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##Redisson - distributed and scalable Java data structures on top of Redis server. Advanced Java Redis client
Use familiar Java data structures with power of Redis.
Based on high-performance async and lock-free Java Redis client and Netty 4 framework.
Redis 2.8+ and JDK 1.6+ compatible
Read wiki for more Redisson usage details
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
- Cluster servers mode:
- automatic master discovery
- automatic new master server discovery
- automatic slots change discovery
- Sentinel servers mode:
- automatic master and slave servers discovery
- automatic new master server discovery
- automatic new slave servers discovery
- automatic slave servers offline/online discovery
- automatic sentinel servers discovery
- read data using slave servers, write data using master server
- Master with Slave servers mode: read data using slave servers, write data using master server
- Single server mode: read and write data using single server
- Lua scripting
- Distributed implementation of
- Distributed implementation of
- Distributed implementation of
- Distributed implementation of
- Distributed implementation of
- Distributed implementation of
- Distributed implementation of
- Distributed implementation of
- Distributed implementation of reentrant
with TTL support - Distributed alternative to the
- Distributed alternative to the
- Distributed publish/subscribe messaging via
- Distributed HyperLogLog via
- Asynchronous interface for each object
- Thread-safe implementation
- All commands are executed in an atomic way
- Supports Redis pipelining (command batches)
- Supports OSGi
- With over 210 unit tests
Projects using Redisson
Setronica: setronica.com
Monits: monits.com
Brookhaven National Laboratory: bnl.gov
Netflix Dyno client: [dyno] (https://github.com/Netflix/dyno)
Recent Releases
####Please Note: trunk is current development branch.
####05-Sep-2015 - version 2.1.2 released
Fixed - possible NPE during channel reconnection
Fixed - executeAsync freezes in cluster mode
Fixed - use same node for SCAN/SSCAN/HSCAN during iteration
Fixed - possible race-condition during master change
Fixed - BlockingQueue.peek
Fixed - NPE with empty sentinel servers
Fixed - unable to read clientName
config param in Master\Slave and Sentinel modes
Fixed - "Too many open files" error in cluster mode
####15-Aug-2015 - version 2.1.1 released
Feature - all keys operations extracted to RKeys
Feature - RKeys.getKeys
, RKeys.getKeysByPattern
and RKeys.randomKey
methods added
Feature - RBlockingQueueAsync.drainToAsync
method added
Feature - Redis nodes info and ping operations via Redisson.getNodesGroup
or Redisson.getClusterNodesGroup
now available
Improvement - added sentinel nodes discovery
Fixed - command encoding errors handling
Fixed - cluster empty slot handling
Fixed - connection hangs when there are no slaves in sentinel mode
Fixed - activate master as slave when there are no more available slaves in sentinel mode
Fixed - skip disconnected sentinels during startup
Fixed - slave node discovery in sentinel mode which has been disconnected since start
Deprecated - Redisson methods deleteAsync
, delete
, deleteByPatternAsync
, deleteByPattern
, findKeysByPatternAsync
, findKeysByPattern
. Use same methods with RKeys
####03-Aug-2015 - version 2.1.0 released
Feature - RTopic
subscribtion/unsubscription status listener added
Feature - RSet
: removeRandom
and removeRandomAsync
methods added
Improvement - RList
: retainAll
, indexOf
, lastIndexOf
Breaking api change - findKeysByPattern
response interface changed to Collection
Breaking api change - RTopic
message listener interface changed
Fixed - NPE during cluster mode start
Fixed - timeout timer interval calculation
Fixed - RBatch
NPE's with very big commands list
Fixed - RBucket.set
with timeout
####26-Jul-2015 - version 2.0.0 released
Starting from 2.0.0 version Redisson has a new own async and lock-free Redis client under the hood. Thanks to the new architecture pipline (command batches) support has been implemented and a lot of code has gone.
Feature - new RObject
methods: move
, moveAsync
, migrate
, migrateAsync
Feature - new async interfaces: RAsyncMap
, RAtomicLongAsync
, RBlockingQueueAsync
, RCollectionAsync
, RDequeAsync
, RExpirableAsync
, RHyperLogLogAsync
, RListAsync
, RObjectAsync
, RQueueAsync
, RScriptAsync
, RSetAsync
, RTopicAsync
Feature - multiple commands batch (Redis pipelining) support via Redisson.createBatch
Feature - new methods flushall
, deleteAsync
, delete
, deleteByPatternAsync
, deleteByPattern
, findKeysByPatternAsync
, findKeysByPattern
added to RedissonClient
Improvement - closed channel detection speedup
####22-Jul-2015 - version 1.3.1 released
Fixed - requests state sync during shutdown
Fixed - netty-transport-native-epoll is now has a provided scope
Fixed - NPE during BlockingQueue.poll
####04-Jul-2015 - version 1.3.0 released
Feature - RQueue.pollLastAndOfferFirstTo
method added
Feature - RObject.rename
, RObject.renameAsync
, RObject.renamenx
, RObject.renamenxAsync
methods added
Feature - RList.getAsync
, RList.addAsync
, RList.addAllAsync
methods added
Feature - RObject.deleteAsync
method added
Feature - unix sockets support via Configuration.useLinuxNativeEpoll
Feature - Redisson.getTopicPattern
method added (thanks to alex-sherwin)
Improvement - RLock
auto-unlock then client lock-owner is gone (thanks to AndrewKolpakov)
Improvement - lua scripts used instead of multi/exec commands to avoid connection errors during execution (thanks to AndrewKolpakov)
Improvement - RObject.delete
method now returns boolean
Improvement - propagate Command processing exceptions to ConnectionManager (thanks to marko-stankovic)
Improvement - KryoCodec classes registration ability added
Fixed - slave status handling in Sentinel mode
Fixed - String codec
Fixed - Cluster ASKING command support
Fixed - RedissonBlockingQueue#drainTo
method (thanks to Sergey Poletaev)
Fixed - Cluster.STATE.HANDSHAKE enum added
Fixed - RedissonClient.getScript
method added
Fixed - BlockingQueue.poll
Fixed - Incorrect map key encoding makes hmget return no fields when string keys are used (thanks to sammiq)
####02-Apr-2015 - version 1.2.1 released
Feature - all redis-script commands via 'RScript' object
Feature - implementation of java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue
(thanks to pdeschen)
Feature - buckets load by pattern (thanks to mathieucarbou)
Improvement - IPv6 support
Improvement - isEmpty
checks for added collections
Fixed - KryoCodec keys decoding (thanks to mathieucarbou)
Fixed - RMap.addAndGet()
data format
Fixed - timeout support in cluster, sentinel and single connections configurations
Fixed - ClassCastException in RedissonCountDownLatch.trySetCount
Fixed - RMap.replace
concurrency issue (thanks to AndrewKolpakov)
Fixed - RLock
subscription timeout units fixed (thanks to AndrewKolpakov)
Fixed - Re-throw async exceptions (thanks to AndrewKolpakov)
####09-Jan-2015 - version 1.2.0 released
Feature - cluster mode support
Fixed - RList
iterator race conditions
Fixed - RDeque.addFirst
Fixed - OSGi support
####16-Dec-2014 - version 1.1.7 released
Improvement - RAtomicLong
Fixed - RMap.fastRemove
and RMap.getAll
Fixed - RTopic
listeners re-subscribing in sentinel mode
Fixed - RSet.toArray
and RSet.iterator
values order
Fixed - keys iteration in RMap.getAll
Fixed - RSet
Fixed - RAtomicLong
Fixed - infinity loop during master/slave connection acquiring
Fixed - RedissonList.addAll
####18-Nov-2014 - version 1.1.6 released
Feature - RBucket.exists
and RBucket.existsAsync
methods added
Feature - RMap.addAndGet
method added
Feature - database index via database
and operation timeout via timeout
config params added
Improvement - RLock
Breaking api change - Redisson now uses RedissonClient
Fixed - NPE in CommandOutput
Fixed - unsubscribing during RTopic.removeListener
Fixed - all object names encoding, no more quotes
Fixed - HashedWheelTimer shutdown
Fixed - RLock
race conditions (thanks to jsotuyod and AndrewKolpakov)
Fixed - RCountDownLatch
race conditions
####23-Jul-2014 - version 1.1.5 released
Feature - operations auto-retry. retryAttempts
and retryInterval
params added for each connection type
Feature - RMap.filterEntries
, RMap.getAll
, RMap.filterKeys
, RMap.filterValues
methods added
Feature - RMap.fastRemove
, RMap.fastRemoveAsync
, RMap.fastPut
& RMap.fastPutAsync
methods added
Fixed - async operations timeout handling
Fixed - sorting algorithm used in RSortedSet
####15-Jul-2014 - version 1.1.4 released
Feature - new RLock.lockInterruptibly
, RLock.tryLock
, RLock.lock
methods with TTL support
Fixed - pub/sub connections reattach then slave/master down
Fixed - turn off connection watchdog then slave/master down
Fixed - sentinel master switch
Fixed - slave down connection closing
####13-Jul-2014 - version 1.1.3 released
Improvement - RedissonCountDownLatch optimization
Improvement - RedissonLock optimization
Fixed - RedissonLock thread-safety
Fixed - master/slave auth using Sentinel servers
Fixed - slave down handling using Sentinel servers
####03-Jul-2014 - version 1.1.2 released
Improvement - RedissonSet.iterator implemented with sscan
Improvement - RedissonSortedSet.iterator optimization
Feature - RSortedSet.removeAsync
, RSortedSet.addAsync
, RSet.removeAsync
, RSet.addAsync methods added
Feature - slave up/down detection in Sentinel servers connection mode
Feature - new-slave automatic discovery in Sentinel servers connection mode
####17-June-2014 - version 1.1.1 released
Feature - sentinel servers support
Fixed - connection leak in RTopic
Fixed - setted password not used in single server connection
####07-June-2014 - version 1.1.0 released
Feature - master/slave connection management
Feature - simple set/get object support via org.redisson.core.RBucket
Feature - hyperloglog support via org.redisson.core.RHyperLogLog
Feature - new methods getAsync
, putAsync
and removeAsync
added to org.redisson.core.RMap
Feature - new method publishAsync
added to org.redisson.core.RTopic
Feature - Kryo codec added (thanks to mathieucarbou)
Breaking api change - org.redisson.Config
model changed
Fixed - score calucaltion algorithm used in RSortedSet
Fixed - RMap.put
& RMap.remove
result consistency fixed.
Fixed - RTopic.publish
now returns the number of clients that received the message
Fixed - reconnection handling (thanks to renzihui)
Improvement - org.redisson.core.RTopic
now use lazy apporach for subscribe/unsubscribe
####04-May-2014 - version 1.0.4 released
Feature - distributed implementation of java.util.Deque
Feature - some objects implements org.redisson.core.RExpirable
Fixed - JsonJacksonCodec lazy init
####26-Mar-2014 - version 1.0.3 released
Fixed - RedissonAtomicLong state format
Fixed - Long serialization in JsonJacksonCodec
####05-Feb-2014 - version 1.0.2 released
Feature - distributed implementation of java.util.SortedSet
Fixed - OSGi compability
####17-Jan-2014 - version 1.0.1 released
Improvement - forceUnlock, isLocked, isHeldByCurrentThread and getHoldCount methods added to RLock
Feature - connection load balancer to use multiple Redis servers
Feature - published in maven central repo
####11-Jan-2014 - version 1.0.0 released First stable release.
Include the following to your dependency list:
compile 'org.redisson:redisson:2.1.1'
Supported by
YourKit is kindly supporting this open source project with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler.