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2 years ago
package log
import (
type gormLogger struct {
traceStr string
traceWarnStr string
traceErrStr string
zapLogger *zap.Logger
func NewGormLogger(conf *config.Config, zapLogger *zap.Logger) logger.Interface {
logConfig := logger.Config{
SlowThreshold: 200 * time.Millisecond,
LogLevel: GetGormLogLevel(conf.Log.Levels.Gorm),
IgnoreRecordNotFoundError: true,
Colorful: config.LogToConsole(),
2 years ago
gl := &gormLogger{
Config: logConfig,
traceStr: "[%.3fms] [rows:%v] %s",
traceWarnStr: "%s [%.3fms] [rows:%v] %s",
traceErrStr: "%s [%.3fms] [rows:%v] %s",
zapLogger: zapLogger,
if logConfig.Colorful {
gl.traceStr = logger.Yellow + "[%.3fms] " + logger.BlueBold + "[rows:%v]" + logger.Reset + " %s"
gl.traceWarnStr = "%s " + logger.Reset + logger.RedBold + "[%.3fms] " + logger.Yellow + "[rows:%v]" + logger.Magenta + " %s" + logger.Reset
gl.traceErrStr = logger.MagentaBold + "%s " + logger.Reset + logger.Yellow + "[%.3fms] " + logger.BlueBold + "[rows:%v]" + logger.Reset + " %s"
return gl
func (l *gormLogger) LogMode(level logger.LogLevel) logger.Interface {
newLogger := *l
newLogger.LogLevel = level
return &newLogger
const level = 2
func (l *gormLogger) Info(ctx context.Context, msg string, data ...interface{}) {
l.zapLogger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(getCallerSkip()-level)).Sugar().Infof(msg, data...)
func (l *gormLogger) Warn(ctx context.Context, msg string, data ...interface{}) {
l.zapLogger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(getCallerSkip()-level)).Sugar().Warnf(msg, data...)
func (l *gormLogger) Error(ctx context.Context, msg string, data ...interface{}) {
l.zapLogger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(getCallerSkip()-level)).Sugar().Errorf(msg, data...)
func (l *gormLogger) Trace(ctx context.Context, begin time.Time, fc func() (sql string, rowsAffected int64), err error) {
if l.LogLevel <= logger.Silent {
elapsed := time.Since(begin)
switch {
case err != nil && l.LogLevel >= logger.Error && (!errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) || !l.IgnoreRecordNotFoundError):
sql, rows := fc()
if rows == -1 {
l.zapLogger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(getCallerSkip()-level)).Sugar().Errorf(l.traceErrStr, err, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, "-", sql)
} else {
l.zapLogger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(getCallerSkip()-level)).Sugar().Errorf(l.traceErrStr, err, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, rows, sql)
case elapsed > l.SlowThreshold && l.SlowThreshold != 0 && l.LogLevel >= logger.Warn:
sql, rows := fc()
slowLog := fmt.Sprintf("SLOW SQL >= %v", l.SlowThreshold)
if rows == -1 {
l.zapLogger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(getCallerSkip()-level)).Sugar().Warnf(l.traceWarnStr, slowLog, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, "-", sql)
} else {
l.zapLogger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(getCallerSkip()-level)).Sugar().Warnf(l.traceWarnStr, slowLog, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, rows, sql)
case l.LogLevel == logger.Info:
sql, rows := fc()
if rows == -1 {
l.zapLogger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(getCallerSkip()-level)).Sugar().Infof(l.traceStr, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, "-", sql)
} else {
l.zapLogger.WithOptions(zap.AddCallerSkip(getCallerSkip()-level)).Sugar().Infof(l.traceStr, float64(elapsed.Nanoseconds())/1e6, rows, sql)
func getCallerSkip() int {
for i := 3; i < 15; i++ {
pc := make([]uintptr, 1)
numFrames := runtime.Callers(i, pc)
if numFrames < 1 {
return i
frame, _ := runtime.CallersFrames(pc).Next()
if !strings.Contains(frame.Function, "") && !strings.Contains(frame.Function, "") {
return i
return 0
func GetGormLogLevel(level string) logger.LogLevel {
switch level {
case "info":
return logger.Info
case "warn":
return logger.Warn
case "error":
return logger.Error
case "silent":
return logger.Silent
panic("log level error")