You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

276 lines
8.5 KiB

2 years ago
package impl
import (
uuid2 ""
type adminServiceImpl struct {
UserService service.UserService
OptionService service.OptionService
Cache cache.Cache
Config *config.Config
Event event.Bus
TwoFactorTOTPMFA service.TwoFactorTOTPMFAService
EmailService service.EmailService
func NewAdminService(userService service.UserService, cache cache.Cache, config *config.Config, event event.Bus, twoFactorMFA service.TwoFactorTOTPMFAService, emailService service.EmailService) service.AdminService {
return &adminServiceImpl{
UserService: userService,
Cache: cache,
Config: config,
Event: event,
TwoFactorTOTPMFA: twoFactorMFA,
EmailService: emailService,
func (a *adminServiceImpl) Authenticate(ctx context.Context, loginParam param.LoginParam) (*entity.User, error) {
missMatchTip := "用户名或密码不正确"
var user *entity.User
err := util.Validate.Var(loginParam.Username, "email")
if err != nil {
user, err = a.UserService.GetByUsername(ctx, loginParam.Username)
} else {
user, err = a.UserService.GetByEmail(ctx, loginParam.Username)
if xerr.GetType(err) == xerr.NoRecord {
return nil, xerr.WithMsg(err, missMatchTip).WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = a.UserService.MustNotExpire(ctx, user.ExpireTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !a.UserService.PasswordMatch(ctx, user.Password, loginParam.Password) {
return nil, xerr.BadParam.New(missMatchTip).WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
return user, nil
func (a *adminServiceImpl) Auth(ctx context.Context, loginParam param.LoginParam) (*dto.AuthTokenDTO, error) {
user, err := a.Authenticate(ctx, loginParam)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2 years ago
if a.TwoFactorTOTPMFA.UseMFA(user.MfaType) {
2 years ago
if len(loginParam.AuthCode) != 6 {
return nil, xerr.WithMsg(nil, "请输入6位两步验证码").WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
mfaAuth := a.TwoFactorTOTPMFA.ValidateTFACode(user.MfaKey, loginParam.AuthCode)
if !mfaAuth {
return nil, xerr.WithStatus(nil, xerr.StatusBadRequest).WithMsg("两步验证码验证错误")
a.Event.Publish(ctx, &event.LogEvent{
LogKey: user.Username,
LogType: consts.LogTypeLoggedIn,
Content: user.Nickname,
2 years ago
IPAddress: util.GetClientIP(ctx),
2 years ago
return a.buildAuthToken(user), nil
func (a *adminServiceImpl) ClearToken(ctx context.Context) error {
user, ok := GetAuthorizedUser(ctx)
if !ok || user == nil {
return xerr.Forbidden.New("").WithStatus(xerr.StatusForbidden).WithMsg("未登录")
accessToken, _ := a.Cache.Get(cache.BuildAccessTokenKey(user.ID))
refreshToken, _ := a.Cache.Get(cache.BuildRefreshTokenKey(user.ID))
a.Event.Publish(ctx, &event.LogEvent{
LogKey: user.Username,
LogType: consts.LogTypeLoggedOut,
Content: user.Nickname,
2 years ago
IPAddress: util.GetClientIP(ctx),
2 years ago
return nil
func (a *adminServiceImpl) SendResetPasswordCode(ctx context.Context, resetParam param.ResetPasswordParam) error {
user, ok := GetAuthorizedUser(ctx)
if !ok || user == nil {
return xerr.Forbidden.New("").WithStatus(xerr.StatusForbidden).WithMsg("未登录")
_, ok = a.Cache.Get(cache.BuildCodeCacheKey(user.ID))
if ok {
return xerr.NoType.New("").WithMsg("已经获取过验证码,不能重复获取").WithStatus(xerr.StatusInternalServerError)
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
code := fmt.Sprintf("%06v", rnd.Int31n(1000000))
log.CtxInfof(ctx, "重置密码验证码: %v", code)
a.Cache.Set(cache.BuildCodeCacheKey(user.ID), code, consts.CodeValidDuration)
emailEnabled, err := a.OptionService.GetOrByDefaultWithErr(ctx, property.EmailIsEnabled, false)
if err != nil {
return err
if !emailEnabled.(bool) {
return xerr.NoType.New("未启用 SMTP 服务").WithMsg("未启用 SMTP 服务,无法发送邮件,但是你可以通过系统日志找到验证码")
content := "您正在进行密码重置操作,如不是本人操作,请尽快做好相应措施。密码重置验证码如下(五分钟有效):\n" + code
return a.EmailService.SendTextEmail(ctx, resetParam.Email, "找回密码验证码", content)
func (a *adminServiceImpl) buildAuthToken(user *entity.User) *dto.AuthTokenDTO {
accessToken := uuid2.New().String()
refreshToken := uuid2.New().String()
authToken := &dto.AuthTokenDTO{}
authToken.AccessToken = accessToken
authToken.ExpiredIn = consts.AccessTokenExpiredSeconds
authToken.RefreshToken = refreshToken
a.Cache.Set(cache.BuildTokenAccessKey(accessToken), user.ID, time.Second*consts.AccessTokenExpiredSeconds)
a.Cache.Set(cache.BuildTokenRefreshKey(refreshToken), user.ID, consts.RefreshTokenExpiredDays*24*3600*time.Second)
a.Cache.Set(cache.BuildAccessTokenKey(user.ID), accessToken, time.Second*consts.AccessTokenExpiredSeconds)
a.Cache.Set(cache.BuildRefreshTokenKey(user.ID), refreshToken, consts.RefreshTokenExpiredDays*24*3600*time.Second)
return authToken
func (a *adminServiceImpl) RefreshToken(ctx context.Context, refreshToken string) (*dto.AuthTokenDTO, error) {
userID, ok := a.Cache.Get(cache.BuildTokenRefreshKey(refreshToken))
if !ok {
return nil, xerr.WithMsg(nil, "登录状态已失效,请重新登录").WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
userDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).User
2 years ago
user, err := userDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(userDAL.ID.Eq(userID.(int32))).First()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.buildAuthToken(user), nil
func (a *adminServiceImpl) GetEnvironments(ctx context.Context) *dto.EnvironmentDTO {
environments := &dto.EnvironmentDTO{
Database: string(dal.DBType) + " " + consts.DatabaseVersion,
Version: runtime.Version(),
StartTime: consts.StartTime.UnixMilli(),
Mode: util.IfElse(a.Config.Sonic.Mode == "", "production", a.Config.Sonic.Mode).(string),
return environments
func (a *adminServiceImpl) GetLogFiles(ctx context.Context, lineNum int64) (string, error) {
errTips := "读取日志文件错误"
lineEndByte := []byte("\n")[0]
linesTotalByteNum := 0
var linesCount int64
fileName := filepath.Join(a.Config.Sonic.LogDir, a.Config.Log.FileName)
file, err := os.Open(fileName)
if err != nil {
return "", xerr.WithStatus(err, xerr.StatusInternalServerError).WithMsg(errTips)
defer func() {
err = file.Close()
if err != nil {
log.CtxError(ctx, "关闭日志文件错误", zap.Error(err))
fileInfo, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
return "", xerr.WithStatus(err, xerr.StatusInternalServerError).WithMsg(errTips)
fileBytesLength := fileInfo.Size()
position := fileBytesLength - 1
bufReader := bufio.NewReader(file)
curLine := bytes.Buffer{}
globalIsPrefix := false
lines := make([][]byte, 0, lineNum)
for position > 0 {
if !globalIsPrefix {
_, err = file.Seek(position, 0)
if err != nil {
return "", xerr.WithMsg(err, errTips).WithStatus(xerr.StatusInternalServerError)
curByte, err := bufReader.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return "", xerr.WithMsg(err, errTips).WithStatus(xerr.StatusInternalServerError)
if curByte != lineEndByte {
content, isPrefix, err := bufReader.ReadLine()
if err != nil {
return "", xerr.WithMsg(err, errTips).WithStatus(xerr.StatusInternalServerError)
globalIsPrefix = isPrefix
if !isPrefix {
lines = append(lines, curLine.Bytes())
linesTotalByteNum += len(content) + 1
curLine = bytes.Buffer{}
} else {
if linesCount == lineNum {
result := bytes.Buffer{}
for i := len(lines) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
return result.String(), nil