The version number of the project is in the form of x.x.x, where x is a number, starting from 0, and is not limited to the range 0~9. When the project is in the incubator phase, the first version number is fixed to 0, that is, the version number is 0.x.x.
If your applications are Spring Cloud applications and you need to use Alibaba Cloud's OSS service for file storage (for example, storing commodity image for your e-commerce business), you can use OSS starter. This topic provides an example to illustrate how to use OSS starter to implement object storage for Spring Cloud applications.
@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ If your applications are Spring Cloud applications and you need to use Alibaba C
Before we start the demo, let's learn how to connect OSS to a Spring Cloud application.
**Note: This section is to show you how to connect to oss. The actual configurations have been completed in the following example, and you only need to specify your accessKeyId, secretAccessKey and region.**
1. Add dependency spring-cloud-starter-alibaba-storage in the pom.xml file in your Spring Cloud project.
1. Add dependency spring-cloud-starter-alicloud-oss in the pom.xml file in your Spring Cloud project.
Sentinel provide [DataSource]( to manage dynamic rules.
Sentinel provide [ReadableDataSource]( to manage dynamic rules.
Sentinel starter integrated 4 DataSources provided by Sentinel. It will be register into Spring Context if you write some configs in ``.
@ -177,13 +177,13 @@ If you want to define FileRefreshableDataSource:
The value() of `@SentinelDataSource` is not required, it means the prefix of configuration. Default value is ``.
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ means the type of DataSource. means the recommendRefreshMs property of specified DataSource. means the name of spring bean that type is ConfigParser. If the bean is not exists, will throw exception. means the name of spring bean that type is Converter. If the bean is not exists, will throw exception.
Now datasource type support 4 categories: file, nacos, zk, apollo.
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ User-defined DataSource need 2 steps.
1. Define DataSource
public class CustomDataSource implements DataSource {
public class CustomDataSource implements ReadableDataSource {
private String fieldA;
private String fieldB;
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ User-defined DataSource need 2 steps. = valueA = valueB
Note: The AbstractDataSource of Sentinel need a ConfigParser as a constructor param and the subclass of AbstractDataSource was construct by multi-param constructor.
Note: The AbstractDataSource of Sentinel need a Converter as a constructor param and the subclass of AbstractDataSource was construct by multi-param constructor.
Now All DataSources in starter was construct by FactoryBean. If you want to do it in this way, you should register FactoryBean by SentinelDataSourceRegistry.
"description":"enable or disable sentinel auto configure."
"description":"earlier initialize heart-beat when the spring container starts when the transport dependency is on classpath, the configuration is effective."
"description":"charset when sentinel write or search metric file."