function isBooleanAttribute(attrName) { return (/^(?:allowfullscreen|async|autofocus|autoplay|checked|compact|controls|declare|default|defaultchecked|defaultmuted|defaultselected|defer|disabled|draggable|enabled|formnovalidate|hidden|indeterminate|inert|ismap|itemscope|loop|multiple|muted|nohref|noresize|noshade|novalidate|nowrap|open|pauseonexit|readonly|required|reversed|scoped|seamless|selected|sortable|spellcheck|translate|truespeed|typemustmatch|visible)$/).test(attrName); } function updateAttrs(oldVnode, vnode) { var key, cur, old, elm = vnode.elm, oldAttrs = || {}, attrs = || {}; // update modified attributes, add new attributes for (key in attrs) { cur = attrs[key]; old = oldAttrs[key]; if (old !== cur) { // TODO: add support to namespaced attributes (setAttributeNS) if(!cur && isBooleanAttribute(key)) elm.removeAttribute(key); else elm.setAttribute(key, cur); } } //remove removed attributes // use `in` operator since the previous `for` iteration uses it (.i.e. add even attributes with undefined value) // the other option is to remove all attributes with value == undefined for (key in oldAttrs) { if (!(key in attrs)) { elm.removeAttribute(key); } } } module.exports = {create: updateAttrs, update: updateAttrs};