@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function destroy(vnode) {
vnode . boundingRect = elm . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; //save the bounding rectangle to a new property on the vnode
vnode . textRect = vnode . isTextNode ? getTextNodeRect ( elm . childNodes [ 0 ] ) : null ; //save bounding rect of inner text node
var computedStyle = window . getComputedStyle ( elm , null ) ; //get current styles (includes inherited properties)
vnode . savedStyle = {
vnode . savedStyle = { //save important inherited styles, will be reapplied in post()
textAlign : computedStyle . textAlign ,
color : computedStyle . color ,
} ;
@ -131,8 +131,9 @@ function post() {
oldStyle . transformOrigin = calcTransformOrigin ( isTextNode , oldTextRect , oldRect ) ;
oldStyle . transform = '' ;
oldStyle . opacity = '1' ;
oldStyle . textAlign = oldVnode . savedStyle . textAlign ; //re-apply saved inherited properties
oldStyle . color = oldVnode . savedStyle . color ;
for ( var key in oldVnode . savedStyle ) { //re-apply saved inherited properties
oldStyle [ key ] = oldVnode . savedStyle [ key ] ;
document . body . appendChild ( oldElm ) ;
setNextFrame ( oldStyle , 'transform' , 'translate(' + - dx + 'px, ' + - dy + 'px) scale(' + wRatio + ', ' + hRatio + ')' ) ; //scale must be on far right for translate to be correct
setNextFrame ( oldStyle , 'opacity' , '0' ) ;