Redisson - distributed and scalable Java objects powered by Redis. Advanced Java Redis client
Use familiar Java data structures with power of [Redis](
Based on high-performance async and lock-free Java Redis client and [Netty 4]( framework.
Redis 2.8+ and JDK 1.6+ compatible.
Read [wiki]( for more Redisson usage details.
[Redisson releases history](
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
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* [AWS ElastiCache]( servers mode:
1. automatic new master server discovery
2. automatic new slave servers discovery
3. read data using slave servers, write data using master server
* Cluster servers mode:
1. automatic master and slave discovery
2. automatic new master server discovery
3. automatic new slave servers discovery
4. automatic slots change discovery
5. read data using slave servers, write data using master server
* Sentinel servers mode:
1. automatic master and slave servers discovery
2. automatic new master server discovery
3. automatic new slave servers discovery
4. automatic slave servers offline/online discovery
5. automatic sentinel servers discovery
6. read data using slave servers, write data using master server
* Master with Slave servers mode: read data using slave servers, write data using master server
* Single server mode: read and write data using single server
* Lua scripting
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.BitSet`
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.List`
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.Set` with TTL support for each entry
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.SortedSet`
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.Queue`
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue`
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.Deque`
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque`
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.Map` with TTL support for each entry
* Distributed implementation of `java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap` with TTL support for each entry
* Distributed implementation of reentrant `java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock` with TTL support
* Distributed implementation of reentrant `java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock` with TTL support
* Distributed alternative to the `java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong`
* Distributed alternative to the `java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch`
* Distributed alternative to the `java.util.concurrent.Semaphore`
* Distributed publish/subscribe messaging via `org.redisson.core.RTopic`
* Distributed HyperLogLog via `org.redisson.core.RHyperLogLog`
* Asynchronous interface for each object
* Asynchronous connection pool
* Thread-safe implementation
* All commands executes in an atomic way
* [Spring cache]( integration
* Supports [Reactive Streams](
* Supports [Redis pipelining]( (command batches)
* Supports Android platform
* Supports auto-reconnect
* Supports failed to send command auto-retry
* Supports OSGi
* Supports many popular codecs ([Jackson JSON](, [CBOR](, [MsgPack](, [Kryo](, [FST](, [LZ4](, [Snappy]( and JDK Serialization)
* With over 500 unit tests
Projects using Redisson
Setronica: [](
Monits: [](
Brookhaven National Laboratory: [](
Netflix Dyno client: [dyno] (
武林Q传: [](
Ocous: [](
Invaluable: [](
Latest version changelog
####28-Jan-2016 - version 2.2.6 released
Feature - __new object added__ `RedissonMultiLock`
Feature - `move` method added to `RSet`, `RSetReactive` objects (thanks to thrau)
Feature - `put` methods with `maxIdleTime` param added to `RMapCache` object
Feature - `RList.subList` returns `live` view object
Feature - `readAll` method added to `RList` and `RSet` objects
Feature - `trim` method added to `RList` object
Feature - ability to read/write Redisson config object from/to `JSON` or `YAML` format
Feature - [Spring cache]( integration
Feature - `readMode` setting added
Improvement - `RSetCache` object entry eviction optimization
Improvement - `RList` object optimization
Improvement - `RedissonCountDownLatchAsync` interface added
Improvement - cluster restrictions removed from `loadBucketValues` and `saveBuckets` methods
Fixed - wrong ByteBuf read position in all codecs based on `StringCodec`
Fixed - can't connect with password to Sentinel and Elasticache servers
Fixed - Cluster slave discovery (regression since 2.1.5)
Fixed - Sentinel slave discovery (regression since 2.1.5)
### Maven
Include the following to your dependency list:
### Gradle
compile 'org.redisson:redisson:2.2.6'
### Supported by
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