import { assert } from "@esm-bundle/chai"; import { jsx, Fragment, init } from "../../src/index"; describe("snabbdom", function () { describe("jsx", function () { it("can be used as a jsxFactory method", function () { const vnode =
Hello World
; assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: "div", data: { title: "Hello World" }, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Hello World", key: undefined }); }); it("creates text property for text only child", function () { const vnode =
foo bar
; assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: "div", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "foo bar", key: undefined }); }); it("creates an array of children for multiple children", function () { const vnode = (
{"foo"} {"bar"}
); assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: "div", data: {}, children: [ { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "foo", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "bar", key: undefined } ], elm: undefined, text: undefined, key: undefined }); }); it("flattens children", function () { const vnode = (

A Heading

some description {["part1", "part2"].map((part) => ( {part} ))}
); assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: "section", data: {}, children: [ { sel: "h1", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "A Heading", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "some description", key: undefined }, { sel: "span", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "part1", key: undefined }, { sel: "span", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "part2", key: undefined } ], elm: undefined, text: undefined, key: undefined }); }); it("removes falsey children", function () { const showLogin = false; const showCaptcha = false; const loginAttempts = 0; const userName = ""; const profilePic = undefined; const isLoggedIn = true; const vnode = (
Login Form {showLogin && } {showCaptcha ? : null} {userName} {profilePic} Login Attempts: {loginAttempts} Logged In: {isLoggedIn}
); assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: "div", data: {}, children: [ { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Login Form", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Login Attempts: ", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "0", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Logged In: ", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "true", key: undefined } ], elm: undefined, text: undefined, key: undefined }); }); it("works with a function component", function () { // workaround linter issue // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const Part = ({ part }: { part: string }) => {part}; const vnode = (
Snabbdom and tsx {["work", "like", "a", "charm!"].map((part) => ( ))} {"πŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸŽ‰"}
); assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: "div", data: {}, children: [ { sel: "a", data: { attrs: { href: "" } }, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Snabbdom", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "and tsx", key: undefined }, { sel: "span", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "work", key: undefined }, { sel: "span", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "like", key: undefined }, { sel: "span", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "a", key: undefined }, { sel: "span", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "charm!", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "πŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸŽ‰", key: undefined } ], elm: undefined, text: undefined, key: undefined }); }); }); describe("Fragment", function () { it("can be used as a jsxFragmentFactory method", function () { const vnode = <>Hello World; assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Hello World", key: undefined }); }); it("creates text property for text only child", function () { const vnode = <>foo bar; assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "foo bar", key: undefined }); }); it("creates an array of children for multiple children", function () { const vnode = ( <> {"foo"} {"bar"} ); assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: undefined, data: {}, children: [ { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "foo", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "bar", key: undefined } ], elm: undefined, text: undefined, key: undefined }); }); it("flattens children", function () { const vnode = ( <>

A Heading

some description {["part1", "part2"].map((part) => ( {part} ))} ); assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: undefined, data: {}, children: [ { sel: "h1", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "A Heading", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "some description", key: undefined }, { sel: "span", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "part1", key: undefined }, { sel: "span", data: {}, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "part2", key: undefined } ], elm: undefined, text: undefined, key: undefined }); }); it("removes falsey children", function () { const showLogin = false; const showCaptcha = false; const loginAttempts = 0; const userName = ""; const profilePic = undefined; const isLoggedIn = true; const vnode = ( <> Login Form {showLogin && } {showCaptcha ? : null} {userName} {profilePic} Login Attempts: {loginAttempts} Logged In: {isLoggedIn} ); assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: undefined, data: {}, children: [ { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Login Form", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Login Attempts: ", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "0", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Logged In: ", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "true", key: undefined } ], elm: undefined, text: undefined, key: undefined }); }); it("works with a function component", function () { // workaround linter issue // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const Part = ({ part }: { part: string }) => <>{part}; const vnode = (
Snabbdom and tsx {["work", "like", "a", "charm!"].map((part) => ( ))} {"πŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸŽ‰"}
); assert.deepStrictEqual(vnode, { sel: "div", data: {}, children: [ { sel: "a", data: { attrs: { href: "" } }, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "Snabbdom", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "and tsx", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "work", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "like", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "a", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "charm!", key: undefined }, { sel: undefined, data: undefined, children: undefined, elm: undefined, text: "πŸ’ƒπŸ•ΊπŸŽ‰", key: undefined } ], elm: undefined, text: undefined, key: undefined }); }); it("can correctly be patched", function () { const patch = init([], undefined, { experimental: { fragments: true } }); const container = document.createElement("div"); const vnode0 = ( <> Nested <> children <> will be flattened ); patch(container, vnode0); assert.strictEqual(vnode0.elm?.nodeType, document.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE); assert.strictEqual( vnode0.elm?.textContent, "Nested children will be flattened" ); const vnode1 = (
Nested <> child nodes {[" will", " be", " patched"]}
); patch(vnode0, vnode1); assert.strictEqual((vnode1.elm as HTMLElement).tagName, "DIV"); assert.strictEqual( vnode1.elm?.textContent, "Nested child nodes will be patched" ); const vnode2 = ( And <>fragment again! ); patch(vnode1, vnode2); assert.strictEqual(vnode2.elm?.nodeType, document.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE); assert.strictEqual(vnode2.elm?.textContent, "And fragment again!"); }); }); });