mirror of https://github.com/go-sonic/sonic.git
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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317 lines
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package impl
import (
type postServiceImpl struct {
CategoryService service.CategoryService
OptionService service.OptionService
Event event.Bus
Cache cache.Cache
func NewPostService(basePostService service.BasePostService,
categoryService service.CategoryService,
optionService service.OptionService,
event event.Bus,
cache cache.Cache,
) service.PostService {
return &postServiceImpl{
BasePostService: basePostService,
CategoryService: categoryService,
OptionService: optionService,
Event: event,
Cache: cache,
func (p postServiceImpl) Page(ctx context.Context, postQuery param.PostQuery) ([]*entity.Post, int64, error) {
if postQuery.PageNum < 0 || postQuery.PageSize <= 0 {
return nil, 0, xerr.BadParam.New("").WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest).WithMsg("Paging parameter error")
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
postCategoryDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).PostCategory
postDo := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.Type.Eq(consts.PostTypePost))
err := BuildSort(postQuery.Sort, &postDAL, &postDo)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
if postQuery.Keyword != nil {
postDo.Where(postDAL.Title.Like("%" + *postQuery.Keyword + "%")).Or(postDAL.OriginalContent.Like("%" + *postQuery.Keyword + "%"))
if postQuery.WithPassword != nil && !*postQuery.WithPassword {
if len(postQuery.Statuses) > 0 {
statuesValue := make([]driver.Valuer, len(postQuery.Statuses))
for i, status := range postQuery.Statuses {
statuesValue[i] = driver.Valuer(status)
postDo = postDo.Where(postDAL.Status.In(statuesValue...))
if postQuery.CategoryID != nil {
postDo.Join(&entity.PostCategory{}, postDAL.ID.EqCol(postCategoryDAL.PostID)).Where(postCategoryDAL.CategoryID.Eq(*postQuery.CategoryID))
posts, totalCount, err := postDo.FindByPage(postQuery.PageNum*postQuery.PageSize, postQuery.PageSize)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, WrapDBErr(err)
return posts, totalCount, nil
func (p postServiceImpl) IncreaseLike(ctx context.Context, postID int32) error {
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
info, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(postID)).UpdateSimple(postDAL.Likes.Add(1))
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if info.RowsAffected != 1 {
return xerr.NoType.New("increase post like failed postID=%v", postID).WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest).WithMsg("failed to like post")
return nil
func (p postServiceImpl) Create(ctx context.Context, postParam *param.Post) (*entity.Post, error) {
post, err := p.ConvertParam(ctx, postParam)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
needEncrypt, err := p.CategoryService.IsCategoriesEncrypt(ctx, postParam.CategoryIDs...)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
if post.Status != consts.PostStatusDraft && (post.Password != "" || needEncrypt) {
post.Status = consts.PostStatusIntimate
post, err = p.CreateOrUpdate(ctx, post, postParam.CategoryIDs, postParam.TagIDs, postParam.MetaParam)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Todo delete authorization
p.Event.Publish(ctx, &event.LogEvent{
LogKey: strconv.Itoa(int(post.ID)),
LogType: consts.LogTypePostPublished,
Content: post.Title,
IPAddress: util.GetClientIP(ctx),
return post, nil
func (p postServiceImpl) Update(ctx context.Context, postID int32, postParam *param.Post) (*entity.Post, error) {
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
post, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(postID)).First()
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
postToUpdate, err := p.ConvertParam(ctx, postParam)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if postToUpdate.CreateTime == (time.Time{}) {
postToUpdate.CreateTime = post.CreateTime
postToUpdate.ID = post.ID
post, err = p.CreateOrUpdate(ctx, postToUpdate, postParam.CategoryIDs, postParam.TagIDs, postParam.MetaParam)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO should use transcation
p.Event.Publish(ctx, &event.PostUpdateEvent{
PostID: post.ID,
p.Event.Publish(ctx, &event.LogEvent{
LogKey: strconv.Itoa(int(post.ID)),
LogType: consts.LogTypePostEdited,
Content: post.Title,
IPAddress: util.GetClientIP(ctx),
return post, nil
func (p postServiceImpl) ConvertParam(ctx context.Context, postParam *param.Post) (*entity.Post, error) {
post := &entity.Post{
Type: consts.PostTypePost,
DisallowComment: postParam.DisallowComment,
OriginalContent: postParam.OriginalContent,
Password: postParam.Password,
MetaDescription: postParam.MetaDescription,
MetaKeywords: postParam.MetaKeywords,
Template: postParam.Template,
Thumbnail: postParam.Thumbnail,
Title: postParam.Title,
TopPriority: postParam.TopPriority,
Status: postParam.Status,
EditTime: util.TimePtr(time.Now()),
Summary: postParam.Summary,
FormatContent: postParam.Content,
if postParam.EditorType != nil {
post.EditorType = *postParam.EditorType
} else {
post.EditorType = consts.EditorTypeMarkdown
if postParam.EditTime != nil {
post.EditTime = util.TimePtr(time.UnixMilli(*postParam.EditTime))
if postParam.UpdateTime != nil {
post.UpdateTime = util.TimePtr(time.UnixMilli(*postParam.UpdateTime))
post.WordCount = util.HTMLFormatWordCount(post.FormatContent)
if postParam.Slug == "" {
post.Slug = util.Slug(postParam.Title)
} else {
post.Slug = util.Slug(postParam.Slug)
if postParam.CreateTime != nil {
post.CreateTime = time.UnixMilli(*postParam.CreateTime)
} else {
post.CreateTime = time.Now()
return post, nil
func (p postServiceImpl) CountByStatus(ctx context.Context, status consts.PostStatus) (int64, error) {
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
count, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.Type.Eq(consts.PostTypePost), postDAL.Status.Eq(status)).Count()
if err != nil {
return 0, WrapDBErr(err)
return count, nil
func (p postServiceImpl) Preview(ctx context.Context, postID int32) (string, error) {
post, err := p.GetByPostID(ctx, postID)
if err != nil {
return "", err
token := util.GenUUIDWithOutDash()
p.Cache.Set(token, token, time.Minute*10)
previewURL := strings.Builder{}
isEnabledAbsolutePath, err := p.OptionService.IsEnabledAbsolutePath(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if isEnabledAbsolutePath {
blogBaseURL, err := p.OptionService.GetBlogBaseURL(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
post.Slug = url.QueryEscape(post.Slug)
fullPath, err := p.BuildFullPath(ctx, post)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return previewURL.String(), nil
func (p postServiceImpl) CountVisit(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
var count float64
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Select(postDAL.Visits.Sum().IfNull(0)).Where(postDAL.Type.Eq(consts.PostTypePost), postDAL.Status.Eq(consts.PostStatusPublished)).Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
return 0, WrapDBErr(err)
return int64(count), nil
func (p postServiceImpl) CountLike(ctx context.Context) (int64, error) {
var count float64
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Select(postDAL.Likes.Sum().IfNull(0)).Where(postDAL.Type.Eq(consts.PostTypePost), postDAL.Status.Eq(consts.PostStatusPublished)).Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
return 0, WrapDBErr(err)
return int64(count), nil
func (p postServiceImpl) GetPrevPosts(ctx context.Context, post *entity.Post, size int) ([]*entity.Post, error) {
postSort := p.OptionService.GetOrByDefault(ctx, property.IndexSort)
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
postDO := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.Status.Eq(consts.PostStatusPublished), postDAL.Type.Eq(consts.PostTypePost))
switch postSort {
case "createTime":
postDO = postDO.Where(postDAL.CreateTime.Gt(post.CreateTime)).Order(postDAL.CreateTime)
case "editTime":
editTime := post.CreateTime
if post.EditTime != nil {
editTime = *post.EditTime
postDO = postDO.Where(postDAL.EditTime.Gt(editTime)).Order(postDAL.EditTime)
case "visits":
postDO = postDO.Where(postDAL.Visits.Gt(post.Visits)).Order(postDAL.EditTime)
return nil, nil
posts, err := postDO.Find()
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return nil, nil
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
return posts, nil
func (p postServiceImpl) GetNextPosts(ctx context.Context, post *entity.Post, size int) ([]*entity.Post, error) {
postSort := p.OptionService.GetOrByDefault(ctx, property.IndexSort)
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
postDO := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.Status.Eq(consts.PostStatusPublished), postDAL.Type.Eq(consts.PostTypePost))
switch postSort {
case "createTime":
postDO = postDO.Where(postDAL.CreateTime.Lt(post.CreateTime)).Order(postDAL.CreateTime.Desc())
case "editTime":
editTime := post.CreateTime
if post.EditTime != nil {
editTime = *post.EditTime
postDO = postDO.Where(postDAL.EditTime.Lt(editTime)).Order(postDAL.EditTime.Desc())
case "visits":
postDO = postDO.Where(postDAL.Visits.Lt(post.Visits)).Order(postDAL.EditTime.Desc())
return nil, nil
posts, err := postDO.Find()
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
return posts, nil