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paldepind 5471fd552c Mention that style module does not remove attributes #21 10 years ago
examples Snabbdom will always remove an element from its proper parent, even if the element has been changed 10 years ago
helpers Snabbdom will always remove an element from its proper parent, even if the element has been changed 10 years ago
modules replaced Regex with object dict for boolean attributes 10 years ago
perf Add benchmark 10 years ago
test Invoke event listener with several arguments in array #13 10 years ago
.gitignore Elements can be created with namespace #4 10 years ago
LICENSE Initial commit 10 years ago Mention that style module does not remove attributes #21 10 years ago
h.js Huge modularizing refactor 10 years ago
is.js Huge modularizing refactor 10 years ago
package.json Release 0.2.6 10 years ago
snabbdom.js patchVnode should not return a value 10 years ago
testem.json Initial commit 10 years ago
thunk.js Add postpatch hook 10 years ago
vnode.js Huge modularizing refactor 10 years ago


A virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.

Note: Snabbdom is mostly done. I'm currently only making minor tweaks. The documentation however is still quite lagging.

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Virtual DOM is awesome. It allow us to express our applications view as a function of its state. But existing solutions were way way too bloated, too slow, lacked features, had an API biased towards OOP and/or lacked features I needed.


Snabbdom consists of an extremely simple, performant and extensible core that is only ≈ 200 SLOC. It offers a modular architecture with rich functionality for extensions through custom modules. To keep the core simple all non-essential functionality is delegated to modules.

You can mold Snabbdom into whatever you desire! Pick, choose and customize the functionality you want. Alternatively you can just use the default extensions and get a virtual DOM library with high performance, small size and all the features listed below.


  • Core features
    • About 200 SLOC you could easily read through the entire core and fully understand how it works.
    • Extendable through modules.
    • A rich set of hooks available both per vnode and globally for modules so they can hook into any part of the diff and patch process.
    • Splendid performance. Snabbdom is among the fastest virtual DOM libraries in the Virtual DOM Benchmark.
    • Patch function with a function signature equivelant to a reduce/scan function. Allows for easier integration with a FRP library.
  • Features in modules
    • Features for doing complex CSS animations.
    • Powerful event listener functionality
    • Thunks to optimize the diff and patch process even further
    • JSX support thanks to snabbdom-jsx

Inline example

var snabbdom = require('snabbdom');
var patch = snabbdom.init([ // Init patch function with choosen modules
  require('snabbdom/modules/class'), // makes it easy to toggle classes
  require('snabbdom/modules/props'), // for setting properties on DOM elements
  require('snabbdom/modules/style'), // handles styling on elements with support for animations
  require('snabbdom/modules/eventlisteners'), // attaches event listeners
var h = require('snabbdom/h'); // helper function for creating VNodes
var vnode = h('div#container.two.classes', {on: {click: someFn}}, [
  h('span', {style: {fontWeight: 'bold'}}, 'This is bold'),
  ' and this is just normal text',
  h('a', {props: {href: '/foo'}, 'I\'ll take you places!'})
var container = document.getElementById('container');
// Patch into empty DOM element  this modifies the DOM as a side effect
patch(container, vnode);


Core documentation

The core of Snabbdom provides only the most essential functionality. It is designed to be as simple as possible while still being fast and extendable.


The core exposes only one single function snabbdom.init. init takes a list of modules and returns a patch function that uses the specified set of modules.

var patch = snabbdom.init([


The patch function returned by init takes two arguments. The first is a DOM element or a vnode representing the current view. The second is a vnode representing the new updated view.

If a DOM element with a parent is passed newVnode will be turned into a DOM node and the passed element will be replaced by the created DOM node. If an old vnode is passed Snabbdom will effeciently modify to match the description in the new vnode.

Any old vnode passed must be the resulting vnode from a previous call to patch. This is necessary since Snabbdom stores information in the vnode. This makes it possible to implement a simpler and more performant architecture. This also avoids the creation of a new old vnode tree.

patch(oldVnode, newVnode);


It is recommended that you use snabbdom/h to create VNodes. h accepts a tag/selector as a string, an optional data object and an optional string or array of children.

var h = require('snabbdom/h');
var vnode = h('div', {style: {color: '#000'}}, [
  h('h1', 'Headline'),
  h('p', 'A paragraph'),


Hooks are a way to hook into the lifecycle of DOM nodes. Snabbdom offers a rich selection of hooks.


Name Triggered when Arguments to callback
pre the patch process begins. none
create a DOM element has been created based on a VNode. emptyVNode, vnode
insert an element has been inserted into the DOM. vnode
prepatch an element is about to be patched. oldVnode, vnode
update an element is being updated. oldVnode, vnode
postpatch an element has been patched. oldVnode, vnode
remove an element is directly being removed from the DOM. vnode, removeCallback
destroy an element is being removed from the DOM or it's parent is. vnode
post the patch process is done. none


To use hooks, pass them as an object to hook field of the data object argument.

h('div.row', {
  key: movie.rank,
  hook: {
    insert: (vnode) => { movie.elmHeight = vnode.elm.offsetHeight; }

The insert hook

This hook is invoked once the DOM element to a vnode has been inserted into the document and the rest of the patch cycle is done. This means that you can do DOM measurements (like using getBoundingClientRect in this hook safely knowing that no elements will be changed afterwards which could affect the position of the inserted elements.

The remove hook

Allows you to hook into the removal of an element. The hook is called once a vnode is to be removed from the DOM. The handling function recieves both the vnode and a callback. You can control and delay the removal with the callback. It should be invoked once the hook is done doing its business and the element will only be removed once all remove hooks have invoked their callback.

The hook is only triggered when and element is to be removed from its parent not if it is the child of an element that is removed. For that see the destroy hook.

Modules documentation

This describes the core modules. All modules are optional.

The class module

The class module provides an easy way to dynamically toggle classes on elements. It expects an object in the class data property. The object should map class names to booleans that indicates whether or not the class should stay or go on the VNode.

h('a', {class: {active: true, selected: false}}, 'Toggle');

The props module

Allows you to set properties on DOM elements.

h('a', {props: {href: '/foo'}, 'Go to Foo');

The attributes module

Same as props but set attributes instead of properties on DOM elements

h('a', { attrs: {href: '/foo'} }, 'Go to Foo');

Attributes are added and updated using setAttribute. In case of an attribute that has been previously added/set is no longer present in the attrs object, it is removed from the DOM element's attribute list using removeAttribute.

In the case of boolean attributes (.e.g. disabled, hidden, selected ...). The meaning doesn't depend on the attribute value (true or false) but depends instead on the presence/absence of the attribute itself in the DOM element. Those attributes are handled differently by the module : if a boolean attribute is set to a falsy value (0, -0, null, false,NaN, undefined, or the empty string ("")) then the attribute will be removed from the attribute list of the DOM element.

The style module

The style module is for making your HTML look slick and animate smoothly. At it's core it allows you to set CSS properties on elements.

h('span', {
  style: {border: '1px solid #bada55', color: '#c0ffee', fontWeight: 'bold'}
}, 'Say my name, and every colour illuminates');

Note that the style module does not remove style attributes if they are removed as properties from the style object. To remove a style you should instead set it to the empty string.

h('div', {
  style: {position: shouldFollow ? 'fixed' : ''}
}, 'I, I follow, I follow you');

Delayed properties

You can specify properties as being delayed. Whenever these properties change the change is not applied until after the next frame.

h('span', {
  style: {opacity: '0', transition: 'opacity 1s', delayed: {opacity: '1'}}
}, 'Imma fade right in!');

This makes it easy to declaratively animate the entry of elements.

Set properties on remove

Styles set in the remove property will take effect once the element is about to be moved from the DOM. The applied styles should be animated with CSS transitions. Only once all the styles is done animating will the element be removed from the DOM.

h('span', {
  style: {opacity: '1', transition: 'opacity 1s',
          remove: {opacity: '0'}}
}, 'It\'s better to fade out than to burn away');

This makes it easy to declaratively animate the removal of elements.

Set properties on destroy

h('span', {
  style: {opacity: '1', transition: 'opacity 1s',
          destroy: {opacity: '0'}}
}, 'It\'s better to fade out than to burn away');

Eventlisteners module

The event listeners module gives powerful capabilities for attaching event listeners.

You can attach a function to an event on a VNode by supplying an object at on with a property corresponding to the name of the event you want to listen to. The function will be called when the event happens and will be passed the event object that belongs to it.

function clickHandler(ev) { console.log('got clicked'); }
h('div', {on: {click: clickHandler}});

Very often however you're not really interested in the event object itself. Often you have some data associated with the element that triggers an event and you want that data passed along instead.

Consider a counter application with three buttons, one to increment the counter by 1, one to increment the counter by 2 and one to increment the counter by 3. You're don't really care exactly which button was pressed. Instead you're interested in what number was associated with the clicked button. The event listeners module allows one to express that by supplying an array at the named event property. The first element in the array should be a function that will be invoked with the value in the second element once the event occurs.

function clickHandler(number) { console.log('button ' + number + ' was clicked!'); }
h('div', [
  h('a', {on: {click: [clickHandler, 1]}}),
  h('a', {on: {click: [clickHandler, 2]}}),
  h('a', {on: {click: [clickHandler, 3]}}),

Snabbdom allows swapping event handlers between renders. This happens without actually touching the event handlers attached to the DOM.