import { assert } from "chai"; import { init, attributesModule, h } from "../../src/index"; const patch = init([attributesModule]); describe("attributes", function () { let elm: any, vnode0: any; beforeEach(function () { elm = document.createElement("div"); vnode0 = elm; }); it("have their provided values", function () { const vnode1 = h("div", { attrs: { href: "/foo", minlength: 1, selected: true, disabled: false }, }); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm; assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("href"), "/foo"); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("minlength"), "1"); assert.strictEqual(elm.hasAttribute("selected"), true); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("selected"), ""); assert.strictEqual(elm.hasAttribute("disabled"), false); }); it("can be memoized", function () { const cachedAttrs = { href: "/foo", minlength: 1, selected: true }; const vnode1 = h("div", { attrs: cachedAttrs }); const vnode2 = h("div", { attrs: cachedAttrs }); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm; assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("href"), "/foo"); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("minlength"), "1"); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("selected"), ""); elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm; assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("href"), "/foo"); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("minlength"), "1"); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("selected"), ""); }); it("are not omitted when falsy values are provided", function () { const vnode1 = h("div", { attrs: { href: null as any, minlength: 0, value: "", title: "undefined" }, }); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm; assert.ok(elm.hasAttribute("href")); assert.ok(elm.hasAttribute("minlength")); assert.ok(elm.hasAttribute("value")); assert.ok(elm.hasAttribute("title")); }); it("are set correctly when namespaced", function () { const vnode1 = h("div", { attrs: { "xlink:href": "#foo" } }); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm; assert.strictEqual( elm.getAttributeNS("", "href"), "#foo" ); }); it("should not touch class nor id fields", function () { elm = document.createElement("div"); = "myId"; elm.className = "myClass"; vnode0 = elm; const vnode1 = h("div#myId.myClass", { attrs: {} }, ["Hello"]); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm; assert.strictEqual(elm.tagName, "DIV"); assert.strictEqual(, "myId"); assert.strictEqual(elm.className, "myClass"); assert.strictEqual(elm.textContent, "Hello"); }); describe("boolean attribute", function () { it("is present and empty string if the value is truthy", function () { const vnode1 = h("div", { attrs: { required: true, readonly: 1, noresize: "truthy" }, }); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm; assert.strictEqual(elm.hasAttribute("required"), true); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("required"), ""); assert.strictEqual(elm.hasAttribute("readonly"), true); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("readonly"), "1"); assert.strictEqual(elm.hasAttribute("noresize"), true); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("noresize"), "truthy"); }); it("is omitted if the value is false", function () { const vnode1 = h("div", { attrs: { required: false } }); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm; assert.strictEqual(elm.hasAttribute("required"), false); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("required"), null); }); it("is not omitted if the value is falsy", function () { const vnode1 = h("div", { attrs: { readonly: 0, noresize: null as any }, }); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm; assert.ok(elm.hasAttribute("readonly")); assert.ok(elm.hasAttribute("noresize")); }); }); describe("Object.prototype property", function () { it("is not considered as a boolean attribute and shouldn't be omitted", function () { const vnode1 = h("div", { attrs: { constructor: true } }); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm; assert.strictEqual(elm.hasAttribute("constructor"), true); assert.strictEqual(elm.getAttribute("constructor"), ""); const vnode2 = h("div", { attrs: { constructor: false } }); elm = patch(vnode0, vnode2).elm; assert.strictEqual(elm.hasAttribute("constructor"), false); }); }); });