You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

511 lines
16 KiB

2 years ago
package impl
import (
type basePostServiceImpl struct {
OptionService service.OptionService
BaseCommentService service.BaseCommentService
CounterCache *util.CounterCache[int32]
func NewBasePostService(optionService service.OptionService, baseCommentService service.BaseCommentService) service.BasePostService {
counterCache := util.NewCounterCache(time.Second*5, nil, func(postID int32, count int64) {
ctx := context.Background()
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
2 years ago
_, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(postID)).UpdateSimple(postDAL.Visits.Add(count))
if err != nil {
log.CtxErrorf(ctx, "increase visit err postID=%v", postID)
b := &basePostServiceImpl{
CounterCache: counterCache,
OptionService: optionService,
BaseCommentService: baseCommentService,
return b
func (b basePostServiceImpl) GetByStatus(ctx context.Context, status []consts.PostStatus, postType consts.PostType, sort *param.Sort) ([]*entity.Post, error) {
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
2 years ago
postDo := postDAL.WithContext(ctx)
if err := BuildSort(sort, &postDAL, &postDo); err != nil {
return nil, err
statusAdapt := make([]driver.Valuer, len(status))
for i, status := range status {
statusAdapt[i] = status
posts, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.Status.In(statusAdapt...), postDAL.Type.Eq(postType)).Find()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return posts, nil
func (b basePostServiceImpl) BuildFullPath(ctx context.Context, post *entity.Post) (string, error) {
if post.Type == consts.PostTypePost {
return b.buildPostFullPath(ctx, post)
return b.buildSheetFullPath(ctx, post)
func (b basePostServiceImpl) GetByPostIDs(ctx context.Context, postIDs []int32) (map[int32]*entity.Post, error) {
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
2 years ago
posts, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.In(postIDs...)).Find()
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
result := make(map[int32]*entity.Post)
for _, post := range posts {
result[post.ID] = post
return result, nil
func (b basePostServiceImpl) GetBySlug(ctx context.Context, slug string) (*entity.Post, error) {
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
2 years ago
post, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.Slug.Eq(slug)).Take()
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
return post, nil
func (b basePostServiceImpl) buildPostFullPath(ctx context.Context, post *entity.Post) (string, error) {
postPermaLinkType, err := b.OptionService.GetOrByDefaultWithErr(ctx, property.PostPermalinkType, property.PostPermalinkType.DefaultValue)
if err != nil {
return "", err
pathSuffix, err := b.OptionService.GetPathSuffix(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
archivePrefix, err := b.OptionService.GetArchivePrefix(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
month := post.CreateTime.Month()
monthStr := util.IfElse(month < 10, "0"+strconv.Itoa(int(month)), strconv.Itoa(int(month))).(string)
day := post.CreateTime.Day()
dayStr := util.IfElse(month < 10, "0"+strconv.Itoa(day), strconv.Itoa(day)).(string)
fullPath := strings.Builder{}
isEnabled, err := b.OptionService.IsEnabledAbsolutePath(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if isEnabled {
2 years ago
blogBaseURL, err := b.OptionService.GetBlogBaseURL(ctx)
2 years ago
if err != nil {
return "", err
2 years ago
2 years ago
switch consts.PostPermalinkType(postPermaLinkType.(string)) {
case consts.PostPermalinkTypeDefault:
case consts.PostPermalinkTypeDate:
case consts.PostPermalinkTypeDay:
case consts.PostPermalinkTypeYear:
case consts.PostPermalinkTypeIDSlug:
case consts.PostPermalinkTypeID:
return fullPath.String(), nil
func (b basePostServiceImpl) buildSheetFullPath(ctx context.Context, sheet *entity.Post) (string, error) {
sheetPermaLinkType, err := b.OptionService.GetOrByDefaultWithErr(ctx, property.SheetPermalinkType, property.SheetPermalinkType.DefaultValue)
if err != nil {
return "", err
pathSuffix, err := b.OptionService.GetPathSuffix(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
sheetPrefix, err := b.OptionService.GetOrByDefaultWithErr(ctx, property.SheetPrefix, property.SheetPrefix.DefaultValue)
if err != nil {
return "", err
fullPath := strings.Builder{}
isEnabled, err := b.OptionService.IsEnabledAbsolutePath(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if isEnabled {
2 years ago
blogBaseURL, err := b.OptionService.GetBlogBaseURL(ctx)
2 years ago
if err != nil {
return "", err
2 years ago
2 years ago
switch consts.SheetPermaLinkType(sheetPermaLinkType.(string)) {
case consts.SheetPermaLinkTypeSecondary:
case consts.SheetPermaLinkTypeRoot:
return fullPath.String(), nil
func (b basePostServiceImpl) GetByPostID(ctx context.Context, postID int32) (*entity.Post, error) {
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
2 years ago
post, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(postID)).First()
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
return post, nil
var summaryPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`[\t\r\n]`)
func (b basePostServiceImpl) GenerateSummary(ctx context.Context, htmlContent string) string {
2 years ago
text := util.CleanHTMLTag(htmlContent)
2 years ago
text = summaryPattern.ReplaceAllString(text, "")
summaryLength := b.OptionService.GetPostSummaryLength(ctx)
end := summaryLength
textRune := []rune(text)
if len(textRune) < end {
end = len(textRune)
return string(textRune[:end])
func (b basePostServiceImpl) Delete(ctx context.Context, postID int32) error {
err := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Transaction(func(tx *dal.Query) error {
2 years ago
postDAL := tx.Post
postTagDAL := tx.PostTag
postCategoryDAL := tx.PostCategory
postMetaDAL := tx.Meta
postCommentDAL := tx.Comment
deleteResult, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(postID)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if deleteResult.RowsAffected != 1 {
return xerr.NoType.New("").WithMsg("delete post failed")
_, err = postTagDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postTagDAL.PostID.Eq(postID)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
_, err = postCategoryDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postCategoryDAL.PostID.Eq(postID)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
_, err = postMetaDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postMetaDAL.PostID.Eq(postID)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
_, err = postCommentDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postCommentDAL.PostID.Eq(postID)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
return nil
return err
func (b basePostServiceImpl) UpdateStatus(ctx context.Context, postID int32, status consts.PostStatus) (*entity.Post, error) {
if postID < 0 || status < consts.PostStatusPublished || status > consts.PostStatusIntimate {
return nil, xerr.BadParam.New("").WithMsg("postID or status parameter error").WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
2 years ago
post, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(postID)).First()
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
updateResult, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(postID)).UpdateColumnSimple(postDAL.Status.Value(status))
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
if updateResult.RowsAffected != 1 {
return nil, xerr.NoType.New("update post status failed postID=%v", postID).WithMsg("update post status failed")
post.Status = status
return post, nil
func (b basePostServiceImpl) DeleteBatch(ctx context.Context, postIDs []int32) error {
err := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Transaction(func(tx *dal.Query) error {
2 years ago
postDAL := tx.Post
postTagDAL := tx.PostTag
postCategoryDAL := tx.PostCategory
postMetaDAL := tx.Meta
postCommentDAL := tx.Comment
deleteResult, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.In(postIDs...)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if deleteResult.RowsAffected != 1 {
return xerr.NoType.New("").WithMsg("delete post failed")
_, err = postTagDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postTagDAL.PostID.In(postIDs...)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
_, err = postCategoryDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postCategoryDAL.PostID.In(postIDs...)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
_, err = postMetaDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postMetaDAL.PostID.In(postIDs...)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
_, err = postCommentDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postCommentDAL.PostID.In(postIDs...)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
return nil
return err
func (b basePostServiceImpl) CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, post *entity.Post, categoryIDs, tagIDs []int32, metas []param.Meta) (*entity.Post, error) {
err := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Transaction(func(tx *dal.Query) error {
2 years ago
postDAL := tx.Post
postCategoryDAL := tx.PostCategory
postTagDAL := tx.PostTag
categoryDAL := tx.Category
tagDAL := tx.Tag
postMetaDAL := tx.Meta
// create post
if post.ID == 0 {
postCount, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Select(field.Star).Omit(postDAL.UpdateTime).Where(postDAL.Slug.Eq(post.Slug)).Count()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if postCount > 0 {
return xerr.BadParam.New("").WithMsg("文章别名已存在(Article alias already exists)").WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
status := post.Status
2 years ago
err = postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Create(post)
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
// 😅gorm not insert zero value:
if status == consts.PostStatusPublished {
_, err = postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(post.ID)).UpdateColumnSimple(postDAL.Status.Value(status))
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
post.Status = status
2 years ago
} else {
// update post
slugCount, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.Slug.Eq(post.Slug), postDAL.ID.Neq(post.ID)).Count()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if slugCount > 0 {
return xerr.BadParam.New("").WithMsg("文章别名已存在(Article alias already exists)").WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
updateResult, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Select(field.Star).Omit(postDAL.Likes, postDAL.Visits).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(post.ID)).Updates(post)
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if updateResult.RowsAffected != 1 {
return xerr.NoType.New("").WithMsg("更新文章失败(update post failed)")
// create post_category
if post.ID > 0 {
_, err := postCategoryDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postCategoryDAL.PostID.Eq(post.ID)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if len(categoryIDs) > 0 {
categoryCount, err := categoryDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(categoryDAL.ID.In(categoryIDs...)).Count()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if int(categoryCount) != len(categoryIDs) {
return xerr.BadParam.New("").WithMsg("category not exist").WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
pcs := make([]*entity.PostCategory, 0, len(categoryIDs))
for _, categoryID := range categoryIDs {
pc := &entity.PostCategory{
CategoryID: categoryID,
PostID: post.ID,
pcs = append(pcs, pc)
err = postCategoryDAL.WithContext(ctx).Create(pcs...)
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
// create post_tag
if post.ID > 0 {
_, err := postTagDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postTagDAL.PostID.Eq(post.ID)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if len(tagIDs) > 0 {
tagCount, err := tagDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(tagDAL.ID.In(tagIDs...)).Count()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if int(tagCount) != len(tagIDs) {
return xerr.BadParam.New("").WithMsg("tag not exist").WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
pts := make([]*entity.PostTag, 0, len(tagIDs))
for _, tagID := range tagIDs {
pts = append(pts, &entity.PostTag{
PostID: post.ID,
TagID: tagID,
err = postTagDAL.WithContext(ctx).Create(pts...)
if err != nil {
return err
// create metas
if post.ID > 0 {
_, err := postMetaDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postMetaDAL.PostID.Eq(post.ID)).Delete()
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if len(metas) > 0 {
pms := make([]*entity.Meta, 0, len(metas))
for _, meta := range metas {
pms = append(pms, &entity.Meta{
PostID: post.ID,
MetaValue: meta.Value,
MetaKey: meta.Key,
err := postMetaDAL.WithContext(ctx).Create(pms...)
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return post, nil
func (b basePostServiceImpl) UpdateStatusBatch(ctx context.Context, status consts.PostStatus, postIDs []int32) ([]*entity.Post, error) {
if status < consts.PostStatusPublished || status > consts.PostStatusIntimate {
return nil, xerr.BadParam.New("").WithMsg("postID or status parameter error").WithStatus(xerr.StatusBadRequest)
uniquePostIDMap := make(map[int32]struct{})
for _, postID := range postIDs {
uniquePostIDMap[postID] = struct{}{}
uniqueIDs := make([]int32, 0)
for postID := range uniquePostIDMap {
uniqueIDs = append(uniqueIDs, postID)
err := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Transaction(func(tx *dal.Query) error {
2 years ago
postDAL := tx.Post
updateResult, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.In(uniqueIDs...)).UpdateColumnSimple(postDAL.Status.Value(status))
if err != nil {
return WrapDBErr(err)
if updateResult.RowsAffected != int64(len(uniqueIDs)) {
return xerr.NoType.New("").WithMsg("update post status failed")
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
2 years ago
posts, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.In(uniqueIDs...)).Find()
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
return posts, nil
func (b basePostServiceImpl) UpdateDraftContent(ctx context.Context, postID int32, content string) (*entity.Post, error) {
postDAL := dal.GetQueryByCtx(ctx).Post
2 years ago
post, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(postID)).First()
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
if post.OriginalContent != content {
updateResult, err := postDAL.WithContext(ctx).Where(postDAL.ID.Eq(postID)).UpdateColumnSimple(postDAL.OriginalContent.Value(content))
if err != nil {
return nil, WrapDBErr(err)
if updateResult.RowsAffected != 1 {
return nil, xerr.NoType.New("").WithMsg("update post content failed")
post.OriginalContent = content
return post, nil
func (b basePostServiceImpl) IncreaseVisit(ctx context.Context, postID int32) {
b.CounterCache.IncrBy(postID, 1)