package dal
import (
sonicLog ""
// mysqlDsn example user:password@tcp(
const mysqlDsn = "%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=True&loc=Local&timeout=3s&readTimeout=1s&writeTimeout=1s&interpolateParams=true"
var (
DB * gorm . DB
DBType consts . DBType
func NewGormDB ( conf * config . Config , gormLogger logger . Interface ) * gorm . DB {
var err error
if conf . SQLite3 != nil && conf . SQLite3 . Enable {
DB , err = initSQLite ( conf , gormLogger )
if err != nil {
sonicLog . Fatal ( "open SQLite3 error" , zap . Error ( err ) )
DBType = consts . DBTypeSQLite
} else if conf . MySQL != nil {
DB , err = initMySQL ( conf , gormLogger )
if err != nil {
sonicLog . Fatal ( "connect to MySQL error" , zap . Error ( err ) )
DBType = consts . DBTypeMySQL
} else {
sonicLog . Fatal ( "No database available" )
if DB == nil {
sonicLog . Fatal ( "no available database" )
sonicLog . Info ( "connect database success" )
sqlDB , err := DB . DB ( )
if err != nil {
sonicLog . Fatal ( "get database connection error" )
sqlDB . SetMaxIdleConns ( 200 )
sqlDB . SetMaxOpenConns ( 300 )
sqlDB . SetConnMaxIdleTime ( time . Hour )
SetDefault ( DB )
dbMigrate ( )
return DB
func initMySQL ( conf * config . Config , gormLogger logger . Interface ) ( * gorm . DB , error ) {
mysqlConfig := conf . MySQL
if mysqlConfig == nil {
return nil , xerr . WithMsg ( nil , "nil MySQL config" )
dsn := fmt . Sprintf ( mysqlDsn , mysqlConfig . Username , mysqlConfig . Password , mysqlConfig . Host , mysqlConfig . Port , mysqlConfig . DB )
sonicLog . Info ( "try connect to MySQL" , zap . String ( "dsn" , fmt . Sprintf ( mysqlDsn , mysqlConfig . Username , "***" , mysqlConfig . Host , mysqlConfig . Port , mysqlConfig . DB ) ) )
db , err := gorm . Open ( mysql . Open ( dsn ) , & gorm . Config {
Logger : gormLogger ,
PrepareStmt : true ,
SkipDefaultTransaction : true ,
DisableNestedTransaction : true ,
} )
return db , err
func initSQLite ( conf * config . Config , gormLogger logger . Interface ) ( * gorm . DB , error ) {
sqliteConfig := conf . SQLite3
if sqliteConfig == nil {
return nil , xerr . WithMsg ( nil , "nil SQLite config" )
sonicLog . Info ( "try to open SQLite3 db" , zap . String ( "path" , sqliteConfig . File ) )
db , err := gorm . Open ( sqlite . Open ( sqliteConfig . File ) , & gorm . Config {
Logger : gormLogger ,
PrepareStmt : true ,
SkipDefaultTransaction : true ,
DisableNestedTransaction : true ,
} )
return db , err
func dbMigrate ( ) {
db := DB . Session ( & gorm . Session {
Logger : DB . Logger . LogMode ( logger . Warn ) ,
} )
err := db . AutoMigrate ( & entity . Attachment { } , & entity . Category { } , & entity . Comment { } , & entity . CommentBlack { } , & entity . Journal { } ,
& entity . Link { } , & entity . Log { } , & entity . Menu { } , & entity . Meta { } , & entity . Option { } , & entity . Photo { } , & entity . Post { } ,
& entity . PostCategory { } , & entity . PostTag { } , & entity . Tag { } , & entity . ThemeSetting { } , & entity . User { } )
if err != nil {
sonicLog . Fatal ( "failed auto migrate db" , zap . Error ( err ) )
type ctxTransaction struct { }
func GetQueryByCtx ( ctx context . Context ) * Query {
dbI := ctx . Value ( ctxTransaction { } )
if dbI != nil {
db , ok := dbI . ( * Query )
if ! ok {
panic ( "unexpected context query value type" )
if db != nil {
return db
return Q
func SetCtxQuery ( ctx context . Context , q * Query ) context . Context {
return context . WithValue ( ctx , ctxTransaction { } , q )
func Transaction ( ctx context . Context , fn func ( txCtx context . Context ) error ) error {
q := GetQueryByCtx ( ctx )
return q . Transaction ( func ( tx * Query ) error {
txCtx := SetCtxQuery ( ctx , tx )
return fn ( txCtx )
} )
func GetDB ( ) * gorm . DB {
return DB