Redisson: Redis based In-Memory Data Grid for Java.<br/> State of the Art Redis client
[Quick start]( | [Documentation]( | [Javadocs]( | [Changelog]( | [Code examples]( | [FAQs]( | [Support chat]( | **[Redisson PRO](**

Based on high-performance async and lock-free Java Redis client and [Netty]( framework.  

| Stable <br/> Release Version | Release Date | JDK Version<br/> compatibility | `CompletionStage` <br/> support | `ProjectReactor` version<br/> compatibility |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------| -----------| -----------|
| 3.7.0  | 14.05.2018 | 1.8, 1.9, 1.10+ | Yes | 3.1.x |
| 2.12.0 | 14.05.2018 | 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, Android | No | 2.0.8 |

* Replicated servers mode (also supports [AWS ElastiCache]( and [Azure Redis Cache](
    1. automatic master server change discovery
* Cluster servers mode (also supports [AWS ElastiCache Cluster]( and [Azure Redis Cache](
    1. automatic master and slave servers discovery
    2. automatic status and topology update
    3. automatic slots change discovery
* Sentinel servers mode: 
    1. automatic master, slave and sentinel servers discovery
    2. automatic status and topology update
* Master with Slave servers mode  
* Single server mode  
* Thread-safe implementation  
* [Reactive Streams]( API  
* [Asynchronous]( API  
* Asynchronous connection pool  
* Lua scripting  
* [Distributed objects](  
    Object holder, Binary stream holder, Geospatial holder, BitSet, AtomicLong, AtomicDouble, PublishSubscribe,
    Bloom filter, HyperLogLog
* [Distributed collections](  
    Map, Multimap, Set, List, SortedSet, ScoredSortedSet, LexSortedSet, Queue, Deque, Blocking Queue, Bounded Blocking Queue, Blocking Deque, Delayed Queue, Priority Queue, Priority Deque
* [Distributed locks and synchronizers](  
    Lock, FairLock, MultiLock, RedLock, ReadWriteLock, Semaphore, PermitExpirableSemaphore, CountDownLatch
* [Distributed services](  
    Remote service, Live Object service, Executor service, Scheduler service, MapReduce service
* [Spring Framework](
* [Spring Cache]( implementation
* [Spring Transaction API]( implementation
* [Hibernate Cache]( implementation
* [Transactions API](
* [XA Transaction API]( implementation
* [JCache API (JSR-107)]( implementation
* [Tomcat Session Manager]( implementation
* [Spring Session]( implementation
* [Redis pipelining]( (command batches)
* Supports Android platform  
* Supports auto-reconnection  
* Supports failed to send command auto-retry  
* Supports OSGi  
* Supports SSL  
* Supports many popular codecs ([Jackson JSON](, [Avro](, [Smile](, [CBOR](, [MsgPack](, [Kryo](, [Amazon Ion](, [FST](, [LZ4](, [Snappy]( and JDK Serialization)
* With over 1800 unit tests  

Used by
[![Jeppesen]( "Jeppesen")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![AIG]( "AIG")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![Adobe]( "Adobe")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![S&P Global]( "S&P Global")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![SAP]( "SAP")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![EA]( "EA")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![BROOKHAVEN]( "Brookhaven National Laboratory")](  

[![New Relic Synthetics]( "New Relic Synthetics")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
[![Singtel]( "New Relic Synthetics")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![Netflix]( "Netflix")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![Baidu]( "Baidu")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![Infor]( "Infor")]( &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![Crimson Hexagon]( "Crimson Hexagon")](  

[![Datorama]( "Datorama")](;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![Invaluable]( "Invaluable")](;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![Ticketmaster]( "Ticketmaster")](;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![ContaAzul]( "ContaAzul")](;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![NAB]( "NAB")](  

[![Alibaba]( "Alibaba")](;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![Flipkart]( "Flipkart")](;&nbsp;&nbsp;
[![BBK]( "BBK")](  
[![SULAKE]( "SULAKE")](;&nbsp;&nbsp;

Success stories

## [Moving from Hazelcast to Redis  /  Datorama](  
## [Distributed Locking with Redis (Migration from Hazelcast)  /  ContaAzul](  

Quick start

#### Maven 
    <!-- JDK 1.8+ compatible -->

    <!-- JDK 1.6+ compatible -->

#### Gradle
    // JDK 1.8+ compatible
    compile 'org.redisson:redisson:3.7.0'  

    // JDK 1.6+ compatible
    compile 'org.redisson:redisson:2.12.0'

#### Java

// 1. Create config object
Config = ...

// 2. Create Redisson instance
RedissonClient redisson = Redisson.create(config);

// 3. Get object you need
RMap<MyKey, MyValue> map = redisson.getMap("myMap");

RLock lock = redisson.getLock("myLock");

RExecutorService executor = redisson.getExecutorService("myExecutorService");

// over 30 different objects and services ...


[Redisson 3.7.0](,
[Redisson node 3.7.0](  

[Redisson 2.12.0](,
[Redisson node 2.12.0](  

[Q: I saw a RedisTimeOutException, What does it mean? What shall I do? Can Redisson Team fix it?](

[Q: I saw a com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException during deserialization process, can you fix it?](

[Q: There were too many quotes appeared in the redis-cli console output, how do I fix it?](

[Q: When do I need to shut down a Redisson instance, at the end of each request or the end of the life of a thread?](

[Q: In MapCache/SetCache/SpringCache/JCache, I have set an expiry time to an entry, why is it still there when it should be disappeared?](

[Q: How can I perform Pipelining/Transaction through Redisson?](

[Q: Is Redisson thread safe? Can I share an instance of it between different threads?](

[Q: Can I use different encoder/decoders for different tasks?](

### Supported by

YourKit is kindly supporting this open source project with its full-featured Java Profiler.
YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling
Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products:
<a href="">YourKit Java Profiler</a> and
<a href="">YourKit .NET Profiler</a>.