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### Synchronous and Asynchronous API
Redisson instances are fully thread-safe.
Synchronous and Asynchronous API could be reached via [RedissonClient](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RedissonClient.html) interface.
Most Redisson objects extend asynchronous interface with asynchronous methods which mirrors synchronous methods. Like below:
// RAtomicLong extends RAtomicLongAsync
RAtomicLong obj = client.getAtomicLong("myLong");
obj.compareAndSet(1, 401);
RAtomicLongAsync objAsync = client.getAtomicLong("myLong");
RFuture<Boolean> future = objAsync.compareAndSetAsync(1, 401);
Asynchronous methods return [RFuture](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RFuture.html) object which extends [CompletionStage](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/CompletionStage.html) interface.
future.whenComplete((res, exception) -> {
// handle both result and exception
// or
future.thenAccept(res -> {
// handle result
}).exceptionally(exception -> {
// handle exception
!!! note
Avoid using blocking methods in RFuture listeners. Listeners executed by netty-threads and delays in listeners may cause errors in Redis or Valkey request/response processing.
Use the following methods to execute blocking methods in listeners:
future.whenCompleteAsync((res, exception) -> {
// handle both result and exception
}, executor);
// or
future.thenAcceptAsync(res -> {
// handle result
}, executor).exceptionallyAsync(exception -> {
// handle exception
}, executor);
### Reactive API
Reactive API could be reached via [RedissonReactiveClient](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RedissonReactiveClient.html) interface.
Redisson's implementation based on [Project Reactor](https://projectreactor.io).
Usage example:
RedissonReactiveClient client = redissonClient.reactive();
RAtomicLongReactive atomicLong = client.getAtomicLong("myLong");
Mono<Boolean> cs = longObject.compareAndSet(10, 91);
Mono<Long> get = longObject.get();
get.doOnSuccess(res -> {
// ...
### RxJava API
RxJava API could be reached via [RedissonRxClient](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RedissonRxClient.html) interface.
Redisson's implementation based on [RxJava3](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava).
Usage example:
RedissonRxClient client = redissonClient.rxJava();
RAtomicLongRx atomicLong = client.getAtomicLong("myLong");
Single<Boolean> cs = longObject.compareAndSet(10, 91);
Single<Long> get = longObject.get();
get.doOnSuccess(res -> {
// ...
### Retry policy
Redisson implements auto-retry policy per operation. Retry policy is controlled by [retryAttempts](configuration.md) and [retryInterval](configuration.md) settings. These settings are applied to each Redisson object. [timeout](configuration.md) setting is applied when the Redis or Valkey command was successfully sent.
Settings above can be overridden per Redisson object instance. These settings apply to each method of a given Redisson object instance.
Here is an example with `RBucket` object:
Config config = new Config();
RedissonClient client = Redisson.create(config);
// instance uses global retryInterval and timeout parameters
RBucket<MyObject> bucket = client.getBucket('myObject');
// instance with overridden retryInterval and timeout parameters
RBucket<MyObject> bucket = client.getBucket(PlainOptions.name('myObject')
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