@ -54,10 +54,9 @@ performance, small size and all the features listed below.
* Features for doing complex CSS animations.
* Powerful event listener functionality.
* [Thunks](#thunks) to optimize the diff and patch process even further.
* JSX support thanks to [snabbdom-jsx](https://github.com/yelouafi/snabbdom-jsx).
There is also a Babel plugin [babel-snabbdom-jsx](https://github.com/finnsson/babel-snabbdom-jsx).
* Server-side HTML output provided by
* Third party features
* JSX support thanks to [snabbdom-pragma](https://github.com/Swizz/snabbdom-pragma).
* Server-side HTML output provided by [snabbdom-to-html](https://github.com/acstll/snabbdom-to-html).
* Compact virtual DOM creation with [snabbdom-helpers](https://github.com/krainboltgreene/snabbdom-helpers).
* Template string support using [snabby](https://github.com/jamen/snabby).