@ -491,6 +492,69 @@ The view function here is only an example. In practice thunks are only
relevant if you are rendering a complicated view that takes a significant
computation time to generate.
## Virtual Node
- [sel](#sel)
- [data](#data)
- [children](#children)
- [text](#text)
- [elm](#elm)
- [key](#key)
#### sel : String
The `.sel` property of a virtual node is the CSS selector passed to `h()` during creation.
For example: `h('div#container, {}, [...])` will create a a virtual node which has `div#container` as it's `.sel` property.
#### data : Object
The `.data` property of a virtual node is the place to add information for [modules](https://github.com/paldepind/snabbdom#modules-documentation) to access and manipulate the real DOM element when it is created; Add styles, CSS classes, attributes, etc.
The data object is the (optional) second parameter to `h()`
For example `h('div', {props: {className: 'container'}, [...]}` will produce a virtual node with
"props": {
className: "container"
as it's `.data` object.
#### children : Array<VNode>
The `.children` property of a virtual node is the third (optional) parameter to `h()` during creation.
`.children` is simply and Array of virtual nodes that should be added as children of the parent DOM node upon creation.
For example `h('div', {}, [ h('h1', {}, 'Hello, World') ])` will create a virtual node with
sel: 'h1',
data: {},
children: undefined,
text: 'Hello, World',
elm: Element,
key: undefined,
as it's `.children` property.
#### text : string
The `.text` property is created when the a virtual node is created with only a single child that possesses text and only requires `document.createTextNode()` to be used.
For example: `h('h1', {}, 'Hello')` will create a virtual node with `Hello` as it's `.text` property.
#### elm : Element
The `.elm` property of a virtual node is a pointer to the real DOM node created by snabbdom. This property is very useful to do calculations in [hooks](insert link to hooks) as well as [modules](https://github.com/paldepind/snabbdom#modules-documentation).
#### key : string | number
The `.key` property is created when a key is provided inside of your [`.data`](#data) object. The `.key` property is used to keep pointers to DOM nodes that existed previously to avoid recreating them if it is unnecessary. This is very useful for things like list reordering. A key much be either a string or a number to allow for proper lookup as it is stored internally as a key value pair inside of an object, where `.key` is the key and the value is the [`.elm`](#elm) property created.
For example: `h('div', {key: 1}, [])` will create a virtual node object with a `.key` property with the value of `1`.
## Structuring applications
Snabbdom is a low-level virtual DOM library. It is unopinionated with
@ -506,4 +570,4 @@ Here are some approaches to building applications with Snabbdom.
[Cycle.js](http://cycle.js.org/) that uses Snabbdom.
Be sure to share it if you're building an application in another way