const Git = require('nodegit') const assert = require('assert') const meow = require('meow'); /** * For reference, the unix shell equivalent of this script is kind of: * * ```sh * # `ORIGIN` is your remote name for the Snabbdom repository. * # `PR` is the pull request number * REF=refs/remotes/$ORIGIN/pull/$PR/head * git fetch $ORIGIN +refs/pull/$PR/head:$REF * BRANCH=allow-ci_$PR * git push $ORIGIN +${REF}:refs/heads/$BRANCH * ``` */ (async function () { const [pr] = meow({ hardRejection: false }).input assert.notStrictEqual(pr, undefined) const repo = await const remote = (await repo.getRemotes()) .find(r => r.url() === '') assert.notStrictEqual(remote, undefined) const ref = `refs/remotes/${}/pull/${pr}/head` const credentials = (url, userName) => Git.Cred .sshKeyFromAgent(userName) await remote .fetch( [`+refs/pull/${pr}/head:${ref}`], { callbacks: { credentials } } ) const branchName = `allow-ci_${pr}` await remote .push( [`+${ref}:refs/heads/${branchName}`], { callbacks: { credentials } } ) console.log(`\ Marked head of pull request #${pr} as trusted by pushing it to branch \`${branchName}\`. As soon as the pull request is closed/merged, this branch can be deleted.\ `) })()