@ -1,24 +1,20 @@
import { VNode , VNodeData } from "../vnode" ;
import { Module } from "./module" ;
export type Hero = { id : string } ;
const raf =
( typeof window !== "undefined" && window . requestAnimationFrame ) || setTimeout ;
const nextFrame = function ( fn : any ) {
const nextFrame = function ( fn ) {
raf ( function ( ) {
raf ( fn ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
function setNextFrame ( obj : any , prop : string , val : any ) : void {
function setNextFrame ( obj , prop , val ) {
nextFrame ( function ( ) {
obj [ prop ] = val ;
} ) ;
function getTextNodeRect ( textNode : Text ) : ClientRect | undefined {
let rect : ClientRect | undefined ;
function getTextNodeRect ( textNode ) {
let rect ;
if ( document . createRange ) {
const range = document . createRange ( ) ;
range . selectNodeContents ( textNode ) ;
@ -29,11 +25,7 @@ function getTextNodeRect(textNode: Text): ClientRect | undefined {
return rect ;
function calcTransformOrigin (
isTextNode : boolean ,
textRect : ClientRect | undefined ,
boundingRect : ClientRect
) : string {
function calcTransformOrigin ( isTextNode , textRect , boundingRect ) {
if ( isTextNode ) {
if ( textRect ) {
// calculate pixels to center of text from left edge of bounding box
@ -47,10 +39,7 @@ function calcTransformOrigin(
return "0 0" ; // top left
function getTextDx (
oldTextRect : ClientRect | undefined ,
newTextRect : ClientRect | undefined
) : number {
function getTextDx ( oldTextRect , newTextRect ) {
if ( oldTextRect && newTextRect ) {
return (
oldTextRect . left +
@ -60,10 +49,8 @@ function getTextDx(
return 0 ;
function getTextDy (
oldTextRect : ClientRect | undefined ,
newTextRect : ClientRect | undefined
) : number {
function getTextDy ( oldTextRect , newTextRect ) {
if ( oldTextRect && newTextRect ) {
return (
oldTextRect . top +
@ -74,77 +61,76 @@ function getTextDy(
return 0 ;
function isTextElement ( elm : Element | Text ) : elm is Text {
function isTextElement ( elm ) {
return elm . childNodes . length === 1 && elm . childNodes [ 0 ] . nodeType === 3 ;
let removed : any , created : any ;
let removed , created ;
function pre ( ) {
removed = { } ;
created = [ ] ;
function create ( oldVnode : VNode , vnode : VNode ) : void {
const hero = ( vnode . data as VNodeData ) . hero ;
function create ( oldVnode , vnode ) {
const hero = vnode . data . hero ;
if ( hero && hero . id ) {
created . push ( hero . id ) ;
created . push ( vnode ) ;
function destroy ( vnode : VNode ) : void {
const hero = ( vnode . data as VNodeData ) . hero ;
function destroy ( vnode ) {
const hero = vnode . data . hero ;
if ( hero && hero . id ) {
const elm = vnode . elm ;
( vnode as any ) . isTextNode = isTextElement ( elm as Element | Text ) ; // is this a text node?
( vnode as any ) . boundingRect = ( elm as Element ) . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; // save the bounding rectangle to a new property on the vnode
( vnode as any ) . textRect = ( vnode as any ) . isTextNode
? getTextNodeRect ( ( elm as Element ) . childNodes [ 0 ] as Text )
vnode . isTextNode = isTextElement ( elm ) ; // is this a text node?
vnode . boundingRect = elm . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ; // save the bounding rectangle to a new property on the vnode
vnode . textRect = vnode . isTextNode
? getTextNodeRect ( elm . childNodes [ 0 ] )
: null ; // save bounding rect of inner text node
const computedStyle = window . getComputedStyle ( elm as Element , undefined ) ; // get current styles (includes inherited properties)
( vnode as any ) . savedStyle = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( computedStyle ) ) ; // save a copy of computed style values
const computedStyle = window . getComputedStyle ( elm , undefined ) ; // get current styles (includes inherited properties)
vnode . savedStyle = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( computedStyle ) ) ; // save a copy of computed style values
removed [ hero . id ] = vnode ;
function post ( ) {
let i : number ,
id : any ,
newElm : Element ,
oldVnode : VNode ,
oldElm : Element ,
hRatio : number ,
wRatio : number ,
oldRect : ClientRect ,
newRect : ClientRect ,
dx : number ,
dy : number ,
origTransform : string | null ,
origTransition : string | null ,
newStyle : CSSStyleDeclaration ,
oldStyle : CSSStyleDeclaration ,
newComputedStyle : CSSStyleDeclaration ,
isTextNode : boolean ,
newTextRect : ClientRect | undefined ,
oldTextRect : ClientRect | undefined ;
let i ,
id ,
newElm ,
oldVnode ,
oldElm ,
hRatio ,
wRatio ,
oldRect ,
newRect ,
dx ,
dy ,
origTransform ,
origTransition ,
newStyle ,
oldStyle ,
newComputedStyle ,
isTextNode ,
newTextRect ,
oldTextRect ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < created . length ; i += 2 ) {
id = created [ i ] ;
newElm = created [ i + 1 ] . elm ;
oldVnode = removed [ id ] ;
if ( oldVnode ) {
isTextNode = ( oldVnode as any ) . isTextNode && isTextElement ( newElm ) ; // Are old & new both text?
newStyle = ( newElm as HTMLElement ) . style ;
isTextNode = oldVnode . isTextNode && isTextElement ( newElm ) ; // Are old & new both text?
newStyle = newElm . style ;
newComputedStyle = window . getComputedStyle ( newElm , undefined ) ; // get full computed style for new element
oldElm = oldVnode . elm as Element ;
oldStyle = ( oldElm as HTMLElement ) . style ;
oldElm = oldVnode . elm ;
oldStyle = oldElm . style ;
// Overall element bounding boxes
newRect = newElm . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
oldRect = ( oldVnode as any ) . boundingRect ; // previously saved bounding rect
oldRect = oldVnode . boundingRect ; // previously saved bounding rect
// Text node bounding boxes & distances
if ( isTextNode ) {
newTextRect = getTextNodeRect ( newElm . childNodes [ 0 ] as Text ) ;
oldTextRect = ( oldVnode as any ) . textRect ;
newTextRect = getTextNodeRect ( newElm . childNodes [ 0 ] ) ;
oldTextRect = oldVnode . textRect ;
dx = getTextDx ( oldTextRect , newTextRect ) ;
dy = getTextDy ( oldTextRect , newTextRect ) ;
} else {
@ -175,7 +161,7 @@ function post() {
setNextFrame ( newStyle , "transform" , origTransform ) ;
setNextFrame ( newStyle , "opacity" , "1" ) ;
// Animate old element
for ( const key in ( oldVnode as any ) . savedStyle ) {
for ( const key in oldVnode . savedStyle ) {
// re-apply saved inherited properties
if ( String ( parseInt ( key ) ) !== key ) {
const ms = key . substring ( 0 , 2 ) === "ms" ;
@ -183,7 +169,7 @@ function post() {
const webkit = key . substring ( 0 , 6 ) === "webkit" ;
if ( ! ms && ! moz && ! webkit ) {
// ignore prefixed style properties
( oldStyle as any ) [ key ] = ( oldVnode as any ) . savedStyle [ key ] ;
oldStyle [ key ] = oldVnode . savedStyle [ key ] ;
@ -207,9 +193,9 @@ function post() {
` translate( ${ - dx } px, ${ - dy } px) scale( ${ wRatio } , ${ hRatio } ) `
) ; // scale must be on far right for translate to be correct
setNextFrame ( oldStyle , "opacity" , "0" ) ;
oldElm . addEventListener ( "transitionend" , function ( ev : TransitionEvent ) {
oldElm . addEventListener ( "transitionend" , function ( ev ) {
if ( ev . propertyName === "transform" ) {
document . body . removeChild ( ev . target as Node ) ;
document . body . removeChild ( ev . target ) ;
} ) ;
@ -217,4 +203,4 @@ function post() {
removed = created = undefined ;
export const heroModule : Module = { pre , create , destroy , post } ;
export const heroModule = { pre , create , destroy , post } ;