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Nikita Koksharov c80697ceaf Update 11 years ago
src new-slave automatic discovery 11 years ago
.gitignore Ignore IntelliJ project's file 11 years ago
LICENSE.txt Shutdown optimization. Maven build fixed. 11 years ago Update 11 years ago
checkstyle.xml Shutdown optimization. Maven build fixed. 11 years ago
header.txt Shutdown optimization. Maven build fixed. 11 years ago
pom.xml [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration 11 years ago

##Redisson - distributed and scalable Java data structures on top of Redis server. Advanced Redis client

Use familiar Java data structures with power of Redis.

Based on patched version of lettuce Redis client and Netty 4 framework.
Redis 2.4+ and JDK 1.6+ compatible

Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


  • Sentinel servers mode:
    1. automatic master and slave servers info gathering
    2. automatic new master server info gathering
    3. automatic new slave servers info gathering
    4. automatic slave servers offline/online info gathering
    5. read data using slave servers, write data using master server
  • Master with Slave servers mode: read data using slave servers, write data using master server
  • Single server mode: read and write data using single server
  • Distributed implementation of java.util.List
  • Distributed implementation of java.util.Set
  • Distributed implementation of java.util.SortedSet
  • Distributed implementation of java.util.Queue
  • Distributed implementation of java.util.Deque
  • Distributed implementation of java.util.Map
  • Distributed implementation of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap
  • Distributed implementation of reentrant java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock
  • Distributed alternative to the java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
  • Distributed alternative to the java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
  • Distributed publish/subscribe messaging via org.redisson.core.RTopic
  • Distributed HyperLogLog via org.redisson.core.RHyperLogLog
  • Thread-safe implementation
  • Supports OSGi
  • With over 110 unit tests

Recent Releases

####Please Note: trunk is current development branch.

####03-Jul-2014 - version 1.1.2 released Improvement - RedissonSet.iterator implemented with sscan
Improvement - RedissonSortedSet.iterator optimization
Feature - RSortedSet.removeAsync, RSortedSet.addAsync, RSet.removeAsync, RSet.addAsync methods added
Feature - slave up/down detection in Sentinel servers connection mode
Feature - new-slave automatic discovery in Sentinel servers connection mode

####17-June-2014 - version 1.1.1 released Feature - sentinel servers support
Fixed - connection leak in RTopic
Fixed - setted password not used in single server connection

####07-June-2014 - version 1.1.0 released Feature - master/slave connection management
Feature - simple set/get object support via org.redisson.core.RBucket
Feature - hyperloglog support via org.redisson.core.RHyperLogLog
Feature - new methods getAsync, putAsync and removeAsync added to org.redisson.core.RMap
Feature - new method publishAsync added to org.redisson.core.RTopic
Feature - Kryo codec added (thanks to mathieucarbou)
Breaking api change - org.redisson.Config model changed
Fixed - score calucaltion algorithm used in RSortedSet.
Fixed - RMap.put & RMap.remove result consistency fixed.
Fixed - RTopic.publish now returns the number of clients that received the message
Fixed - reconnection handling (thanks to renzihui)
Improvement - org.redisson.core.RTopic now use lazy apporach for subscribe/unsubscribe

####04-May-2014 - version 1.0.4 released Feature - distributed implementation of java.util.Deque
Feature - some objects implements org.redisson.core.RExpirable
Fixed - JsonJacksonCodec lazy init

####26-Mar-2014 - version 1.0.3 released Fixed - RedissonAtomicLong state format
Fixed - Long serialization in JsonJacksonCodec

####05-Feb-2014 - version 1.0.2 released Feature - distributed implementation of java.util.SortedSet
Fixed - OSGi compability

####17-Jan-2014 - version 1.0.1 released Improvement - forceUnlock, isLocked, isHeldByCurrentThread and getHoldCount methods added to RLock
Feature - connection load balancer to use multiple Redis servers
Feature - published in maven central repo

####11-Jan-2014 - version 1.0.0 released First stable release.


Include the following to your dependency list:


Usage examples

####Simple config example

    // connects to Redis server by default
    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create();



or with initialization by Config object for single server connection

    Config config = new Config();

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create(config);

or master/slave servers connection

    Config config = new Config();
          .addSlaveAddress("", "", "")

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create(config);

for sentinel servers connection

    Config config = new Config();
          .addSentinelAddress("", "")

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create(config);

####Distributed Map example

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create();

    ConcurrentMap<String, SomeObject> map = redisson.getMap("anyMap");
    map.put("123", new SomeObject());
    map.putIfAbsent("323", new SomeObject());



####Distributed Set example

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create();

    Set<SomeObject> set = redisson.getSet("anySet");
    set.add(new SomeObject());
    set.remove(new SomeObject());



####Distributed List example

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create();

    List<SomeObject> list = redisson.getList("anyList");
    list.add(new SomeObject());
    list.remove(new SomeObject());



####Distributed Queue example

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create();

    Queue<SomeObject> queue = redisson.getQueue("anyQueue");
    queue.add(new SomeObject());



####Distributed Lock example

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create();

    Lock lock = redisson.getLock("anyLock");

    // same as






####Distributed AtomicLong example

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create();

    RAtomicLong atomicLong = redisson.getAtomicLong("anyAtomicLong");



####Distributed CountDownLatch example

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create();

    RCountDownLatch latch = redisson.getCountDownLatch("anyCountDownLatch");

    // in other thread or other JVM

    RCountDownLatch latch = redisson.getCountDownLatch("anyCountDownLatch");



####Distributed Topic example

    Redisson redisson = Redisson.create();

    RTopic<SomeObject> topic = redisson.getTopic("anyTopic");
    topic.addListener(new MessageListener<SomeObject>() {

         public void onMessage(SomeObject message) {

    // in other thread or other JVM

    RTopic<SomeObject> topic = redisson.getTopic("anyTopic");
    topic.publish(new SomeObject());

