Multiple commands can be sent in a batch using `RBatch` object in a single network call. Command batches allows to reduce the overall execution time of a group of commands. In Redis or Valkey this approach called [Pipelining]( Follow options could be supplied during object creation: ```java BatchOptions options = BatchOptions.defaults() // Sets execution mode // // ExecutionMode.REDIS_READ_ATOMIC - Store batched invocations in Redis and execute them atomically as a single command // // ExecutionMode.REDIS_WRITE_ATOMIC - Store batched invocations in Redis and execute them atomically as a single command // // ExecutionMode.IN_MEMORY - Store batched invocations in memory on Redisson side and execute them on Redis. Default mode // // ExecutionMode.IN_MEMORY_ATOMIC - Store batched invocations on Redisson side and executes them atomically on Redis or Valkey as a single command .executionMode(ExecutionMode.IN_MEMORY) // Inform Redis or Valkey not to send reply back to client. This allows to save network traffic for commands with batch with big .skipResult() // Synchronize write operations execution across defined amount of Redis or Valkey slave nodes // // sync with 2 slaves with 1 second for timeout .syncSlaves(2, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // Response timeout .responseTimeout(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // Retry interval for each attempt to send Redis or Valkey commands batch .retryInterval(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Attempts amount to re-send Redis or Valkey commands batch if it wasn't sent due to network delays or other issues .retryAttempts(4); ``` Result Batch object contains follow data: ```java // list of result objects per command in batch List<?> responses = res.getResponses(); // amount of successfully synchronized slaves during batch execution int slaves = res.getSyncedSlaves(); ``` Code example for **Sync / Async** mode: ```java RBatch batch = redisson.createBatch(BatchOptions.defaults()); batch.getMap("test1").fastPutAsync("1", "2"); batch.getMap("test2").fastPutAsync("2", "3"); batch.getMap("test3").putAsync("2", "5"); RFuture<Long> future = batch.getAtomicLong("counter").incrementAndGetAsync(); batch.getAtomicLong("counter").incrementAndGetAsync(); // result could be acquired through RFuture object returned by batched method // or // through result list by corresponding index future.whenComplete((res, exception) -> { // ... }); BatchResult res = batch.execute(); // or Future<BatchResult> resFuture = batch.executeAsync(); List<?> list = res.getResponses(); Long result = list.get(4); ``` Code example of **[Reactive]( interface** usage: ```java RBatchReactive batch = redisson.createBatch(BatchOptions.defaults()); batch.getMap("test1").fastPut("1", "2"); batch.getMap("test2").fastPut("2", "3"); batch.getMap("test3").put("2", "5"); Mono<Long> commandMono = batch.getAtomicLongAsync("counter").incrementAndGet(); batch.getAtomicLongAsync("counter").incrementAndGet(); // result could be acquired through Reactive object returned by batched method // or // through result list by corresponding index commandMono.doOnNext(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); Mono<BatchResult> resMono = batch.execute(); resMono.doOnNext(res -> { List<?> list = res.getResponses(); Long result = list.get(4); // ... }).subscribe(); ``` Code example of **[RxJava3]( interface** usage: ```java RBatchRx batch = redisson.createBatch(BatchOptions.defaults()); batch.getMap("test1").fastPut("1", "2"); batch.getMap("test2").fastPut("2", "3"); batch.getMap("test3").put("2", "5"); Single<Long> commandSingle = batch.getAtomicLongAsync("counter").incrementAndGet(); batch.getAtomicLongAsync("counter").incrementAndGet(); // result could be acquired through RxJava3 object returned by batched method // or // through result list by corresponding index commandSingle.doOnSuccess(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); Mono<BatchResult> resSingle = batch.execute(); resSingle.doOnSuccess(res -> { List<?> list = res.getResponses(); Long result = list.get(4); // ... }).subscribe(); ``` In cluster environment batch executed in map\reduce way. It aggregates commands for each node and sends them simultaneously, then result got from each node added to common result list.