 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.ProviderApplication:Started ProviderApplication in 14.183 seconds (JVM running for 14.671)
2018-11-02 14:59:00.484 INFO 32928 --- [main] c.a.demo.provider.NacosConfigApplication:Started NacosConfigApplication in 14.183 seconds (JVM running for 14.671)
user name :nacos-config-yaml; age: 68
2018-11-02 14:59:00.529 INFO 32928 --- [-] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@265a478e: startup date [Fri Nov 02 14:59:00 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
=== Support Dynamic Configuration Udpates
spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config also supports dynamic configuration updates. The code for starting Spring Boot application testing is as follows:
Nacos Config also supports dynamic configuration updates. The code for starting Spring Boot application testing is as follows:
//When configurations are refreshed dynamically, they will be updated in the Enviroment, therefore here we retrieve configurations from Environment every other second.
@ -153,7 +172,7 @@ NOTE: You can disable automatic refresh with this setting`spring.cloud.nacos.con
=== Support configurations at the profile level
When configurations are loaded by spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-config, basic configurations with dataid of `${spring.application.name}. ${file-extension:properties}` , and dataid of `${spring.application.name}-${profile}. ${file-extension:properties}` are also loaded. If you need to use different configurations from different environments, you can use the `${spring.profiles.active}` configuration provided by Spring.
When configurations are loaded by Nacos Config, basic configurations with DataId of `${spring.application.name}. ${file-extension:properties}` , and DataId of `${spring.application.name}-${profile}. ${file-extension:properties}` are also loaded. If you need to use different configurations from different environments, you can use the `${spring.profiles.active}` configuration provided by Spring.
@ -162,7 +181,7 @@ spring.profiles.active=develop
NOTE: When specified in configuration files, ${spring.profiles.active} must be placed in bootstrap.properties.
Add a basic configuration in Nacos, with a dataid of nacos-config-develop.yaml, as shown below:
Add a basic configuration in Nacos, with a DataId of nacos-config-develop.yaml, as shown below:
@ -180,10 +199,10 @@ Run the following Spring Boot application testing code:
@ -210,7 +229,7 @@ To switch to the production environment, you only need to change the parameter o
At the same time, add the basic configuration with the dataid in the Nacos of your production environment. For example, you can add the configuration with the dataid of nacos-config-product.yaml in Nacos of your production environment:
At the same time, add the basic configuration with the DataId in the Nacos of your production environment. For example, you can add the configuration with the DataId of nacos-config-product.yaml in Nacos of your production environment:
@ -318,4 +337,88 @@ we agree on the following priority between the shared configurations: Priorities
NOTE: When using `spring.cloud.nacos.config.shared-dataids`, the data Id must have a file extension, and it could be properties or yaml/yml.
And the configuration in `spring.cloud.nacos.config.file-extension` does not have any impact on the customized Data Id file extension.
NOTE: When `spring.cloud.nacos.config.refreshable-dataids` specifies the data ids that support dynamic refresh, the corresponding values of the data ids should also specify file extensions.
NOTE: When `spring.cloud.nacos.config.refreshable-dataids` specifies the data ids that support dynamic refresh, the corresponding values of the data ids should also specify file extensions.
=== Nacos Config Endpoint
Nacos Config provides an Endpoint internally with a corresponding endpoint id of `nacos-config`.
Endpoint exposed json contains three properties:
1. Sources: Current application configuration data information
2. RefreshHistory: Configuration refresh history
3. NacosConfigProperties: Shows the current basic Nacos configurations of the current service
The followings shows how a service instance accesses the Endpoint:
set spring.cloud.nacos.config.enabled = false to disable Spring Cloud Nacos Config AutoConfiguration.
=== More Information about Nacos Config Starter Configurations
The following shows the other configurations of the starter of Nacos Config:
:frame: topbot
^|Configuration ^|Key ^|Default Value ^|Description
|Server address|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.server-addr`|| IP and port of the Nacos Server listener
|Dataid from nacos config|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.name`|| First take the prefix, then go to the name, and finally take spring.application.name
|Dataid from nacos config|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.prefix`|| First take the prefix, then go to the name, and finally take spring.application.name
|Encode for nacos config content|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.encode`||Encode for nacos config content
|GROUP for nacos config|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.group`|`DEFAULT_GROUP`|GROUP for nacos config
|The suffix of nacos config dataId, also the file extension of config content.|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.fileExtension`|`properties`|The suffix of nacos config dataId, also the file extension of config content(now support properties or yaml(yml))
|Timeout for get config from nacos|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.timeout`|`3000`|Timeout for get config from nacos
|The context path of Nacos Server|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.contextPath`||The context path of Nacos Server
|Cluster name|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.clusterName`||Cluster name
|Dataid for Shared Configuration|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.sharedDataids`||Dataid for Shared Configuration, split by ","
|Dynamic refresh dataid for Shared Configuration|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.refreshableDataids`||Dynamic refresh dataid for Shared Configuration, split by ","
|custom dataid|`spring.cloud.nacos.config.extConfig`||It's a List,build up by `Config` POJO. `Config` has 3 attributes, `dataId`, `group` and `refresh`
This project provides seamless integration with Nacos for Spring Boot applications in terms of service registration and discovery through automatic configurations and other standard usages of the Spring programming model.
Nacos has endured the tough tests of the Double 11 Shopping festivals for years. By adding a few simple annotations, you can register a service quickly and use Nacos as the service registration center for a large scale distributed system.
Nacos is an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
=== Service Registration and Discovery: Nacos Discovery Starter
With Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos Discovery, you can quickly access the Nacos service registration feature based on Spring Cloud's programming model.
=== Service Registration/Discovery: Nacos Discovery
Service discovery is one of the key components in the microservices architecture. In such a architecture, configuring a service list for every client manually could be a daunting task, and makes dynamic scaling extremely difficult.
Nacos Discovery Starter helps you to register your service to the Nacos server automatically, and the Nacos server keeps track of the services and refreshes the service list dynamically. In addition, Nacos
Discovery Starter registers some of the metadata of the service instance, such as host, port, health check URL, homepage to Nacos. For details about how to download and start Nacos, refer to the https://nacos.io/zh-cn/docs/quick-start.html[Nacos Website]。
Nacos Discovery helps you to register your service to the Nacos server automatically, and the Nacos server keeps track of the services and refreshes the service list dynamically. In addition, Nacos
Discovery registers some of the metadata of the service instance, such as host, port, health check URL, homepage to Nacos. For details about how to download and start Nacos, refer to the https://nacos.io/zh-cn/docs/quick-start.html[Nacos Website].
==== How to Introduce Nacos Discovery Starter
=== How to Introduce Nacos Discovery for service registration/discovery
please use the starter with the group ID as `com.alibaba.cloud` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery`.
@ -21,11 +22,26 @@ please use the starter with the group ID as `com.alibaba.cloud` and the artifact
=== An example of using Nacos Discovery for service registration/discovery and call
Nacos Discovery integrate with the Netflix Ribbon, RestTemplate or OpenFeign can be used for service-to-service calls.
==== Nacos Server Startup
For details about how to download and start Nacos, refer to the https://nacos.io/zh-cn/docs/quick-start.html[Nacos Website].
After Nacos Server starts, go to http://ip:8848 to view the console (default account name/password is nacos/nacos):
For more Nacos Server versions, you can download the latest version from https://github.com/alibaba/nacos/releases[release page].
==== Start a Provider Application
The following sample illustrates how to register a service to Nacos.
1. Configuration of pom.xml The following is a complete example of pom.xml:
* Configuration of pom.xml The following is a complete example of pom.xml:
[source, xml]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >
@ -98,7 +114,7 @@ The following sample illustrates how to register a service to Nacos.
2. Configuration of application.properties Some of the basic configurations of Nacos must be included in application.properties(or application.yaml), as shown below:
* Configuration of application.properties Some of the basic configurations of Nacos must be included in application.properties(or application.yaml), as shown below:
NOTE: If you do not want to use Nacos for service registration and discovery, you can set `spring.cloud.nacos.discovery` to `false`.
3. The following is a sample for starting Provider:
* The following is a sample for starting Provider:
@ -136,15 +152,78 @@ Now you can see the registered services on the Nacos console.
NOTE: Before you start the provider application, please start Nacos first. Refer to https://nacos.io/zh-cn/docs/quick-start.html[Naco Website] for more details.
=== Service EndPoint
==== Start a Consumer Application
spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery provides an EndPoint, and the address is `http://ip:port/actuator/nacos-discovery`.
The EndPoint mainly provides two types of information:
It might not be as easy as starting a provider application, because the consumer needs to call the RESTful service of the provider. In this example, we will use the most primitive way, that is,
combining the LoadBalanceClient and RestTemolate explicitly to access the RESTful service.
You can refer to section 1.2 for pom.xml and application.properties configurations. The following is the sample code for starting a consumer application.
NOTE: You can also access the service by using RestTemplate and FeignClient with load balancing.
[source, java]
public class NacosConsumerApp {
public class NacosController{
private LoadBalancerClient loadBalancerClient;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private String appName;
public String echoAppName(){
//Access through the combination of LoadBalanceClient and RestTemolate
In this example, we injected a LoadBalancerClient instance, and instantiated a RestTemplate manually. At the same time, we injected the configuration value of `spring.application.name` into the application,
so that the current application name can be displayed when calling the service of the provider.
NOTE: Please start Nacos before you start the consumer application. For details, please refer to https://nacos.io/zh-cn/docs/quick-start.html[Nacos Website].
Next, access the `http://ip:port/echo/app-name` interface provided by the consumer. Here we started the port of 8082. The access result is shown below:
1. Subscribe: Shows the current service subscribers
2. NacosDiscoveryProperties: Shows the current basic Nacos configurations of the current service
The followings shows how a service instance accesses the EndPoint:
=== Nacos Discovery Endpoint
Nacos Discovery provides an Endpoint internally with a corresponding endpoint id of `nacos-discovery`.
Endpoint exposed json contains two properties:
1. subscribe: Shows the current service subscribers
2. NacosDiscoveryProperties: Shows the current basic Nacos configurations of the current service
The followings shows how a service instance accesses the Endpoint:
[source, json]
@ -211,86 +290,27 @@ The followings shows how a service instance accesses the EndPoint:
=== Start a Consumer Application
It might not be as easy as starting a provider application, because the consumer needs to call the RESTful service of the provider. In this example, we will use the most primitive way, that is,
combining the LoadBalanceClient and RestTemolate explicitly to access the RESTful service.
You can refer to section 1.2 for pom.xml and application.properties configurations. The following is the sample code for starting a consumer application.
NOTE: You can also access the service by using RestTemplate and FeignClient with load balancing.
[source, java]
public class NacosConsumerApp {
public class NacosController{
private LoadBalancerClient loadBalancerClient;
private RestTemplate restTemplate;
private String appName;
public String echoAppName(){
//Access through the combination of LoadBalanceClient and RestTemolate
In this example, we injected a LoadBalancerClient instance, and instantiated a RestTemplate manually. At the same time, we injected the configuration value of `spring.application.name` into the application,
so that the current application name can be displayed when calling the service of the provider.
NOTE: Please start Nacos before you start the consumer application. For details, please refer to https://nacos.io/zh-cn/docs/quick-start.html[Nacos Website].
Next, access the `http://ip:port/echo/app-name` interface provided by the consumer. Here we started the port of 8082. The access result is shown below:
=== More Information about Nacos Starter Configurations
=== More Information about Nacos Discovery Starter Configurations
The following shows the other configurations of the starter of spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-nacos-discovery:
The following shows the other configurations of the starter of Nacos Discovery:
:frame: topbot
^|Configuration ^|Key ^|Default Value ^|Description
|`Server address`|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.server-addr`|`No default value`|`IP and port of the Nacos Server listener`
|`Service name`|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.service`|`${spring.application.name}`|`Name the current service`
|`Weight`|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.weight`|`1`|`Value range: 1 to 100. The bigger the value, the greater the weight`
|`Network card name`|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.network-interface`|`No default value`|`If the IP address is not specified, the registered IP address is the IP address of the network card. If this is not specified either, the IP address of the first network card will be used by default.`
|`Registered IP address`|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.ip`|`No default value`|`Highest priority`
|`Registered port`|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.port`|`-1`|`Will be detected automatically by default. Do not need to be configured.`
|`Namespace`|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.namespace`|`No default value`|`A typical scenario is to isolate the service registration for different environment, such as resource (configurations, services etc.) isolation between testing and production environment` `
|`Endpoint`|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.enpoint`|`UTF-8`|`The domain name of a certain service in a specific region. You can retrieve the server address dynamically with this domain name`
|`Integrate Ribbon or not`|`ribbon.nacos.enabled`|`true`|`Set to true in most cases`
|Server address|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.server-addr`||IP and port of the Nacos Server listener
|Service name|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.service`|`${spring.application.name}`|Name the current service
|Weight|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.weight`|`1`|Value range: 1 to 100. The bigger the value, the greater the weight
|Network card name|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.network-interface`||If the IP address is not specified, the registered IP address is the IP address of the network card. If this is not specified either, the IP address of the first network card will be used by default.
|Registered IP address|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.ip`||Highest priority
|Registered port|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.port`|`-1`|Will be detected automatically by default. Do not need to be configured.
|Namespace|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.namespace`||A typical scenario is to isolate the service registration for different environment, such as resource (configurations, services etc.) isolation between testing and production environment
|Endpoint|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.endpoint`||The domain name of a certain service in a specific region. You can retrieve the server address dynamically with this domain name
|Integrate Ribbon or not|`ribbon.nacos.enabled`|`true`|Set to true in most cases
|Enable Nacos Watch|`spring.cloud.nacos.discovery.watch.enabled`|`true`|set to false to close watch
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ There are two concepts in Spring Cloud Stream: Binder and Binding
For example, `Kafka` uses `KafkaMessageChannelBinder`, `RabbitMQ` uses `RabbitMessageChannelBinder`, while `RocketMQ` uses `RocketMQMessageChannelBinder`.
* Binding: Includes Input Binding and Output Binding。
* Binding: Includes Input Binding and Output Binding.
Binding serves as a bridge between message middleware and the provider and consumer of the applications. Developers only need to use the Provider or Consumer to produce or consume data, and do not need to worry about the interactions with the message middleware.
@ -136,6 +136,11 @@ Alternatively, you can also use the Spring Cloud Stream RocketMQ Starter:
### How Spring Cloud Alibaba RocketMQ Binder Works
This is the implementation architecture of Spring Cloud Stream RocketMQ Binder:
@ -51,6 +51,31 @@ The @SentinelResource annotation is used to identify if a resource is rate limit
@SentinelResource also provides attributes such as `blockHandler`, `blockHandlerClass`, and `fallback` to identify rate limiting or degradation operations. For more details, refer to https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/%E6%B3%A8%E8%A7%A3%E6%94%AF%E6%8C%81[Sentinel Annotation Support].
The above examples are all used in the WebServlet environment. Sentinel currently supports WebFlux and needs to cooperate with the `spring-boot-starter-webflux` dependency to trigger the WebFlux-related automation configuration in sentinel starter.
Sentinel dashboard is a lightweight console that provides functions such as machine discovery, single-server resource monitoring, overview of cluster resource data, as well as rule management. To use these features, you only need to complete a few steps.
@ -98,12 +123,12 @@ The port number specified in `spring.cloud.sentinel.transport.port` will start a
For more information about Sentinel dashboard, please refer to https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0[Sentinel Dashboard].
### Feign Support
### OpenFeign Support
Sentinel is compatible with the https://github.com/OpenFeign/feign[Feign] component. To use it, in addition to introducing the `sentinel-starter` dependency, complete the following 2 steps:
Sentinel is compatible with the https://github.com/OpenFeign/feign[OpenFeign] component. To use it, in addition to introducing the `sentinel-starter` dependency, complete the following 2 steps:
* Enable the Sentinel support for feign in the properties file. `feign.sentinel.enabled=true`
* Add the `feign starter` dependency to trigger and enable `sentinel starter`:
* Add the `openfeign starter` dependency to trigger and enable `sentinel starter`:
@ -177,11 +202,11 @@ It will return `RestTemplate request block by sentinel` when you using `RestTemp
Sentinel RestTemplate provides two granularities for resource rate limiting:
* `schema://host:port/path`: Protocol, host, port and path
* `httpmethod:schema://host:port/path`: Protocol, host, port and path
* `schema://host:port`: Protocol, host and port
* `httpmethod:schema://host:port`: Protocol, host and port
NOTE: Take `https://www.taobao.com/test` as an example. The corresponding resource names have two levels of granularities, `https://www.taobao.com` and `https://www.taobao.com/test`.
NOTE: Take Http GET `https://www.taobao.com/test` as an example. The corresponding resource names have two levels of granularities, `GET:https://www.taobao.com` and `GET:https://www.taobao.com/test`.
This method follows the configuration of Spring Cloud Stream Binder. `TreeMap` is used for storage internally, and comparator is `String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER`.
@ -222,27 +247,160 @@ Every data source has 3 common configuration items: `data-type`, `converter-clas
`data-type` refers to `Converter`. Spring Cloud Alibaba Sentinel provides two embedded values by default: `json` and `xml` (the default is json if not specified). If you do not want to use the embedded `json` or `xml` `Converter`, you can also fill in `custom` to indicate that you will define your own `Converter`, and then configure the `converter-class`. You need to specify the full path of the class for this configuration.
`rule-type` refers to the rule type in datasource(`flow`, `degrade`, `authority`, `system`, `param-flow`).
`rule-type` refers to the rule type in datasource(`flow`,`degrade`,`authority`,`system`, `param-flow`, `gw-flow`, `gw-api-group`).
NOTE: XML format is not supported by default. To make it effective, you need to add the `jackson-dataformat-xml` dependency.
To learn more about how dynamic data sources work in Sentinel, refer to https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/%E5%8A%A8%E6%80%81%E8%A7%84%E5%88%99%E6%89%A9%E5%B1%95[Dynamic Rule Extension].
If you want to use Sentinel Starter with Zuul, you need to add the `spring-cloud-alibaba-sentinel-gateway` dependency, and you need to add the `spring-cloud-starter-netflix-zuul` dependency to let Zuul AutoConfiguration class in the gateway module takes effect:
If you want to use Sentinel Starter with Spring Cloud Gateway, you need to add the `spring-cloud-alibaba-sentinel-gateway` dependency and add the `spring-cloud-starter-gateway` dependency to let Spring Cloud Gateway AutoConfiguration class in the module takes effect:
NOTE: XML format is not supported by default. To make it effective, you need to add the `jackson-dataformat-xml` dependency.
### Sentinel Endpoint
To learn more about how dynamic data sources work in Sentinel, refer to https://github.com/alibaba/Sentinel/wiki/%E5%8A%A8%E6%80%81%E8%A7%84%E5%88%99%E6%89%A9%E5%B1%95[Dynamic Rule Extension].
Sentinel provides an Endpoint internally with a corresponding endpoint id of `sentinel`.
### Endpoint Support
Endpoint exposed json contains multi properties:
Before you use the Endpoint feature, please add the `spring-boot-starter-actuator` dependency in Maven, and enable access of Endpoints in your configuration.
1. appName: application name
2. logDir: the directory of log
3. logUsePid: log name with pid ot not
4. blockPage: redirect page after sentinel block
5. metricsFileSize: the size of metrics file
6. metricsFileCharset: metrics file charset
7. totalMetricsFileCount: the total file count of of metrics file
8. consoleServer: sentinel dashboard address
9. clientIp: client ip
10. heartbeatIntervalMs: client heartbeat interval with dashboard
11. clientPort: the client needs to expose the port to interact with the dashboard
12. coldFactor: cold factor
13. filter: CommonFilter related properties, such as order, urlPatterns and enable
14. datasource: datasource configuration info by client
15. rules: the rule that the client takes effect internally contains flowRules, degradeRules, systemRules, authorityRule, paramFlowRule
* Add `management.security.enabled=false` in Spring Boot 1.x. The exposed endpoint path is `/sentinel`.
* Add `management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=*` in Spring Boot 2.x. The exposed endpoint path is `/actuator/sentinel`.
The followings shows how a service instance accesses the Endpoint:
The information exposed in Sentinel Endpoint is very useful. It includes all the rules of the current application, the log directory, the IP of the current instance, the Sentinel Dashboard address, the Block Page, the heartbeat frequency of the application and the Sentinel Dashboard, and so on.
"blockPage": null,
"appName": "sentinel-example",
"consoleServer": "localhost:8080",
"coldFactor": "3",
"rules": {
"flowRules": [{
"resource": "GET:http://www.taobao.com",
"limitApp": "default",
"grade": 1,
"count": 0.0,
"strategy": 0,
"refResource": null,
"controlBehavior": 0,
"warmUpPeriodSec": 10,
"maxQueueingTimeMs": 500,
"clusterMode": false,
"clusterConfig": null
}, {
"resource": "/test",
"limitApp": "default",
"grade": 1,
"count": 0.0,
"strategy": 0,
"refResource": null,
"controlBehavior": 0,
"warmUpPeriodSec": 10,
"maxQueueingTimeMs": 500,
"clusterMode": false,
"clusterConfig": null
}, {
"resource": "/hello",
"limitApp": "default",
"grade": 1,
"count": 1.0,
"strategy": 0,
"refResource": null,
"controlBehavior": 0,
"warmUpPeriodSec": 10,
"maxQueueingTimeMs": 500,
"clusterMode": false,
"clusterConfig": null
"metricsFileCharset": "UTF-8",
"filter": {
"order": -2147483648,
"urlPatterns": ["/*"],
"enabled": true
"totalMetricsFileCount": 6,
"datasource": {
"ds1": {
"file": {
"dataType": "json",
"ruleType": "FLOW",
"converterClass": null,
"file": "...",
"charset": "utf-8",
"recommendRefreshMs": 3000,
"bufSize": 1048576
"nacos": null,
"zk": null,
"apollo": null,
"redis": null
"clientIp": "",
"clientPort": "8719",
"logUsePid": false,
"metricsFileSize": 52428800,
"logDir": "...",
"heartbeatIntervalMs": 10000
### Configuration
@ -263,12 +421,13 @@ The following table shows all the configurations of Spring Cloud Alibaba Sentine
^|Configuration ^|Description ^|Default Value
|`spring.application.name` or `project.name`|Project Name Of Sentinel|
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.eager`|Whether to trigger Sentinel initialization in advance|false
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.transport.port`|Port for the application to interact with Sentinel dashboard. An HTTP Server which uses this port will be started in the application|8719
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.zuul.order.pre`| The order of SentinelZuulPreFilter | 10000
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.zuul.order.post`| The order of SentinelZuulPostFilter | 1000
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.zuul.order.error`| The order of SentinelZuulErrorFilter | -1
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.scg.fallback.mode`| Response mode after Spring Cloud Gateway circuit break (select `redirect` or `response`) |
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.scg.fallback.redirect`| Spring Cloud Gateway response mode is the redirect URL corresponding to 'redirect' mode |
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.scg.fallback.response-body`| Spring Cloud Gateway response mode is response content corresponding to 'response' mode |
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.scg.fallback.response-status`| Spring Cloud Gateway response mode is the response code corresponding to 'response' mode | 429
|`spring.cloud.sentinel.scg.fallback.content-type`| The Spring Cloud Gateway response mode is the content-type corresponding to the 'response' mode. | application/json
NOTE: These configurations will only take effect in servlet environment. RestTemplate and Feign will not take effect for these configurations.
SMS(Short Message Service)is a messaging service that covers the globe, Alibaba SMS provides convenient, efficient, and intelligent communication capabilities that help businesses quickly contact their customers.
Spring Cloud AliCloud SMS provide an easier-to-use API for quick access to Alibaba Cloud's SMS service based on Spring Cloud Alibaba SMS.
Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SMS provide an easier-to-use API for quick access to Alibaba Cloud's SMS service based on Spring Cloud Alibaba SMS.
=== 如何引入 Spring Cloud AliCloud SMS
=== How to Introduce Spring Cloud Alibaba Cloud SMS
If you want to use SMS in your project, please use the starter with the group ID as `com.alibaba.cloud` and the artifact ID as `spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-sms`.
xiaojing; xiaolongzuo; jim fang; bingting peng; wangyuxin
Jim Fang, Jing Xiao, Mercy Ma, Xiaolong Zuo, Bingting Peng, Yuxin Wang
:doctype: book
:toclevels: 4
:source-highlighter: prettify
== Introduction
Spring Cloud Alibaba aims to provide a one-stop solution for microservices development. This prjoect includes the required components for developing distributed applications and services, so that developers can develop distributed applications easily with the Spring Cloud programming models.
With Spring Cloud Alibaba, you only need to add a few annotations and configurations, and you will be able to use the distributed solutions of Alibaba for your applications, and build a distributed system of your own with Alibaba middleware.