feature: update 2.2.10-RC1 relevant docs (#3086)

feature: update 2.2.10-RC1 relevant docs
Steve Rao 2 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 7ca2f15ae3
commit 4378537a38
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -2,15 +2,14 @@
Spring Cloud Alibaba Governance模块是Spring Cloud Alibaba推出的微服务治理子模块提供了多种类型的微服务治理能力包括标签路由服务鉴权等。并且对接了多种控制面比如IstioOpenSergo让用户无需改造Spring Cloud应用也能实时感知到Istio等治理控制面下发的治理规则并将此规则应用到Spring Cloud应用上从而完成对Spring Cloud应用的治理。
Microservices Governance是Spring Cloud Alibaba最新推出的微服务治理能力提供了多种类型的微服务治理能力包括标签路由服务鉴权等。并且对接了多种控制面比如IstioOpenSergo让用户无需改造Spring Cloud应用也能实时感知到上述治理控制面下发的治理规则并将此规则应用到Spring Cloud应用上从而完成对Spring Cloud应用的治理。
== 如何使用
=== 配置转换
Spring Cloud Alibaba Governance的resource-transform模块会将不同控制面下发的配置进行统一的转换将来自IstioOpenSergo等控制面下发的配置统一转换为Spring Cloud Alibaba统一抽象出的数据结构以供后续使用
Microservices Governance的配置转换模块会将不同控制面下发的配置进行统一的转换,目前支持将来自IstioOpenSergo等控制面下发的配置统一转换为Spring Cloud Alibaba统一抽象出的数据结构以供后续使用
如果在您的项目中使用Istio来实现配置转换需要使用group ID 为 `com.alibaba.cloud` 和artifact ID 为 `spring-cloud-starter-xds-adapter` 的starter
@ -18,6 +17,7 @@ Spring Cloud Alibaba Governance的resource-transform模块会将不同控制面
OpenSergo请参考https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/tree/2.2.x/spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/label-routing-example[Spring Cloud Alibaba Routing Examples]
@ -48,23 +48,13 @@ spring:
|是否连接Istio获取鉴权配置| spring.cloud.istio.config.enabled|true|
|Istiod的地址| spring.cloud.istio.config.host||
|Istiod的端口| spring.cloud.istio.config.port|15012|注连接15010端口无需TLS连接15012端口需TLS认证
|SCA去Istio拉取配置的线程池大小| spring.cloud.istio.config.polling-pool-size|10|
|SCA去Istio拉取配置的间隔时间| spring.cloud.istio.config.polling-time|30|单位为秒
|应用从Istio拉取配置的线程池大小| spring.cloud.istio.config.polling-pool-size|10|
|应用从Istio拉取配置的间隔时间| spring.cloud.istio.config.polling-time|30|单位为秒
|连接Istio 15012端口时使用的JWT token| spring.cloud.istio.config.istiod-token|应用所在pod的 `/var/run/secrets/tokens/istio-token` 文件的内容|
|是否打印xDS相关日志| spring.cloud.istio.config.log-xds|true|
=== 运行应用
|环境变量名|K8s pod metadata name
=== 运行应用
注意应用运行在K8s环境中在非默认命名空间下的应用需要接收Istiod下发的规则需要将运行的应用K8s的元信息注入以下环境变量中具体操作方式可参考 https://kubernetes.io/zh-cn/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/environment-variable-expose-pod-information[Kubernetes文档]:
|环境变量名|K8s pod metadata name
@ -85,9 +75,9 @@ spring:
==== 使用路由
在引入配置转换模块后,我们就能获取到相应的治理规则来对Spring Cloud应用赋予相应的治理能力。标签路由模块可以实现对Spring Cloud应用根据请求头,请求参数等标签来路由到不同的服务
1.如果在您的项目中使用Spring Cloud Alibaba Governance 标签路由需要使用需要使用group ID 为 `com.alibaba.cloud` 和artifact ID 为 `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-governance-routing` 的starter
1.如果在项目中使用Spring Cloud Alibaba 标签路由,需要使用添加如下starter
@ -96,8 +86,8 @@ spring:
@ -108,18 +98,18 @@ spring.cloud.governance.routing.rule=RandomRule
* 请求头
* 请求参数
我们使用Istio下发对应的 `DestinationRule` 以及 `VirtualService` ,即可配置对应的标签路由规则,具体的配置方法请参考以下文档与示例
使用Istio下发对应的 `DestinationRule` 以及 `VirtualService` ,即可配置对应的标签路由规则,具体的配置方法请参考以下文档与示例
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service/#VirtualService
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#destination-rules
* spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/label-routing-example/istio-label-routing-consumer-example
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service/#VirtualService[Istio VirtualService]
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#destination-rules[Istio Destination Rule]
* https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/tree/2.2.x/spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/label-routing-example[Spring Cloud Alibaba Routing Examples]
=== 使用服务鉴权
=== 服务鉴权
在引入配置转换模块后我们就能获取到相应的治理规则来对Spring Cloud应用赋予相应的治理能力。服务鉴权模块给Spring Cloud应用提供多种鉴权方式如IP黑白名单JWT鉴权等
如果在您的项目中使用Spring Cloud Alibaba Governance 标签路由需要使用需要使用group ID 为 `com.alibaba.cloud` 和artifact ID 为 `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-governance-auth` 的starter
如果使用Spring Cloud Alibaba服务鉴权功能需要使用添加如下依赖
@ -128,9 +118,8 @@ image::pic/auth-process.png[]
我们使用Istio下发对应的 `AuthorizationPolicy` 以及 `RequestAuthentication` ,即可配置对应的鉴权规则,具体的配置方法请参考以下文档与示例
使用Istio下发对应的 `AuthorizationPolicy` 以及 `RequestAuthentication` ,即可配置对应的鉴权规则,具体的配置方法请参考以下文档与示例
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/security/request_authentication/
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/security/authorization-policy/
* spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/authentication-example/istio-authentication-provider-mvc-example
* spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/authentication-example/istio-authentication-provider-webflux-example
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/security/request_authentication/[Istio RequestAuthentication]
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/security/authorization-policy/[Authorization Policy]
* https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/tree/2.2.x/spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/authentication-example[Spring Cloud Alibaba Authorization Examples]

@ -303,10 +303,15 @@ Endpoint 暴露的 json 中包含了两种属性:
=== IPv4至IPv6地址迁移方案
Spring Cloud Alibaba 提供了使用双注册双订阅方式帮助用户实现应用IPv4向IPv6不停机迁移在使用相关功能之前需要在服务消费者应用 application.properties 配置客户端负载均衡为 Spring Cloud Alibaba 所提供的 NacosRule 负载均衡算法,配置方式如下,注意需要将[service-name]替换成具体的待消费服务名。
==== IPv4和IPv6地址双注册
1. 服务消费者本身支持IPv4和IPv6双地址栈或仅支持IPv6地址栈的情况下服务消费者会使用服务提供的IPv6地址发起服务调用IPv6地址调用失败如本身还同事支持IPv4地址栈时暂不支持切换到IPv4再发起重试调用
2. 服务消费者本身仅支持IPv4单地址栈的情况下服务消费者会使用服务提供的IPv4地址发起服务调用。
==== 仅注册IPv4

@ -33,4 +33,6 @@ include::sidecar.adoc[]

@ -2,16 +2,15 @@
Spring Cloud Alibaba Governance module is a micro-service governance sub-module launched by Spring Cloud Alibaba, which provides various types of micro-service governance capabilities, including label routing, service authentication, etc. Moreover, it supports various control planes, such as Istio and OpenSergo, so that users can get the governance rules in real time without modifying Spring Cloud applications, and apply these rules to Spring Cloud applications to govern the Spring Cloud application.
Microservices Governance module is a micro-service governance sub-module launched by Spring Cloud Alibaba, which provides various types of microservices governance capabilities, including label routing, service authentication, etc. Moreover, it supports various control planes, such as Istio and OpenSergo, so that users can get the governance rules in real time without modifying Spring Cloud applications, and apply these rules to applications to govern the Spring Cloud application.
== How to use
=== Resource-Transform
The resource-transform module of Spring Cloud Alibaba Governance will uniformly transform the configurations published by different control planes, like Istio and OperSergo, into the unified abstract data structure of Spring Cloud Alibaba for subsequent use.
The resource-transform module of Microservices Governance will uniformly transform the configurations published by different control planes, like Istio and OperSergo, into the unified abstract data structure of Spring Cloud Alibaba for subsequent use.
If you use Istio in your project to transform the configuration, you need to use a starter with a group ID of `com.alibaba.cloud` and an artifact ID of `spring-cloud-starter-xds-adapter`.
If you use Istio in your project to transform the configuration, you need to use a following starter:
@ -19,6 +18,7 @@ If you use Istio in your project to transform the configuration, you need to use
If you want to use OpenSergo, you can refer to https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/tree/2.2.x/spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/label-routing-example[Spring Cloud Alibaba Routing Examples]
After that, configure the following configuration in the application.yml:
@ -49,14 +49,13 @@ Here's an explanation of each field:
|Whether to connect to Istio to obtain authentication configuration| spring.cloud.istio.config.enabled|true|
|Host of Istiod| spring.cloud.istio.config.host||
|Port of Istiod| spring.cloud.istio.config.port|15012|15010 port does not need TLSbut 15012 does
|Thread pool size for SCA to pull the config| spring.cloud.istio.config.polling-pool-size|10|
|Time interval for SCA to pull the config| spring.cloud.istio.config.polling-time|30|The unit is second
|JWT token for SCA to connect to 15012 port| spring.cloud.istio.config.istiod-token|Content of file `/var/run/secrets/tokens/istio-token` in the pod of application|
|Thread pool size for application to pull the config| spring.cloud.istio.config.polling-pool-size|10|
|Time interval for application to pull the config| spring.cloud.istio.config.polling-time|30|The unit is second
|JWT token for application to connect to 15012 port| spring.cloud.istio.config.istiod-token|Content of file `/var/run/secrets/tokens/istio-token` in the pod of application|
|Whether to print logs about xDS| spring.cloud.istio.config.log-xds|true|
### Run the application
You need to run the application in the K8s environment and inject some meta information about K8s into the following environment variables for the running application.
Note that the application runs in the K8s environment, and the application in the non-default namespace needs to receive the rules issued by Istiod, and needs to inject the meta information of the running application Kubernetes into the following environment variables. For the specific operation method, please refer to https://kubernetes.io/zh-cn/docs/tasks/inject-data-application/environment-variable-expose-pod-information[Kubernetes documentation]
|Environment variable name|K8s pod metadata name
@ -75,10 +74,10 @@ Load balance Component: Ribbon
In the future, more components such as RestTemplate, Spring Cloud LoadBalancer and so on will be supported.
==== use Routing
==== Using
With the introduction of the configuration transformation module, we can obtain the governance rules to give the Spring Cloud application some governance capabilities. Label routing module can route the Spring Cloud application according to the request header, request parameters and other tags to route to different services.
If you use Spring Cloud Alibaba Governance Label Routing in your project, You need to use a starter with a group ID of `com.alibaba.cloud` and an artifact ID of `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-governance-routing`.
If you use Microservices Governance Label Routing in your project, You need to use a following starter:
@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ If you use Spring Cloud Alibaba Governance Label Routing in your project, You ne
2.Configure a load balance algorithm when there are no routing rules (RandomRule algorithm as an example)
2.Configure a load balance algorithm when there are routing rules (RandomRule algorithm as an example)
If no configuration,use default ribbon load balance algorithm ZoneAvoidanceRule.
@ -101,16 +100,16 @@ With the introduction of Istio Resource Transform module, the label routing modu
We use Istio to publish corresponding `DestinationRule` and `VirtualService` to configure corresponding labeled routing rules. For details, see the following documents and examples:
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service/#VirtualService
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#destination-rules
* spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/label-routing-example/istio-label-routing-consumer-example
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service/#VirtualService[Istio VirtualService]
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/concepts/traffic-management/#destination-rules[Istio Destination Rule]
* https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/tree/2.2.x/spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/label-routing-example[Spring Cloud Alibaba Routing Examples]
=== Use Authentication
=== Authentication
With the introduction of the configuration transformation module, we can obtain the governance rules to give the Spring Cloud application some governance capabilities. The Authentication module provides various authentication modes for Spring Cloud applications, such as IP blacklist and whitelist and JWT authentication.
If you use Istio in your project to transform the configuration, you need to use a starter with a group ID of `com.alibaba.cloud` and an artifact ID of `spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-governance-auth`.
Add following Microservices Authentication starter:
@ -122,7 +121,6 @@ If you use Istio in your project to transform the configuration, you need to use
We use Istio to publish corresponding `AuthorizationPolicy` and `RequestAuthentication` to configure corresponding Authentication rules. For details, see the following documents and examples
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/security/request_authentication/
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/security/authorization-policy/
* spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/authentication-example/istio-authentication-provider-mvc-example
* spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/authentication-example/istio-authentication-provider-webflux-example
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/security/request_authentication/[Istio RequestAuthentication]
* https://istio.io/latest/zh/docs/reference/config/security/authorization-policy/[Authorization Policy]
* https://github.com/alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba/tree/2.2.x/spring-cloud-alibaba-examples/governance-example/authentication-example[Spring Cloud Alibaba Authorization Examples]

@ -304,12 +304,17 @@ The followings shows how a service instance accesses the Endpoint:
=== IPv4 to IPv6 address migration scheme
=== IPv4 to IPv6 address migration
Spring Cloud Alibaba provides a dual registration and dual subscription method to help users migrate applications from IPv4 to IPv6 without downtime. Before using related functions, it is necessary to configure client load balancing in the application.properties of the service consumer as the NacosRule provided by Spring Cloud Alibaba The load balancing algorithm is configured as follows. Note that [service-name] needs to be replaced with the specific service name to be consumed.
==== Both register IPv4 and IPv6 address
After configuring NacosRule as the load balancing policy, the IPv4 address and IPv6 address of the microservice will be registered with the registry by default after the application is started, where the IPv4 address will be stored in the IP field of the Nacos service list, the IPv6 address will be in the metadata field of Nacos, and its corresponding Key will be IPv6. When a service consumer calls a service provider, it selects the appropriate IP address type to initiate a service call based on its IP address stack support. Specific rules:
(1) If the service consumer itself supports IPv4 and IPv6 dual address stacks or only supports IPv6 address stacks, the service consumer will use the IPv6 address provided by the service to initiate a service call, and if the IPv6 address call fails, if it also supports the IPv4 address stack, it is temporarily not supported to switch to IPv4 and then initiate a retry call;
(2) If the service consumer itself only supports IPv4 single-address stack, the service consumer will use the IPv4 address provided by the service to initiate service calls.
1. If the service consumer itself supports IPv4 and IPv6 dual address stacks or only supports IPv6 address stacks, the service consumer will use the IPv6 address provided by the service to initiate a service call, and if the IPv6 address call fails, if it also supports the IPv4 address stack, it is temporarily not supported to switch to IPv4 and then initiate a retry call;
2. If the service consumer itself only supports IPv4 single-address stack, the service consumer will use the IPv4 address provided by the service to initiate service calls.
==== Only Register IPv4 address
If you only want to register IPv4 address.Config in application.properties as follows:

@ -29,4 +29,6 @@ include::schedulerx.adoc[]

@ -164,20 +164,25 @@ NacosServerList 实现了 com.netflix.loadbalancer.ServerList<Server> 接口,
如果需要有更加自定义的可以使用 @Autowired 注入一个 NacosRegistration 实例,通过其持有的 NamingService 字段内容直接调用 Nacos API。
## IPv4至IPv6地址迁移方案
Spring Cloud Alibaba 提供了使用双注册双订阅方式帮助用户实现应用IPv4向IPv6不停机迁移在使用相关功能之前需要在服务消费者应用 application.properties 配置客户端负载均衡为 Spring Cloud Alibaba 所提供的 NacosRule 负载均衡算法,配置方式如下,注意需要将[service-name]替换成具体的待消费服务名。
### IPv4和IPv6地址双注册
1. 服务消费者本身支持IPv4和IPv6双地址栈或仅支持IPv6地址栈的情况下服务消费者会使用服务提供的IPv6地址发起服务调用IPv6地址调用失败如本身还同事支持IPv4地址栈时暂不支持切换到IPv4再发起重试调用
2. 服务消费者本身仅支持IPv4单地址栈的情况下服务消费者会使用服务提供的IPv4地址发起服务调用。
### 仅注册IPv4
### 仅注册IPv6

@ -168,12 +168,16 @@ NacosServerList implements the com.netflix.loadbalancer.ServerList <Server> inte
If you need to be more customizable, you can use @Autowired to inject a NacosRegistration bean and call the Nacos API directly through the contents of the NamingService field it holds.
## IPv4 to IPv6 address migration scheme
## IPv4 to IPv6 address migration
Spring Cloud Alibaba provides a dual registration and dual subscription method to help users migrate applications from IPv4 to IPv6 without downtime. Before using related functions, it is necessary to configure client load balancing in the application.properties of the service consumer as the NacosRule provided by Spring Cloud Alibaba The load balancing algorithm is configured as follows. Note that [service-name] needs to be replaced with the specific service name to be consumed.
### Both register IPv4 and IPv6 address
After configuring NacosRule as the load balancing policy, the IPv4 address and IPv6 address of the microservice will be registered with the registry by default after the application is started, where the IPv4 address will be stored in the IP field of the Nacos service list, the IPv6 address will be in the metadata field of Nacos, and its corresponding Key will be IPv6. When a service consumer calls a service provider, it selects the appropriate IP address type to initiate a service call based on its IP address stack support. Specific rules:
(1) If the service consumer itself supports IPv4 and IPv6 dual address stacks or only supports IPv6 address stacks, the service consumer will use the IPv6 address provided by the service to initiate a service call, and if the IPv6 address call fails, if it also supports the IPv4 address stack, it is temporarily not supported to switch to IPv4 and then initiate a retry call;
(2) If the service consumer itself only supports IPv4 single-address stack, the service consumer will use the IPv4 address provided by the service to initiate service calls.
1. If the service consumer itself supports IPv4 and IPv6 dual address stacks or only supports IPv6 address stacks, the service consumer will use the IPv6 address provided by the service to initiate a service call, and if the IPv6 address call fails, if it also supports the IPv4 address stack, it is temporarily not supported to switch to IPv4 and then initiate a retry call;
2. If the service consumer itself only supports IPv4 single-address stack, the service consumer will use the IPv4 address provided by the service to initiate service calls.
### Only Register IPv4 address
If you only want to register IPv4 address.Config in application.properties as follows:
