## Map Redis or Valkey based distributed [Map](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMap.html) object for Java implements [ConcurrentMap](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentMap.html) interface. This object is thread-safe. Consider to use [Live Object service](services.md/#live-object-service) to store POJO object as Redis or Valkey Map. Redis or Valkey uses serialized state to check key uniqueness instead of key's `hashCode()`/`equals()` methods. If Map used mostly for read operations and/or network roundtrips are undesirable use Map with [Local cache](#eviction-local-cache-and-data-partitioning) support. Code examples: ```java RMap map = redisson.getMap("anyMap"); SomeObject prevObject = map.put("123", new SomeObject()); SomeObject currentObject = map.putIfAbsent("323", new SomeObject()); SomeObject obj = map.remove("123"); // use fast* methods when previous value is not required map.fastPut("a", new SomeObject()); map.fastPutIfAbsent("d", new SomeObject()); map.fastRemove("b"); RFuture putAsyncFuture = map.putAsync("321"); RFuture fastPutAsyncFuture = map.fastPutAsync("321"); map.fastPutAsync("321", new SomeObject()); map.fastRemoveAsync("321"); ``` RMap object allows to bind a [Lock](locks-and-synchronizers.md/#lock)/[ReadWriteLock](locks-and-synchronizers.md/#readwritelock)/[Semaphore](locks-and-synchronizers.md/#semaphore)/[CountDownLatch](locks-and-synchronizers.md/#countdownlatch) object per key: ```java RMap map = redisson.getMap("anyMap"); MyKey k = new MyKey(); RLock keyLock = map.getLock(k); keyLock.lock(); try { MyValue v = map.get(k); // process value ... } finally { keyLock.unlock(); } RReadWriteLock rwLock = map.getReadWriteLock(k); rwLock.readLock().lock(); try { MyValue v = map.get(k); // process value ... } finally { keyLock.readLock().unlock(); } ``` ### Eviction, local cache and data partitioning Redisson provides various Map structure implementations with multiple important features: **local cache** - so called `near cache` used to speed up read operations and avoid network roundtrips. It caches Map entries on Redisson side and executes read operations up to **45x faster** in comparison with common implementation. Local cache instances with the same name connected to the same pub/sub channel. This channel is used for exchanging of update/invalidate events between all instances. Local cache store doesn't use `hashCode()`/`equals()` methods of key object, instead it uses hash of serialized state. It's recommended to use each local cached instance as a singleton per unique name since it has own state for local cache. **data partitioning** - although any Map object is cluster compatible its content isn't scaled/partitioned across multiple master nodes in cluster. Data partitioning allows to scale available memory, read/write operations and entry eviction process for individual Map instance in cluster. **1. No eviction** Each object implements [RMap](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMap.html), [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapRx.html) interfaces. Available implementations: |RedissonClient
method name | Local
cache | Data
partitioning | Ultra-fast
read/write | | ------------- | :-----------: | :-----------:| :---------:| |getMap()
open-source version | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | |getLocalCachedMap()
open-source version | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | |getMap()
[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) version | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | |getLocalCachedMap()
[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) version | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | |getClusteredMap()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | |getClusteredLocalCachedMap()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
**2. Scripted eviction** Allows to define `time to live` or `max idle time` parameters per map entry. Eviction is done on Redisson side through a custom scheduled task which removes expired entries using Lua script. Eviction task is started once per unique object name at the moment of getting Map instance. If instance isn't used and has expired entries it should be get again to start the eviction process. This leads to extra Redis or Valkey calls and eviction task per unique map object name. Entries are cleaned time to time by `org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler`. By default, it removes 100 expired entries at a time. This can be changed through [cleanUpKeysAmount](../configuration.md) setting. Task launch time tuned automatically and depends on expired entries amount deleted in previous time and varies between 5 second to 30 minutes by default. This time interval can be changed through [minCleanUpDelay](../configuration.md) and [maxCleanUpDelay](../configuration.md). For example, if clean task deletes 100 entries each time it will be executed every 5 seconds (minimum execution delay). But if current expired entries amount is lower than previous one then execution delay will be increased by 1.5 times and decreased otherwise. Each object implements [RMapCache](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCache.html), [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheRx.html) interfaces. Available implementations: |RedissonClient
method name | Local
cache | Data
partitioning | Ultra-fast
read/write | | ------------- | :-----------: | :-----------:| :---------:| |getMapCache()
open-source version | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | |getMapCache()
[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) version | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | |getLocalCachedMapCache()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | |getClusteredMapCache()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | |getClusteredLocalCachedMapCache()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
**3. Advanced eviction** Allows to define `time to live` parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis or Valkey side. Each object implements [RMapCacheV2](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheV2.html), [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheV2Async.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheV2Reactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheV2Rx.html) interfaces. Available implementations: |RedissonClient
method name | Local
cache | Data
partitioning | Ultra-fast
read/write | | ------------- | :-----------: | :-----------:| :---------:| |getMapCacheV2()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | |getLocalCachedMapCacheV2()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ✔️ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
**4. Native eviction** Allows to define `time to live` parameter per map entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis side. Requires **Redis 7.4+**. Each object implements [RMapCacheNative](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheNative.html), [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheNativeAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheNativeReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMapCacheNativeRx.html) interfaces. Available implementations: |RedissonClient
method name | Local
cache | Data
partitioning | Ultra-fast
read/write | | ------------- | :-----------: | :-----------:| :---------:| |getMapCacheNative()
open-source version | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | |getMapCacheNative()
[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) version | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | |getLocalCachedMapCacheNative()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | |getClusteredMapCacheNative()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Redisson also provides various [Cache API](../cache-API-implementations.md) implementations. It's recommended to use single instance of Map instance with the same name for each Redisson client instance. Code example: ```java RMapCache map = redisson.getMapCache("anyMap"); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getMapCache("anyMap", MapCacheOptions.defaults()); // or RMapCacheV2 map = redisson.getMapCacheV2("anyMap"); // or RMapCacheV2 map = redisson.getMapCacheV2("anyMap", MapOptions.defaults()); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getLocalCachedMapCache("anyMap", LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getClusteredLocalCachedMapCache("anyMap", LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getClusteredMapCache("anyMap"); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getClusteredMapCache("anyMap", MapCacheOptions.defaults()); // ttl = 10 minutes, map.put("key1", new SomeObject(), 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // ttl = 10 minutes, maxIdleTime = 10 seconds map.put("key1", new SomeObject(), 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // ttl = 3 seconds map.putIfAbsent("key2", new SomeObject(), 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // ttl = 40 seconds, maxIdleTime = 10 seconds map.putIfAbsent("key2", new SomeObject(), 40, TimeUnit.SECONDS, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // if object is not used anymore map.destroy(); ``` **Local cache** Map object with local cache support implements [RLocalCachedMap](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RLocalCachedMap.html) which extends [ConcurrentMap](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentMap.html) interface. This object is thread-safe. It's recommended to use single instance of `LocalCachedMap` instance per name for each Redisson client instance. Same `LocalCachedMapOptions` object should be used across all instances with the same name. Follow options can be supplied during object creation: ```java LocalCachedMapOptions options = LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults() // Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache. // Default value is false. .storeCacheMiss(false); // Defines store mode of cache data. // Follow options are available: // LOCALCACHE - store data in local cache only and use Redis or Valkey only for data update/invalidation. // LOCALCACHE_REDIS - store data in both Redis or Valkey and local cache. .storeMode(StoreMode.LOCALCACHE_REDIS) // Defines Cache provider used as local cache store. // Follow options are available: // REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation // CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation .cacheProvider(CacheProvider.REDISSON) // Defines local cache eviction policy. // Follow options are available: // LFU - Counts how often an item was requested. Those that are used least often are discarded first. // LRU - Discards the least recently used items first // SOFT - Uses soft references, entries are removed by GC // WEAK - Uses weak references, entries are removed by GC // NONE - No eviction .evictionPolicy(EvictionPolicy.NONE) // If cache size is 0 then local cache is unbounded. .cacheSize(1000) // Defines strategy for load missed local cache updates after connection failure. // // Follow reconnection strategies are available: // CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while. // LOAD - Store invalidated entry hash in invalidation log for 10 minutes // Cache keys for stored invalidated entry hashes will be removed // if LocalCachedMap instance has been disconnected less than 10 minutes // or whole cache will be cleaned otherwise. // NONE - Default. No reconnection handling .reconnectionStrategy(ReconnectionStrategy.NONE) // Defines local cache synchronization strategy. // // Follow sync strategies are available: // INVALIDATE - Default. Invalidate cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change // UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all LocalCachedMap instances on map entry change // NONE - No synchronizations on map changes .syncStrategy(SyncStrategy.INVALIDATE) // time to live for each entry in local cache .timeToLive(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) // max idle time for each map entry in local cache .maxIdle(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) // Defines how to listen expired event sent by Redis or Valkey upon this instance deletion // // Follow expiration policies are available: // DONT_SUBSCRIBE - Don't subscribe on expire event // SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYEVENT_PATTERN - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyevent@*:expired` pattern // SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYSPACE_CHANNEL - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyspace@N__:name` channel .expirationEventPolicy(ExpirationEventPolicy.SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYEVENT_PATTERN); ``` Code example: ```java RLocalCachedMap map = redisson.getLocalCachedMap("test", LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()); // or RLocalCachedMap map = redisson.getLocalCachedMapCache("anyMap", LocalCachedMapCacheOptions.defaults()); // or RLocalCachedMap map = redisson.getClusteredLocalCachedMapCache("anyMap", LocalCachedMapCacheOptions.defaults()); // or RLocalCachedMap map = redisson.getClusteredLocalCachedMap("anyMap", LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()); String prevObject = map.put("123", 1); String currentObject = map.putIfAbsent("323", 2); String obj = map.remove("123"); // use fast* methods when previous value is not required map.fastPut("a", 1); map.fastPutIfAbsent("d", 32); map.fastRemove("b"); RFuture putAsyncFuture = map.putAsync("321"); RFuture fastPutAsyncFuture = map.fastPutAsync("321"); map.fastPutAsync("321", new SomeObject()); map.fastRemoveAsync("321"); ``` Object should be destroyed if it not used anymore, but it's not necessary to call destroy method if Redisson goes shutdown. ```java RLocalCachedMap map = ... map.destroy(); ``` **How to load data and avoid invalidation messages traffic.** Code example: ```java public void loadData(String cacheName, Map data) { RLocalCachedMap clearMap = redisson.getLocalCachedMap(cacheName, LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults().cacheSize(1).syncStrategy(SyncStrategy.INVALIDATE)); RLocalCachedMap loadMap = redisson.getLocalCachedMap(cacheName, LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults().cacheSize(1).syncStrategy(SyncStrategy.NONE)); loadMap.putAll(data); clearMap.clearLocalCache(); } ``` **Data partitioning** Map object with data partitioning support implements `org.redisson.api.RClusteredMap` which extends `java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap` interface. Read more details about data partitioning [here](data-partitioning.md). Code example: ```java RClusteredMap map = redisson.getClusteredMap("anyMap"); // or RClusteredMap map = redisson.getClusteredLocalCachedMapCache("anyMap", LocalCachedMapCacheOptions.defaults()); // or RClusteredMap map = redisson.getClusteredLocalCachedMap("anyMap", LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()); // or RClusteredMap map = redisson.getClusteredMapCache("anyMap"); SomeObject prevObject = map.put("123", new SomeObject()); SomeObject currentObject = map.putIfAbsent("323", new SomeObject()); SomeObject obj = map.remove("123"); map.fastPut("321", new SomeObject()); map.fastRemove("321"); ``` ### Persistence Redisson allows to store Map data in external storage along with Redis or Valkey store. Use cases: 1. Redisson Map object as a cache between an application and external storage. 2. Increase durability of Redisson Map data and life-span of evicted entries. 3. Caching for databases, web services or any other data source. **Read-through strategy** If requested entry doesn't exist in the Redisson Map object when it will be loaded using provided [MapLoader](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/map/MapLoader.html) object. Code example: ```java MapLoader mapLoader = new MapLoader() { @Override public Iterable loadAllKeys() { List list = new ArrayList(); Statement statement = conn.createStatement(); try { ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery("SELECT id FROM student"); while (result.next()) { list.add(result.getString(1)); } } finally { statement.close(); } return list; } @Override public String load(String key) { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT name FROM student where id = ?"); try { preparedStatement.setString(1, key); ResultSet result = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if (result.next()) { return result.getString(1); } return null; } finally { preparedStatement.close(); } } }; ``` Configuration example: ```java MapOptions options = MapOptions.defaults() .loader(mapLoader); MapCacheOptions mcoptions = MapCacheOptions.defaults() .loader(mapLoader); RMap map = redisson.getMap("test", options); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getMapCache("test", mcoptions); // or with performance boost up to 45x times RLocalCachedMap map = redisson.getLocalCachedMap("test", options); // or with performance boost up to 45x times RLocalCachedMapCache map = redisson.getLocalCachedMapCache("test", mcoptions); ``` **Write-through (synchronous) strategy** When the Map entry is being updated method won't return until Redisson update it in an external storage using [MapWriter](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/map/MapWriter.html) object. Code example: ```java MapWriter mapWriter = new MapWriter() { @Override public void write(Map map) { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO student (id, name) values (?, ?)"); try { for (Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { preparedStatement.setString(1, entry.getKey()); preparedStatement.setString(2, entry.getValue()); preparedStatement.addBatch(); } preparedStatement.executeBatch(); } finally { preparedStatement.close(); } } @Override public void delete(Collection keys) { PreparedStatement preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM student where id = ?"); try { for (String key : keys) { preparedStatement.setString(1, key); preparedStatement.addBatch(); } preparedStatement.executeBatch(); } finally { preparedStatement.close(); } } }; ``` Configuration example: ```java MapOptions options = MapOptions.defaults() .writer(mapWriter) .writeMode(WriteMode.WRITE_THROUGH); MapCacheOptions mcoptions = MapCacheOptions.defaults() .writer(mapWriter) .writeMode(WriteMode.WRITE_THROUGH); RMap map = redisson.getMap("test", options); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getMapCache("test", mcoptions); // or with performance boost up to 45x times RLocalCachedMap map = redisson.getLocalCachedMap("test", options); // or with performance boost up to 45x times RLocalCachedMapCache map = redisson.getLocalCachedMapCache("test", mcoptions); ``` **Write-behind (asynchronous) strategy** Updates of Map object are accumulated in batches and asynchronously written with defined delay to external storage through [MapWriter](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/map/MapWriter.html) object. `writeBehindDelay` - delay of batched write or delete operation. Default value is 1000 milliseconds. `writeBehindBatchSize` - size of batch. Each batch contains Map Entry write or delete commands. Default value is 50. Configuration example: ```java MapOptions options = MapOptions.defaults() .writer(mapWriter) .writeMode(WriteMode.WRITE_BEHIND) .writeBehindDelay(5000) .writeBehindBatchSize(100); MapCacheOptions mcoptions = MapCacheOptions.defaults() .writer(mapWriter) .writeMode(WriteMode.WRITE_BEHIND) .writeBehindDelay(5000) .writeBehindBatchSize(100); RMap map = redisson.getMap("test", options); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getMapCache("test", mcoptions); // or with performance boost up to 45x times RLocalCachedMap map = redisson.getLocalCachedMap("test", options); // or with performance boost up to 45x times RLocalCachedMapCache map = redisson.getLocalCachedMapCache("test", mcoptions); ``` This feature available for `RMap`, `RMapCache`, `RLocalCachedMap` and `RLocalCachedMapCache` objects. Usage of `RLocalCachedMap` and `RLocalCachedMapCache` objects boost Redis or Valkey read-operations up to **45x times** and give almost instant speed for database, web service or any other data source. ### Listeners Redisson allows to bind listeners per `RMap` object. `RMap` object allows to track follow events over the data. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.listener.TrackingListener|Entry created/removed/updated after read operation| |org.redisson.api.listener.MapPutListener|Entry created/updated| |org.redisson.api.listener.MapRemoveListener|Entry removed| |org.redisson.api.ExpiredObjectListener|`RMap` object expired| |org.redisson.api.DeletedObjectListener|`RMap` object deleted| Usage examples: ```java RMap map = redisson.getMap("anyMap"); int listenerId = map.addListener(new DeletedObjectListener() { @Override public void onDeleted(String name) { // ... } }); int listenerId = map.addListener(new ExpiredObjectListener() { @Override public void onExpired(String name) { // ... } }); int listenerId = map.addListener(new MapPutListener() { @Override public void onPut(String name) { // ... } }); int listenerId = map.addListener(new MapRemoveListener() { @Override public void onRemove(String name) { // ... } }); map.removeListener(listenerId); ``` `RMapCache` object allows to track additional events over the data. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.map.event.EntryCreatedListener|Entry created| |org.redisson.api.map.event.EntryExpiredListener|Entry expired| |org.redisson.api.map.event.EntryRemovedListener|Entry removed| |org.redisson.api.map.event.EntryUpdatedListener|Entry updated| Usage examples: ```java RMapCache map = redisson.getMapCache("anyMap"); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getLocalCachedMapCache(LocalCachedMapCacheOptions.name("anyMap")); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getClusteredLocalCachedMapCache("anyMap", LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getClusteredMapCache("anyMap"); int listenerId = map.addListener(new EntryUpdatedListener() { @Override public void onUpdated(EntryEvent event) { event.getKey(); // key event.getValue() // new value event.getOldValue() // old value // ... } }); int listenerId = map.addListener(new EntryCreatedListener() { @Override public void onCreated(EntryEvent event) { event.getKey(); // key event.getValue() // value // ... } }); int listenerId = map.addListener(new EntryExpiredListener() { @Override public void onExpired(EntryEvent event) { event.getKey(); // key event.getValue() // value // ... } }); int listenerId = map.addListener(new EntryRemovedListener() { @Override public void onRemoved(EntryEvent event) { event.getKey(); // key event.getValue() // value // ... } }); map.removeListener(listenerId); ``` ### LRU/LFU bounded Map Map object which implements `RMapCache` interface could be bounded using [Least Recently Used (LRU)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_replacement_policies#LRU) or [Least Frequently Used (LFU)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_frequently_used) order. Bounded Map allows to store map entries within defined limit and retire entries in defined order. Use cases: limited Redis or Valkey memory. ```java RMapCache map = redisson.getMapCache("anyMap"); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getMapCache("anyMap", MapCacheOptions.defaults()); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getLocalCachedMapCache("anyMap", LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getClusteredLocalCachedMapCache("anyMap", LocalCachedMapOptions.defaults()); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getClusteredMapCache("anyMap"); // or RMapCache map = redisson.getClusteredMapCache("anyMap", MapCacheOptions.defaults()); // tries to set limit map to 10 entries using LRU eviction algorithm map.trySetMaxSize(10); // ... using LFU eviction algorithm map.trySetMaxSize(10, EvictionMode.LFU); // set or change limit map to 10 entries using LRU eviction algorithm map.setMaxSize(10); // ... using LFU eviction algorithm map.setMaxSize(10, EvictionMode.LFU); map.put("1", "2"); map.put("3", "3", 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); ``` ## Multimap Redis or Valkey based [Multimap](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMultimap.html) for Java allows to bind multiple values per key. This object is thread-safe. Keys amount limited to `4 294 967 295` elements. Redis or Valkey uses serialized state to check key uniqueness instead of key's `hashCode()`/`equals()` methods. It has [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMultimapAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMultimapReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMultimapRx.html) interfaces. ### Set based Multimap Set based Multimap doesn't allow duplications for values per key. ```java RSetMultimap map = redisson.getSetMultimap("myMultimap"); map.put(new SimpleKey("0"), new SimpleValue("1")); map.put(new SimpleKey("0"), new SimpleValue("2")); map.put(new SimpleKey("3"), new SimpleValue("4")); Set allValues = map.get(new SimpleKey("0")); List newValues = Arrays.asList(new SimpleValue("7"), new SimpleValue("6"), new SimpleValue("5")); Set oldValues = map.replaceValues(new SimpleKey("0"), newValues); Set removedValues = map.removeAll(new SimpleKey("0")); ``` ### List based Multimap List based [Multimap](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RMultimap.html) object for Java stores entries in insertion order and allows duplicates for values mapped to key. ```java RListMultimap map = redisson.getListMultimap("test1"); map.put(new SimpleKey("0"), new SimpleValue("1")); map.put(new SimpleKey("0"), new SimpleValue("2")); map.put(new SimpleKey("0"), new SimpleValue("1")); map.put(new SimpleKey("3"), new SimpleValue("4")); List allValues = map.get(new SimpleKey("0")); Collection newValues = Arrays.asList(new SimpleValue("7"), new SimpleValue("6"), new SimpleValue("5")); List oldValues = map.replaceValues(new SimpleKey("0"), newValues); List removedValues = map.removeAll(new SimpleKey("0")); ``` ### Multimap eviction Multimap distributed object for Java with eviction support implemented by separated MultimapCache object. There are [RSetMultimapCache](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSetMultimapCache.html) and [RListMultimapCache](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RListMultimapCache.html) objects for Set and List based Multimaps respectively. Eviction task is started once per unique object name at the moment of getting Multimap instance. If instance isn't used and has expired entries it should be get again to start the eviction process. This leads to extra Redis or Valkey calls and eviction task per unique map object name. Entries are cleaned time to time by `org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler`. By default, it removes 100 expired entries at a time. This can be changed through [cleanUpKeysAmount](../configuration.md) setting. Task launch time tuned automatically and depends on expired entries amount deleted in previous time and varies between 5 second to 30 minutes by default. This time interval can be changed through [minCleanUpDelay](../configuration.md) and [maxCleanUpDelay](../configuration.md). For example, if clean task deletes 100 entries each time it will be executed every 5 seconds (minimum execution delay). But if current expired entries amount is lower than previous one then execution delay will be increased by 1.5 times and decreased otherwise. RSetMultimapCache example: ```java RSetMultimapCache multimap = redisson.getSetMultimapCache("myMultimap"); multimap.put("1", "a"); multimap.put("1", "b"); multimap.put("1", "c"); multimap.put("2", "e"); multimap.put("2", "f"); multimap.expireKey("2", 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // if object is not used anymore multimap.destroy(); ``` ## JSON Store _This feature is available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) edition._ [RJsonStore](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RJsonStore.html) is a distributed Key Value store for JSON objects. Compatible with Redis or Valkey. This object is thread-safe. Allows to store JSON value mapped by key. Operations can be executed per key or group of keys. Value is stored/retrieved using `JSON.*` commands. Both key and value are POJO objects. Allows to define `time to live` parameter per entry. Doesn't use an entry eviction task, entries are cleaned on Redis or Valkey side. Code example of **[Async](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RJsonStoreAsync.html) interface** usage: ```java RJsonStoreAsync store = redisson.getJsonStore("test", new JacksonCodec(MyObject.class)); ``` Code example of **[Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RJsonStoreReactive.html) interface** usage: ```java RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive(); RJsonStoreReactive bucket = redisson.getJsonStore("anyObject", new JacksonCodec<>(AnyObject.class)); ``` Code example of **[RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RJsonStoreRx.html) interface** usage: ```java RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava(); RJsonStoreRx bucket = redisson.getJsonStore("anyObject", new JacksonCodec<>(AnyObject.class)); ``` Data write code example: ```java RJsonStore store = redisson.getJsonStore("test", new JacksonCodec(MyObject.class)); MyObject t1 = new MyObject(); t1.setName("name1"); MyObject t2 = new MyObject(); t2.setName("name2"); Map entries = new HashMap<>(); entries.put("1", t1); entries.put("2", t2); // multiple entries at once store.set(entries); // or set entry per call store.set("1", t1); store.set("2", t2); // with ttl store.set("1", t1, Duration.ofSeconds(100)); // set if not set previously store.setIfAbsent("1", t1); // set if entry already exists store.setIfExists("1", t1); ``` Data read code example: ```java RJsonStore store = redisson.getJsonStore("test", new JacksonCodec(MyObject.class)); // multiple entries at once Map entries = store.get(Set.of("1", "2")); // or read entry per call MyObject value1 = store.get("1"); MyObject value2 = store.get("2"); ``` Data deletion code example: ```java RJsonStore store = redisson.getJsonStore("test", new JacksonCodec(MyObject.class)); // multiple entries at once long deleted = store.delete(Set.of("1", "2")); // or delete entry per call boolean status = store.delete("1"); boolean status = store.delete("2"); ``` Keys access code examples: ```java RJsonStore store = redisson.getJsonStore("test", new JacksonCodec(MyObject.class)); // iterate keys Set keys = store.keySet(); // read all keys at once Set keys = store.readAllKeySet(); ``` ### Search by Object properties For data searching, index prefix should be defined in `:` format. For example for object name "test" prefix is "test:". `StringCodec` should be used as object codec to enable searching by field. Data search code example: ```java RSearch s = redisson.getSearch(); s.createIndex("idx", IndexOptions.defaults() .on(IndexType.JSON) .prefix(Arrays.asList("test:")), FieldIndex.text("name")); RJsonStore store = redisson.getJsonStore("test", StringCodec.INSTANCE, new JacksonCodec(MyObject.class)); MyObject t1 = new MyObject(); t1.setName("name1"); MyObject t2 = new MyObject(); t2.setName("name2"); Map entries = new HashMap<>(); entries.put("1", t1); entries.put("2", t2); store.set(entries); // search SearchResult r = s.search("idx", "*", QueryOptions.defaults() .returnAttributes(new ReturnAttribute("name"))); // aggregation AggregationResult ar = s.aggregate("idx", "*", AggregationOptions.defaults() .withCursor().load("name")); ``` ### Local Cache Redisson provides [JSON Store](#json-store) implementation with local cache. **local cache** - so called near cache used to speed up read operations and avoid network roundtrips. It caches JSON Store entries on Redisson side and executes read operations up to **45x faster** in comparison with regular implementation. Local cached instances with the same name are connected to the same pub/sub channel. This channel is used for exchanging of update/invalidate events between all instances. Local cache store doesn't use `hashCode()`/`equals()` methods of key object, instead it uses hash of serialized state. It's recommended to use each local cached instance as a singleton per unique name since it has own state for local cache. It's recommended to use a single instance of `RLocalCachedJsonStore` instance per name for each Redisson client instance. Same `LocalCachedJsonStoreOptions` object should be used across all instances with the same name. Follow options can be supplied during object creation: ```java LocalCachedJsonStoreOptions options = LocalCachedJsonStoreOptions.name("object_name_example") // Defines codec used for key .keyCodec(codec) // Defines codec used for JSON value .valueCodec(codec) // Defines whether to store a cache miss into the local cache. // Default value is false. .storeCacheMiss(false); // Defines store mode of cache data. // Follow options are available: // LOCALCACHE - store data in local cache only and use Redis or Valkey only for data update/invalidation. // LOCALCACHE_REDIS - store data in both Redis or Valkey and local cache. .storeMode(StoreMode.LOCALCACHE_REDIS) // Defines Cache provider used as local cache store. // Follow options are available: // REDISSON - uses Redisson own implementation // CAFFEINE - uses Caffeine implementation .cacheProvider(CacheProvider.REDISSON) // Defines local cache eviction policy. // Follow options are available: // LFU - Counts how often an item was requested. Those that are used least often are discarded first. // LRU - Discards the least recently used items first // SOFT - Uses soft references, entries are removed by GC // WEAK - Uses weak references, entries are removed by GC // NONE - No eviction .evictionPolicy(EvictionPolicy.NONE) // If cache size is 0 then local cache is unbounded. .cacheSize(1000) // Defines strategy for load missed local cache updates after connection failure. // // Follow reconnection strategies are available: // CLEAR - Clear local cache if map instance has been disconnected for a while. // NONE - Default. No reconnection handling .reconnectionStrategy(ReconnectionStrategy.NONE) // Defines local cache synchronization strategy. // // Follow sync strategies are available: // INVALIDATE - Default. Invalidate cache entry across all RLocalCachedJsonStore instances on map entry change // UPDATE - Insert/update cache entry across all RLocalCachedJsonStore instances on map entry change // NONE - No synchronizations on map changes .syncStrategy(SyncStrategy.INVALIDATE) // time to live for each entry in local cache .timeToLive(Duration.ofSeconds(10)) // max idle time for each entry in local cache .maxIdle(Duration.ofSeconds(10)); // Defines how to listen expired event sent by Redis or Valkey upon this instance deletion // // Follow expiration policies are available: // DONT_SUBSCRIBE - Don't subscribe on expire event // SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYEVENT_PATTERN - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyevent@*:expired` pattern // SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYSPACE_CHANNEL - Subscribe on expire event using `__keyspace@N__:name` channel .expirationEventPolicy(ExpirationEventPolicy.SUBSCRIBE_WITH_KEYEVENT_PATTERN) ``` Data write code example: ```java LocalCachedJsonStoreOptions ops = LocalCachedJsonStoreOptions.name("test") .keyCodec(StringCodec.INSTANCE) .valueCodec(new JacksonCodec<>(MyObject.class)); RLocalCachedJsonStore store = redisson.getLocalCachedJsonStore(ops); MyObject t1 = new MyObject(); t1.setName("name1"); MyObject t2 = new MyObject(); t2.setName("name2"); Map entries = new HashMap<>(); entries.put("1", t1); entries.put("2", t2); Map entries = new HashMap<>(); entries.put("1", t1); entries.put("2", t2); // multiple entries at once store.set(entries); // or set entry per call store.set("1", t1); store.set("2", t2); // with ttl store.set("1", t1, Duration.ofSeconds(100)); // set if not set previously store.setIfAbsent("1", t1); // set if entry already exists store.setIfExists("1", t1); ``` Data read code example: ```java LocalCachedJsonStoreOptions ops = LocalCachedJsonStoreOptions.name("test") .keyCodec(StringCodec.INSTANCE) .valueCodec(new JacksonCodec<>(MyObject.class)); RLocalCachedJsonStore store = redisson.getLocalCachedJsonStore(ops); // multiple entries at once Map entries = store.get(Set.of("1", "2")); // or read entry per call MyObject value1 = store.get("1"); MyObject value2 = store.get("2"); ``` Data deletion code example: ```java LocalCachedJsonStoreOptions ops = LocalCachedJsonStoreOptions.name("test") .keyCodec(StringCodec.INSTANCE) .valueCodec(new JacksonCodec<>(MyObject.class)); RLocalCachedJsonStore store = redisson.getLocalCachedJsonStore(ops); // multiple entries at once long deleted = store.delete(Set.of("1", "2")); // or delete entry per call boolean status = store.delete("1"); boolean status = store.delete("2"); ``` ## Set Redis or Valkey based [Set](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSet.html) object for Java implements [Set](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Set.html) interface. This object is thread-safe. Keeps elements uniqueness via element state comparison. Set size limited to `4 294 967 295` elements. Redis or Valkey uses serialized state to check value uniqueness instead of value's `hashCode()`/`equals()` methods. It has [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSetAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSetReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSetRx.html) interfaces. ```java RSet set = redisson.getSet("anySet"); set.add(new SomeObject()); set.remove(new SomeObject()); ``` RSet object allows to bind a [Lock](locks-and-synchronizers.md/#lock)/[ReadWriteLock](locks-and-synchronizers.md/#readwritelock)/[Semaphore](locks-and-synchronizers.md/#semaphore)/[CountDownLatch](locks-and-synchronizers.md/#countdownlatch) object per value: ``` RSet set = redisson.getSet("anySet"); MyObject value = new MyObject(); RLock lock = map.getLock(value); lock.lock(); try { // process value ... } finally { lock.unlock(); } ``` ### Eviction and data partitioning Redisson provides various Set structure implementations with a few important features: **data partitioning** - although any Set object is cluster compatible its content isn't scaled/partitioned across multiple master nodes in cluster. Data partitioning allows to scale available memory, read/write operations and entry eviction process for individual Set instance in cluster. **entry eviction** - allows to define `time to live` parameter per SetCache entry. Redis or Valkey set structure doesn't support eviction thus it's done on Redisson side through a custom scheduled task which removes expired entries using Lua script. Eviction task is started once per unique object name at the moment of getting SetCache instance. If instance isn't used and has expired entries it should be get again to start the eviction process. This leads to extra Redis or Valkey calls and eviction task per unique SetCache object name. Entries are cleaned time to time by `org.redisson.eviction.EvictionScheduler`. By default, it removes 100 expired entries at a time. This can be changed through [cleanUpKeysAmount](../configuration.md) setting. Task launch time tuned automatically and depends on expired entries amount deleted in previous time and varies between 5 second to 30 minutes by default. This time interval can be changed through [minCleanUpDelay](../configuration.md) and [maxCleanUpDelay](../configuration.md). For example, if clean task deletes 100 entries each time it will be executed every 5 seconds (minimum execution delay). But if current expired entries amount is lower than previous one then execution delay will be increased by 1.5 times and decreased otherwise. **advanced entry eviction** - improved version of the **entry eviction** process. Doesn't use an entry eviction task. **Eviction** Set object with eviction support implements [RSetCache](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSetCache.html), [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSetCacheAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSetCacheReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSetCacheRx.html) interfaces. Code example: ```java RSetCache set = redisson.getSetCache("mySet"); // or RMapCache set = redisson.getClusteredSetCache("mySet"); // ttl = 10 minutes, set.add(new SomeObject(), 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // if object is not used anymore map.destroy(); ``` **Data partitioning** Map object with data partitioning support implements `org.redisson.api.RClusteredSet`. Read more details about data partitioning [here](data-partitioning.md). Code example: ```java RClusteredSet set = redisson.getClusteredSet("mySet"); // or RClusteredSet set = redisson.getClusteredSetCache("mySet"); // ttl = 10 minutes, map.add(new SomeObject(), 10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); ``` Below is the list of all available Set implementations: |RedissonClient
method name | Data
partitioning | Entry
eviction | Advanced
entry eviction | Ultra-fast
read/write | | ------------- | :----------:| :----------:| :----------:| :----------:| |getSet()
open-source version | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | |getSetCache()
open-source version | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | |getSet()
[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) version | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | |getSetCache()
[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) version | ❌ | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | |getSetCacheV2()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | ✔️ | |getClusteredSet()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ✔️ | ❌ | ❌ | ✔️ | |getClusteredSetCache()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ✔️ | ✔️ | ❌ | ✔️ | ### Listeners Redisson allows to bind listeners per `RSet` object. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.listener.TrackingListener|Element added/removed/updated after read operation| |org.redisson.api.ExpiredObjectListener|`RSet` object expired| |org.redisson.api.DeletedObjectListener|`RSet` object deleted| |org.redisson.api.listener.SetAddListener|Element added| |org.redisson.api.listener.SetRemoveListener|Element removed| |org.redisson.api.listener.SetRemoveRandomListener|Element randomly removed| Usage example: ```java RSet set = redisson.getSet("anySet"); int listenerId = set.addListener(new DeletedObjectListener() { @Override public void onDeleted(String name) { // ... } }); // ... set.removeListener(listenerId); ``` ## SortedSet Redis or Valkey based distributed [SortedSet](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RSortedSet.html) for Java implements [SortedSet](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/SortedSet.html) interface. This object is thread-safe. It uses comparator to sort elements and keep uniqueness. For String data type it's recommended to use [LexSortedSet](#lexsortedset) object due to performance gain. ```java RSortedSet set = redisson.getSortedSet("anySet"); set.trySetComparator(new MyComparator()); // set object comparator set.add(3); set.add(1); set.add(2); set.removeAsync(0); set.addAsync(5); ``` ## ScoredSortedSet Redis or Valkey based distributed [ScoredSortedSet](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RScoredSortedSet.html) object. Sorts elements by score defined during element insertion. Keeps elements uniqueness via element state comparison. It has [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RScoredSortedSetAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RScoredSortedSetReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RScoredSortedSetRx.html) interfaces. Set size is limited to `4 294 967 295` elements. ```java RScoredSortedSet set = redisson.getScoredSortedSet("simple"); set.add(0.13, new SomeObject(a, b)); set.addAsync(0.251, new SomeObject(c, d)); set.add(0.302, new SomeObject(g, d)); set.pollFirst(); set.pollLast(); int index = set.rank(new SomeObject(g, d)); // get element index Double score = set.getScore(new SomeObject(g, d)); // get element score ``` ### Data partitioning Although 'RScoredSortedSet' object is cluster compatible its content isn't scaled across multiple master nodes. `RScoredSortedSet` data partitioning available only in cluster mode and implemented by separate `RClusteredScoredSortedSet` object. Size is limited by whole Cluster memory. More about partitioning [here](data-partitioning.md). Below is the list of all available `RScoredSortedSet` implementations: |RedissonClient
method name | Data partitioning
support | Ultra-fast read/write | | ------------- | :----------:| :----------:| |getScoredSortedSet()
open-source version | ❌ | ❌ | |getScoredSortedSet()
[Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) version | ❌ | ✔️ | |getClusteredScoredSortedSet()
available only in [Redisson PRO](https://redisson.pro) | ✔️ | ✔️ | Code example: ```java RClusteredScoredSortedSet set = redisson.getClusteredScoredSortedSet("simpleBitset"); set.add(1.1, "v1"); set.add(1.2, "v2"); set.add(1.3, "v3"); ScoredEntry s = set.firstEntry(); ScoredEntry e = set.pollFirstEntry(); ``` ### Listeners Redisson allows to bind listeners per `RScoredSortedSet` object. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.listener.TrackingListener|Element created/removed/updated after read operation| |org.redisson.api.listener.ScoredSortedSetAddListener|Element created/updated| |org.redisson.api.listener.ScoredSortedSetRemoveListener|Element removed| |org.redisson.api.ExpiredObjectListener|`RScoredSortedSet` object expired| |org.redisson.api.DeletedObjectListener|`RScoredSortedSet` object deleted| Usage example: ```java RScoredSortedSet set = redisson.getScoredSortedSet("anySet"); int listenerId = set.addListener(new DeletedObjectListener() { @Override public void onDeleted(String name) { // ... } }); // ... set.removeListener(listenerId); ``` ## LexSortedSet Redis or Valkey based distributed [Set](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RLexSortedSet.html) object for Java allows String objects only and implements `java.util.Set` interface. It keeps elements in lexicographical order and maintain elements uniqueness via element state comparison. It has [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RLexSortedSetAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RLexSortedSetReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RLexSortedSetRx.html) interfaces. ```java RLexSortedSet set = redisson.getLexSortedSet("simple"); set.add("d"); set.addAsync("e"); set.add("f"); set.rangeTail("d", false); set.countHead("e"); set.range("d", true, "z", false); ``` ### Listeners Redisson allows to bind listeners per `RLexSortedSet` object. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.listener.TrackingListener|Element created/removed/updated after read operation| |org.redisson.api.listener.ScoredSortedSetAddListener|Element created/updated| |org.redisson.api.listener.ScoredSortedSetRemoveListener|Element removed| |org.redisson.api.ExpiredObjectListener|`RScoredSortedSet` object expired| |org.redisson.api.DeletedObjectListener|`RScoredSortedSet` object deleted| Usage example: ```java RLexSortedSet set = redisson.getLexSortedSet("anySet"); int listenerId = set.addListener(new DeletedObjectListener() { @Override public void onDeleted(String name) { // ... } }); // ... set.removeListener(listenerId); ``` ## List Redis or Valkey based distributed [List](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RList.html) object for Java implements `java.util.List` interface. It keeps elements in insertion order. It has [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RListAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RListReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RListRx.html) interfaces. List size is limited to `4 294 967 295` elements. ```java RList list = redisson.getList("anyList"); list.add(new SomeObject()); list.get(0); list.remove(new SomeObject()); ``` ### Listeners Redisson allows to bind listeners per `RList` object. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.listener.TrackingListener|Element created/removed/updated after read operation| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListAddListener|Element created| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListInsertListener|Element inserted| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListSetListener|Element set/updated| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListRemoveListener|Element removed| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListTrimListener|List trimmed| |org.redisson.api.ExpiredObjectListener|`RList` object expired| |org.redisson.api.DeletedObjectListener|`RList` object deleted| Usage example: ```java RList list = redisson.getList("anyList"); int listenerId = list.addListener(new DeletedObjectListener() { @Override public void onDeleted(String name) { // ... } }); // ... list.removeListener(listenerId); ``` ## Queue Redis or Valkey based distributed unbounded [Queue](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RQueue.html) object for Java implements [java.util.Queue](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Queue.html) interface. This object is thread-safe. It has [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RQueueAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RQueueReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RQueueRx.html) interfaces. ```java RQueue queue = redisson.getQueue("anyQueue"); queue.add(new SomeObject()); SomeObject obj = queue.peek(); SomeObject someObj = queue.poll(); ``` ### Listeners Redisson allows to bind listeners per `RQueue` object. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.listener.TrackingListener|Element created/removed/updated after read operation| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListAddListener|Element created| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListRemoveListener|Element removed| |org.redisson.api.ExpiredObjectListener|`RQueue` object expired| |org.redisson.api.DeletedObjectListener|`RQueue` object deleted| Usage example: ```java RQueue queue = redisson.getQueue("anyList"); int listenerId = queue.addListener(new DeletedObjectListener() { @Override public void onDeleted(String name) { // ... } }); // ... queue.removeListener(listenerId); ``` ## Deque Redis or Valkey based distributed unbounded [Deque](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RDeque.html) object for Java implements `java.util.Deque` interface. This object is thread-safe. It has [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RDequeAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RDequeReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RDequeRx.html) interfaces. ```java RDeque queue = redisson.getDeque("anyDeque"); queue.addFirst(new SomeObject()); queue.addLast(new SomeObject()); SomeObject obj = queue.removeFirst(); SomeObject someObj = queue.removeLast(); ``` ### Listeners Redisson allows to bind listeners per `RDeque` object. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.listener.TrackingListener|Element created/removed/updated after read operation| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListAddListener|Element created| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListRemoveListener|Element removed| |org.redisson.api.ExpiredObjectListener|`RDeque` object expired| |org.redisson.api.DeletedObjectListener|`RDeque` object deleted| Usage example: ```java RDeque deque = redisson.getDeque("anyList"); int listenerId = deque.addListener(new DeletedObjectListener() { @Override public void onDeleted(String name) { // ... } }); // ... deque.removeListener(listenerId); ``` ## Blocking Queue Redis or Valkey based distributed unbounded [BlockingQueue](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RBlockingQueue.html) object for Java implements `java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue` interface. This object is thread-safe. It has [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RBlockingQueueAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RBlockingQueueReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RBlockingQueueRx.html) interfaces. ```java RBlockingQueue queue = redisson.getBlockingQueue("anyQueue"); queue.offer(new SomeObject()); SomeObject obj = queue.peek(); SomeObject obj = queue.poll(); SomeObject obj = queue.poll(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); ``` `poll`, `pollFromAny`, `pollLastAndOfferFirstTo` and `take` methods are resubscribed automatically during re-connection to server or failover. ## Bounded Blocking Queue Redis or Valkey based distributed [BoundedBlockingQueue](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RBoundedBlockingQueue.html) for Java implements `java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue` interface. BoundedBlockingQueue size limited to `4 294 967 295` elements. This object is thread-safe. Queue capacity should be defined once by `trySetCapacity()` method before the usage: ```java RBoundedBlockingQueue queue = redisson.getBoundedBlockingQueue("anyQueue"); // returns `true` if capacity set successfully and `false` if it already set. queue.trySetCapacity(2); queue.offer(new SomeObject(1)); queue.offer(new SomeObject(2)); // will be blocked until free space available in queue queue.put(new SomeObject()); SomeObject obj = queue.peek(); SomeObject someObj = queue.poll(); SomeObject ob = queue.poll(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); ``` `poll`, `pollFromAny`, `pollLastAndOfferFirstTo` and `take` methods will be resubscribed automatically during reconnection to server or failover. ## Blocking Deque Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [BlockingDeque](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RBlockingDeque.html) implements `java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque` interface. This object is thread-safe. It has [Async](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RBlockingDequeAsync.html), [Reactive](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RBlockingDequeReactive.html) and [RxJava3](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RBlockingDequeRx.html) interfaces. ```java RBlockingDeque deque = redisson.getBlockingDeque("anyDeque"); deque.putFirst(1); deque.putLast(2); Integer firstValue = queue.takeFirst(); Integer lastValue = queue.takeLast(); Integer firstValue = queue.pollFirst(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES); Integer lastValue = queue.pollLast(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES); ``` `poll`, `pollFromAny`, `pollLastAndOfferFirstTo` and `take` methods are resubscribed automatically during re-connection to server or failover. ## Delayed Queue Redis or Valkey based [DelayedQueue](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RDelayedQueue.html) object for Java allows to transfer each element to destination queue with specified delay. Destination queue could be any queue implemented `RQueue` interface. This object is thread-safe. Could be useful for exponential backoff strategy used for message delivery to consumer. If application is restarted, an instance of delayed queue should created in order for the pending items to be added to the destination queue. ```java RBlockingQueue distinationQueue = ... RDelayedQueue delayedQueue = getDelayedQueue(distinationQueue); // move object to distinationQueue in 10 seconds delayedQueue.offer("msg1", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // move object to distinationQueue in 1 minutes delayedQueue.offer("msg2", 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // msg1 will appear in 10 seconds distinationQueue.poll(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // msg2 will appear in 2 seconds distinationQueue.poll(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); ``` Object should be destroyed if it not used anymore, but it's not necessary to call destroy method if Redisson goes shutdown. ```java RDelayedQueue delayedQueue = ... delayedQueue.destroy(); ``` ## Priority Queue Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [PriorityQueue](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RPriorityQueue.html) implements [java.util.Queue](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Queue.html) interface. Elements are ordered according to natural order of [Comparable](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Comparable.html) interface or defined [Comparator](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Comparator.html). This object is thread-safe. Use `trySetComparator()` method to define own [Comparator](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Comparator.html). Code example: ```java public class Entry implements Comparable, Serializable { private String key; private Integer value; public Entry(String key, Integer value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } @Override public int compareTo(Entry o) { return key.compareTo(o.key); } } RPriorityQueue queue = redisson.getPriorityQueue("anyQueue"); queue.add(new Entry("b", 1)); queue.add(new Entry("c", 1)); queue.add(new Entry("a", 1)); // Entry [a:1] Entry e = queue.poll(); // Entry [b:1] Entry e = queue.poll(); // Entry [c:1] Entry e = queue.poll(); ``` ## Priority Deque Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [PriorityDeque](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RPriorityDeque.html) implements [java.util.Deque](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Deque.html) interface. Elements are ordered according to natural order of [java.lang.Comparable](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Comparable.html) interface or defined [java.util.Comparator](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Comparator.html). This object is thread-safe. Use `trySetComparator()` method to define own [Comparator](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Comparator.html). Code example: ```java public class Entry implements Comparable, Serializable { private String key; private Integer value; public Entry(String key, Integer value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } @Override public int compareTo(Entry o) { return key.compareTo(o.key); } } RPriorityDeque queue = redisson.getPriorityDeque("anyQueue"); queue.add(new Entry("b", 1)); queue.add(new Entry("c", 1)); queue.add(new Entry("a", 1)); // Entry [a:1] Entry e = queue.pollFirst(); // Entry [c:1] Entry e = queue.pollLast(); ``` ## Priority Blocking Queue Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [PriorityBlockingQueue](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RPriorityBlockingQueue.html) similar to JDK [java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/PriorityBlockingQueue.html) object. Elements are ordered according to natural order of [java.lang.Comparable](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Comparable.html) interface or defined [java.util.Comparator](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Comparator.html). This object is thread-safe. Use `trySetComparator()` method to define own [java.util.Comparator](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Comparator.html). `poll`, `pollLastAndOfferFirstTo` and `take` methods are resubscribed automatically during re-connection to a server or failover. Code example: ```java public class Entry implements Comparable, Serializable { private String key; private Integer value; public Entry(String key, Integer value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } @Override public int compareTo(Entry o) { return key.compareTo(o.key); } } RPriorityBlockingQueue queue = redisson.getPriorityBlockingQueue("anyQueue"); queue.add(new Entry("b", 1)); queue.add(new Entry("c", 1)); queue.add(new Entry("a", 1)); // Entry [a:1] Entry e = queue.take(); ``` ## Priority Blocking Deque Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [PriorityBlockingDeque](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RPriorityBlockingDeque.html) implements [java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/BlockingDeque.html) interface. Elements are ordered according to natural order of [java.lang.Comparable](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/lang/Comparable.html) interface or defined [java.util.Comparator](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Comparator.html). This object is thread-safe. Use `trySetComparator()` method to define own [java.util.Comparator](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Comparator.html). `poll`, `pollLastAndOfferFirstTo`, `take` methods are resubscribed automatically during re-connection to Redis or Valkey server or failover. Code example: ```java public class Entry implements Comparable, Serializable { private String key; private Integer value; public Entry(String key, Integer value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } @Override public int compareTo(Entry o) { return key.compareTo(o.key); } } RPriorityBlockingDeque queue = redisson.getPriorityBlockingDeque("anyQueue"); queue.add(new Entry("b", 1)); queue.add(new Entry("c", 1)); queue.add(new Entry("a", 1)); // Entry [a:1] Entry e = queue.takeFirst(); // Entry [c:1] Entry e = queue.takeLast(); ``` ## Stream Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [Stream](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RStream.html) object wraps [Stream](https://redis.io/topics/streams-intro) feature. Basically it allows to create Consumers Group which consume data added by Producers. This object is thread-safe. ```java RStream stream = redisson.getStream("test"); StreamMessageId sm = stream.add(StreamAddArgs.entry("0", "0")); stream.createGroup("testGroup"); StreamId id1 = stream.add(StreamAddArgs.entry("1", "1")); StreamId id2 = stream.add(StreamAddArgs.entry("2", "2")); Map> group = stream.readGroup("testGroup", "consumer1", StreamReadGroupArgs.neverDelivered()); // return entries in pending state after read group method execution Map> pendingData = stream.pendingRange("testGroup", "consumer1", StreamMessageId.MIN, StreamMessageId.MAX, 100); // transfer ownership of pending messages to a new consumer List transferedIds = stream.fastClaim("testGroup", "consumer2", 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, id1, id2); // mark pending entries as correctly processed long amount = stream.ack("testGroup", id1, id2); ``` Code example of **[Async interface](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RStreamAsync.html)** usage: ```java RStream stream = redisson.getStream("test"); RFuture smFuture = stream.addAsync(StreamAddArgs.entry("0", "0")); RFuture groupFuture = stream.createGroupAsync("testGroup"); RFuture id1Future = stream.addAsync(StreamAddArgs.entry("1", "1")); RFuture id2Future = stream.addAsync(StreamAddArgs.entry("2", "2")); RFuture>> groupResultFuture = stream.readGroupAsync("testGroup", "consumer1", StreamReadGroupArgs.neverDelivered()); // return entries in pending state after read group method execution RFuture>> pendingDataFuture = stream.pendingRangeAsync("testGroup", "consumer1", StreamMessageId.MIN, StreamMessageId.MAX, 100); // transfer ownership of pending messages to a new consumer RFuture> transferedIdsFuture = stream.fastClaim("testGroup", "consumer2", 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, id1, id2); // mark pending entries as correctly processed RFuture amountFuture = stream.ackAsync("testGroup", id1, id2); amountFuture.whenComplete((res, exception) -> { // ... }); ``` Code example of **[Reactive interface](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RStreamReactive.html)** usage: ```java RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive(); RStreamReactive stream = redisson.getStream("test"); Mono smMono = stream.add(StreamAddArgs.entry("0", "0")); Mono groupMono = stream.createGroup("testGroup"); Mono id1Mono = stream.add(StreamAddArgs.entry("1", "1")); Mono id2Mono = stream.add(StreamAddArgs.entry("2", "2")); Mono>> groupMono = stream.readGroup("testGroup", "consumer1", StreamReadGroupArgs.neverDelivered()); // return entries in pending state after read group method execution Mono>> pendingDataMono = stream.pendingRange("testGroup", "consumer1", StreamMessageId.MIN, StreamMessageId.MAX, 100); // transfer ownership of pending messages to a new consumer Mono> transferedIdsMono = stream.fastClaim("testGroup", "consumer2", 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, id1, id2); // mark pending entries as correctly processed Mono amountMono = stream.ack("testGroup", id1, id2); amountMono.doOnNext(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); ``` Code example of **[RxJava3 interface](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RStreamRx.html)** usage: ```java RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava(); RStreamRx stream = redisson.getStream("test"); Single smRx = stream.add(StreamAddArgs.entry("0", "0")); Completable groupRx = stream.createGroup("testGroup"); Single id1Rx = stream.add(StreamAddArgs.entry("1", "1")); Single id2Rx = stream.add(StreamAddArgs.entry("2", "2")); Single>> groupRx = stream.readGroup("testGroup", "consumer1", StreamReadGroupArgs.neverDelivered()); // return entries in pending state after read group method execution Single>> pendingDataRx = stream.pendingRange("testGroup", "consumer1", StreamMessageId.MIN, StreamMessageId.MAX, 100); // transfer ownership of pending messages to a new consumer Single> transferedIdsRx = stream.fastClaim("testGroup", "consumer2", 1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, id1, id2); // mark pending entries as correctly processed Single amountRx = stream.ack("testGroup", id1, id2); amountRx.doOnSuccess(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); ``` ### Listeners Redisson allows to bind listeners per `RStream` object. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.listener.TrackingListener|Element added/removed/updated after read operation| |org.redisson.api.ExpiredObjectListener|`RStream` object expired| |org.redisson.api.DeletedObjectListener|`RStream` object deleted| |org.redisson.api.listener.StreamAddListener|Element added| |org.redisson.api.listener.StreamRemoveListener|Element removed| |org.redisson.api.listener.StreamCreateGroupListener|Group created| |org.redisson.api.listener.StreamRemoveGroupListener|Group removed| |org.redisson.api.listener.StreamCreateConsumerListener|Consumer created| |org.redisson.api.listener.StreamRemoveConsumerListener|Consumer removed| |org.redisson.api.listener.StreamTrimListener|Stream trimmed| Usage example: ```java RStream stream = redisson.getStream("anySet"); int listenerId = stream.addListener(new DeletedObjectListener() { @Override public void onDeleted(String name) { // ... } }); int listenerId = stream.addListener(new StreamAddListener() { @Override public void onAdd(String name) { // ... } }); // ... stream.removeListener(listenerId); ``` ## Ring Buffer Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [RingBuffer](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RRingBuffer.html) implements [java.util.Queue](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Queue.html) interface. This structure evicts elements from the head if queue capacity became full. This object is thread-safe. Should be initialized with capacity size by `trySetCapacity()` method before usage. Code example: ```java RRingBuffer buffer = redisson.getRingBuffer("test"); // buffer capacity is 4 elements buffer.trySetCapacity(4); buffer.add(1); buffer.add(2); buffer.add(3); buffer.add(4); // buffer state is 1, 2, 3, 4 buffer.add(5); buffer.add(6); // buffer state is 3, 4, 5, 6 ``` Code example of **[Async interface](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RRingBufferAsync.html)** usage: ```java RRingBuffer buffer = redisson.getRingBuffer("test"); // buffer capacity is 4 elements RFuture capacityFuture = buffer.trySetCapacityAsync(4); RFuture addFuture = buffer.addAsync(1); RFuture addFuture = buffer.addAsync(2); RFuture addFuture = buffer.addAsync(3); RFuture addFuture = buffer.addAsync(4); // buffer state is 1, 2, 3, 4 RFuture addFuture = buffer.addAsync(5); RFuture addFuture = buffer.addAsync(6); // buffer state is 3, 4, 5, 6 addFuture.whenComplete((res, exception) -> { // ... }); ``` Code example of **[Reactive interface](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RRingBufferReactive.html)** usage: ```java RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive(); RRingBufferReactive buffer = redisson.getRingBuffer("test"); // buffer capacity is 4 elements Mono capacityMono = buffer.trySetCapacity(4); Mono addMono = buffer.add(1); Mono addMono = buffer.add(2); Mono addMono = buffer.add(3); Mono addMono = buffer.add(4); // buffer state is 1, 2, 3, 4 Mono addMono = buffer.add(5); Mono addMono = buffer.add(6); // buffer state is 3, 4, 5, 6 addMono.doOnNext(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); ``` Code example of **[RxJava3 interface](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RRingBufferRx.html)** usage: ```java RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava(); RRingBufferRx buffer = redisson.getRingBuffer("test"); // buffer capacity is 4 elements Single capacityRx = buffer.trySetCapacity(4); Single addRx = buffer.add(1); Single addRx = buffer.add(2); Single addRx = buffer.add(3); Single addRx = buffer.add(4); // buffer state is 1, 2, 3, 4 Single addRx = buffer.add(5); Single addRx = buffer.add(6); // buffer state is 3, 4, 5, 6 addRx.doOnSuccess(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); ``` ### Listeners Redisson allows to bind listeners per `RRingBuffer` object. |Listener class name|Event description | |:--:|:--:| |org.redisson.api.listener.TrackingListener|Element created/removed/updated after read operation| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListAddListener|Element created| |org.redisson.api.listener.ListRemoveListener|Element removed| |org.redisson.api.ExpiredObjectListener|`RRingBuffer` object expired| |org.redisson.api.DeletedObjectListener|`RRingBuffer` object deleted| Usage example: ```java RRingBuffer queue = redisson.getRingBuffer("anyList"); int listenerId = queue.addListener(new DeletedObjectListener() { @Override public void onDeleted(String name) { // ... } }); // ... queue.removeListener(listenerId); ``` ## Transfer Queue Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [TransferQueue](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RTransferQueue.html) implements [java.util.concurrent.TransferQueue](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/TransferQueue.html) interface. Provides set of `transfer` methods which return only when value was successfully hand off to consumer. This object is thread-safe. `poll` and `take` methods are resubscribed automatically during re-connection to a server or failover. Code example: ```java RTransferQueue queue = redisson.getTransferQueue("myCountDownLatch"); queue.transfer("data"); // or try transfer immediately queue.tryTransfer("data"); // or try transfer up to 10 seconds queue.tryTransfer("data", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // in other thread or JVM queue.take(); // or queue.poll(); ``` Code example of **[Async interface](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RTransferQueueAsync.html)** usage: ```java RTransferQueue queue = redisson.getTransferQueue("myCountDownLatch"); RFuture future = queue.transferAsync("data"); // or try transfer immediately RFuture future = queue.tryTransferAsync("data"); // or try transfer up to 10 seconds RFuture future = queue.tryTransferAsync("data", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // in other thread or JVM RFuture future = queue.takeAsync(); // or RFuture future = queue.pollAsync(); future.whenComplete((res, exception) -> { // ... }); ``` Code example of **[Reactive interface](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RTransferQueueReactive.html)** usage: ```java RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive(); RTransferQueueReactive queue = redisson.getTransferQueue("myCountDownLatch"); Mono mono = queue.transfer("data"); // or try transfer immediately Mono mono = queue.tryTransfer("data"); // or try transfer up to 10 seconds Mono mono = queue.tryTransfer("data", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // in other thread or JVM Mono mono = queue.take(); // or Mono mono = queue.poll(); mono.doOnNext(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); ``` Code example of **[RxJava3 interface](https://static.javadoc.io/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RTransferQueueRx.html)** usage: ```java RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava(); RTransferQueueRx queue = redisson.getTransferQueue("myCountDownLatch"); Completable res = queue.transfer("data"); // or try transfer immediately Single resRx = queue.tryTransfer("data"); // or try transfer up to 10 seconds Single resRx = queue.tryTransfer("data", 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // in other thread or JVM Single resRx = queue.take(); // or Maybe resRx = queue.poll(); resRx.doOnSuccess(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); ``` ## Time Series Java implementation of Redis or Valkey based [TimeSeries](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RTimeSeries.html) object allows to store value by timestamp and define TTL(time-to-live) per entry. Values are ordered by timestamp. This object is thread-safe. Code example: ```java RTimeSeries ts = redisson.getTimeSeries("myTimeSeries"); ts.add(201908110501, "10%"); ts.add(201908110502, "30%"); ts.add(201908110504, "10%"); ts.add(201908110508, "75%"); // entry time-to-live is 10 hours ts.add(201908110510, "85%", 10, TimeUnit.HOURS); ts.add(201908110510, "95%", 10, TimeUnit.HOURS); String value = ts.get(201908110508); ts.remove(201908110508); Collection values = ts.pollFirst(2); Collection range = ts.range(201908110501, 201908110508); ``` Code example of **[Async interface](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RTimeSeriesAsync.html)** usage: ```java RTimeSeries ts = redisson.getTimeSeries("myTimeSeries"); RFuture future = ts.addAsync(201908110501, "10%"); RFuture future = ts.addAsync(201908110502, "30%"); RFuture future = ts.addAsync(201908110504, "10%"); RFuture future = ts.addAsync(201908110508, "75%"); // entry time-to-live is 10 hours RFuture future = ts.addAsync(201908110510, "85%", 10, TimeUnit.HOURS); RFuture future = ts.addAsync(201908110510, "95%", 10, TimeUnit.HOURS); RFuture future = ts.getAsync(201908110508); RFuture future = ts.removeAsync(201908110508); RFuture> future = t.pollFirstAsync(2); RFuture> future = t.rangeAsync(201908110501, 201908110508); future.whenComplete((res, exception) -> { // ... }); ``` Code example of **[Reactive interface](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RTimeSeriesReactive.html)** usage: ```java RedissonReactiveClient redisson = redissonClient.reactive(); RTimeSeriesReactive ts = redisson.getTimeSeries("myTimeSeries"); Mono mono = ts.add(201908110501, "10%"); Mono mono = ts.add(201908110502, "30%"); Mono mono = ts.add(201908110504, "10%"); Mono mono = ts.add(201908110508, "75%"); // entry time-to-live is 10 hours Mono mono = ts.add(201908110510, "85%", 10, TimeUnit.HOURS); Mono mono = ts.add(201908110510, "95%", 10, TimeUnit.HOURS); Mono mono = ts.get(201908110508); Mono mono = ts.remove(201908110508); Mono> mono = ts.pollFirst(2); Mono> mono = ts.range(201908110501, 201908110508); mono.doOnNext(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); ``` Code example of **[RxJava3 interface](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/org.redisson/redisson/latest/org/redisson/api/RTimeSeriesRx.html)** usage: ```java RedissonRxClient redisson = redissonClient.rxJava(); RTimeSeriesRx ts = redisson.getTimeSeries("myTimeSeries"); Completable rx = ts.add(201908110501, "10%"); Completable rx = ts.add(201908110502, "30%"); Completable rx = ts.add(201908110504, "10%"); Completable rx = ts.add(201908110508, "75%"); // entry time-to-live is 10 hours Completable rx = ts.add(201908110510, "85%", 10, TimeUnit.HOURS); Completable rx = ts.add(201908110510, "95%", 10, TimeUnit.HOURS); Maybe rx = ts.get(201908110508); Single rx = ts.remove(201908110508); Single> rx = ts.pollFirst(2); Single> rx = ts.range(201908110501, 201908110508); rx.doOnSuccess(res -> { // ... }).subscribe(); ```