var assert = require('assert');
var shuffle = require('knuth-shuffle').knuthShuffle;
var snabbdom = require('../snabbdom');
var patch = snabbdom.init([
var h = require('../h').default;
Introduce toVNode() to reconstruct root element as vnode
This commit addresses issue #167. Previously, in snabbdom v0.5.0,
patch(element, vnode) would always create a new element for the root.
This resulted in problems with custom elements (web components), and was
fixed in commit c091c59c5946cb15f77d7ffca846f2cdae23b785.
However, that commit resulted in bug #167. This meant that snabbdom
would have bugs with server-side rendering, where the root element would
be non-empty (it has many children, rendered on the server-side as
HTML), and the client-side rendering should reuse those existing
children (or clear all the children and recreate them again in patch()).
This commit introduces the function toVNode(elm) that deep-converts an
element (and its tree) to a VNode (and its tree), that is separately
imported and used before calling patch(). toVNode(elm) will look at the
element's attributes and gather those as data for the vnode.
Overall, this commit is important for fixing #167 and enabling
client/server-side rendering in an efficient manner
(destruction/recreation client-side is probably too expensive).
8 years ago
var toVNode = require('../tovnode').default;
var vnode = require('../vnode').default;
function prop(name) {
return function(obj) {
return obj[name];
function map(fn, list) {
var ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
ret[i] = fn(list[i]);
return ret;
var inner = prop('innerHTML');
describe('snabbdom', function() {
var elm, vnode0;
beforeEach(function() {
elm = document.createElement('div');
vnode0 = elm;
describe('hyperscript', function() {
it('can create vnode with proper tag', function() {
assert.equal(h('div').sel, 'div');
assert.equal(h('a').sel, 'a');
it('can create vnode with children', function() {
var vnode = h('div', [h('span#hello'), h('b.world')]);
assert.equal(vnode.sel, 'div');
assert.equal(vnode.children[0].sel, 'span#hello');
assert.equal(vnode.children[1].sel, 'b.world');
it('can create vnode with one child vnode', function() {
var vnode = h('div', h('span#hello'));
assert.equal(vnode.sel, 'div');
assert.equal(vnode.children[0].sel, 'span#hello');
it('can create vnode with props and one child vnode', function() {
var vnode = h('div', {}, h('span#hello'));
assert.equal(vnode.sel, 'div');
assert.equal(vnode.children[0].sel, 'span#hello');
it('can create vnode with text content', function() {
var vnode = h('a', ['I am a string']);
assert.equal(vnode.children[0].text, 'I am a string');
it('can create vnode with text content in string', function() {
var vnode = h('a', 'I am a string');
assert.equal(vnode.text, 'I am a string');
it('can create vnode with props and text content in string', function() {
var vnode = h('a', {}, 'I am a string');
assert.equal(vnode.text, 'I am a string');
it('can create vnode for comment', function() {
var vnode = h('!', 'test');
assert.equal(vnode.sel, '!');
assert.equal(vnode.text, 'test');
describe('created element', function() {
it('has tag', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0, h('div')).elm;
assert.equal(elm.tagName, 'DIV');
it('has different tag and id', function() {
var elm = document.createElement('div');
var vnode1 = h('span#id');
elm = patch(elm, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.tagName, 'SPAN');
assert.equal(elm.id, 'id');
it('has id', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0, h('div', [h('div#unique')])).elm;
assert.equal(elm.firstChild.id, 'unique');
it('has correct namespace', function() {
var SVGNamespace = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
var XHTMLNamespace = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';
elm = patch(vnode0, h('div', [h('div', {ns: SVGNamespace})])).elm;
assert.equal(elm.firstChild.namespaceURI, SVGNamespace);
// verify that svg tag automatically gets svg namespace
elm = patch(vnode0, h('svg', [
h('foreignObject', [
h('div', ['I am HTML embedded in SVG'])
assert.equal(elm.namespaceURI, SVGNamespace);
assert.equal(elm.firstChild.namespaceURI, SVGNamespace);
assert.equal(elm.firstChild.firstChild.namespaceURI, XHTMLNamespace);
// verify that svg tag with extra selectors gets svg namespace
elm = patch(vnode0, h('svg#some-id')).elm;
assert.equal(elm.namespaceURI, SVGNamespace);
// verify that non-svg tag beginning with 'svg' does NOT get namespace
elm = patch(vnode0, h('svg-custom-el')).elm;
assert.notEqual(elm.namespaceURI, SVGNamespace);
it('receives classes in selector', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0, h('div', [h('i.am.a.class')])).elm;
it('receives classes in class property', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0, h('i', {class: {am: true, a: true, class: true, not: false}})).elm;
it('receives classes in selector when namespaced', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0,
h('svg', [
it('receives classes in class property when namespaced', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0,
h('svg', [
h('g', {class: {am: true, a: true, class: true, not: false, too: true}})
it('handles classes from both selector and property', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0, h('div', [h('i.has', {class: {classes: true}})])).elm;
it('can create elements with text content', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0, h('div', ['I am a string'])).elm;
assert.equal(elm.innerHTML, 'I am a string');
it('can create elements with span and text content', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0, h('a', [h('span'), 'I am a string'])).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].tagName, 'SPAN');
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[1].textContent, 'I am a string');
it('can create elements with props', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0, h('a', {props: {src: 'http://localhost/'}})).elm;
assert.equal(elm.src, 'http://localhost/');
it('can create an element created inside an iframe', function(done) {
// Only run if srcdoc is supported.
var frame = document.createElement('iframe');
if (typeof frame.srcdoc !== 'undefined') {
frame.srcdoc = "<div>Thing 1</div>";
frame.onload = function() {
patch(frame.contentDocument.body.querySelector('div'), h('div', 'Thing 2'));
assert.equal(frame.contentDocument.body.querySelector('div').textContent, 'Thing 2');
} else {
it('is a patch of the root element', function () {
var elmWithIdAndClass = document.createElement('div');
elmWithIdAndClass.id = 'id';
elmWithIdAndClass.className = 'class';
var vnode1 = h('div#id.class', [h('span', 'Hi')]);
elm = patch(elmWithIdAndClass, vnode1).elm;
assert.strictEqual(elm, elmWithIdAndClass);
assert.equal(elm.tagName, 'DIV');
assert.equal(elm.id, 'id');
assert.equal(elm.className, 'class');
it('can create comments', function() {
elm = patch(vnode0, h('!', 'test')).elm;
assert.equal(elm.nodeType, document.COMMENT_NODE);
assert.equal(elm.textContent, 'test');
describe('patching an element', function() {
it('changes the elements classes', function() {
var vnode1 = h('i', {class: {i: true, am: true, horse: true}});
var vnode2 = h('i', {class: {i: true, am: true, horse: false}});
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
it('changes classes in selector', function() {
var vnode1 = h('i', {class: {i: true, am: true, horse: true}});
var vnode2 = h('i', {class: {i: true, am: true, horse: false}});
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
it('preserves memoized classes', function() {
var cachedClass = {i: true, am: true, horse: false};
var vnode1 = h('i', {class: cachedClass});
var vnode2 = h('i', {class: cachedClass});
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
it('removes missing classes', function() {
var vnode1 = h('i', {class: {i: true, am: true, horse: true}});
var vnode2 = h('i', {class: {i: true, am: true}});
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
it('changes an elements props', function() {
var vnode1 = h('a', {props: {src: 'http://other/'}});
var vnode2 = h('a', {props: {src: 'http://localhost/'}});
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.src, 'http://localhost/');
it('preserves memoized props', function() {
var cachedProps = {src: 'http://other/'};
var vnode1 = h('a', {props: cachedProps});
var vnode2 = h('a', {props: cachedProps});
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.src, 'http://other/');
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.src, 'http://other/');
it('removes an elements props', function() {
var vnode1 = h('a', {props: {src: 'http://other/'}});
var vnode2 = h('a');
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(elm.src, undefined);
Introduce toVNode() to reconstruct root element as vnode
This commit addresses issue #167. Previously, in snabbdom v0.5.0,
patch(element, vnode) would always create a new element for the root.
This resulted in problems with custom elements (web components), and was
fixed in commit c091c59c5946cb15f77d7ffca846f2cdae23b785.
However, that commit resulted in bug #167. This meant that snabbdom
would have bugs with server-side rendering, where the root element would
be non-empty (it has many children, rendered on the server-side as
HTML), and the client-side rendering should reuse those existing
children (or clear all the children and recreate them again in patch()).
This commit introduces the function toVNode(elm) that deep-converts an
element (and its tree) to a VNode (and its tree), that is separately
imported and used before calling patch(). toVNode(elm) will look at the
element's attributes and gather those as data for the vnode.
Overall, this commit is important for fixing #167 and enabling
client/server-side rendering in an efficient manner
(destruction/recreation client-side is probably too expensive).
8 years ago
describe('using toVNode()', function () {
it('can remove previous children of the root element', function () {
var h2 = document.createElement('h2');
h2.textContent = 'Hello'
var prevElm = document.createElement('div');
prevElm.id = 'id';
prevElm.className = 'class';
var nextVNode = h('div#id.class', [h('span', 'Hi')]);
elm = patch(toVNode(prevElm), nextVNode).elm;
assert.strictEqual(elm, prevElm);
assert.equal(elm.tagName, 'DIV');
assert.equal(elm.id, 'id');
assert.equal(elm.className, 'class');
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes[0].tagName, 'SPAN');
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Hi');
it('can support patching in a DocumentFragment', function () {
var prevElm = document.createDocumentFragment();
var nextVNode = vnode('', {}, [
h('div#id.class', [h('span', 'Hi')])
], undefined, prevElm);
elm = patch(toVNode(prevElm), nextVNode).elm;
assert.strictEqual(elm, prevElm);
assert.equal(elm.nodeType, 11);
assert.equal(elm.childNodes.length, 1);
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].tagName, 'DIV');
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].id, 'id');
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].className, 'class');
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes[0].childNodes.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].tagName, 'SPAN');
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].textContent, 'Hi');
Introduce toVNode() to reconstruct root element as vnode
This commit addresses issue #167. Previously, in snabbdom v0.5.0,
patch(element, vnode) would always create a new element for the root.
This resulted in problems with custom elements (web components), and was
fixed in commit c091c59c5946cb15f77d7ffca846f2cdae23b785.
However, that commit resulted in bug #167. This meant that snabbdom
would have bugs with server-side rendering, where the root element would
be non-empty (it has many children, rendered on the server-side as
HTML), and the client-side rendering should reuse those existing
children (or clear all the children and recreate them again in patch()).
This commit introduces the function toVNode(elm) that deep-converts an
element (and its tree) to a VNode (and its tree), that is separately
imported and used before calling patch(). toVNode(elm) will look at the
element's attributes and gather those as data for the vnode.
Overall, this commit is important for fixing #167 and enabling
client/server-side rendering in an efficient manner
(destruction/recreation client-side is probably too expensive).
8 years ago
it('can remove some children of the root element', function () {
var h2 = document.createElement('h2');
h2.textContent = 'Hello'
var prevElm = document.createElement('div');
prevElm.id = 'id';
prevElm.className = 'class';
var text = new Text('Foobar');
text.testProperty = function () {}; // ensures we dont recreate the Text Node
var nextVNode = h('div#id.class', ['Foobar']);
elm = patch(toVNode(prevElm), nextVNode).elm;
assert.strictEqual(elm, prevElm);
assert.equal(elm.tagName, 'DIV');
assert.equal(elm.id, 'id');
assert.equal(elm.className, 'class');
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes[0].nodeType, 3);
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes[0].wholeText, 'Foobar');
assert.strictEqual(typeof elm.childNodes[0].testProperty, 'function');
it('can remove text elements', function () {
var h2 = document.createElement('h2');
h2.textContent = 'Hello'
var prevElm = document.createElement('div');
prevElm.id = 'id';
prevElm.className = 'class';
var text = new Text('Foobar');
var nextVNode = h('div#id.class', [h('h2', 'Hello')]);
elm = patch(toVNode(prevElm), nextVNode).elm;
assert.strictEqual(elm, prevElm);
assert.equal(elm.tagName, 'DIV');
assert.equal(elm.id, 'id');
assert.equal(elm.className, 'class');
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes.length, 1);
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes[0].nodeType, 1);
assert.strictEqual(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Hello');
Introduce toVNode() to reconstruct root element as vnode
This commit addresses issue #167. Previously, in snabbdom v0.5.0,
patch(element, vnode) would always create a new element for the root.
This resulted in problems with custom elements (web components), and was
fixed in commit c091c59c5946cb15f77d7ffca846f2cdae23b785.
However, that commit resulted in bug #167. This meant that snabbdom
would have bugs with server-side rendering, where the root element would
be non-empty (it has many children, rendered on the server-side as
HTML), and the client-side rendering should reuse those existing
children (or clear all the children and recreate them again in patch()).
This commit introduces the function toVNode(elm) that deep-converts an
element (and its tree) to a VNode (and its tree), that is separately
imported and used before calling patch(). toVNode(elm) will look at the
element's attributes and gather those as data for the vnode.
Overall, this commit is important for fixing #167 and enabling
client/server-side rendering in an efficient manner
(destruction/recreation client-side is probably too expensive).
8 years ago
describe('updating children with keys', function() {
function spanNum(n) {
if (n == null) {
return n;
} else if (typeof n === 'string') {
return h('span', {}, n);
} else {
return h('span', {key: n}, n.toString());
describe('addition of elements', function() {
it('appends elements', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [1, 2, 3].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 1);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 3);
assert.equal(elm.children[1].innerHTML, '2');
assert.equal(elm.children[2].innerHTML, '3');
it('prepends elements', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 2);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']);
it('add elements in the middle', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 4);
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 4);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']);
it('add elements at begin and end', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [2, 3, 4].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 3);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']);
it('adds children to parent with no children', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', {key: 'span'});
var vnode2 = h('span', {key: 'span'}, [1, 2, 3].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 0);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['1', '2', '3']);
it('removes all children from parent', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', {key: 'span'}, [1, 2, 3].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', {key: 'span'});
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['1', '2', '3']);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 0);
it('update one child with same key but different sel', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', {key: 'span'}, [1, 2, 3].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', {key: 'span'}, [spanNum(1), h('i', {key: 2}, '2'), spanNum(3)]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['1', '2', '3']);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['1', '2', '3']);
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 3);
assert.equal(elm.children[1].tagName, 'I');
describe('removal of elements', function() {
it('removes elements from the beginning', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 5);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['3', '4', '5']);
it('removes elements from the end', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [1, 2, 3].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 5);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 3);
assert.equal(elm.children[0].innerHTML, '1');
assert.equal(elm.children[1].innerHTML, '2');
assert.equal(elm.children[2].innerHTML, '3');
it('removes elements from the middle', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [1, 2, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 5);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 4);
assert.deepEqual(elm.children[0].innerHTML, '1');
assert.equal(elm.children[0].innerHTML, '1');
assert.equal(elm.children[1].innerHTML, '2');
assert.equal(elm.children[2].innerHTML, '4');
assert.equal(elm.children[3].innerHTML, '5');
describe('element reordering', function() {
it('moves element forward', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [2, 3, 1, 4].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 4);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 4);
assert.equal(elm.children[0].innerHTML, '2');
assert.equal(elm.children[1].innerHTML, '3');
assert.equal(elm.children[2].innerHTML, '1');
assert.equal(elm.children[3].innerHTML, '4');
it('moves element to end', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 3].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [2, 3, 1].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 3);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 3);
assert.equal(elm.children[0].innerHTML, '2');
assert.equal(elm.children[1].innerHTML, '3');
assert.equal(elm.children[2].innerHTML, '1');
it('moves element backwards', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [1, 4, 2, 3].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 4);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 4);
assert.equal(elm.children[0].innerHTML, '1');
assert.equal(elm.children[1].innerHTML, '4');
assert.equal(elm.children[2].innerHTML, '2');
assert.equal(elm.children[3].innerHTML, '3');
it('swaps first and last', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [4, 2, 3, 1].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 4);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 4);
assert.equal(elm.children[0].innerHTML, '4');
assert.equal(elm.children[1].innerHTML, '2');
assert.equal(elm.children[2].innerHTML, '3');
assert.equal(elm.children[3].innerHTML, '1');
describe('combinations of additions, removals and reorderings', function() {
it('move to left and replace', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [4, 1, 2, 3, 6].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 5);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 5);
assert.equal(elm.children[0].innerHTML, '4');
assert.equal(elm.children[1].innerHTML, '1');
assert.equal(elm.children[2].innerHTML, '2');
assert.equal(elm.children[3].innerHTML, '3');
assert.equal(elm.children[4].innerHTML, '6');
it('moves to left and leaves hole', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [4, 6].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 3);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['4', '6']);
it('handles moved and set to undefined element ending at the end', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [2, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [4, 5, 3].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 3);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 3);
assert.equal(elm.children[0].innerHTML, '4');
assert.equal(elm.children[1].innerHTML, '5');
assert.equal(elm.children[2].innerHTML, '3');
it('moves a key in non-keyed nodes with a size up', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 'a', 'b', 'c'].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', ['d', 'a', 'b', 'c', 1, 'e'].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes.length, 4);
assert.equal(elm.textContent, '1abc');
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes.length, 6);
assert.equal(elm.textContent, 'dabc1e');
it('reverses elements', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 8);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1']);
it('something', function() {
var vnode1 = h('span', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('span', [4, 3, 2, 1, 5, 0].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 6);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['4', '3', '2', '1', '5', '0']);
it('handles random shuffles', function() {
var n, i, arr = [], opacities = [], elms = 14, samples = 5;
function spanNumWithOpacity(n, o) {
return h('span', {key: n, style: {opacity: o}}, n.toString());
for (n = 0; n < elms; ++n) { arr[n] = n; }
for (n = 0; n < samples; ++n) {
var vnode1 = h('span', arr.map(function(n) {
return spanNumWithOpacity(n, '1');
var shufArr = shuffle(arr.slice(0));
var elm = document.createElement('div');
elm = patch(elm, vnode1).elm;
for (i = 0; i < elms; ++i) {
assert.equal(elm.children[i].innerHTML, i.toString());
opacities[i] = Math.random().toFixed(5).toString();
var vnode2 = h('span', arr.map(function(n) {
return spanNumWithOpacity(shufArr[n], opacities[n]);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
for (i = 0; i < elms; ++i) {
assert.equal(elm.children[i].innerHTML, shufArr[i].toString());
assert.equal(opacities[i].indexOf(elm.children[i].style.opacity), 0);
it('supports null/undefined children', function() {
var vnode1 = h('i', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('i', [null, 2, undefined, null, 1, 0, null, 5, 4, null, 3, undefined].map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 6);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['2', '1', '0', '5', '4', '3']);
it('supports all null/undefined children', function() {
var vnode1 = h('i', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(spanNum));
var vnode2 = h('i', [null, null, undefined, null, null, undefined]);
var vnode3 = h('i', [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0].map(spanNum));
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 0);
elm = patch(vnode2, vnode3).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['5', '4', '3', '2', '1', '0']);
it('handles random shuffles with null/undefined children', function() {
var i, j, r, len, arr, maxArrLen = 15, samples = 5, vnode1 = vnode0, vnode2;
for (i = 0; i < samples; ++i, vnode1 = vnode2) {
len = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxArrLen);
arr = [];
for (j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
if ((r = Math.random()) < 0.5) arr[j] = String(j);
else if (r < 0.75) arr[j] = null;
else arr[j] = undefined;
vnode2 = h('div', arr.map(spanNum));
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), arr.filter(function(x) {return x != null;}));
describe('updating children without keys', function() {
it('appends elements', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [h('span', 'Hello')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', [h('span', 'Hello'), h('span', 'World')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['Hello']);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['Hello', 'World']);
it('handles unmoved text nodes', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', ['Text', h('span', 'Span')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', ['Text', h('span', 'Span')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Text');
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Text');
it('handles changing text children', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', ['Text', h('span', 'Span')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', ['Text2', h('span', 'Span')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Text');
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Text2');
it('handles unmoved comment nodes', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [h('!', 'Text'), h('span', 'Span')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', [h('!', 'Text'), h('span', 'Span')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Text');
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Text');
it('handles changing comment text', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [h('!', 'Text'), h('span', 'Span')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', [h('!', 'Text2'), h('span', 'Span')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Text');
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Text2');
it('handles changing empty comment', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [h('!'), h('span', 'Span')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', [h('!', 'Test'), h('span', 'Span')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, '');
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Test');
it('prepends element', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [h('span', 'World')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', [h('span', 'Hello'), h('span', 'World')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['World']);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['Hello', 'World']);
it('prepends element of different tag type', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [h('span', 'World')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', [h('div', 'Hello'), h('span', 'World')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['World']);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(prop('tagName'), elm.children), ['DIV', 'SPAN']);
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['Hello', 'World']);
it('removes elements', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [h('span', 'One'), h('span', 'Two'), h('span', 'Three')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', [h('span', 'One'), h('span', 'Three')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['One', 'Two', 'Three']);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['One', 'Three']);
it('removes a single text node', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', 'One');
var vnode2 = h('div');
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
assert.equal(elm.textContent, 'One');
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(elm.textContent, '');
it('removes a single text node when children are updated', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', 'One');
var vnode2 = h('div', [ h('div', 'Two'), h('span', 'Three') ]);
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
assert.equal(elm.textContent, 'One');
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.deepEqual(map(prop('textContent'), elm.childNodes), ['Two', 'Three']);
it('removes a text node among other elements', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [ 'One', h('span', 'Two') ]);
var vnode2 = h('div', [ h('div', 'Three')]);
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
assert.deepEqual(map(prop('textContent'), elm.childNodes), ['One', 'Two']);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(elm.childNodes.length, 1);
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].tagName, 'DIV');
assert.equal(elm.childNodes[0].textContent, 'Three');
it('reorders elements', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [h('span', 'One'), h('div', 'Two'), h('b', 'Three')]);
var vnode2 = h('div', [h('b', 'Three'), h('span', 'One'), h('div', 'Two')]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['One', 'Two', 'Three']);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(prop('tagName'), elm.children), ['B', 'SPAN', 'DIV']);
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['Three', 'One', 'Two']);
it('supports null/undefined children', function() {
var vnode1 = h('i', [null, h('i', '1'), h('i', '2'), null]);
var vnode2 = h('i', [h('i', '2'), undefined, undefined, h('i', '1'), undefined]);
var vnode3 = h('i', [null, h('i', '1'), undefined, null, h('i', '2'), undefined, null]);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['1', '2']);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['2', '1']);
elm = patch(vnode2, vnode3).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['1', '2']);
it('supports all null/undefined children', function() {
var vnode1 = h('i', [h('i', '1'), h('i', '2')]);
var vnode2 = h('i', [null, undefined]);
var vnode3 = h('i', [h('i', '2'), h('i', '1')]);
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 0);
elm = patch(vnode2, vnode3).elm;
assert.deepEqual(map(inner, elm.children), ['2', '1']);
describe('hooks', function() {
describe('element hooks', function() {
it('calls `create` listener before inserted into parent but after children', function() {
var result = [];
function cb(empty, vnode) {
assert(vnode.elm instanceof Element);
assert.equal(vnode.elm.children.length, 2);
assert.strictEqual(vnode.elm.parentNode, null);
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', {hook: {create: cb}}, [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', 'Child 2'),
h('span', 'Can\'t touch me'),
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
assert.equal(1, result.length);
it('calls `insert` listener after both parents, siblings and children have been inserted', function() {
var result = [];
function cb(vnode) {
assert(vnode.elm instanceof Element);
assert.equal(vnode.elm.children.length, 2);
assert.equal(vnode.elm.parentNode.children.length, 3);
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', {hook: {insert: cb}}, [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', 'Child 2'),
h('span', 'Can touch me'),
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
assert.equal(1, result.length);
it('calls `prepatch` listener', function() {
var result = [];
function cb(oldVnode, vnode) {
assert.strictEqual(oldVnode, vnode1.children[1]);
assert.strictEqual(vnode, vnode2.children[1]);
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', {hook: {prepatch: cb}}, [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', 'Child 2'),
var vnode2 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', {hook: {prepatch: cb}}, [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', 'Child 2'),
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(result.length, 1);
it('calls `postpatch` after `prepatch` listener', function() {
var pre = [], post = [];
function preCb(oldVnode, vnode) {
function postCb(oldVnode, vnode) {
assert.equal(pre.length, post.length + 1);
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', {hook: {prepatch: preCb, postpatch: postCb}}, [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', 'Child 2'),
var vnode2 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', {hook: {prepatch: preCb, postpatch: postCb}}, [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', 'Child 2'),
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(pre.length, 1);
assert.equal(post.length, 1);
it('calls `update` listener', function() {
var result1 = [];
var result2 = [];
function cb(result, oldVnode, vnode) {
if (result.length > 0) {
assert.strictEqual(result[result.length-1], oldVnode);
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', {hook: {update: cb.bind(null, result1)}}, [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', {hook: {update: cb.bind(null, result2)}}, 'Child 2'),
var vnode2 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', {hook: {update: cb.bind(null, result1)}}, [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', {hook: {update: cb.bind(null, result2)}}, 'Child 2'),
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(result1.length, 1);
assert.equal(result2.length, 1);
it('calls `remove` listener', function() {
var result = [];
function cb(vnode, rm) {
var parent = vnode.elm.parentNode;
assert(vnode.elm instanceof Element);
assert.equal(vnode.elm.children.length, 2);
assert.equal(parent.children.length, 2);
assert.equal(parent.children.length, 1);
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', {hook: {remove: cb}}, [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', 'Child 2'),
var vnode2 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(1, result.length);
it('calls `init` and `prepatch` listeners on root', function() {
var count = 0;
function init(vnode) {
assert.strictEqual(vnode, vnode2);
count += 1;
function prepatch(oldVnode, vnode) {
assert.strictEqual(vnode, vnode1);
count += 1;
var vnode1 = h('div', {hook: {init: init, prepatch: prepatch}});
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
assert.equal(1, count);
var vnode2 = h('span', {hook: {init: init, prepatch: prepatch}});
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(2, count);
it('removes element when all remove listeners are done', function() {
var rm1, rm2, rm3;
var patch = snabbdom.init([
{remove: function(_, rm) { rm1 = rm; }},
{remove: function(_, rm) { rm2 = rm; }},
var vnode1 = h('div', [h('a', {hook: {remove: function(_, rm) { rm3 = rm; }}})]);
var vnode2 = h('div', []);
elm = patch(vnode0, vnode1).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 1);
elm = patch(vnode1, vnode2).elm;
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 1);
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 1);
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 1);
assert.equal(elm.children.length, 0);
it('invokes remove hook on replaced root', function() {
var result = [];
var parent = document.createElement('div');
var vnode0 = document.createElement('div');
function cb(vnode, rm) {
var vnode1 = h('div', {hook: {remove: cb}}, [
h('b', 'Child 1'),
h('i', 'Child 2'),
var vnode2 = h('span', [
h('b', 'Child 1'),
h('i', 'Child 2'),
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(1, result.length);
describe('module hooks', function() {
it('invokes `pre` and `post` hook', function() {
var result = [];
var patch = snabbdom.init([
{pre: function() { result.push('pre'); }},
{post: function() { result.push('post'); }},
var vnode1 = h('div');
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
assert.deepEqual(result, ['pre', 'post']);
it('invokes global `destroy` hook for all removed children', function() {
var result = [];
function cb(vnode) { result.push(vnode); }
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', [
h('span', {hook: {destroy: cb}}, 'Child 1'),
h('span', 'Child 2'),
var vnode2 = h('div');
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(result.length, 1);
it('handles text vnodes with `undefined` `data` property', function() {
var vnode1 = h('div', [
' '
var vnode2 = h('div', []);
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
it('invokes `destroy` module hook for all removed children', function() {
var created = 0;
var destroyed = 0;
var patch = snabbdom.init([
{create: function() { created++; }},
{destroy: function() { destroyed++; }},
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', 'Child 2'),
var vnode2 = h('div');
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(created, 4);
assert.equal(destroyed, 4);
it('does not invoke `create` and `remove` module hook for text nodes', function() {
var created = 0;
var removed = 0;
var patch = snabbdom.init([
{create: function() { created++; }},
{remove: function() { removed++; }},
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First child'),
h('span', 'Third child'),
var vnode2 = h('div');
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(created, 2);
assert.equal(removed, 2);
it('does not invoke `destroy` module hook for text nodes', function() {
var created = 0;
var destroyed = 0;
var patch = snabbdom.init([
{create: function() { created++; }},
{destroy: function() { destroyed++; }},
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', 'First sibling'),
h('div', [
h('span', 'Child 1'),
h('span', ['Text 1', 'Text 2']),
var vnode2 = h('div');
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(created, 4);
assert.equal(destroyed, 4);
describe('short circuiting', function() {
it('does not update strictly equal vnodes', function() {
var result = [];
function cb(vnode) { result.push(vnode); }
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', {hook: {update: cb}}, 'Hello'),
h('span', 'there'),
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode1);
assert.equal(result.length, 0);
it('does not update strictly equal children', function() {
var result = [];
function cb(vnode) { result.push(vnode); }
var vnode1 = h('div', [
h('span', {hook: {patch: cb}}, 'Hello'),
h('span', 'there'),
var vnode2 = h('div');
vnode2.children = vnode1.children;
patch(vnode0, vnode1);
patch(vnode1, vnode2);
assert.equal(result.length, 0);