You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
server :
host : 0.0 .0 .0
port : 8080
logging :
filename : sonic.log
level :
app : debug # debug,info,warn,error
gorm : info # info,warn,error,silent
maxsize : 10 # 单位 megabytes
maxage : 30 #单位 天
compress : false # 是否对旧日志使用gzip进行压缩
### 数据库配置, MySQL 和 SQLite3 二选一 .如果同时配置了MySQL 或 SQLite3 ,优先使用 Sqlite3
### The Database configuration,You should choose one between MySQL and SQLite3,if both MySQL and SQLite3 are configured ,use Sqlite3 first
sqlite3 :
enable : true
### mysql数据库配置,请将用户名、密码、ip地址、端口、数据库名称替换为你自己的配置
### mysql database configuration, please replace the user name, password, ip address, port, database name to your own configuration.
mysql :
dsn : root:12345678@tcp(
sonic :
mode : "development"
work_dir : "./" # 不填默认为当前路径,用来存放日志文件、数据库文件、模板、上传的附件等(The default is the current directory. Used to store log files, database files, templates, upload files)
log_dir : "./logs" # 不填则使用work_dir 路径下的log路径 (If it is empty, use the "log" path under work_dir)