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English | [中文 ](doc/README_ZH.md )
## 📖 Introduction
Sonic means as fast as sound speed. Like its name, sonic is a high-performance blog system developed using golang
Thanks [Halo ](https://github.com/halo-dev ) project team,this project is inspired by Halo. Front end project fork from Halo
## 🚀 Features:
- Support multiple types of databases: SQLite、MySQL(TODO: PostgreSQL)
- Small: The installation file is only 10mb size
- High-performance: Post details page can withstand 2500 QPS(Enviroment: Intel Xeon Platinum 8260 4C 8G ,SQLite3)
- Support changing theme
- Support Linux、Windows、Mac OS. And Support x86、x64、Arm、Arm64、MIPS
- Object storage(MINIO、Google Cloud、AWS、AliYun)
## 🎊 Preview

## 🧰 Install
**Download the latest installation package**
> Please pay attention to the operating os and instruction set and the version
wget https://github.com/go-sonic/sonic/releases/download/v1.0.3/sonic-linux-amd64.zip -O sonic.zip
unzip -d sonic sonic.zip
cd sonic
./sonic -config conf/config.yaml
**The default port is 8080**
Open http://ip:port/admin#install
Next, you can access sonic through the browser.
The URL of the admin console is http://ip:port/admin
## Docker
See: https://hub.docker.com/r/gosonic/sonic
## Theme ecology
| Theme | URL |
| Anatole | https://github.com/go-sonic/default-theme-anatole |
| Journal | https://github.com/hooxuu/sonic-theme-Journal |
- [ ] i18n
- [ ] PostgreSQL
- [ ] Better error handling
- [ ] Plugin(base on Wasm)
- [ ] Use new web framework([Hertz](https://github.com/cloudwego/hertz))
## Contributing
Feel free to dive in! [Open an issue ](https://github.com/go-sonic/sonic/issues ) or submit PRs.
Standard Readme follows the [Contributor Covenant ](http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0/ ) Code of Conduct.
### Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.
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Special thanks to Evan(evanzhao@88.com), who designed the logo
## 📄 License
Source code in `sonic` is available under the [MIT License ](/LICENSE.md ).